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短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文...


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。

修改: 在错词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the sea between France and England in the balloon in 1784. High over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The hole became bigger and bigger. The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming up. The two men threw all their equipments into the water to make the balloon light. It started to rise higher again. So it was still too close to the water.  Finally, the men threw away most of his clothes to save themselves. The crowd waiting for to greet them in England were very surprised see this when the balloon landed in front of them.


1.the→a 2.discover→discovered 3.keeps→keeping 4.up→down 5.equipments→equipment 6.light→lighter 7.So→But 8.his→their 9.去掉for. 10.surprised后加to 【解析】 试题分析:短文讲述了1784年一个美国人和一个法国人乘气球穿越海洋时突遇气球跑气的情况及他们采取的解决措施。 1.the→a.考查冠词。此处指乘坐一个气球横过海洋,第一次提到用a,故the→a. 2.discover→discovered.考查时态。因为讲述的是1784年发生的事,根据下文时态也知此处要用一般过去时,故discover→discovered. 3.keeps→keeping.考查动词形式。此处是现在分词做定语,指使气球保持上升的空气很快跑没了,故keeps→keeping. 4.up→down.考查副词。因为气球里的空气跑完了气球慢慢下降不是上升,故up→down. 5.equipments→equipment.考查名词。equipment“设备,装备”是不可数名词,没有复数形式,故equipments→equipment. 6.light→lighter.考查形容词比较级。此处指他们扔掉所有的装备目的是使气球变轻,含比较级意思,故light→lighter. 7.So→But.考查连词。此处指气球开始再次上升但还是离水面很近,前后句是转折关系,故So→But. 8.his→their.考查代词。主语是两个人,他们扔掉了他们多数的衣服来救自己。与主语保持一致用复数,故his→their. 9.去掉wait 后的for. 考查动词用法。此处表示“等着做某事”用wait to do sth. 而不是等某人或某物,故去掉wait 后的for. 10.surprised后加to.考查不定式。此处是不定式做状语表示“吃惊地看到”,故surprised后加to. 【名师点睛】 短文改错要注意联系上下文和时态的变化,做题时应以句子为单位,同时兼顾改错的原则。这个原则就是不能改变原意,不能轻易去掉动词、名词等实词,去掉的通常是固定搭配结构中多余的部分。同样,增加的词也是固定搭配中缺少的部分或者是定语从句中的先行词或介词。短文改错中名词的错误多是可数名词和不可数名词的混用;形容词的错误一般是比较级和最高级的混用;副词的错误一般来说是该用副词的地方用成了形容词。 做好短文改错题,可以从以下三方面去考虑: 1.快速阅读短文,如抓住中心思想,从整体上对短文有个了解。不了解全文,很难判断如时态和代词的相关错误。 2.充分运用语言的基础知识,从句型结构、词的变化、词类选择、词的搭配、习惯用法出发,进行分析判断,尽快找出错误在何处。 3.重视整体和语境,从上下文关系中找出表达连接关系或逻辑关系的词或词组,判断是递进关系还是转折关系,是因果关系还是让步关系。


Facebook CEO Zuckerberg just had a baby girl named Max, and    1.    (honor) the occasion, he's giving away the majority of his wealth. In the letter written by Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, to their new baby girl, he announced the birth of his first child and the ____2.    (create) of the Chan Zuckerberg Fund,    3.    will focus on personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and    4.    (build) strong communities.

“For your generation to live in    5.   better world, there is so much more our generation can do,” Zuckerberg wrote. “Today your mother and I are committing to spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges.” The couple   6.   (donate) nearly all of their Facebook stock to the cause. “We will give 99% of our Facebook shares __7.   (current) about $45 billion to advance this    8.     (value) mission,” he wrote. “We know this is a small contribution compared    9.    all the resources and talents already working on these issues.    10.    we want to do what we can, working alongside many others.”



完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

What is time? Is it a thing to be saved or       or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control       , like the weather? Is time the same all over the world? That's an easy question, you say.       you go, a minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24 hours, and so forth. Well, maybe. But in America, time is       that. Americans see time as a valuable      . Maybe that's why they are       of the expression, "Time is money."

To Americans, punctuality is a way of showing     for other people's time. Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment usually     an apology, and maybe an explanation. People     are running late often call ahead to let others know of the     . Of course, the less formal the situation, the less important it is to be exactly       . At informal get-togethers,       , people often arrive as much as 30 minutes past the     time. But they usually don't try that at work.

American lifestyles show       people respect the time of others. When people plan an event, they often       the time days or weeks in advance. Once the time is fixed, it takes almost a(n)       to change it. If people want to come to your house for a friendly visit, they will usually       first to make sure it is convenient. Only very close friends will just       unannounced. Also, people hesitate to call others late at night for fear they      be in bed. The time may vary, but most folks think      about calling after 10:00 p.m.

1.A. bought        B. ignored       C. spent         D. killed

2.A. over          B. in            C. with          D. for

3.A. However       B. Whenever      C. Whatever      D. Wherever

4.A. less than     B. no more than  C. not more than D. more than

5.A. resource      B. material     C. source        D. factor

6.A. short        B. fond         C. crazy         D. enthusiastic

7.A. preference   B. mercy        C. respect        D. hatred

8.A. calls for     B. arises from   C. makes for      D. results from

9.A. whom         B. which        C. who           D. whose

10.A. time        B. result       C. explanation    D. delay

11.A. in time     B. on time       C. ahead of time D. over time

12.A. such as      B. in a word     C. for example    D. as usual

13.A. assigned     B. appointed    C. approved      D. assessed

14.A. how many    B. how far       C. how much       D. how soon

15.A. set          B. prepare      C. use            D. quit

16.A. emergency   B. pleasure     C. period        D. emotion

17.A. write       B. claim        C. inform         D. call

18.A. drop out     B. drop by      C. drop off       D. drop behind

19.A. must         B. might        C. need          D. shall

20.A. first        B. last          C. once           D. twice




___1.  When a starving man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when an executive gets a new sports car, visions of country clubs and pleasure beats dance into view.

The many wants of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels.     2.    .

The first and most basic level of wants involves food. Once this want is satisfied, a second level of wants appears: clothing and some sort of shelter. By the end of World War II these wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans.     3.  It included such items as automobiles and new houses.

By 1957 or 1958 this third level of wants was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s a fourth level of wants appeared: the “life-enriching” level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction-the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation of the human body-this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical care, and entertainment.     4.

On this level, a greater percentage of consumer spending goes to services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?

A fifth level probably would involve wants that can be achieved best by community action. Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime and prejudice.    5.   In this way, we can enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.

A. Then a third level appeared.

B. Different people have different wants on each level.

C. There are several levels of wants in one’s life.

D. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants, another level appears

E. At this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure.

F. Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

G. Human wants seem endless.



Understanding one's own history is important for young people's learning and development. Students are often asked to write a story about their own family's history or about a special person in their family. But too rarely do students focus on the history of their own community or their own people, in a way that helps them to understand why they find themselves in a particular situation.

When people understand their own history, they are able to grapple with the influence of the social structures that sometimes limit the possibilities in their lives. Taking this approach opens the door for young people to be managers of their own learning and development as they understand why they find themselves where they are. ,

Many people I have been talking to about this issue agree that not only schools but also public bodies and families have failed to educate young people about their own history. And I know from my own experience how difficult it was for my father to talk about his family's experience in 1944.This may be a reflection of the sadness that people feel about that history and not wanting to make it a burden on their young people. But in today's situation, those I spoke with now clearly see that as a mistake.

If our society is ever to find a way to properly deal with the influence of our own history, including what has happened to our Native American, African-American and Latino friends, our schools must step up to help young people understand their own stories. Families and related social bodies must do the same.

1.According to Paragraph 1, a good knowledge of our own history can help us_____.

A. become good at writing stories

B. make our influence on the society stronger

C. gain a good understanding of our present situation

D. understand the importance of learning and development

2.What does the underlined phrase "grapple with" in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Manage.        B. Recover.

C. Exercise.       D. Determine.

3.It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that the author's family's experience in 1944 was_____.

A. interesting     B. surprising

C. harmful       D. painful

4.The passage mainly encourages us to_____.

A. write our own stories

B. learn our own history

C. understand the importance of history

D. have a proper attitude towards history



The Royal Mint has chosen Beatrix Potter’s thieving Peter Rabbit as the first character from children’s literature ever to appear on a UK coin.

Peter, pictured in the blue jacket that he is forced to abandon in the garden of Mr McGregor when he is caught stealing vegetables, is captured on a special, coloured edition of a 50p coin available from now. The Royal Mint, which described Peter as “the most recognizable of Potter’s creations, and one of the most cherished from children’s literature”, will release uncoloured versions of the coin in change later this year.

Three more of Potter’s characters will also be committed to currency later this year, as part of celebrations marking 150 years since the children’s author’s birth. The images have been created by coin designer Emma Noble, who said it was “amazing to be given the opportunity to work with such famous and treasured literary characters”.

Potter’s The Tale of Peter Rabbit, featuring Peter and his better-behaved siblings (兄弟姐妹) Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, was the first of her stories to be published, released in 1902 by Frederick Warne & Co. Potter would go on to follow it with a series of much-loved stories which remain popular today, from The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin to The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck.

1.Which character from children’s literature can be found on the UK coin?

A. Jemima Puddle-Duck

B. Squirrel Nutkin

C. Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail

D. Peter Rabbit

2.According to the passage, the coins will be released by the Royal Mint to_____.

A. celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter

B. celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Peter Rabbit

C. celebrate the first publication of The Tale of Peter Rabbit

D. promote the sales of Beatrix Potter’s works

3.Which of the following statement is true?

A. Peter Rabbit is one of the most recognized literary characters in UK.

B. The Tale of Peter Rabbit mainly features his better-behaved siblings.

C. It was Emma Noble who created Peter Rabbit, the famous literary character.

D. Uncoloured versions of the Peter Rabbit coin are available now.

4.Where is this passage probably taken from?

A. An autobiography   B. A children’s book

C. A travel guide    D. A news report



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