满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达 义工旅行是由国外传到中国的一种非常流行的旅行方式,指青年旅行者在青年旅...



要求:1. 简要介绍个人情况;

2. 简述自荐承担何种工作及理由(不少于两条);

3. 词数为100左右;



Dear Manager, I want to be a tour guide at Lijiang Youth Hostel this coming summer. I want to introduce myself first. I have just finished high school. I plan to spend one month in Lijiang. I am confident and you can trust me. I always have new ideas and I can do things well. I'm m also kind and out-going. I speak both Chinese and English well. I like making friends and I love changes. I think I can be a good tour guide because I am good at languages. Besides, I never lose my way, and a good guide must have it. At the same time, I can learn from foreigners and teach them Chinese culture. Please write to me soon. Thank you. Yours, Li Ming 【解析】 试题分析:考查开放作文。本文要求考生以李明的身份诶丽江的青年旅社写信,申请成为对方的义工。并在丽江进行义工旅行。所以本文使用第一人称和一般现在时为主的时态。要点1. 简要介绍个人情况:刚刚高中毕业,计划在丽江待一个月的时间;对于自己的能力很确信,自己对于新兴事物有自己的思想,性格外向,善于交流,而且英语很好,可以和外国人很好交流,并且很性格交朋友。 2. 简述自荐承担何种工作及理由:因为英语很好,可以做涉外导游。而且本人的方向感非常好,不会迷路。在写作的时候,考生可以根据本人的实际情况做适当的发挥,另外尽量使用多样化的句式,如祈使句,省略句等等,让文章更加丰富多样化。 【名师点睛】 本文的难度较大,要点都要考生自行组织,同时也给考生一定的便利,可以选择自己最熟悉的句式和词汇表达出想要表达的含义。本篇范文结构合理,语言流畅富有变化,时态和人称使用准确无误,全文没有中国式英语句式,体现出很高的英语素养。在写作中作者使用了较多的高级词汇,如be confident、out-going等;美中不足的是文章的句式不是很丰富,陈述句较多,句式变化不大。 考点:考查开放作文  




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。




Cities, whether big and small, should be clean. Only when we live in a clean city we live a happy life. As we know, a clean city, that disease may be reduced and people’s health may be better, are good both to our mind and body. No one believes people lived in a dirty city with waste everywhere can live happy. However, for more and more people moving into cities, it is not easy to keep our city clean. Beside, some factories still pour out waste into the air, river and onto the ground, making it is hard to keep our city clean. To make our city a better place to live , we still have a lot to do.




Robot teachers are now very popular with pupils in some primary schools in South Korea. Compared with human teachers, the robot teachers are 1.              (patient). They never get angry and are always kind to the students. That’s 2.             the children can always get on well with their robot teachers.

English teaching robots 3.          (send) to three primary schools for eight weeks last December. 4.          (equip) with a microphone and video camera, the robots teach students as teachers. Researchers found that the English-teaching robots helped raise students’ interest in the language and build up their5.             (confident). More and more students came to like studying and they got better grades in exams. Meanwhile, other robot teachers, 6.            can teach math, science and art, have also been developed.

Many people think these robot teachers should be used 7.           faraway village schools so that the children there can also receive a good education. 8.            (give) rural school children more learning chances, the South Korean government has expressed great interest in 9.            (develop) these robots.

No doubt there will be more and more robot teachers working with students. Perhaps they will 10.          (complete) replace human teachers one day in the future. Who knows ?




If I had to explain my learning style, I would have to say that I’m a read and follow along kind of learner. When I read something that I really want to _________ , I often have an audio (音频) recording play along with it. It can help my memory absorb what I’m _________  . It’s also helpful from an audial standpoint since my hearing has been less than acute   _________ a childhood illness. I always find that my listening abilities improve _________  I have a visual reference at the beginning. When I’m _________ to take away one or the other after the initial go-through, I _________ that I can actually remember the learning materials better. So that mixing of the visual and the audial _________ me to memorize things right away.

Another _________ I can mix this audial with the visual is by reading the material out _________ . I find my own_________ to be the perfect substitute for an audio recording if one is not _________  . As I’ve said before, my hearing can often be _________ by my literacy (读写能力) and vision. Reading to myself aloud helps me   _________ because, like having an audio recording, it improves my reading and listening.

While I’m _________ , we have a lot of read-alongs, particularly in my English and literature classes. I always _________ these because my teacher and classmates all contribute to my _________ learning style of mixing listening with visual acuteness. Many teachers I’ve talked to agree that this form of study really _________ . I’ve also seen many of my classmates following my _________ and asking for materials with audio recordings to assist in their reading and _________ . So I think people _________  that this is the best way to learn various types of materials.

1.A.connect       B.remember    C.recognize      D.know

2.A.listening    B.speaking    C.reading         D.writing

3.A.in spite of   B.because of   C.in addition to  D.according to

4.A.when         B.unless       C.until           D.though

5.A.excited      B.willing     C.relieved        D.able

6.A.find         B.believe     C.hope            D.admit

7.A.forces       B.allows      C.requires       D.encourages

8.A.explanation  B.discussion   C.way            D.plan

9.A.clearly       B.naturally  C.loudly          D.carefully

10.A.words        B.methods      C.tone            D.voice

11.A.useful      B.skillful     C.possible        D.available

12.A.controlled B.assisted    C.damaged         D.examined

13.A.communicate  B.improve     C.analyze         D.learn

14.A.in class     B.at home     C.alone           D.away

15.A.develop      B.prepare     C.share           D.enjoy

16.A.preferred   B.expected     C.important       D.practical

17.A.helps       B.matters     C.guarantees     D.instruction

18.A.arrangement  B.instruction C.rule           D.example

19.A.imagination  B.progress    C.memorization   D.challenge

20.A.predict     B.wish        C.prove           D.agree




Five reasons your scale might be wrong

1. You weigh yourself on different days each week.

In a Cornell university study published last year, researchers analyzed the food weight diaries that 80 people kept for up to a year. They found that people’s weight changed considerably throughout the week.    1.  Keep weigh-in days consistent for a more accurate assessment.

2.   2.

File this one under “Yes, scientists have actually studied this.” When University of North Dakota researches weighed people with and without clothes at various times of the year, they found that men can reduce 2.5 pounds for their clothing and women can reduce around two pounds, on average.

3. You don’t take muscle gain into consideration.

You’ve heard that muscle is denser (密度大的) than fat.   3.   If you start a strength-training routine, the number on the scale (秤) might not change, but you could still lost inches and drop a clothing size or two.

4. You just drank a lot of water.

It’s called water weight for a reason: Drinking one pound of water can translate to about one pound of weight. So if you stand on the scale soon after drinking an entire water bottle’s worth, you might not like what you see.   4.

5. You weigh yourself after hard exercise.

Compared with water weight, if you weigh in after a tiring cycling class, you may lose weight temporarily because you work up a good sweat .     5.

A.You miscalculate your clothing.

B.But don’t worry, it’s just a temporary gain.

C.Salty foods cause your body to save extra water.

D.In fact, it takes up only about a third as much space.

E.Jump on the scale if you need to improve.

F.You should be aware of how much water you have drunk.

G.Many people were heaviest on Mondays and lightest on Fridays.



America used to have a strong college education system for prison inmates (prisoners). It was seen as a way to rehabilitate men and women in prison by helping them go straight when they got out.

Those taxpayer-supported college classes were put to an end in the 1990s. But New York Governor Andrew Cuomo would like to bring them back in the state, setting off a fierce new debate.

A number of lawmakers in New York have promised to kill Cuomo’s proposal (提议).

Cuomo says reintroducing taxpayer-funded college classes in New York’s prisons is a common-sense plan that will reduce the number of inmates who commit new crimes.

“You pay $ 60,000 for a prison cell for a year,” Cuomo responded. “You put a guy away for 10 years, and that’s $600,000. Right now, chances are almost half. Once he’s set free, he’s going to come right back.”

Cuomo says helping inmates get a college education would cost about $ 5,000 a year per person. He argues, “It’s a small amount of money if it keeps that inmate from bouncing back into prison.”

But even some members of the governor’s own party hate this idea. State Assemblywoman Addie Russell, whose upstate district includes three state prisons, says taxpayers just won’t stand for inmates getting a free college education, while middle-class families struggle to pay for their kids’ college fees.

“That is the vast majority of feedback (反馈) that I’m also getting from my constituents (选民),” she says. “You know, ‘Where is the relief for the rest of the population who obey the law ?’

“I was very disappointed that the policy had been changed,” says Gerald Gaes, who served as an expert on college programs for the Federal Bureau of Prisons in the 1990s. In 1994, President Clinton stopped federal student aid programs for inmates.

Gaes says research shows that college classes actually save taxpayers’ money over time, by reducing the number of inmates who break the law and wind up back in those expensive prison cells.

“It is cost-effective,” he says. “Designing prisons that way will have a long-term benefit for New York State.”

1.The underlined word “rehabilitate” probably means “          ”.

A.let people know more about prisoners.

B.help someone have a normal life again.

C.allow prisoners to experience the world.

D.encourage someone to help other people.

2.What is the debate about ?

A.Lawmakers’ rights in New York.

B.College classes for New York’s citizens.

C.Higher education in New York’s prisons.

D.Punishments given to New York’s criminals.

3.Cuomo does the calculations to prove           .

A.almost half of prisoners are likely to come back into prison.

B.college classes for inmates can save taxpayers’ money.

C.the costs of running prisons in the US are on the rise.

D.it is very difficult to reduce the number of inmates.

4.Most of Russell’s constituents believe Cuomo’s proposal           .

A.is unfair to middle-class families.

B.will benefit citizens obeying laws.

C.will be useless for improving prisons.

D.is based on most taxpayers’ feedback.



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