满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填...



In ancient times the king of Greece was sick. The doctor came, _________ him and said, “You will be well soon in a few days if you take a bull’s milk.” The king was _________  , for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. “How is it _________ ?” he asked.

“Order Gulbo to get it for you,” answered the doctor. “He can do anything.” Gulbo was a person with great knowledge and was a(n) _________ to the doctor. So the doctor thought this would be a way of making him_________ . When the king told Gulbo what the doctor said and _________ him to get a bull’s milk, Gulbo _________ understood what the doctor was trying to do.

When he got home, he sat thinking how to get out of the _________ . His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was the _________ . On hearing what the king had asked for, she said, “Don’t_________  , Father, I will help you.”

The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of the river near the palace and chose a place _________ the king’s bedroom window. In the middle of the night, she started to do her washing. She made _________ much noise that the king could not sleep. The king got very angry and sent a guard to _________ what had happened. The soldier found the girl and led her to the king.

“Why do you wash your clothes here at night?” said the king. The girl _________ to be afraid and said, “I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father _________ a baby. I was busy all day because of that. Then I found there were no clean_________ for the baby, so I had to come and wash them now.”

“What!” cried the king. “Are you trying to make a _________ of me?” I have never heard of a man having a baby.”

“Well, if the king himself orders someone to get a bull’s milk for him, _________ can’t a man have a baby?”

The king smiled and said, “You must be Gulbo’s _________ . Go and tell your father that he may keep the bull’s milk to his _________.

1.A. looked         B. tested         C. examined       D. judged

2.A. surprised       B. pleased        C. touched       D. moved

3.A. impossible      B. possible       C. usual          D. unusual

4.A. enemy        B. friend         C. neighbor     D. patient

5.A. excite         B. delight        C. anger          D. suffer

6.A. begged          B. decided        C. ordered       D. suggested

7.A. quickly        B. directly       C. correctly      D. suddenly

8.A. situation       B. chance         C. position       D. place

9.A. wrong           B. matter         C. thing          D. problem

10.A. frighten       B. worry         C. doubt         D. fear

11.A. above          B. on           C. over           D. below

12.A. such          B. that          C. more          D. so

13.A. get out      B. find out      C. take out      D. bring out

14.A. began          B. looked        C. pretended    D. became

15.A. had birth in   B. gave birth to  C. gave birth of  D. had birth to

16.A. clothes        B. food          C. bowls         D. bottles

17.A. lie           B. trick        C. fool         D. friend

18.A. how            B. why          C. who            D. what

19.A. daughter     B. girl           C. wife          D. friend

20.A. daughter      B. boy          C. baby           D. sister


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于记叙文,Gulbo聪明的女儿连用男人不能生孩子的常识成功地打消了国王让他父亲去找公牛奶的要求。 1.C 考查动词辨析。动词look看;test测试,检测;examine检查;judge判断;根据第一句可知国王生病了,医生过来给国王做身体检查。只有examine可以表示检查身体是否有问题。故C项正确。 2.A 考查上下文串联。前句中医生让国王喝公牛的牛奶,公牛不可能产牛奶,所以国王很惊讶。故A正确。 3.B 考查生活常识。医生让国王喝公牛的牛奶,而公牛是不可能产牛奶的。所以国王惊讶地问:这怎么可能?故B项正确。 4.A 考查上下文串联。医生让国王找Gulbo去找公牛的牛奶,而公牛是不可能产牛奶的。他这样做一定是在刁难Gulbo,说明他们两人的关系非常不好,故A正确。 5.D 考查动词辨析。动词excite使...兴奋;delight使...高兴;anger生气;suffer遭受痛苦;患病;正是因为两个人是敌对关系,所以医生想用这种方法让Gulbo受苦。故D项正确。 6.C 考查动词辨析。动词beg祈求;decide决定;order命令;suggest建议,说明;国王把医生的话告诉Gulbo,并命令他去找到公牛的奶。国王对国民自然使用命令的口气。故C正确。 7.B 考查副词辨析。副词quickly迅速地;directly直接,立刻;correctly正确地;suddenly突然;听到国王的话,Gulbo立刻就明白是怎么回事情,他知道医生要刁难他了。故B正确。 8.A 考查名词辨析。名词situation情景;chance机会,可能性;position职位,地位;place地方;回家以后,他就开始思考如何摆脱目前的这个情况,BCD三项与上下文不搭配。故A正确。 9.B 考查固定句式。句式what's the matter?怎么了?本句是一个宾语从句,作为动词ask的宾语。女儿问他发生了什么事情。故B正确。 10.B 考查动词。动词frighten使...害怕;worry担忧;doubt怀疑;fear害怕;根据后半句Father, I will help you,可知这是女儿在安慰父亲不要担心,她有办法帮助他。故B正确。 11.D 考查介词辨析。介词above在...上面;on在...上;over越过;超过;below在...下方;这个女孩选择了在国王的卧室窗户的下面,故D项正确。 12.D 考查固定用法。通常使用such修饰名词,但是当名词前面有many、much、few、little(数量少)修饰的时候,需要把such改为so,本句中“so much noise”意为“如此多的噪音”。故D正确。 13.B 考查短语辨析。短语get out出去;find out发现,查明;take out取出,拿出;bring out使...显露;女孩在国王的窗户外面洗衣服,让国王无法睡觉。他就让卫兵去查明具体情况。根据句意可知B正确。 14.C 考查动词辨析。动词begin开始;look看;pretend假装;become变成;国王问她为什么非要在夜里洗衣服?女孩假装很害怕,并告诉国王因为爸爸生了一个孩子,她白天太忙,没有时间洗衣服,只能晚上洗。故C正确。 15.B考查固定搭配。短语give birth to生育;ACD三项的搭配都是错误的。女孩说那天下文她的父亲生了一个孩子,她白天太忙,没有时间洗衣服,只能晚上洗。故B正确。 16.A 考查上下文串联。根据上文“Why do you wash your clothes here at night?”可知女孩半夜洗衣服,她告诉国王因为家里没有感觉衣服了,所以不得不夜里来洗衣服。故A正确。 17.C 考查固定搭配。短语make a fool of sb作弄某人;国王很生气,因为男人是不能生孩子的。所以他任务女孩是在做弄他。故C项正确。 18.B 考查连词辨析。句意:如果国王命令别人给给找公牛的奶,为什么男人就不能生孩子?本句是女孩对国王的反问。根据句意可知B项正确。 19.A 考查上下文串联。因为国王命令Gulbo去找公牛奶,现在女孩这样说,国王猜出这个女孩一定是Gulbo的女儿。故A正确。 20.This afternoon my father 35 a baby.可知女孩告诉国王Gulbo生了一个孩子。本句是国王的幽默的话:把公牛奶留给他自己的孩子吧。故C正确。 【名师点睛】 本文属于记叙文,记叙文完形要特别注意前后的串联衔接,要多尝试从上下文的语义串联中寻找答案。做完形填空选择题时应注意如下几点: 1. 完形填空的短文通常没有标题,且文章的首句和尾句一般不设空,要特别注重对首、尾句的理解,因为它们往往提示或点明文章的主题,对理解全文有较大帮助。 2. 第一遍通读带有空缺单词的短文时可能一时把握不住短文内容,弄不清头绪,这是很正常的。此时要注意克服畏难情绪和急躁心理,应稳定情绪,再将短文读一、二遍,直到明确大意为止。 3. 做题时切勿一看到一个空格就急着选出一个答案,这样往往只见树木不见森林。由于缺乏全局观念,极易导致连续选错。因为完形填空不同于单个句子的选词填空,其空白处是位于一篇文章之中,因此必须纵观全文、通篇考虑。 4. 每篇完形填空所设的空多以实词为主,所提供的四个备选项中只有一个是正确的,其它三项均为干扰项。而干扰项也多半与前、后的句子或词组可以形成某种搭配,即如单从语法角度判断则无法确定,还必须从语篇意义上加以鉴别。 5. 动笔时先易后难,先完成容易、有把握的答案,这样可以增强自信心,然后再集中精力解决难点。对于实在无法确定的,可以从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。在不能确定答案的情况下,要凭语感和第一感觉。一经确定的答案不要轻易改动。 6. 结合生活常识和中西方文化及上下文选出最佳答案。 考点:考查记叙文阅读







1. 有点荒诞,有时让人无法理解

2. 违背了汉语的语法规则,对学习毫无帮助

1. 幽默,使语言更生动

2. 有助于表达思想






1. 对所给提示,不要简单翻译,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

2. 词数150左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, there came a kind of language called Web Language.














注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Mr. Manager,

I’m writing to express my thank to you and your employee Miss Li Hong, who helped me found my handbag while I was shopping in your shop in March 24. That day I was greatly interesting and lost myself in enjoying a beautiful product. After I paid a pair of silk socks, I left my handbag on the counter. I have already walked out of the shop then Miss Li came up with my handbag. I thanked her and offered her a reward of 20 dollars and she refused to take even a cent. I deeply moved by her spirit. Miss Li’s good qualities are something I’ll always keep it in mind.



In American schools there is something   1.  (call) Homecoming Day. Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a homecoming game. This can be an   2.   (importance) event of the year except graduation ceremony——students plan Homecoming Day for many weeks in advance. Several days before Homecoming,students start to     3.  (beautiful)decorate the school. There are signs to wish luck to the team,and many other signs to welcome the graduates. Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty years    4.  their graduations.

The members of school clubs build booths(摊位)and sell apples and     5. (sandwich). Some clubs help to welcome visitors.

During the day people like to look for teachers    6.  they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and talk about their happy years in school.

Everyone watches the football game. When the game is half over,the band(乐队)    7.   (come) onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the Homecoming Queen or King appears. All the students vote the most popular student Homecoming Queen or King. It is    8.  honour to be chosen.

Homecoming is a happy day but it is not perfect    9.   the football team wins the game. Even if the team loses,the students still enjoy Homecoming. Some stay at the school to dance and others go to a party. For everyone it is a day worth    10.  (remember).





Sometimes, people are required to fill in personal information when they register online, which may lead to some _________ trouble. Recently, the BBC is reporting that a 17-year-old girl in Australia posted a(n) _________ of her grandmother at home counting a large sum of cash that she _________ hidden in the house. Just eight hours later, two armed men _________the girl’s house. They demanded to speak to her to find out where the grandmother’s house was,  _________ they could get the money they had seen. _________ , the girl was not home at the time, so the robbers _________a small amount of cash from the mother and left.

Because the  _________ is still under _________ , local police aren’t saying much else about it. It’s not known yet whether the girl had used privacy setting on the Facebook profile page, and even whether the robbers_________ the girl in the past.

Two other _________ were at home then, a 58-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy, the girl’s father and brother. Luckily, no one was _________ . The robbers left peacefully after  _________that the girl was not home and that no one else there knew anything about the _________ that had appeared in the photo.

Police in both Britain and Australia are using the case to _________citizens of the dangers of posting personal information on social networks and to suggest users of websites _________ doing so. The police say it is _________   that the girl posted a comment in the past that gave clues to the address,  _________ that the robbers knew the girl in another way. _________ , they suggest, a posting by a friend on their site could have  _________ such information. To find it, the robbers would only have had to search for those posting on other pages that contained the girl’s name.

1.A. clear         B. known         C. important          D. unexpected

2.A. blog          B. story         C. picture            D. video

3.A. got           B. kept          C. let               D. made

4.A. knocked at    B. looked at     C. broke into         D. ran into

5.A. even if       B. in case       C. as soon as         D. so that

6.A. Usually       B. Fortunately   C. Suddenly           D. Finally

7.A. left          B. took          C. spent            D. asked

8.A. robber        B. case          C. family             D. girl

9.A. discussion    B. consideration C. control          D. investigation

10.A. ignored      B. remembered    C. knew               D. followed

11.A. neighbors    B. members      C. characters         D. adults

12.A. killed       B. escaped       C. harmed            D. buried

13.A. showing      B. discovering   C. looking          D. recognizing

14.A. house        B. website       C. grandmother      D. cash

15.A. excuse       B. warn          C. rob                D. inform

16.A. stop         B. consider      C. keep               D. enjoy

17.A. possible     B. important     C. necessary        D. strange

18.A. so           B. but           C. and               D. or

19.A. Therefore    B. However      C. Instead          D. Besides

20.A. taken up     B. given away    C. put away         D. set up




As we know, everyone can make mistakes, but don’t worry about it. The following is what we should do when we make mistakes.

Just admit (承认)it. Don’t think that our mistakes are caused by others. 1.Don’t blame other people, and don’t cheat ourselves, either.

  2. .In order to stop the problem from getting worse, we should act quickly to solve it. If we don’t act and deal with the problem quickly, it’ll only make us feel more stressed. Also it is necessary to make a plan of action and correct the mistake according to it. 3. .

  4. .Those who have made the most mistakes can get an A, for they are the ones who have learned the most. The more we learn from our mistakes, the cleverer we are.

  5.  .What caused us to make the mistake? How can we avoid making the same mistake in the future? When we act with a method to get a good result, do it that way next time. If we don’t, we should stop, think about it, change it and try again.

A. Realize that making mistakes is the best way to learn.

B. Don’t be afraid of failure.

C. Be brave and face the fact that we have made the mistakes.

D. Solve it at once.

E. So be away from stress.

F. So decide quickly and act.

G. Think about what we can learn from our mistakes.



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