满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读理解。 It is reported that conservation g...


It is reported that conservation groups(自然环境保护小组)in North America have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of wolves.Some groups believe wolves should be killed.Other people believe wolves must be protected so that they will not disappear from the wilderness(荒野)

For Killing Wolves

In Alaska,the wolf almost disappeared a few years ago,because hunters were killing hundreds of them for sport.However, laws were established to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who catch the animals for their fur.So the wolf population has greatly increased.Now there are so many wolves that they are destroying their own food supply.

A wolf naturally eats animals in the deer family.People in the wilderness also hunt deer for food.Many of the animals have been destroyed by the very cold winters recently and by changes in the wilderness plant life.When the deer can’t find enough food,they die.

If the wolves continue to kill large numbers of deer,their prey(猎物)will disappear some day.And the wolves will.too.So we must change the cycle of life in the wilderness to balance the ecology(生态学).If we killed more wolves,we would save them and their prey from dying out.We’d also  save some farm animals.

In another northern state,wolves attack cows and chickens for food.Farmers want the  government to send biologists(生物学家) to study the problem.They believe it necessary to kill wolves in some areas and to protect them in places where there is a small wolf population.

Against Killing Wolves

If you had lived long ago,you would have heard many different stories about the dangerous  wolf.According to most stories,hungry wolves often kill people for food.Even today,the stories of the “big bad wolf'"will not disappear.

But the fact is that wolves are afraid of people.and they seldom travel in areas where there is a human smell.When wolves eat other animals,they usually kill the very young or the sick and injured.The strongest survive.No kind of animal would have survived through the centuries if the weak members had not lived.And has always been a law of nature.

Although some people say it is good sense to kill wolves,we say it is nonsense! Researchers have found wolves and their prey living in balance.The wolves keep the deer population from becoming too large, and that keeps a balance in the wilderness plant life.

The real problem is that the areas where wolves can live are being used by people.Even if wilderness land is not used directly for human needs, the wolves can’t always find enough food.So they travel to the nearest source, which is often a farm.Then there is danger.The “big bad wolf” has arrived! And everyone knows what happens next.

1.According to the passage,some people in North America favor killing wolves for all the following reasons EXCET that          

A.there are too many wolves

B.they kill large numbers of deer

C.they attack cows and chickens for food

D.they destroy the wilderness plant life

2.Some people are against killing wolves because        

A.wolves help to keep the ecological balance in the wilderness

B.there is too small a wolf population in the wilderness

C.there are too many deer in the wilderness

D.wolves are afraid of people and never attack people

3.According to those against killing wolves,when wolves eat other animals,     

A.they never eat strong and healthy ones

B.they always go against the law of nature

C.they might help this kind of animals survive in nature

D.they disturb the ecological balance in the wilderness

4.The last sentence “And everyone knows what happens next” implies that in such cases       

A.farm animals will be in danger and have to be shipped away

B.wolves will kill people and people will in turn kill them

C.wolves will find enough food sources on farms

D.people will leave the areas where wolves can live


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.细节理解,分析“For Killing Wolves”下面三段话所讲的内容,根据“Now there are so many wolves that they are destroying their own food supply”可排除A;根据“A wolf naturally eats animals in the deer family”可排除B;根据“wolves attack cows and chickens for food”可排除C。故选D。 2.细节理解,根据“Against Killing Wolves”标题下面的第三段中的“Researchers have found wolves and their prey living in balance”。可知A选项的意思与之相符,故选A。 3.推理判断,根据“Against Killing Wolves”标题下面的第二段中的“they usually kill the very young or the sick and injured.The strongest survive.No kind of animal would have survived through the centuries if the weak members had not lived.And has always been a law of nature”,可推断这是物竞天择适者生存的自然规律。结合各个选项的意思,故选C。 4.推理判断,根据“And everyone knows what happens next这句话所在的语境,并结合各个选项的意思。可知故选B。 考点:科普环保



2、面积为5818 km²,人口约为约361万。

3、旅游资源丰富。 三星堆(Sanxingdui Ruins),德阳孔庙(Deyang Confucian Temple),绵竹年画村(Mianzhu New Year Pictures Village)等。













I’d like to say anything about the service in our school dining hall.In general,the service is satisfied.The hall is clean and tidy.And dishes look inviting and tastes good.What’s more,the workers there treat us as their friends,which makes us real happy.However,the cost of the meals was a little high.Also,we have only a limited variety of dish which are the same every day.In addition,we often have to stand with line for a long time after we get our food.This wastes a lot of time.I hope something can be done to solve about these problems soon.




1.One of Barcelona’s most famous landmarks is the church of the Sagrada Familia,which______ (design) by an architect called Antonio Gaudi.

2.Their work            (influence) other writers ever since.

3.Paris is the capital and largest city of France,       ( situation) on the River Seine.

4.The United Kingdom is          the northwest coast of continental Europe.

5.Norway is at the top of the list,         the US is at number 7.

6.The report shows that we are making some progress      that we need to make greater efforts.

7.In the last ten years in China,150million people moved out of poverty.       ,the challenges are still great.

8.Although         (develop) countries give some financial help,they need to give much more.

9.The earth is forty-nine times       (large) than the moon.

10.Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use          Internet,not just the army.




I became interested in writing at an early age .So when my fourth-grade teacher told me about a _____ writer’s conference where students of my age could _____ published writers,I decided to go.I began thinking about the writers whose stories I _____ –Judy Blume,Beverly Cleary,Shell Silverstein and _____ if they would be at this conference.

Well,I went to the conference,but I was a little _____.None of them were there.But the conference was well _____,and every half hour we would move on to hear a new writer speak.Soon the _____ period of the day came.A man introduced himself and gave the same little speech we had heard since that morning._____,he threw in a twist(转折)。

_____ are more than just words thrown together,” he said.“Words are more than just_____ thrown together.You must also_____ the mood or the tone(语气)of your ideas.”

He let that idea sink in(领会) and then_____ us about the difference between a house and a home.We all thought that was a_____ question,and made some wild guesses at it.“Class”,he _____ ,”the difference between a house and a home is in the mood or the tone .A house is the_____---the wood,the bricks,the lighting ,the refrigerator.A home is the love and warmth and comfort you _____ as you walk through the_____.”I’ve kept that_____in my memory ever since that day.Writing is more than just filling up a blank page with _____;it’s about expressing your ideas with clarity(清晰) and the mood .And that’s why I _____ it.

1.A.famous            B.new              C.report           D.school

2.A.become            B.recognize        C.meet             D.fellow

3.A wrote              B.loved            C.believed         D.changed

4.A.cared             B.doubted          C.imagined         D.wondered

5.A.disappointed      B.confused         C.surprised        D.worried

6.A.attended          B.organized        C.informed         D.equipped

7.A .happy            B.late             C .busy            D.last

8.A.Anyhow            B.Again            C.Then             D.Therefore

9.A.stories           B.Lessons          C.lectures         D.languages

10.A.sounds           B.letters          C.spellings        D.meanings

11.A.enjoy            B.separate         C.consider         D.notice

12.A.warned           B.taught           C.told             D.asked

13.A.silly           B.difficult    C.familiar         D.serious

14.A.agreed           B.suggested        C.explained        D.attempted

15.A.design           B.fortune          C.mood           D.building

16.Alack             B.feel             C.give             D.need

17.A.house            B.yard             C.hall             D.door

18.A.expression       B.statement        C.standard         D.rule

19.A.words            B.facts            C.numbers          D.ideas

20.A.like             B.understand       C.suggest          D.stress




There are few people who draw up life goals.Most people want to take one step at a time and  are frightened when they have to set life goals 1.

They can’t be more wrong .Life goals are only a road map .They record what you want to be at the end of your life.2.others may want to be known as great builders or great sports people.In fact,there is no end to what to be.

However,the only way you can achieve your dream is by writing down your goal .Once you have done that,you need to break this goal into several small goals.While writing the small goals,you must provide for change.3.if you want to achieve your goals,you should be prepared to change them from time to time.This makes your goals really up-to-date.

Also,there cannot be just one life goal .There are at least five subjects that you need to address .There are: education ,career  (职业),family,health and money.4. For example,there can be no career goals unless they are backed by education goals.Similarly,there can be no family goals unless they are based on practical financial goals.

None of these goals is taught in college .Yes,there are some families that try to train their kids to think wisely,and plan for their life 5._They know what they want to get in life.They are also mentally prepared for most of the difficulties they expect to meet on the way.

A.These are happy families

B.Good health helps you to realize your goals.

C.Nothing remains unchanged in this world.

D.Many people do not know how to set life goals.

E.To them,life is too big to reduce to a few goals.

F.you will find that all these goals are related.

G.Some may want to be known as great scientists.



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