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阅读理解。 There are three separate sources o...


There are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power.

First, the radioactive (有放射性的) material must travel from its place of production to the power station. Although the power stations themselves are strongly built, the containers used for the transport of the materials are not. Normally, only two methods of transport are in use, namely road or rail. Unfortunately, both of these may have an effect on the general public, since they are sure to pass near, or even through, heavily populated areas.

Second, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes non-radioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented. For example, they may be buried under the ground, or dropped into deserted mines, or sunk in the sea. However, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily break the containers.

Third, there may occur  the danger of a leak (泄漏) or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two dangers, this is not very likely, so it does not provide a serious objection (不赞成,反对) to the nuclear program. However, it can happen.

Separately, these three types of dangers are not a great cause for worry. Taken together, though, the probability of disaster is extremely high.

1.Which of the following is not true?

A.It is likely that a leak or an explosion occurs at a power station.

B.It is not usual for radioactive materials to be conveyed across land.

C.The containers are likely to be broken by an earthquake.

D.Nuclear wastes remain risky in most cases for many years.

2.The author thinks that the ways to store nuclear wastes are  __________.

A.easy               B.impossible

C.reasonable         D.ineffective

3.What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The power station is a place that frees from danger.

B.The dangers of nuclear energy could be prevented.

C.The general public are opposed to the nuclear program.

D.By itself, none of the three dangers is very likely to lead to much worry.

4.What is this passage about?

A.Uses of nuclear power.

B.Dangers from nuclear power.

C.Public anger at nuclear power.

D.Accidents caused by nuclear power.


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:全文讲述了生产原子能工程中存在的三种危险:运输、储存和泄漏。 1.根据第二段第一句First, the radioactive (有放射性的) material must travel from its place of production to the power station可知放射性物质必须从它的生产地运往核电厂,所以,放射性物质的运输是正常的事,而不是非正常的事。答案为B。 2.作者在第三段讲述了科学家采用的几种储存核废料方法:把核废料入地下,扔进废弃的矿井或沉入大海,但是这样并没有解决问题,因为地震可能毁坏容器。作者认为这些方法是不起作用的。答案为D。 3.从文章最后一句可看出作者认为这三种危险单独存在并不引起人们过于担心,然而三种危险同时发生那就可能是一场极大的灾难。答案为D。 4.全文讲述了生产原子能工程中存在的三种危险:运输、储存和泄漏。答案为B。 考点:政治经济文化


A few years ago, I was on a plane with my friend, waiting for it to take off. The pilot’s voice was heard throughout the plane: “Sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen. Our engines don’t work. We are going to jump-start them. Once we get them going, we’ll get up in the air and see what happens.”

That was all he said. “See what happens?” Shouldn’t we have had a better plan than that? At that point. I could only laugh nervously. One woman started crying, “Oh no! We are going to crash!’’ There were sighs of hopelessness and anxiety, and we hadn’t even taken off yet.

The pilot even seemed unhappy. He told us our one engine was working double time, and his plan was to get up in the air and see what happens! Then we did. We got up in the air, and what happened? Nothing. We arrived in Norfolk, and no sooner had the wheels touched down than applause burst out as everyone on the airplane breathed a sigh of relief.

While I do prefer planning better than “see what happens” when it comes to flying, it really isn’t such a bad idea for life.All too often, people stop trying to achieve their goals just because they don’t have a guaranteed result. But success will never be guaranteed. The best thing that you can do is just get up in the air, and see what happens. If your effort is to build a business then get up in the air and see what happens! Don’t give yourself all the reasons why you can’t. Do not wait until you have everything you need. You never will!

If your goal is to start a friendship, say “Hello”, get up in the air and see what happens! The results could be very rewarding.

If your goal is to learn a new skill, get up in the air and see what happens! It might not be as difficult as your think. It could be fun!

When traveling, i hope that my pilot has a more detailed plan than “we will see what happens” . But in life, it is not a bad strategy at all.

1.What was the pilot’s attitude toward the situation?

A.Disappointed and panicked

B.Surprised and honest

C.Comforting and encouraging

D.Hesitant and weak.

2.What was the passengers’ reaction when they arrived in Norfolk ?

A.They were thankful and relieved.

B.They cheered for the pilot’s correct operation.

C.They complained that the plane was not safe enough

D.They just walked off the plane as if nothing had happened.

3.What can we know from the passage?

A.The plane was delayed because of its wheels.

B.The plane arrived at the airport safely.

C.It was a terrible journey for the author.

D.Most of the passengers remained calm on hearing the bad news

4.What is the main idea of this article ?

A.“we will see what happens” is not a good plan for pilots

B.Try to have everything prepared before you do something

C.When you want to do something, you have to actually do it .

D.Never stop chasing your goals even if they are certain to fail




NOWADAYS, most animated (动画) films rely heavily on computer technology. But his magical world – where witches (魔法师) cast spells and castles float in the sky – is brought to life by hand. Nevertheless, Hayao Miyazaki is referred to as Japan’s Walt Disney and considered by many to be the world’s greatest living animator.

This month, the 72-year-old Miyazaki announced his retirement. The Japanese animator has directed 11 animated full-length films over the past four decades, including the Oscar-winning Spirited Away (《千与千寻》) and his latest release, The Wind Rises (《起风了》), which tells the life story of a man who designed Japanese World War II fighter planes.

Just as The Wind Rises shows, Miyazaki is well-known for his obsession with flight, especially human flight. Other striking aspects of Miyazaki’s films include his themes of environmental protection and the horrors of war.

Miyazaki’s work is also famous for its lack of clearly defined good and evil characters. He sees the 21st century as a complex time when old norms need to be re-examined.

As a storyteller, he is an inventor of fairy tales full of mystery. In the Miyazakian universe, wizards (巫师) turn into birds of prey; young girls are transformed overnight into 90-year-old women; greedy parents are changed into pigs; and shooting stars become fire demons (恶魔).

As a visual (视觉的) artist, most of Miyazaki’s grace comes from his vivid (鲜明的) colors and lovingly drawn landscapes – a rolling meadow (草地) covered with flowers and shadowed by clouds, or a range of rocky hills rising toward snow-capped mountain peaks

People attribute Miyazaki’s success to his long pursuit of his hand-drawn technique, although in an interview with CNN he called himself an “extinct species” in the age of digital animation.

A recent television documentary on the making of The Wind Rises showed a disappointed Miyazaki throwing a pile  of drawings into the trash. He is said to have redrawn thousands of frames of the much-praised Princess Mononoke (《幽灵公主》) when they did not meet his standards.

But his huge attention to detail has earned him the respect of the entire animated film world. Even John Lasseter – head of Pixar, the famous US computer animation studio – once called Miyazaki “one of the greatest filmmakers of our time”.

1.What can we know about Miyazaki’s film The Wind Rises?

A.It was put on a long time ago.

B.Its hero is a soldier.

C.It describes horrors of war.

D.It is an Oscar-winning film.

2.What does the underlined word “obsession” mean in paragraph 3? ?

A.Enthusiasm             B.Hate

C.Envy                   D.Sympathy

3.According to the article,Miyazake’s films _____.

A.are full of mystery and imaginative characters and landscapes

B.are likely to use hand-drawn technique and redrawn abstract frames

C.are full of new norms and clearly defined good and evil characters

D.are likely to demonstrate environmental protection and anti-war themes

4.What is the main idea of this article ?

A.Miyazake’s impact on Japanese culture

B.the characteristics of Miyazake’s films

C.what inspired Miyazake to create his films

D.what made Miyazake succeed




John was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew,but whose face he didn’t,the girl with the rose.Thirteen months ago,in a Florida library he took a book off the shell and found himself interested in the notes in the margin(页边).The soft handwriting showed a thoughtful soul and insightful(有洞察力的)mind.

In front of the book,he discovered the name,Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he got her address.He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to keep in touch.

During the next year and one month the two grew to know each other through the mail.A romance started.John requested a photograph,but she refused.She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn’t matter what she looked like.Later they agreed on their first meeting—7:00 pm at Grand Central Station in New York.

“You’ll recognize me,” she wrote,“by the red rose I’ll be wearing my coat.” So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for the girl with the red rose.

A girl in a green suit was coming toward him,her figure long and slim and her eyes were blue as flowers.Almost uncontrollably he came to her,and just at this moment he saw Hollis Maynell—a woman well past 40.The girl was walking quickly away.

He did not hesitate,saying,“I’m John,and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?”

The woman smiled, “I don’t know what this is about,son,” she answered,“but the young lady in the green suit begged me to wear this rose on my coat.And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner,I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the restaurant across the street.She said it was some kind of test!”

It’s not difficult to admire Miss  Maynell’s wisdom. The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive.

1.John was attracted by Miss Hollis Maynell because ________.

A.John considered her as one of her old friends

B.she took excellent notes with a soft handwriting

C.John held the opinion that she was a considerate and thinking lady

D.she was very charming with a slim figure and blue eyes

2.The reason why  John uncontrollably went up to the young girl in the green suit was that_________

A.he knew it was Miss Hollis Maynell.

B.she was the very lady he was waiting for.

C.he was attracted by her beautiful appearance.

D.John didn’t want to run into Miss Hollis Maynell

3.What’s the main idea of the story?

A.The wisdom is shown in one’s action.

B.Love can be encountered by chance if you like.

C.You should never judge a book by its cover.

D.A unselfish heart is seen in its response to the unattractive.








① 乐意奉献出一些业余时间为同学们服务;

② 英文与美术皆好;能熟练使用电脑。



A Cultural Month activity will be carried out in May between our school and our sister school in the USA.

The Students’ Union




When I was growing up,I was embarrassed to be seen with my father.He was severely lame and very short,and when we would walk together,his hand on my arm for balance,people would stare.I would feel ashamed at the unwanted attention.If he ever noticed or was bothered,he never let on,nor did he say anything about it.

It was difficult to coordinate(协调) our steps—his pausing,my impatience—and because of that,we didn’t say much as we went along.But as we started out,he always said,“You set the pace,I will try to adjust to you.”

Our usual walk was to or from the subway,which was how he got to work.He went to work sick,and despite bad weather.He almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could not.A matter of pride.

When snow or ice was on the ground,it was impossible for him to walk,even with help.At such times my sisters or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn,NY,on a child’s sleigh to the subway entrance.Once there,he would grasp the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice-free.In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building,and he would not have to go outside until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home.

When I think of it now,I wondered at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress.And at how he did it—without bitterness or complaint.

He never talked about himself as an object of pity,nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able.What he looked for in others was a “good heart”,and if he found one,the owner was good enough for him.

Now that I am older,I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people,even though I still don’t know precisely what a “good heart” is.But I know the times I don’t have one myself.

My father has been gone many years now,but I think of him often.I wonder if he sensed my unwillingness to be seen with him during our walks.If he did,I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was,how unworthy I was,how I regretted it.I think of him when I complain about incident,when I am envious of another’s good fortune,when I don’t have a “good heart”.

At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance,and say,“You set the pace,I will try to adjust to you.”

1.What wouldn’t the author like others to see?(No more than 10 words)

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “let on” in the first paragraph? (No more than 5 words)

3.According to the third paragraph,what conclusion can you get about the father’s attitude toward his work? (No more than 8 words)

4.Find an example in the passage that shows the father was a man with a “good heart”.(No more than10 words)

5.What does the author learn from his father? (No more than 15 words)



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