满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

___________by her classmates for fatness...

___________by her classmates for fatness, she decided to go on a diet so as to lose weight.

A. To be annoyed                  B. To have been annoyed

C. Having been annoyed           D. Having annoyed


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查分词做状语。动词annoy与主语she构成被动关系,且表示已经完成的事情,所以使用现在分词的完成被动式having been done做状语,强调已经完成;而过去分词done更多强调 被动关系。 【名师点睛】 能做状语的非谓语动词是:动词不定式和分词。动词不定式可以做目的状语,原因状语和结果状语;分词可以做时间状语,原因状语,条件状语,让步状语,结果状语,方式状语或伴随状语。 下面我以高考题为例讲解分词做状语的用法。分词做状语这个考点我划分为五种:考主动被动,考时态,考过去分词形容词化,考独立结构和考分词和连词连用。 一,主动被动:分词做状语应首先考虑主动被动,就是分词与句子主语之间是主动就选现在分词,是被动就选过去分词。 _______travel,have you been to Beijing? A Talked B Talking of C Talked about D Talking about 此题分词talk与you之间是主动关系,人谈论旅行,所以排除AC. talk of指说起,而talk about指谈论细节。所以选B _______more attention, the trees could have grown better. A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given 此题分词give与trees之间是被动关系,树被人多注意照顾。所以选A 二,时态:一般来说分词做状语就用一般式,但是如果分词这个动作在句子的谓语动作之前发生,须用分词完成时态。 ___around Tianan Square,the tourists were taken to visit the Palace Museum. A Having shown B They were shown C Having been shown D Being shown 此题分词show与tourists之间是被动关系,show sb around 并且分词这个动作在句子的谓语动作之前发生,所以选C ___from heart trouble for years, professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes. A. Suffered B. Suffering C. Having suffered D. Being suffering 此题分词suffer与professor White,之间是主动关系, 并且分词suffer动作在句子的谓语动作take之前发生,所以选C 三,过去分词形容词化:有些过去分词并不表示和主语之间是被动,它们已经形容词化了,表状态。 She was reading a story, completely ___to the outside world. A being lost B having lost C losing D lost 此题分词lose与she之间常构成sb be lost in表示人沉醉于某事,并不表被动 ___about their table manners, the guests decided to do everything that president did. A. Worried B. Worrying C. Having worried D. Having been worried 此题分词worry与guests之间常构成sb be worried about sth,, 并不表被动,也没动作先后。所以选A 常用的过去分词已形容词化的有:moved satisfied surprised interested worried pleased disappointed 四,独立结构:分词与主语之间或是主动或是被动,但有时它们之间根本就没有任何关系,这时须在分词前加上自己的主语,这就是独立结构。 _____,the fields are full of life. Acoming B Comed C Spring comes D Spring coming 此题分词come与the fields之间不是主动也不是被动,它们之间根本就没有任何关系,这时须在分词come前加上自己的主语spring,这就是独立结构。所以选D _____, the lecture was put off. A The teacher ill B The teacher being ill C Being ill D As the teacher ill 此题分词be ill与lecture之间不是主动也不是被动,没有任何关系,生病的是teacher,所以要加在分词being ill之前。所以选B 五,连词连用:分词做状语常和某些连词连用,表示分词是做什么状语。 _______the money, his parents managed to send him to university. A Though lacked B Though lacking of C Though lacking D Though lacked of 此题分词lack与his parents之间是主动关系,排除AD。动词lack是及物动词,所以选C。有though表明这是个让步状语从句。 ____this film can never been forgotten. A Once seeing B once having seen C Once seen D Once to see 此题分词see与this film之间是被动关系,排除ABD。Once表明这是个条件状语从句。 常见的和分词连用的连词有When if though although once unless等等。  

It is reported that the United States uses _____ energy as the whole of Europe.

A. as twice          B. twice much

C. twice much as     D. twice as much



The flu is believed _____ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.

A. causing             B. being caused

C. be have caused     D. to be caused



Luck ________ those ________ are prepared for it.

A. concerns, who      B. favors, who

C. cares, that        D. finds, that



The coat made of this kind of cloth _____ well. I think it is worthy _______.

A. washes; buying                 B. is washed; buying

C. washes; to be bought           D. is washed; to be bought



The monitor suggested        to the Sea World in the summer vacation.

A. to me visiting     B. their visiting

C. to me their visit   D. they visit



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