满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出...


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As we know, it is impossible to make no mistakes all one’s life. My grandpa Nybakken is no _________  . Several decades ago he made a mistake a (n) _________ mistake, though.

On a cold Saturday, Grandpa was building some wooden cases for the clothes his  _________ was sending to an orphanage (孤儿院) in Congo. On his way back home, he _________ into his shirt pocket for his glasses, but they were gone. So he drove back to the church. His search proved_________  . When he _________ replayed his earlier actions, he realized what happened. The glasses had slipped out of his pocket and _________ into one of the cases. His new glasses, having   _________ him 20, were heading for Congo that morning! He had to drive home _________  .

Several months later, the director of the orphanage came to give a report at my grandfather’s church, which Grandpa also attended.

The director said, “I must thank you for the _________ you sent last year. The bandits (土匪) had just swept through the orphanage, _________ everything, including my glasses. _________ I had the money, there was simply no way of _________ the broken pair of glasses.   _________not being able to see well, I experienced headaches every day. Then your cases _________ . When my staff removed the covers, they found a pair of glasses lying on top.”

Then, with the _________ , he continued: “When I tried _________ the glasses, it was as though they had been made just for me! It was amazing!”

The people listened, _________  for the miraculous glasses. But the director must have _________  their church with another, they thought. There were no glasses on their _________ of things to be sent overseas. But Grandpa was sitting quietly in the back, with tears streaming down his face.

1.A. similarity    B. success    C. luck      D. exception

2.A. perfect      B. foolish    C. formal    D. common

3.A. factory       B. church     C. family   D. country

4.A. turned        B. reached    C. filled   D. put

5.A. proper       B. reasonable  C. useless D. necessary

6.A. mentally     B. physically  C. softly    D. directly

7.A. fallen        B. jumped     C. forced    D. broke

8.A. offered       B. spent      C. paid      D. cost

9.A. disappointed B. pleased     C. nervous D. satisfied

10.A. cases        B. clothes     C. glasses D. wishes

11.A. cutting     B. destroying  C. defending D. recording

12.A. Unless       B. As long as  C. Until    D. Even though

13.A. replacing    B. selling    C. wearing D. changing

14.A. Except for   B. Along with  C. Rather than D. As for

15.A. disappeared B. flew       C. arrived   D. broken

16.A. preparation B. regret      C. satisfaction  D. wonder

17.A. out          B. over        C. for     D. on

18.A. sorry        B. happy       C. bored     D. stressed

19.A. confused     B. connected  C. combined D. compared

20.A. case       B. order      C. list     D. search


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:人人都会犯错误,但爷爷所犯的这个“错误”似乎是一个“完美的”错误:他无意中丢掉的眼镜给了孤儿院的院长非常大的帮助。 1.D 考查名词辨析。名词similarity相似点;success成功;luck运气;exception例外;短语no exception不例外;在我们的生活中每个人都会犯错,我的爷爷也不例外。本文讲述的就是爷爷无意中把眼镜丢了的小错误。故D正确。 2.A 考查上下文串联。形容词perfect完美的;foolish愚蠢的;formal正式的;common常见的,普通的;根据下文内容可知爷爷丢的眼镜给孤儿院的院长很大的帮助,所以在爷爷的眼里这是一个“完美的”错误。故A正确。 3.B 考查上下文串联。根据53空前So he drove back to the church.可知爷爷是为教堂做木头箱子的。故B正确。 4.B 考查动词短语。短语turn into变成;reach into伸进;本句表示爷爷把手伸进口袋里找眼镜。故B正确。 5.C 考查上下文串联。根据55空The glasses had slipped out of his pocket and 55 into one of the cases.可知他的眼镜掉进了木箱子里,爷爷不可能从口袋里找出眼镜。所以他的寻找是无用的。故C项正确。 6.A 考查副词辨析。副词mentally精神上地;physically身体上地;softly柔软地;directly直接地;爷爷找不到自己的眼睛,于是就在头脑里回忆今天做的行动。这属于“精神”领域的行为。故A正确。 7.A 考查动词辨析。动词fall跌落;jump跳跃;force强迫;break折断;他的眼镜从口袋里滑出来并跌落进了其中的一个箱子里。BCD三项的语义不搭配。故A正确。 8.D 考查动词辨析。动词offer提供;spend花费;pay支付;cost花费;他的这副新眼镜花了他20美元。动词短语cost sb some money花某人....钱;故D正确。 9.A 考查上下文串联。形容词disappointed失望的;pleased高兴的;nervous紧张的;satisfied满意的;自己新买的眼睛丢了,所以爷爷回家的时候很失望。故A正确。 10.C 考查上下文串联。爷爷的眼镜掉到了木箱子里,箱子被送到了孤儿院,最终孤儿院的院长戴上了这付眼镜。当院长来到教堂表示感谢的时候,他特地提到了这付眼镜。故C正确。 11.B 考查动词辨析。动词cut砍,切;destroy毁坏;defend保护,辩护;record记录;当时土匪刚刚抢劫过孤儿院,把一起都毁掉了。B项与“The bandits (土匪)”相对应。故B正确。 12.D 考查连词辨析。连词unless除非,如果...不....;as long as只要;until直到....才....;even though即使;当时,即使院长有钱,也没有办法买新眼镜代替坏的眼镜。上下文之间是转折关系,故D项符合上下文串联。 13.A 考查动词辨析。动词replace代替;sell出售;wear佩戴;change改变;即使他有钱也买不到新眼镜来代替旧的眼睛。本空后短语“the broken pair of glasses”与BCD三项。故A正确。 14.B 考查介词短语辨析。短语except for...除...之外(整体与局部的关系);along with和...一起;rather than代替,而不是;as for....;“not being able to see well”与“experienced headaches”是并列关系,并非整体与局部的关系。使用不能使用A项,B项表示这两者是并列的。院长不仅仅看不见,而且还天天头疼。故B正确。 15.C 考查动词辨析。动词disappear消失;fly飞行;arrive到达;break折断;正当院长非常难受的时候,教堂送给他们的箱子到了,他们在里面发现了爷爷的眼镜。故C正确。 16.C 考查上下文串联。名词preparation准备;regret遗憾;satisfaction满意;wonder奇观;拿到了新的眼镜,戴上了以后,院长很满意。因为这个眼镜很适合他。故C项正确。 17.D 考查动词短语。都一样try out试验,测验;try on试用;试穿;当院长试用眼镜的时候,就好像这付眼镜为他定制地一样,完全适合他。故D项正确。 18.B 考查生活常识。形容词sorry难受的;happy开心的;bored乏味的;stressed有压力的;当人们听到这付眼镜给孤儿院的院长带来这么多的快乐的时候,大家都很高兴。故B正确。 19.A 考查动词辨析。动词confuse使...困惑;connect联系;combine联系;compare比较;虽然这付眼镜让大家很高兴,但是另外一个问题也让教堂很困惑,因为在他们捐助的清单里并没有眼镜,那么这付眼镜是哪里来的。故A项正确。 20.C 考查名词辨析。梦想。case箱子;order命令,顺序;list名单,清单;search寻找;因为在教堂的捐助清单里,并没有眼镜。那么眼镜从哪里来的。这个问题让大家很困惑。故C正确。 考点:考查记叙文阅读


Question: My 14-year-old son is very disrespectful to my husband and me, and we don’t know what to do. He often gets home after dark. And we have a big argument after he comes back. Can you help us?

Answer: Your son should, of course, come back before dark, not because you say so, but because it is his responsibility and because you would worry about him if he didn’t come home when he promised.  1.  . Just tell him that he has to be home on time if he wants to go out next time and that this is his choice, not yours.

His disrespect is part of a bigger issue. Your son desires independence because the young always do when they hit puberty (青春期). New hormones (荷尔蒙), a new need to pull away from their parents results in this desire. 2.  .

Your son may also be acting up because your discipline hasn’t kept up with his growth. A child hates to be corrected when his parents use the same words they used when correcting him a year ago.   3.    .

He won’ t even argue with you too much, if you listen to his rants (咆哮) and consider his reasons when you have to say no. You need to know that your respect is as important as his respect. 4.  . This doesn’t complete anything and must worsen your relationship.

Your child not only needs your respect.   5.  . They need your pity for him when things go wrong, rather than tell him what he should have done. Now is the time to give as few orders as possible (but stick to the ones you give).

A. But don’t worry.

B. But don’t argue about it.

C. He wants you to react to him at the age he is today.

D. So boys and girls are so eager to spread their wings.

E. If you don’t listen and consider, he won’t hear a word you say.

F. He is growing physically, mentally, emotionally and even morally.

G. He also needs you to encourage his dreams, no matter how strange they are.



To Whom It May Concern:

Your address was forwarded to us by How to Magazine. All of us here think The International Institute of Not Doing Much is the best organization in the world. You know how to avoid unnecessary activities!

As a matter of fact, we closely followed the advice in your article. First, we replaced all our telephones with carrier pigeons. Simply removing the jingle of telephones and replacing them with the pleasant sounds of birds has had a remarkable effect on everyone. Besides, birds are cheaper than telephone service. After all, we are a business. We have to think of the bottom line. As a side benefit, the birds also add the nutrients to the grass outside the new employees’ sauna(桑拿房).

Next, we sold the computers off to Stab, Grab, Grit, and Nasty, a firm of lawyers nearby. Our electricity bill went way down. Big savings! The boss is impressed. We have completely hugged paper technology. Now that we all use pencils, doodling (涂鸦) is on the increase, and the quality of pencil Woman Ship is impressive, as you can tell from my handwriting in this letter. By the way, if you can, please send this letter back to us. We can erase and reuse it. Just tie it to Maggie’s leg and she’ll know where to take it.

Now it’s very calm and quiet here. You can notice the difference. No more loud chatter on the telephones! All we hear is the scratching of pencil on paper, the sound of pigeons, and the delivery of inter-office letters by paper airplane.

Wonderful! I’ve always wanted to work for an insurance company ever since I was a little girl. Now it’s perfect.

Sincerely yours,

Eleanor Lightly

Spokeswoman and Company Hair Stylist

ABC Activity Insurance: insure against overdoing it

1.Where is Eleanor’s letter sent to?

A. How To Magazine.

B. ABC Activity Insurance Company.

C. Stab, Grab, Grit, and Nasty Law Firm.

D. The International Institute of Not Doing Much.

2.Which of the following best describes the life the author is leading?

A. A religious, peasant-like life.

B. A simple, slow-paced life.

C. A life away from paper and pencils.

D. A life of hard work and security.

3.Which of the following is practiced in the author’s company?

A. Replacing the hand work system with modern technology.

B. Turning off lights in the daytime to save electricity.

C. Buying birds and pets as company for the staff.

D. Recycling paper resources whenever possible.

4.What is the purpose of writing this letter?

A. to show his dissatisfaction with the new environment.

B. to complain about the bad working condition.

C. to persuade people to live a simple life.

D. to express his thanks for the good advice.



Recently, scientists are reported to have grown a living human “brain”. The team at Aston University in UK created tiny bunch of cells which act like a mini nervous system.

They believe it could help find a cure for worse mental conditions like Parkinson’s disease. Professor Michael Coleman is leading the research program. He explained, “We are aiming to be able to study the human brain at the most basic level, using an actual living human cell system. Cells have to be alive and operating efficiently to enable us to really understand how the brain works.” The experiment involves changing cells from a cancer tumor (肿瘤)and making them behave like brain cells.

Although far from finished, researchers hope the false brain cells will give them a greater understanding of how real brains work. This, in turn, could significantly further research into conditions which affect the brain. Neil Hunt, chief leader of the research group, said, “It is still very early days, but in the future the research could lead to a useful tool for looking into dementia (痴呆).”

The technique could also provide a way to carry on animal test and is being supported by the Humane Research Trust (HRT). The scientists predict that over the next ten years a million people will develop dementia. Professor Coleman believes their findings could change this. He said, “We hope our research will provide scientists with a new and highly relational human experimental model to help them understand the brain better and develop new drugs to control the related disease. However, the biggest challenge at present is that we are greatly short of fund, which will slow our research.”

1.UK scientists grow a living human “brain” in order to ______.

A. separate cells from a cancer tumor

B. discover how human brain really works

C. make use of living human cell system

D. study the structure of human brain

2.According to Neil Hunt, research into brain cells ______.

A. will help treat some diseases in nerve system

B. will influence the brain growth in many ways

C. will get finished as early as possible

D. will make people discover dementia

3.From the last paragraph, we can know that ______

A. the technique provided by HRT is not fully developed

B. the research program lacks financial support

C. animal tests are no longer allowed by law

D. a million people suffer from brain diseases

4.The text is meant to ______.

A. tell us about an important achievement in medical research

B. introduce the progress of drugs for dementia

C. tell us about health problem in nerve system

D. introduce a research program in human's brain



Most of us have read Cinderella, which is a story about a young woman living in poverty who meets the prince of her dreams. Some might not want to admit it, but there is a hidden Cinderella in everyone’s heart—we all wish we could achieve recognition or success after a period of obscurity (默默无闻).

Mary Santiago has that secret dream, too. Her story is featured in Another Cinderella Story, a film set in a US high school.

Mary is shy but loves to dance. Compared with other girls, she is invisible. However, her world changes completely when a famous teenager pop singer, Joey Parker, appears.

Joey is everything the rest of the boys in her class are not—kind, handsome and desirable. Mary and Joey’s paths cross at a ball. They meet and fall in love with each other. But when Mary has to rush back home, she leaves behind her MP3 player, which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl of his dreams. Of course, there is a wicked stepmother, who turns out to be Dominique Blatt and she takes in Mary after her dancer mother dies. Dominique treats Mary like a maid and does everything she can to make sure Mary doesn’t get into the top dance school. Her two daughters are equally determined to stop Joey falling for Mary, even if that means embarrassing her.

The story, though it mostly follows Cinderella, does add a few modern day twists to the classic fairy tale. Refreshingly, the film, unlike many high school films, does not focus on looks, although the actors are all beautiful. There is also a lot less materialism in Another Cinderella Story than in many similar movies.

“The movie takes the Cinderella fairytale as its jumping off point,” writes movie critic Amber Wilkinson. “Yet the focus is firmly on following your dream.”

1.The first paragraph is mainly to _________.

A. inform us of the importance to marry a prince

B. remind us why Cinderella is popular all the years

C. build interest and lead us to Mary’s secret dream

D. tell us how interesting the fairy tale Cinderella is

2.What does Amber Wilkinson mean by his words?

A. The movie is exactly another copy of the Cinderella fairytale.

B. The movie is as good as the story Cinderella.

C. The movie and Cinderella both focus on following your dream.

D. The movie is based on the story Cinderella while a little different from it.

3.The passage is _________.

A. an introduction to Mary Santiago

B. an advertisement of a film

C. a story about following a dream

D. a film review

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Joey is just like other boys in Mary’s class.

B. The MP3 player helps Joey in finding Mary.

C. Not many people have a dream to be realized.

D. Mary’s mother influences her a lot in singing.



When I was growing up, my father and I always had totally different ideas. He thought that college was a waste of time, but for me it was of importance to finish college. He wanted me to work my way to the top as he had done in his field, but I wanted a different life. There was a time when we did not talk with each other.

A few months ago, I heard that my 84-year-old dad was in poor health. When he called and asked whether I could move from Colorado bank to Tennessee to help him, I knew he was seriously ill. I am his only child and so it was time to meet my father's requirement.

Two weeks after moving back, we bought a boat and started fishing again. Fishing was one of the few things that we did while I was young and that we both enjoyed. It is strange but true that as we are fishing we are able to put things that have kept us apart for so many years behind us. We are able to talk about things that we have never talked about before. Fishing has been healing the old wounds that have kept us apart.

It is not important how many fish we catch. It is about enjoying the relationship that we have not had for years. I' m 62 and he is 84. When we are on the lake fishing, it is like enjoying life. It is far better to find a way to put the unhappy past behind. I am so lucky to spend the happy time with my father in his last years. Now my heart is filled with love. A smile always graces my lips.

1.The author and his father became further apart because_______.

A. they lived very far from each other

B. they seldom went to see each other

C. they had different views on things

D. they only communicated by phone

2.For the author, fishing with his old father_____.

A. helps cure his father’s disease

B. makes him realize the importance of relaxation

C. is a good way to get close to nature

D. provides a chance for them to communicate

3.What can be the title for the text?

A. Fishing Brings Us Together

B. Forgiving Is Difficult

C. Memories of Old Days

D. My Beloved Father



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