满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 John...


John was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew,but whose face he didn’t,the girl with the rose.Thirteen months ago,in a Florida library he took a book off the shell and found himself interested in the notes in the margin(页边).The soft handwriting showed a thoughtful soul and insightful(有洞察力的)mind.

In front of the book,he discovered the name,Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he got her address.He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to keep in touch.

During the next year and one month the two grew to know each other through the mail.A romance started.John requested a photograph,but she refused.She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn’t matter what she looked like.Later they agreed on their first meeting—7:00 pm at Grand Central Station in New York.

“You’ll recognize me,” she wrote,“by the red rose I’ll be wearing my coat.” So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for the girl with the red rose.

A girl in a green suit was coming toward him,her figure long and slim and her eyes were blue as flowers.Almost uncontrollably he came to her,and just at this moment he saw Hollis Maynell—a woman well past 40.The girl was walking quickly away.

He did not hesitate,saying,“I’m John,and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?”

The woman smiled, “I don’t know what this is about,son,” she answered,“but the young lady in the green suit begged me to wear this rose on my coat.And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner,I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the restaurant across the street.She said it was some kind of test!”

It’s not difficult to admire Miss  Maynell’s wisdom. The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive.

1.John was attracted by Miss Hollis Maynell because ________.

A.John considered her as one of her old friends

B.she took excellent notes with a soft handwriting

C.John held the opinion that she was a considerate and thinking lady

D.she was very charming with a slim figure and blue eyes

2.The reason why  John uncontrollably went up to the young girl in the green suit was that_________

A.he knew it was Miss Hollis Maynell.

B.she was the very lady he was waiting for.

C.he was attracted by her beautiful appearance.

D.John didn’t want to run into Miss Hollis Maynell

3.What’s the main idea of the story?

A.The wisdom is shown in one’s action.

B.Love can be encountered by chance if you like.

C.You should never judge a book by its cover.

D.A unselfish heart is seen in its response to the unattractive.


1.C 2.C 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:主要讲述了男主人公约翰在图书馆的一本书上发现一位女生的字迹,对其产生了兴趣,通过努力获得其联系地址后与其进行了一年零一月的通信,两个人约定见面之时,女孩给了约翰一点小小的考验,也告诉我们一个道理:心灵的本质是从其对不美的事物的态度中反映出来的。 1.根据第一段最后一句The soft handwriting showed a thoughtful soul and insightful(有洞察力的)mind.可知约翰认为这是一个有思想的女孩子,并因此被吸引,故选C。 2.根据第五段第一句A girl in a green suit was coming toward him,her figure long and slim and her eyes were blue as flowers.可以看出这个女孩子很美丽,同时根据后文内容可以判断女孩是故意设置这样一个考验给约翰的,想要看他对外表是否美丽非常看重,所以女孩子本身应该是很美丽的,故选C。 3.根据本文最后一句The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive. 可知全文的主旨就是:心灵的本质是从其对不美的事物的态度中反映出来的,故选D。 考点:人生百味






① 乐意奉献出一些业余时间为同学们服务;

② 英文与美术皆好;能熟练使用电脑。



A Cultural Month activity will be carried out in May between our school and our sister school in the USA.

The Students’ Union




When I was growing up,I was embarrassed to be seen with my father.He was severely lame and very short,and when we would walk together,his hand on my arm for balance,people would stare.I would feel ashamed at the unwanted attention.If he ever noticed or was bothered,he never let on,nor did he say anything about it.

It was difficult to coordinate(协调) our steps—his pausing,my impatience—and because of that,we didn’t say much as we went along.But as we started out,he always said,“You set the pace,I will try to adjust to you.”

Our usual walk was to or from the subway,which was how he got to work.He went to work sick,and despite bad weather.He almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could not.A matter of pride.

When snow or ice was on the ground,it was impossible for him to walk,even with help.At such times my sisters or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn,NY,on a child’s sleigh to the subway entrance.Once there,he would grasp the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice-free.In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building,and he would not have to go outside until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home.

When I think of it now,I wondered at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress.And at how he did it—without bitterness or complaint.

He never talked about himself as an object of pity,nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able.What he looked for in others was a “good heart”,and if he found one,the owner was good enough for him.

Now that I am older,I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people,even though I still don’t know precisely what a “good heart” is.But I know the times I don’t have one myself.

My father has been gone many years now,but I think of him often.I wonder if he sensed my unwillingness to be seen with him during our walks.If he did,I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was,how unworthy I was,how I regretted it.I think of him when I complain about incident,when I am envious of another’s good fortune,when I don’t have a “good heart”.

At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance,and say,“You set the pace,I will try to adjust to you.”

1.What wouldn’t the author like others to see?(No more than 10 words)

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “let on” in the first paragraph? (No more than 5 words)

3.According to the third paragraph,what conclusion can you get about the father’s attitude toward his work? (No more than 8 words)

4.Find an example in the passage that shows the father was a man with a “good heart”.(No more than10 words)

5.What does the author learn from his father? (No more than 15 words)




There’s no doubt that our character has a profound effect on our future.What we must remember,however,is not merely how powerful character is in influencing our fate (命运),but how powerful we are in shaping our own character and,therefore,our own fate.Character may determine our fate,but character is not determined by fate.

It’s a common mistake to think of character as something that is fully formed and fixed very early in life.It calls to mind old proverbs like “A leopard can’t change its spots” and “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

This perspective that our character is “etched in stone” is supported by a great deal of modern psychology emphasizing self-acceptance.As Popeye says,“I am what I am.” The hidden message is:Don’t expect me to be more,better,or different.

Ultimately,these views of humanity totally undervalue the lifelong potential for growth that comes with the power of reflection and choice.

How depressing it would be to believe that we can’t choose to be better,more honest,more respectful,more responsible,and more caring.None of us should give up the personal seeking to improve our character.Not because we’re bad,we don’t have to be sick to get better ,but because we’re not as good as we could be.

There are so many things in life we can’t control,whether we’re beautiful or smart,whether we had good parents or bad,whether we grew up with affirmation or negation.It’s inspiring to remember that nothing but moral will power is needed to make us better.

No,it isn’t easy.But if we make a great effort to become more aware of the habits of heart and mind that drive our behavior,we can begin to place new emphasis on our higher values so that we become what we want our children to think we are.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A.We shape our own character.

B.Character determines our fate.

C.Character is fully formed and fixed.

D.We must meet what our children need.

2.The author agrees that  _____________.

A.a leopard can't change its spots

B.in life we must attach importance to self-acceptance

C.we shouldn’t expect us to be more different

D.character is not fully formed and fixed very early

3.In the author’s opinion,which of the following is TRUE?

A.We can’t choose to be better.

B.We should seek to improve our character for we’re bad enough.

C.We should value our lifelong potential for growth.

D.We should make choices constantly.

4.What do we need to improve ourselves according to the author?

A.Our smartness.

B.Our will power.

C.Our fate.

D.Our character.

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A.It is not difficult to improve ourselves.

B.We must try our best to be as good as possible.

C.Our children should copy our behavior.

D.We should control as many things as possible in life.




Researchers around the world have been trying their hand at making better use of the huge amount of wind energy available in nature to produce clean energy.Apart from this,studies are being carried out to harness(利用) usable wind energy produced by man-made technologies.

One useful source identified by Indian inventor Santosh Pradhan about two years ago is a speeding train,which produces fierce wind that can be transformed into electricity.

According to Pradhan’s proposal,with a few small improvements in existing trains running in Mumbai,the largest city in India,at least 10,000 megawatts(兆瓦) of electricity could be harvested each day.

Building on this principle,designers Ale Leonetti Luparinia and Qian Jiang from Yanko Design have created a device(装置) called T-Box that harnesses wind energy from speeding trains.

T-Box can be placed within the railway tracks.It is half-buried underground between the concrete sleepers(水泥枕木),which does not disturb the normal train operating at all.According to Yanko,around 150 T-Boxes can be fitted along a 1,000-meter railway track.

A train running at a speed of 200 kph can produce winds blowing at 15 miles a second.Based on this calculation,150 T-Boxes can produce 2.6 KWH of electricity per day.The T-Box’s design won a silver medal in last year’s Lite-On Awards and was exhibited last summer at the Xue Xue Institute in Taipei,Taiwan Province.

Though the figures look impressive,it is important to remember that the design is still at a conceptual stage and hasn’t taken into account issues such as pieces of waste material produced by the device and the efforts and costs involved in the maintenance(维护) of the device.

We can expect the technology to see the light of the day only after it clears these issues.If so,rail travel,one of the greenest forms of travel,will become greener and 1.What can we learn about T-Box?

A.It will be fitted on the trains.

B.It is based on Pradhan’s idea.

C.It can turn electricity into light.

D.It was invented by an Indian scientist.

2.How much electricity can be produced per day by T-Boxes along a railway track of 100km?

A.260 KWH.           B.2.6 KWH.

C.150 KWH.           D.1.5 KWH.

3.It can be concluded from the last two paragraphs that ______.

A.T-Box has proved to be effective in harvesting wind

B.the maintenance of T-Box will be costly

C.there is much to do about T-Box

D.T-Box will come into use soon

4.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The Indian inventor Santosh Pradhan invented the speeding train.

B.The T-Box’s design won a silver medal in Lite-On Awards last year.

C.Rail travel has become one of the energy-efficient technologies in the world.

D.The India harvests 10,000 megawatts of electricity each day on average.

5.The passage is mainly written to _______.

A.encourage more people to travel by train

B.explain the advantages of electricity

C.tell readers how to save energy and money

D.introduce a new invention to readers




Enrique Iglesias is a most successful singer! Born in 1975 in Madrid,Spain,Enrique is the child of the famous singer Julio Iglesias.Enrique’s mother is a journalist.His parents divorced in 1978.Although Enrique lived with his mother,she sent him to live with his father because of concerns about her son’s safety.Enrique wanted to be a singer secretly,he didn’t wish his father to know that and didn’t want to live under his shelter.He sought his dream on his own.

Enrique released(发行) his first album “Enrique Iglesias” in 1995.This album had a collection of rock ballads(民谣) and five singles from it went straight to the top spots in Latin music.This album was followed by another “Vivir” in 1997.Three singles from this album occupied the top spots on the Latin charts yet again! Enrique also found himself nominated(提名) for the “Favorite Latin Artist” at the American Music Awards.By 1998,he had released his 3rd album,“Cosas Del Amor”.This year Enrique won the “Favorite Latin Artist”.“Bailamos” got him great fame.One of the songs in this album was also used in a movie.With the success of “Bailamos”,Enrique now already had many loyal fans.The album,“Enrique”,was released in 1999.

The year 2001 brought more success for him.His album,“Escape” had a few singles that reached the top spots.Enrique became a household name.This album is his biggest successful album so far.“Hero” and “Don’t Turn Off the Lights” soon turned Enrique into a super star.His next release in 2002 was a Spanish album “Quizas”.This album brought Enrique a “Latin Grammy Award” for the Best Pop Vocal Album.In 2007,he released another album “Insomniac” and the song “Do You Know” became an instantly popular song.

1.After his parents divorced,Enrique was sent to his father’s because _________.

A.he could be protected from some dangers

B.he could learn singing from his talented father

C.his mother would be able to focus on her career

D.his father could teach him how to behave correctly

2.Enrique didn’t tell his father about his dreaming of becoming a singer because he __________.

A.wanted to try a new singing style

B.hated his father for his carelessness

C.didn’t want to benefit from his father’s fame

D.planned to give his father a surprise when he succeeded

3.Which of the following albums has a song adopted in a movie?

A.“Vivir”.                   B.“Bailamos”    .

C.“Enrique Iglesias”.        D.“Cosas Del Amor”.

4.The third paragraph is developed mainly by _______.

A.following the order of his albums’ influence

B.analyzing the style of his albums

C.making comparisons of his albums

D.following the order of time

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Enrique Iglesias’ lucky life

B.Biography of Enrique Iglesias

C.Enrique Iglesias’ secret to success

D.Enrique Iglesias’ wonderful singing skills



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