满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完型填空 “I have recently completed my colle...


“I have recently completed my college degree. The project we were     in the last class was called“Smile”. The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and record their      .

Soon, my husband and I went out to a McDonalds for      . We were standing in line, waiting to be      , when everyone around us began to back away.        I turned around, I smelled a _________  “dirty body”smell, and there standing behind me were two         homeless men.

As I looked down at the short gentleman, he was “smiling”. His blue eyes were _________ of expectation as if in search of acceptance. The second man_________ awkward. I realized the second man was mentally challenged.

The young lady at the_________  asked him what they wanted. He said, “coffee is all, Miss,” because that was all they could_________ . If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy_________ . I realized that he just wanted to be  _________. It was too cold outside.

Then I really felt it--- the compulsion(冲动) was so great I almost reached out and embraced the short man. I noticed all the customers in the restaurant were  _________  at me, judging my every action. I smiled and _________ two more breakfast meals for the two men. The short man looked up at me in _________  with tears in his eyes.

I returned to the _________on the last evening of class with this story. I turned in “my project” and the teacher read it. Then she said, “Can I _________ this?”

I nodded. She began to read   _________  while every student listened attentively.

In my own way I _________the people at McDonald’s, my teacher, and every student in the classroom. I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn: UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.

1.A. taught      B. informed       C. assigned       D. expected

2.A. reactions     B. songs         C. opinions       D. stories

3.A. advice       B. help           C. information   D. breakfast

4.A. checked      B. called         C. served         D. found

5.A. Because     B. If           C. As           D. Though

6.A. horrible      B. pleasant       C. common        D. strange

7.A. handsome      B. powerful       C. rich          D. poor

8.A. proud       B. full           C. aware          D. afraid

9.A. looked        B. sounded        C. smelled        D. proved

10.A. desk         B. stage        C. counter       D. door

11.A. discover     B. save           C. afford        D. do

12.A. anything    B. nothing      C. everything    D. something

13.A. warm         B. alone        C. clean         D. quiet

14.A. glaring     B. staring        C. glancing       D. shouting

15.A. sold        B. prepared       C. ordered        D. searched

16.A. surprise    B. relief         C. fear           D. gratitude

17.A. college      B. home          C. restaurant    D. hospital

18.A. keep         B. copy         C. share          D. make

19.A. silently     B. sadly          C. fully         D. aloud

20.A. persuaded    B. touched        C. shocked        D. warned


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了作者为了完成老师的任务,在麦当劳帮助两个人买食物的故事,从中得到启示帮助别人可以让别人很快乐----自己也受益 1.C考查动词辨析A. taught教;B. informed 通知;C. assigned分配;D. expected期望;句意:我们被分配给的最后一堂的主题是微笑,故选C项。 2.2】A考查名词辨析A. reactions反应;B. songs 歌曲;C. opinions 建议;D. stories故事;句意:大家被要求外出,对着三个人微笑,并记录他们的反应,根据语境可知选A项。 3.3】D考查名词辨析A. advice 建议;B. help 帮助;C. information 信息;D. breakfast早饭;句意:很快,我的丈夫去了麦当劳吃早餐,根据I smiled and two more breakfast meals for the two men可知选D项。 4.4】C考查动词辨析A. checked 检查;B. called打电话;C. served 服务;D. found发现;句意:我们排队点餐,故选C项。 5.5】C考查连词辨析A. Because 因为;B. If 如果;C. As 当。。时候;D. Though 虽然;句意:当我转过身时,我闻到恶心的味道,在我后面站着两个很穷的无家可归的人,故选C项。 6.6】A考查形容词辨析A. horrible可怕的;B. pleasant 令人愉快的;C. common普通的;D. strange 奇怪的;句意:当我转过身时,我闻到恶心的味道,在我后面站着两个很穷的无家可归的人,故选A项。 7.7】D考查形容词辨析A. handsome 英俊的;B. powerful 有力的;C. rich 富有的;D. poor 穷的;句意:当我转过身时,我闻到恶心的味道,在我后面站着两个很穷的无家可归的人,故选D项。 8.8】B考查形容词辨析A. proud骄傲的;B. full 满的;C. aware 意识到;D. afraid 害怕 的;句意:他蓝色的眼睛充满期望好象在寻找接受,be full of 充满,故选B项。 9.9】A考查动词辨析A. looked 看;B. sounded听起来;C. smelled闻起来;D. proved 证明;句意:第二个人看起来很尴尬,根据I realized the second man was mentally challenged我意识到第二个是精神上被挑战了,故选A项。 10.0】C考查名词辨析A. desk桌子;B. stage阶段;C. counter 柜台;D. door门;句意:柜台上的这个女孩问他想要什么,根据语境可知选C项。 11.1】C考查动词辨析A. discover发现;B. save 挽救;C. afford 买得起;D. do 做;句意:因为这就是他所能买得起的,根据上文提到他很穷,故选C项。 12.2】D考查代词辨析A. anything 任何事;B. nothing 什么也没有;C. everything 一切;D. something一些事情;句意:如果他们想在这取暖的话,他们不得不买点什么东西,故选D项。 13.3】B考查形容词辨析A. warm 温暖的;B. alone单独的;C. clean 干净的;D. quiet安静的;句意:我意识他想取暖,根据It was too cold outside可知选B项。 14.4】A考查动词辨析A. glaring 瞪;B. staring 凝视;C. glancing盯;D. shouting叫喊;句意:我注意到店里所有的顾客瞪着我,来判断我的行为,故选A项。 15.5】C考查动词辨析A. sold 卖;B. prepared 准备;C. ordered命令; D. searched寻找;句意:我微笑着,为他俩点了两早餐,故选C项。 16.6】D考查名词辨析A. surprise吃惊;B. relief 安慰;C. fear恐惧;D. gratitude感激;句意:这个矮个子的人感激地看着,充满眼泪,根据语境可知选D项。 17.7】A考查名词辨析A. college 大学;B. home家;C. restaurant饭店;D. hospital医院;句意:我带着这个故事回到大学。根据第一段提到可知是大学,故选A项。 18.8】C考查动词辨析A. keep保持;B. copy 复制;C. share 分享;D. make 使;句意:他说,我能分享这件事吗?根据every student listened attentively.可知读给每个学生听,故选C项。 19.9】D考查副词辨析A. silently安静地;B. sadly悲伤地;C. fully满地;D. aloud 大声地;句意:她开始大声地读出来,每个学生专注地听着,故选D项。 20.20】B考查动词辨析A. persuaded说服;B. touched 接触;C. shocked震惊;D. warned 警告。句意:在我的人生路上,我接触到麦当劳的人,我的老师和班里每个同学,故选B项。 考点 :人生百味类短文


There are three things that will get you ahead in life: good looks, smarts, and being considered as being smart. 1.     And unluckily most of us are not good-looking. Let’s explore some different ways to become smarter.

2.     College doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be smarter, just educated. It means you’ll be exposed to many different ideas and hopefully you’ll learn how to think. Being able to think outside the box and for yourself are features smart people possess.

Read books and educational magazines. 3.     Educational magazines are a wealth of knowledge you can share with others, thus making you sound very smart. If you do watch television, try watching something that you can learn.

Expand your vocabulary. Try to learn one new word a week. It doesn’t seem like much, but adding 52 new words to your vocabulary will really make you appear much smarter. Subscribing(订阅)to vocabulary. com is a good start. 4.     This way you’re actually getting 365 words a year, but that is usually more than most people can absorb.

Don’t repeat everything people tell you until you know that it’s true. 5.     They hear a strange claim and they repeat it to the nearest ear. You can do much harm to your seek for being smart if you are known for giving bad information.

A. Go to college and get an education.

B. The first is God-given.

C. Get educated inside or outside college.

D. You will have a new word sent to your email address daily.

E. The programs actually provide you with information you can use.

F. Uneducated people and people not considered as being smart tend to do this.

G. Reading books works the brain out more than viewing television.



Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes, fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read the life story of a famous man, when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know?

Television has not killed reading, however. Today, newspapers sell in very large numbers. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment. Although some books with hard covers are expensive, many books are printed today as paperbacks (平装本), which are quite cheap. A paperback collection of short stories, for example, is always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or the theater, and you can keep a book for ever and read it many times.

Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home. Every home should have a good dictionary. A good encyclopedia, though expensive, is useful, too, because you can find information on any subject. Besides, you can have such books as history books, science textbooks, cookbooks, and collections of stories and poems. Then from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. TV programs are a chief provider of knowledge

B. cinemas are the best choice in getting information

C. reading is a cheap way of learning and having fun

D. newspapers are an expensive way to enjoy oneself

2.What does the sentences “Television has not killed reading, however” underlined in the second paragraph suggest?

A. People only need reading, though.

B. Reading is still necessary today.

C. Reading is more fun than television.

D.Watching television doesn’t help reading.

3.Which of the following is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

A. Types of books

B. Kinds of dictionaries.

C. Lists of history books.

D. Collections of stories and poems.



Tired of Working in Your Country?

With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2015 for instructions of English, German, Spanish and French.

Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 30 students.

Accommodation(住宿), and other necessary documents(文件) will be ready before you leave.

Applicants will teach their first language only.

Excellent teacher training programs.

If you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements.

Apply with C.V. and send letter to:

NOVA France, Mr. Swampy (IHT 3/2)

34, Bd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France

Fax: 33148014804

Or visit our website: www. teachjp.com

The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July.

1.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce a language school in Japan.

B.To hire language teachers to work in Japan.

C.To describe working conditions in Japan.

D.To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.

2.We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will _____.

A.teach English only in Osaka

B.receive a degree from a university

C.have free accommodation

D.get trained for the job

3.Before going to Japan, you need _____.

A.to see the manager of NOVA France

B.To take some computer courses

C.to write a letter to Japan

D.to find a place to live

4. If you want to work in Japan, you should _____.

A.have some working experience

B.know how to use computers

C.present good teaching plans

D.speak several languages



Whether in the home or the workplace, social robots are going to become a lot more common in the next few years. Social robots are about to bring technology to the everyday world in a more humanized way, said Cynthia Breazeal, chief scientist at the robot company Jibo.

While household robots today do the normal housework, social robots will be much more like companions than mere tools. For example, these robots will be able to distinguish when someone is happy or sad. This allows them to respond more appropriately to the user.

The Jibo robot, arranged to ship later this year, is designed to be a personalized assistant. You can talk to the robot, ask it questions, and make requests for it to perform different tasks. The robot doesnt just deliver general answers to questions; it responds based on what it learns about each individual in the household. It can do things such as reminding an elderly family member to take medicine or taking family photos.

Social robots are not just finding their way into the home. They have potential applications in everything from education to health care and are already finding their way into some of these spaces.

Fellow Robots is one company bringing social robots to the market. The companys “Oshbot” robot is built to assist customers in a store, which can help the customers find items and help guide them to the products location in the store. It can also speak different languages and make recommendations for different items based on what the customer is shopping for.

The more interaction the robot has with humans, the more it learns. But Oshbot, like other social robots, is not intended to replace workers, but to work alongside other employees.“We have technologies to train social robots to do things not for us, but with us,” said Breazeal.

1.How are social robots different from household robots?

A. They can control their emotions.

B. They are more like humans.

C. They do the normal housework.

D. They respond to users more slowly.

2.What can Oshbot work as?

A. A language teacher.                  B. A tour guide.

C. A shop assistant.                    D. A private nurse.

3.We can learn from the last paragraph that social robots will ______.

A. train employees

B. be our workmates

C. improve technologies

D. take the place of workers

4. What does the passage mainly present?

A. A new design idea of household robots.

B. Marketing strategies for social robots.

C. Information on household robots.

D. An introduction to social robots.



I arrived at my mother’s home for our Monday family dinner. The smells of food flew over from the kitchen. Mother was pulling out quilt(被子)after quilt from the boxes, proudly showing me their beauties. She was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church. When we began to fold and put them back into the boxes, I noticed something at the bottom of one box. I pulled it out. “What is this?” I asked.

“Oh?” Mom said, “That’s Mama’s quilt.”

I spread the quilt. It looked as if a group of school children had pieced it together; irregular designs, childish pictures, a crooked line on the right.

“Grandmother made this?” I said, surprised. My grandmother was a master at making quilts. This certainly didn’t look like any of the quilts she had made.

“Yes, right before she died. I brought it home with me last year and made some changes,” she said. “I’m still working on it. See, this is what I’ve done so far.”

I looked at it more closely. She had made straight a crooked line. At the center of the quilt, she had stitched(缝) a piece of cloth with these words:“My mother made many quilts. She didn’t get all lines straight. But I think this is beautiful. I want to see it finished. Her last quilt.”

“Oh, this is so nice, Mom,” I said. It occurred to me that by completing my grandmother’s quilt, my mother was honoring her own mother. I realized, too, that I held in my hands a family treasure. It started with the loving hands of one woman, and continued with the loving hands of another.

1.Why did the author go to mother’s home?

A. To see her mother’s quilts.

B. To help prepare for a show.

C. To get together for the family dinner.

D. To discuss her grandmother’s life.

2. The author was surprised because ________.

A. the quilt looked very strange

B. her grandmother liked the quilt

C. the quilt was the best she had seen

D. her mother had made some changes

3. The underlined word “crooked” in the passage most probably means ________.

A. Unfinished                 B. broken

C. Bent                       D. unusual

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Quilt Show                B. Mother’s Home

C. A Monday Dinner              D. Grandmother’s Quilt



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