满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可...



We humans love to make comparisons. On the market,  we  _________to find the best ones. In the classroom teachers compare their students to the _________ . And parents compare their children to his or her peers to _________ an idea of what is “normal”.

_________, comparisons of any kind come with a sting(刺痛) for everyone. When parents make it clear to anyone that their children are_________to all other children in all ways, they put their children under _________  . Some children will obey when they are pressured to_________ their parents’ need for perfection; others may _________ , trying to be just like any other kid, or, better still, to be just who they are. In other _________  , parents who compare their children to other children might end up _________ their children are somehow “deficient(有缺点的)” . And, again, they pressure their children to be _________ enough.

A most disturbing _________  of all this comparing is that it pushes children into the destructive world of competition. “In a _________ culture, a child is told that it isn’t enough to be good---he or she must _________ others,” writes Alfie Kohn, a parenting expert.

According to Kohn, research doesn’t   _________  the theory that competition brings success. One after another, researchers have concluded that children don’t learn better _________  education is changed into a competitive struggle. Competition prevents a child’s ability _________ not only educationally but socially, too.

So, _________ competition, cooperation! Instead of _________ other people’s children, parents need to pay close attention to their own, learn who they are, discover their interests and talents, and teach them how to cooperate with others. They will need role models to _________ them.

1.A. see          B. touch        C. sell       D. compare

2.A. mature       B. new         C. model        D. overseas

3.A. get         B. use        C. share        D. explain

4.A. Therefore    B. However    C. Otherwise    D. Besides

5.A. harmful    B. superior     C. responsible  D. thankful

6.A. pressure   B. control     C. discussion   D. consideration

7.A. express      B. prove        C. satisfy      D. create

8.A. disappear    B. wait        C. resist       D. rest

9.A. cases        B. words       C. ways         D. nations

10.A. denying   B. deciding     C. predicting  D. concluding

11.A. honest      B. good         C. patient      D. polite

12.A. process   B. consequence C. purpose      D. method

13.A. traditional B. scientific  C. political  D. competitive

14.A. defeat     B. accept      C. recognize    D. choose

15.A. test        B. challenge    C. support      D. change

16.A. since      B. until        C. when         D. unless

17.A. losing     B. progressing C. showing     D. reducing

18.A. apart from B. because of   C. as for       D. instead of

19.A. shouting at B. laughing at  C. looking at   D. striking at

20.A. guide       B. force       C. invite     D. expect


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 【解析】 试题分析: 本文的作者主要讲述的是比较和竞争对孩子教育的不利因素,让合作代替竞争,我们会帮孩子生活在一个更加和谐的环境中。 1.D考查动词辨析A. see看到;B. touch触及;C. sell出卖;D. compare比较。根据前文的comparisoin判断此处是说我们在市场上比较找到最好的,可知选D项。 2.2】C考查形容词辨析A. mature成熟的;B. new新的;C. model模范的;D. overseas海外的,根据前文的的compare和classroom可知老师总是将最好的学生相比,故选C项。 3.3】A考查动词辨析A. get得到;B. use使用;C. share分享;D. explain解释,说明。根据上下文的意思可以判断选A项。 4.4】B考查连词辨析A. Therefore因此,所以;B. However尽管如此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Besides而且。根据语境可知选B项。 5.5】B考查形容词辨析A. harmful有害的;B. superior优于的; C. responsible负责的;D. thankful感谢的,be superior to优于……的,可知选B项。 6.6】A考查名词辨析A. pressure压力;B. control控制;C. discussion讨论;D. consideration考虑 。根据前文是自己的孩子比别人的孩子更优秀,这会给孩子更大的压力,还有下文的pressured判断可知选A项。 7.7】C考查动词辨析A. express表达;B. prove证明;C. satisfy满足;D. create创作。根据空后的need判断是满足父母的需要,可知选C项。 8.8】C考查动词辨析。A.disappear消失;B.wait等待;C. resist抵制;D. rest休息。根据上下文关系此处是其他的人“抵制父母强加给他们的压力”可知选C项。 9.9】A考查名词辨析A. cases情况;案件;B. words单词;C. ways方法;D. nations民族。In othercases在其他情况下,故选A项。 10.0】D考查动词辨析A. denying拒绝;B. deciding决定;C. predicting预期;D. concluding得出结论。根据前文的比较,父母们得出自己孩子的缺点,故选D项。 11.1】B考查形容词辨析A. honest诚实的;B. good好的;C. patient耐心的;D. polite有礼貌的 。根据前文判断这类父母想让他们的孩子足够优秀。故选B项。 12.2】B考查名词辨析A. process进程;B. consequence后果;C. purpose目的;D. method方法。根据前文的叙述此处是比较的后果,可知选B项。 13.3】D考查形容词辨析A. traditional传统的;B. scientific科学的; C. political政治的;D. competitive有竞争力的,根据下文的叙述判断选D项。 14.4】A考查动词辨析A. defeat击败;B. accept接受;C. recognize认出,承认;D. choose选择。根据前文的competitive判断孩子具有竞争力,应是战胜或击败其他的人。故选A项。 15.5】C考查名词辨析A. test测试;B. challenge挑战;C. support支持;D. change改变。根据上下文的叙述,下文是不支持前文的理论的。可知选C项。 16.16】C考查连词辨析A. since自从;B. until直到;C. when当……时候;D. unless除非。根据该句的主从句之间的时间关系,故选C项。 17.7】B考查动词辨析A. losing失去;B. progressing取得进展;C. showing展示;D. reducing减少。根据前文的prevent可知比较抑制孩子的发展。故选B项。 18.8】D考查介词短语辨析A. apart from除此之外;B. because of因为;C. as for至于;D. instead of代替。不要竞争而要合作,故选D项。 19.9】C考查动词短语辨析A. shouting at向……叫喊;B. laughing at嘲笑;C. looking at看;D. striking at袭击,攻击。不要看着别人的孩子,而是关注自己的孩子。故选C项。 20.20】A考查动词辨析A. guide指导,向导;B. force强迫;C. invite邀请;D. expect期望。根据空前的role models榜样,判断选A。 【名师点睛】 一、完型填空题的命题特点 完型填空题是一种综合性比较强的测试题,它把单项填空和阅读理解等题型融为一体,它不仅考查学生对词汇、词组、语法、句型和常识逻辑等语言基础知识的掌握情况和正确使用语法知识的能力,而且也考查学生的理解能力、推理能力、以及情景语感等方面综合理解和运用语言的能力。 二、完型填空的命题趋势 1、体裁、题材多样,考察学生涉猎各种信息的能力 体裁有记叙文、说明文等;题材涉及到趣味故事、幽默小品、科普知识、日常生活、人物小记、社会热点话题等等。短文一般文章短小,情节连贯,层次分明,线索清楚。目的是考查学生是否有阅读各种体裁、题材文章的能力以及获取各种新息的能力。 2、侧重整体理解、考查学生快速阅读理解能力。 解完型填空题需要学生具备视读、跳读、查读、猜词等各种快速阅读技巧。因为解题时间有限,在短短的时间内,要完成全文和选项的阅读,还要进行正确判断、推理、核查等工作。可见阅读速度非常重要。 3、侧重基础知识,考查学生语言知识的能力。 完型填空以文入手,结合文章的内容考查学生的基础知识,主要是词语搭配、近义词辨 异、辨析句子结构、掌握语法规则的能力。如21.1】B考查形容词辨析A. honest诚实的;B. good好的;C. patient耐心的;D. polite有礼貌的。根据前文判断这类父母想让他们的孩子足够优秀。故选B项。 4、上下文对照,考查学生捕捉关键词的能力。 解完型填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要阅读下句或者若干句才能明白。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。如22.6】A考查名词辨析A. pressure压力;B. control控制;C. discussion讨论;D. consideration考虑。根据前文是自己的孩子比别人的孩子更优秀,这会给孩子更大的压力,还有下文的pressured判断可知选A项。 5、设置语境,考查学生的分析推理能力。 旨在考查学生在选项都符合语法及句子结构的情况下能否利用前后语境去推断出正确答案。 6、结合生活,考查学生利用常识题的能力。 目的考查学生的生活常识,看看学生是否善于观察生活,积累生活常识,能否利用常识去做恰当的选择。 7、关注连词,考查学生对行文逻辑、句子关联的理解能力。 此项用来考查学生在缺少连词的情况想,通过阅读能否理解句子的与句子的关系,是否了解行文逻辑的要求,能否掌握表示因果、转折、并列、条件、让步等的连词的用法。 三、完型填空题的解题步骤: 1、通读全文,了解大意 越过空挡,通读全文,理顺题意,找出信息词,建立语言的整体感。这是做好完型 填空题的关键。因为完型填空题的特点是着眼于整体理解。如作者通过讲述父母亲把自己的孩子和别人的孩子进行比较而给孩子带来的伤害,告诉我们用合作代替竞争。如23.8】D考查介词短语辨析A. apart from除此之外;B. because of因为;C. as for至于;D. instead of代替。不要竞争而要合作,故选D项。C考查动词短语辨析A. shouting at向……叫喊;B. laughing at嘲笑;C. looking at看;D. striking at袭击,攻击。不要看着别人的孩子,而是关注自己的孩子。故选C项。24.20】A考查动词辨析A. guide指导,向导;B. force强迫;C. invite邀请;D. expect期望。根据空前的role models榜样,判断选A。 2、细读首尾,推测意图 文章的首句是全文的“窗口”,尾句是文章的总结、结论或点睛之笔。这样,通过阅 读首句和尾句,就可以了解背景知识,对于空格位置的词语进行大胆分析和判断,以便揣测作者的意图,理顺思路,为后面的答题做好铺垫。 3、综合考虑,瞻前顾后 在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,分析这一空格处在 句中的地位,前后的关系和它所起的作用,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案。 4、复读全文,验证答案 做完题目以后,要立足整体,再次通读全文,从语法入手,检查一下句子的时态、语法、主谓一致、代词的性、数、格以及词语的搭配等是否正确。若有疑问,必须根据文章的中心思想,从意义、语法的角度来仔细权衡,加以改正,弥补疏漏。 考点:议论类完形填空


Every day we watch TV or read magazines or newspapers to get more information. But what are the advantages or disadvantages of the two media?

1.   Watching them is pleasant and does not require the effort of reading. If television did not cover the news, some people would know nothing about what is going on in the world.

However, television newscasters cover only the events that they have time for, and they prefer stories that include some impressive pictures. Viewers are quickly bored with reporters who sit and talk into the camera.   2.  .

However,   3.   . They can include details, and a person with a special interest can take the time to read them. Others can stick to the headlines.

Reading allows more freedom of choice than television.   4. In broadcasting, “one size fits all”. However, a person who reads newspapers and magazines can choose to spend time on business, sports, health, or the school board election, depending on special interests.

5.   However, a person who has individual interests and who wants the whole story needs newspapers and magazines as well.

A. TV news is not a person’s only source of news.

B. Television news shows are impressive and interesting.

C. More people get news by watching television than by reading newspapers.

D. The TV audience cannot decide which stories to watch.

E. Television provides a useful glance at what’s happening.

F. newspapers and magazines do a better job of explaining complex events.

G. As a result, a complicated story is often cut short.



Dog Fancy

Cover Price: $ 59.88    Price: $ 12.00 ($ 1.00 / issue)


Dog Fancy is information driven and provides opportunity for reader interaction. Every issue includes a fold-out four-color poster. Your complete guide helps you better understand, care for and enjoy your dog.

Dog for Kids

Cover Price: $ 23. 94   Price: $ 12.99 ($2.17 / issue)


Dogs for Kids offers interactive and educational activities, which is intended for children (ages 8 to 12) who love dogs and puppies. Each full-color issue has training tips, fun activities to do with dogs, games, puzzles and posters. Dogs for Kids has received the Maxwell Award for Special Interest Magazines from the Dog Writer’s of America for 2 years in a row.

The Bark

Cover Price: $ 19.80    Price: $ 15.00 ($ 2.50 /issue)


The Bark magazine is designed to include everything related to dog culture. Each issue includes stories, essays, poetry, reviews, interviews and artwork related to the relationship between humans and dogs. The Bark is not a how-to-care-for-your-dog magazine. It’s a magazine about living with dogs, which is your magazine: touching, smart and simply wonderful.

Dog World

Cover Price: $ 48.88    Price: $ 15.00 ($1.25 / issue)


Dog World is written for the dog enthusiasts, including professionals in the pet industry. Articles entertain and educate readers about dog health-care, nutrition, appearance, training and behavior and the law. Dog World is a must–read for its devoted, loyal dog–loving readers.

1.Who would be most interested in the above magazines?

A. Wildlife protectors.

B. Story book writers.

C. Pet dog owners.

D. City zoo managers.

2.Which magazine saves most?

A. Dog Fancy.    B. Dogs for Kids.

C. The Bark.      D. Dog World.

3.The underlined word “enthusiasts” in the last part means _____.

A. 主人    B. 兽医    C. 专家    D. 狂热者



An environmental group called the Food Commission is unhappy and disappointed because of the sales of bottled water from Japan. The water, it angrily argues in public, has traveled 10,000 “food miles” before it reached Western customers. Transporting water halfway across the world is surely the extremely stupid use of fuel when there is plenty of water in the UK. It is also worrying that we were wasting our fuel by buying prawns from Indonesia (7,000 food miles ) and carrots from South Africa (5,900 food miles).

Counting the number of miles traveled done by a product is a strange way of trying to tell the true situation of the environmental damage due to industry. Most food is transported around the world on container ships that are extremely energy efficient. It should be noticed that a ton of butter transported 25 miles in a truck to a farmers’ market doesn’t necessarily use less fuel on its journey than a similar product transported hundreds of miles by sea. Besides, the idea of “food miles” ignores the amount of fuel used in the production. It is possible to cut down your food miles by buying tomatoes grown in Britain rather than those grown in Ghana. The difference is that the British ones will have been raised in heated greenhouse and the Ghanaian ones in the open sun.

What is the idea of “food miles” does provide, however, is the chance to cut out Third World countries from First World food markets. The number of miles traveled by our food should, as I see it, be regarded as a sign of the success of the global trade system, not a sign of damage to the environment.

1.The Food Commission is angry because it thinks that ________.

A. UK wastes a lot of money importing food products

B. some imported goods causes environmental damage

C. growing certain vegetables causes environmental damage

D. people wasted energy buying food from other countries

2.The phrase “food miles” in the passage refers to the distance ________.

A. that a food product travels to a market

B. that a food product travels from one market to another

C. between UK and other food producing countries

D. between a Third World country and a First World food market

3.By comparing tomatoes raised in Britain and in Ghana, the author tries to explain that ________.

A. British tomatoes are healthier than Ghanaian ones

B. Ghanaian tomatoes taste better than tomatoes ones

C. cutting down food miles may not necessarily save fuel

D. protecting the environment may cost a lot of money

4.From the passage we know that the author is most probably ________.

A. a supporter of free global trade

B. a member of a Food Commission

C. a supporter of First World food markets

D. a member of an energy development group



Death rates for heart disease in Britain have dropped by more than 40 percent in a decadeUK scientists will report today

Wide uptake of cholesterol—busting statin drugs(降胆固醇药)healthier lifestyles and better medical practices have seen a huge reduction in deaths caused by heart attacksstroke and other cardiovascular(心血管的) problems

Howeverheart disease remains Britain’s biggest killer

The new studyby experts at Oxford Universityshows there has been a 44.4 percent drop in death rates among men in the UK and a 43.6 percent drop among women linked to heart problems in the ten years to 2011

The team compared death rate associated with cardiovascular disease across EuropeThey found that Britain has one of the best records in Europewith 342 deaths as a result of heart disease per 100000 men in 2011and 232 per 100000 women

Some nations---including UkraineMacedonia and Moldova—see more than 1,000 heart deaths per 100000 of the population

Overallheart disease causes 45 percent of all deaths across Europebut only 27 percent in the UKThe studyled by Dr Nick Townsendshowed that cardiovascular disease is mainly a disease of old age

But researchers said that across Europe it still causes more than 1.4 million deaths in those aged under 75 and nearly 700000 deaths in under 65sDr Townsend said:“Cardiovascular disease results in 49 percent of deaths among women and 41 per cent among men.”

1.From the text we can know_____

Aheart disease no longer threatens the British

Bthe heart death rate among British men is lower than among women

Cthe old mainly dies of stroke in Europe

Dthe heart death rate in Ukraine is higher than in Britain

2.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?

AStroke       BCardiovascular disease

CLung disease DHeart attacks

3.How does the author support his idea?

ABy analyzing data

BBy following processes

CBy describing his own experiences

DBy discussing research experiments

4.Where is the text most likely to have been taken from?

A. A speech                B. A story

C. A scientific study      D. A personal diary



After spending a year in Brazil on a student exchange program, her mother recalled, Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices. “Everyone else was already admitted to college,” her mother, Rosemarie Colvin, said from the family home. “So she took our car and drove up to Yale and said, ‘You have to let me in.’ ”

“Impressed--she was a National Merit (全国英才) finalist who had picked up Portuguese in Brazil--Yale did, admitting her to the class of 1978, where she started writing for the Yale Daily News and decided to be a journalist,” her mother said.

On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, 56, an experienced journalist for The Sunday Times of London, was killed as Syrian forces shelled(炮击) the city of Homs. She was working in a temporary media center that was destroyed in the attack.

“She was supposed to leave Syria on Wednesday”, Mrs. Colvin said. “Her editor told me he called her yesterday and said it was getting too dangerous and they wanted to take her out. She said she was doing a story and she wanted to finish it.”

Mrs. Colvin said it was pointless to try to prevent her daughter from going to conflict zones. “If you knew my daughter,” she said, “it would have been such a waste of words. She was determined, she was enthusiastic about what she did, it was her life. There was no saying ‘Don’t do this.’ This is who she was, absolutely who she was and what she believed in: cover the story, not just have pictures of it, but bring it to life in the deepest way you could.” “So it was not a surprise when she took an interest in journalism,” her mother said.

1.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1, we can infer that ________ .

A. Yale was her last choice

B. Marie Colvin was confident of herself

C. Yale must keep its promise to Marie Colvin

D. Marie Colvin was good at persuading

2.Which of the following is the correct order to describe Marie Colvin’s life?

a. She was doing a story in Syria and got killed.

b. She was admitted to Yale University.

c. She studied in Brazil as an excellent student.

d. She was hired by The Sunday Times of London.

e. She began to take an interest in journalism.

A. d→e→c→a→b               B. b→c→d→e→a

C. e→d→c→b→a               D. c→b→e→d→a

3.From the last paragraph, we can know that Mrs. Colvin ________.

A. dislikes the choice of her daughter.

B. cares little about her daughter.

C. knows her daughter very well.

D. doesn’t fully appreciate her daughter.

4.What can be the best title of the text?

A. Covering Stories in a Dangerous Conflict Area.

B. Applying for Top Universities, a Successful Case.

C. Choosing Lifelong Careers Based on Your Own Interest.

D. Recalling Her Daughter, a Journalist Killed in Syria.



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