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书面表达 假设你是李华。你的美国笔友Jane打算七月来中国,担心文化差异的影响,...










Dear Jane,

Glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to China in July.







I hope what’s mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Jane, Glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to China in July. To remove any possible puzzle, I am willing to brief you on some basic etiquette. Initially, when encountering acquaintances on the street, we smile waving a hand. A slight bow to elders and a hand shake with peers are also considered polite during a formal visit. Besides, to respond to praise, Chinese cut a modest figure, saying “You speak too highly of me” instead of direct thanks. Another big difference from America is that we express gratitude when receiving a gift without unwrapping it. Great prominence is given to table manners. Youngsters had better not move chopsticks until elders begin to eat and not leave until all people finish meals. And making noises while chewing appears bad-mannered.(118) I hope what’s mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey. Yours sincerely LiHua 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于半开放作文,各要点都只给出一个提纲,具体内容要考生自行添加。要求考生以李华的身份给美国笔友Jane写信。因为对方打算七月来中国,担心文化差异的影响,特来信询问中国人的社交习俗。回信要点:1.见面时的问候方式:对熟人挥手致意,对老人鞠躬,与同龄人握手;;2.对于表扬的回答方式:谦虚地回答“你对我的评价太高了”;3.接受礼物时的回应方式:不会当面打开礼物;4.餐宴礼节:老人先吃,然后晚辈才可以开始吃饭,吃饭时不要发出声音。考生还可以根据实际情况添加部分内容,在写作时,尽量多用多样化的句式,不要总是使用单调的陈述句,要把祈使句和疑问句穿插使用,让文章句式更加多样化。 【名师点睛】 相对而言,本文留给学生的余地较大,考生可以运用自己熟悉的句子和词汇组织全文。范文结构合理,涵盖了要求的所有要点并有适当的发挥。特别是本文的谋篇布局特别合理,第一段属于过渡段落,接下来展开说明具体礼仪情况。范文中使用了较多的高级词汇,如brief you on some basic etiquette、initially、encounter acquaintances、unwrap等等,这些词汇的运用说明考生的词汇量较大;同时文章中还使用了一些高级句式,如分词做状语Chinese cut a modest figure, saying “You speak too highly of me” instead of direct thanks. 表语从句Another big difference from America is that we express gratitude when receiving a gift without unwrapping it.等。 考点:考查半开放作文  



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。

Nowadays, mobile payment is becoming more and more popular with our shopping. In addition to pay in cash, by cheque or credit card, a consumer can use a mobile phone to pay for wide range of services and goods. Compared with those traditional mean, mobile payment was faster and more convenient. Besides, it can be used at any given time or place, save much time and energy. However, we can’t overlook the fact that it must be operated with a phone and a network. And it is only recently which the technology to support such systems has become wide available. It will be arouse public concern over its potential risk, such as the account security and other unexpected problems. Technology is changing its life rapidly, so we should get ready for it.





Gandhi, an Indian national hero, 1. (regard) as the father of the Indian nation, a fighter for freedom and equality , and a spiritual leader .

He was born in India in 1869.   2.  (follow) the local custom, he got married at the age of 13. In 1888 he sailed to England, 3.  he studied law for three years and became a lawyer. On his return to India, he   4.  (send) to South Africa to work on a law case.

In South Africa he was surprised to find that the problem of racial discrimination was serious. There he formed an organization and started a magazine   5.  (fight) for equal rights. Gandhi returned to India in 1915, when India was controlled by the British.   6.  (determine) to defend the territory, he led the Indians to fight for an end to the British rule and the 7. (depend) for his country. In the political movement many Indians including Gandhi were put in prison.   8.  , the struggles never stopped. The British government had to give in and India won its victory in 1947.   9. (fortunate), Gandhi was shot by an Indian who opposed his views and died   10. January 30th, 1948.




I was 11 when you were born, and in your first few years I often looked after you, bathed and dressed you and took you out for walks. I have______ memories of your childhood. Of ______you up as a “rock star”. Of watching you dance ______  nightclothes. Of your insistence that I make your school lunch ______ I put so much more peanut butter on your ______ than anyone else. Of the______ phone call we ever had----an echo (共鸣) of my own university years—when you wanted to ______ university and study dance.

Since we have grown up, I have lived through you, although you may not know it. You had the opportunity I so ______ wanted but never got ---- to train in the dancing arts. I encouraged our parents to support you because I have always ______ how my life would be if they hadn’t chosen a(n) ______ career path for me, their eldest child.

I know you have ______  to hunt for work and confidence, and that you probably wonder sometimes if you made the right choice. ______ , I am happy for you and proud that I played some small role in helping you to ______ a dream.

There is a ______ between us now. It has grown since I first left home, and in the   ______ I missed your teenager years. That ______ me greatly. I imagine that you believe we have very little in common—a ______  in the city and a biologist in West Africa---but in you I ______ some of my own dreams realized.

But beyond that, even at 12 or 13 I felt as much a mother to you as an older sister. So, on the rare ______ when we see each other, I want to know everything, from your concerns, hopes to delights.

I wish, there were an arm’s ______  between us. I hope we can one day be sisters or friends again. I still make a tasty peanut butter sandwich for you.

1.A. vivid      B. admirable   C. awful      D. painful

2.A. making     B. dressing  C. taking    D. picking

3.A. on         B. over       C. in         D. with

4.A. as          B. while      C. though     D. if

5.A. noodles    B. pies        C. cakes     D. sandwiches

6.A. longest     B. farthest   C. simplest D. hardest

7.A. give in to  B. look away from  C. drop out of  D. go in for

8.A. merely      B. scarcely   C. perfectly  D. badly

9.A. wondered    B. regretted   C. realized  D. believed

10.A. special   B. traditional C. official D. original

11.A. managed   B. struggled   C. preferred  D. rejected

12.A. Moreover   B. Therefore   C. However    D. Otherwise

13.A. support   B. oppose      C. have       D. follow

14.A. plan       B. promise    C. conflict  D. distance

15.A. experience B. process     C. situation  D. direction

16.A. frightens  B. touches     C. upsets     D. comforts

17.A. dancer     B. teacher assistant  C. actress D. rock star

18.A. hope      B. see         C. keep      D. remember

19.A. stages    B. vacations   C. spots      D. occasions

20.A. width      B. height     C. length     D. depth




Plenty of job seekers, according to career and workplace consultant Alexandra Levit, are making major mistakes at those big, important meetings with their would-be bosses. Candidates would do well to avoid the following interview mistakes:


At most job interviews, both parties—the interviewer and the interviewee—are expected to ask questions. Do your homework on the company and make sure your questions aren’t so obvious that they can be answered with a five-second Google search.

   2.    You shouldn’t ask too many general questions because they might have the opinion that you should know some of the answers.” Levit said.

Talking too much.

Even if you’re really smart, you won’t impress anybody if you don’t do your fair share of listening.

“It should be a two-way conversation,” Levit said.   3.    Really take the time to read between the lines and pay attention to what they are saying.”

Treating the interviewer like a friend.

Of course you want to be friendly with your interviewer, but it’s important to remember that this person is not someone with whom you’ll be throwing back a few beers next weekend. You have to keep your guard up.

“You don’t want to treat them as if they’re someone you can take into your confidence.” Levit said.    4.   

Bad-mouthing your last employer.

Sometimes, even your last boss was Satan himself.     5.    Find a way to put a positive reason on why you left—or plan to leave—your last job.

“Don’t say, ‘Oh I left because my company was insufferable,’” Levit said. “The employer is going to be sitting there thinking you’re going to be saying that about them in three years and it isn’t going to fill them with confidence.”

A. Asking proper questions.

B. Failing to ask smart questions.

C. A job interview is not the time to uncover it.

D. Listen more and you’ll have more answers.

E. You’re not going to learn as much about their needs if you don’t listen.

F. You should portray yourself as confident, enthusiastic and professional.

G. You are supposed to have some knowledge of the industry and the position.



Do you have an emotional brain or a rational (理性的) one? Researchers at Australia’s Monash University have found actual difference in the brains of people who respond emotionally to others’ feelings compared with those who respond more rationally.

A study published in the journal NeuroImage has looked at whether people who have more brain cells in certain areas of the brain are better at certain types of empathy, according to Science Daily. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person, and the two types investigated were cognitive (认知的) empathy and affective (情感的) empathy.

“Every day people use empathy with, and without, their knowledge to get around in the social world,” said Robert Eres from Monash University’s School of Psychological Sciences. “We use it for communication, to build relationships, and to increase our understanding of others.”

“People who are high on affective empathy are often those who get quite fearful when watching a scary movie, or start crying during a sad scene. Those who have high cognitive empathy are those who are more rational, for example a psychologist helping someone,” explained Eres.

The results of the study showed that people with high scores for affective empathy had more gray matter in a part of the brain called the insula, found right in the “middle” of the brain. Those who scored higher for cognitive empathy had more in a part called the midcingulate cortex—an area above the corpus callosum, which connects the two halves of the brain.

The discovery “raises new questions—like whether people could train themselves to have more empathy, and whether those areas of the brain would become larger if they did, or whether we can lose our ability to empathize if we don’t use it enough”, according to Science Daily.

“In the future we want to investigate further by testing whether training people in empathy-related tasks can lead to changes in these brain areas. We also want to investigate if damage to these brain areas, as a result of a stroke (中风) for example, can lead to empathy problems.” said Eres.

Perhaps in the future we will all be able to empathize more with other people. Maybe you will cry at that sad movie after all!

1.Empathy can be used in the following situations EXCEPT that      .

A. when a psychologist is helping a patient with his mental disease

B. when a teacher is comforting a student about his father’s death

C. when a mathematician is calculating the area of a farmland

D. when people are reading a story with a frightening ending

2.What does the research done by Monash University mainly show?

A. Differences in the brains of emotional and rational people.

B. Whether a rational brain works better than an emotional one.

C. What empathy is and how to improve people’s ability to empathize.

D. How to effectively train people to have more empathy cells in their brain.

3.Which of the following statements might Robert Eres disagree with?

A. People use empathy when they are or aren’t aware of it.

B. People tend to use empathy to build relationships or understand others.

C. People with higher affective empathy feel heart-broken when watching sad movies.

D. People who are more rational have been found to have more gray matter in their brains.

4.Which of the following will be one of the focuses of future investigations according to the article?

A. How to train people in empathy-related tasks.

B. Whether people can be trained to be more empathetic.

C. Whether empathy problems can lead to damage to areas of the brain.

D. Why people seem to lose their ability to empathize if they don’t use it enough.



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