满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 As we all ...


As we all know, life is full of dreams and having a good dream is of great importance in our daily life. Without a good dream, people can’t make progress; without a good dream, countries can’t develop; without a good dream, the world can’t become so beautiful! And I hold the strong belief that everyone, whether he is old or young, poor or rich, junior or senior, does have a good dream! After all, dreaming is certainly a positive part of our life, and wishing for good things, however, costs nothing!

What’s more, it is important to fly our dreams, especially for those who are Senior 3 students. It is high time for them to fly their dreams. If they can’t let their dreams fly, the dream would just die!

Therefore, it is no wonder that so many people have a dream since their childhood. With a nice dream, China succeeded to host the 29th Olympic Games in 2008; with a nice dream, Hong Kong returned to the motherland peacefully in 1997; with a nice dream, Yuan Longping rids the world of hunger; with a nice dream, Michael Jordon becomes the most popular basketball star; with a nice dream I can stand on this stage to compete in the final English speech contest. And with an aim of achieving success, I must do the best!

So my good friends, if you want to realize your dream, please do not be afraid in face of difficulties or give up in face of failure nor lose your dream in face of pains. You must keep going forward bravely! Just fly your dream highly above the sky!


1. 阅读短文后用30词左右概括短文的要点。

2. 就“放飞梦想”为主题,以120词左右发表自己的看法,并包括以下内容要点:




1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。








Dreams play an important role in our daily life and a good dream is the motivation to success. To realize a dream, one should learn to defeat difficulties through constant struggles as well as persistence. It is a dream that enables one to do better in life. Like most classmates, there was a time when I dreamed of being an excellent student in English after entering junior middle school, though my English was very poor then. To catch up with my classmates, I made up my mind to learn English well and made pen-friends with some foreign students so as to practise my spoken English and improve my written English. Although some of my classmates often went to the movies in the evening, seldom did I take part in such activities. Instead, I set aside to concentrate on my English and won the Final English Speech Contest around the city this term, realizing my dream. At present, I also have another dream. As a Senior 3 student, I hope that I can be admitted to a key university after graduation from middle school. Of course, whether my dream will come true depends largely on my personal efforts. Although life is full of ups and downs, I choose to go forward bravely. I strongly believe that where there is a dream, there is hope and there is a way. 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于任务型读写。首先要求考生归纳短文内容,也就是要抓住短文的中心思想。第一部分使用一般现在时和第三人称。本篇文章告诉我们:梦想在我们的日常生活中非常重要,是我们实行理想的动力。要想实现理想,我们要学会通过努力战胜困难。在文章第二部分中可以列举事例时,可以使用身边发生的真实事件,也可以是虚构的内容。但必须是与主题相关,如:某同学怀揣理想,努力拼搏,最后考取理想大学。开始可以谈谈自己的个人理想:进入理想的大学。为了实现这一理想,要比之前更加努力,正确面对奋斗过程中的起起伏伏。本文属于开放性的作文,所以考生要选择自己熟悉的句型结构,避免冷僻的句式,以提高获得高分的可能性。 【名师点睛】 本篇范文结构非常合理,第一段归纳总结短文内容,第二段介绍身边某位同学经过个人努力实现梦想的故事。第三段中提出个人梦想,并详细介绍为梦想做出的具体做法。时态和人称运用准确无误,全文无中国式英语句式和思维,显示了很高的驾驭语言的能力。作者在范文中使用了较多的高级句式,如定语从句..... there was a time when I dreamed of being an excellent student in English.主语从句whether my dream will come true depends largely on my personal efforts.最终在文章最后还仿写了一个谚语:where there is a dream, there is hope and there is a way.这些写作技巧的运用让文章整体上了一个台阶。 考点:考查任务型读写  



So far, they have _________ __________ the drug on animals a dozen of times.


He was very sad to find himself         his own good friends in the election.


He didnt _________ _________ our view that much of the crime in this area is relevant to drug abuse.


After drinking much alcohol, the man carelessly ___ ___ his secret to his colleagues that he had been in prison for two years for theft.


You cant see things clearly through a telescope unless it is _________ correctly ________ your sight.




1.It was not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks that I found we had a lot in common.

Not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks ________ ________ ________ we had a lot in  common.

2.If it hadn't been for his fluency in , he couldn't have been offered the job.

_______ ________ his fluency in English, he couldn't have been offered the job.

3.After they had made a great many efforts, everything is now under their control.

After they had made a great many efforts, everything is now ________ ________ ________.

4.The production in large quantities of this kind of medicine is forbidden.

The ________ ________ of this kind of medicine is not allowed.

5.I thought after he left he would disappear gradually from my mind , but still every day when I wake up  I will dream of the happiest moments with him.

I thought after he left he would ________ _________ from my mind, but still every day I wake up  dreaming of the happiest moments with him.




1.I don’t think it is worthwhile to s__________your health to make great achievements.

2.Independence and equality among different countries are the basic p__________ of the international laws.

3.Under such circumstances, he began to be s__________about his own judgment.

4.Though he hasn’t realized it, there is actually a p__________danger in his work.

5.She desperately wanted to win his fathers a__________ of her studying abroad.

6.He lost his parents in an accident when he was five, which made him suffer a lot and feel a__________ by the world.

7.His c__________ as an economist was confirmed by his successful fight against the financial crises.

8.I just can’t understand the social p__________ that so many Chinese people are rushing to Japan for basic daily necessities.

9.I want to return the goods to you because they don’t c__________with my order.

10.We should go to the hospital to take regular medical examinations because many diseases like cancer show no s__________ in their early stages.





Self-esteem is all about how much people value themselves, and how worthwhile they feel. Self-esteem is important because feeling good about yourself can affect how you behave. A person who has high self-esteem will make friends easily, is more in control of his or her behavior, and will enjoy life more.

Some teens struggle with their self-esteem when they begin puberty(青春期) because the body goes through many changes. These changes, combined with a natural desire to feel accepted, mean it can be tempting for people to compare themselves with others. They may compare themselves with the people around them or with actors they see on TV or in magazines.

It’s not just development that affects self-esteem, though. Many other factors can affect a person’s body image too.

Family life can sometimes influence self-esteem. Some parents spend more time criticizing their kids and the way they look than praising them, which can reduce kids’ ability to develop good self-esteem.

Sometimes, classmates and peers may also make negative comments and laugh at the way they look . Sometimes racial and ethnic prejudice is the source of such comments. Although these often come from ignorance, sometimes they can affect someone’s body image and self-esteem.

Some people think they need to change how they look or act to feel good about themselves. But actually all you need to do is change the way you see your body and how you think about yourself.

The first thing to do is recognizethat your body is your own, no matter what shape, size, or color it comes in. If you’re very worried about your weight or size, check with your doctor to verify that things are OK. But it’s no one’s business but your own what your body is like—ultimately, you have to be happy with yourself.

Next, identify which aspects of your appearance you can realistically change and which you can’t. If there are things about yourself that you want to change and can, do this by making goals for yourself. For example, if you want to get fit, make a plan to exercise every day and eat nutritious foods.

When you hear negative comments coming from within yourself, tell yourself to stop. Try building your self-esteem by giving yourself three compliments(赞扬) every day. By focusing on the good things you do and the positive aspects of your life, you can change how you feel about yourself.

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Mrs. Packletide intended to shoot a tiger. Not that the desire to kill had suddenly come to her, or that she felt she would leave India safer with one wild beast less. It was because Loona Bimberton had recently taken a plane to the forest and killed a tiger, and the newspapers showed photographs of Loona Bimberton with a tiger-skin on. In a world supposed to be moved by hunger and by love, Mrs. Packletide’s movements were largely governed by dislike of Loona Bimberton.

Circumstances proved favorable. Mrs. Packletide had offered a thousand rupees (印度卢比) for the opportunity of shooting a tiger without risk or effort, and it happened that an old tiger was frequently coming to a neighboring village at night. He was so old that he couldn’t kill animals in the wild and just satisfied his appetite to the smaller household animals. The villagers were eager to earn the thousand rupees; children were posted night and day in the jungle to watch the tiger, and the cheap goats were left about to keep him from going elsewhere. The one great fear was that he should die of old age before the day of Mrs. Packletide’s shoot.

The great night arrived. A platform had been built in a tree, on which sat Mrs. Packletide and her paid companion, Miss Mebbin. A goat with a loud bleat (咩咩叫) was tied down at the correct distance. With an accurate gun, they waited for the coming of the tiger.

“I suppose we are in some danger?” said Miss Mebbin.

She was not actually nervous about the wild beast, but she was unwilling to perform a bit more service than she had been paid for.

“It’s a very old tiger. It couldn’t spring up here even if it wanted to.” said Mrs. Packletide.

Their conversation was cut short by the appearance of the old tiger. He saw the goat, and lay on the earth for a short rest before attacking.

The gun fired very loudly, and the great yellow beast jumped to one side and then rolled over in the stillness of death. In a moment a crowd of excited villagers appeared on the scene, and their shouting carried the glad news to the village.

It was Miss Mebbin who found that the goat was dying from a bullet-wound, while no wound could be found on the tiger. Evidently the wrong animal had been hit, and the tiger had died of heart-failure, caused by the sudden loud noise of the gun. Mrs. Packletide was annoyed at the discovery; but anyway, she owned a dead tiger, and the villagers, anxious for their thousand rupees, gladly accepted the fiction that she had shot the tiger. And Miss Mebbin was a paid companion. Therefore Mrs. Packletide faced the cameras with a light heart, and her pictures appeared on the newspapers of England and America. As for Loona Bimberton, she refused to look at a newspaper for weeks, and was in a depressed emotion for quite some time.

Mrs. Packletide’s tiger-skin was inspected and admired by the neighbors, and Mrs. Packletide went to the Costume Ball in the character of Diana (狩猎女神).

“How amused everyone would be if they knew what really happened,” said Miss Mebbin a few days after the ball.

“What do you mean?” asked Mrs. Packletide quickly.

“How you shot the goat and frightened the tiger to death,” said Miss Mebbin, with her unpleasant laugh.

“No one would believe it,” said Mrs. Packletide, her face changing color rapidly.

Loona Bimberton would,” said Miss Mebbin.

Mrs. Packletide’s face settled on greenish white. “You surely wouldn’t give me away?” she asked.

“I’ve seen a weekend cottage near Dorking,” said Miss Mebbin, “six hundred and eighty. Quite a bargain, only I don’t happen to have the money.”

Miss Mebbin possessed the pretty weekend cottage. Mrs. Packletide lost interest in animal-hunting.

“The extra expenses are so heavy,” she said to inquiring friends.

1.Mrs. Packletide planned to shoot a tiger because she ________.

A. would leave India safer

B. hated the wild animal

C. admired her good friend

D. disliked a certain person

2.What did Mrs. Packletide want the villagers to arrange for her?

A. A platform in a tree. B. A paid companion.

C. An accurate gun.     D. A safe shooting.

3.What was the result of Mrs. Packletide’s shooting?

A. The old tiger was shot to death.

B. Neither the tiger nor the goat was shot.

C. The old tiger missed being shot.

D. Both the goat and the tiger were shot.

4.What is the message conveyed in the story?

A. Life is hard for one to predict.

B. Everything comes for a reason.

C. It’s unwise to keep bad company.

D. False pride costs more than expected.



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