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短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。...








Someone told me that Li Ming had stolen a pen out my deskmate. I felt I should let my deskmate knew, and before I told my deskmate about it, he asked Li Ming about it. He didn’t admit steal the pen and it caused a terribly argument between them. Later it turned out that the story wasn’t true, and my deskmate refuses to talk to me. It took quite few days for my deskmate to accept my apology. I’ve learned my lessons from it. I shouldn’t have mistakenly believed what that others said and passed it on. Although my deskmate has forgiven him, I still feel ashamed.


1.out → from 2.knew → know 3.before → after 4.steal → stealing 5.terribly → terrible 6. refuses → refused 7. few前加a 8.lessons → lesson 9.去掉that 10.him → me 【解析】 1.out → from 考查介词 steal sth from..从哪。。偷。。; 2.knew → know 考查动词的用法。Let sb do 让某人做某事; 3.before → after 考查连词。在告诉你同桌之后,他问李平这件事; 4.steal → stealing 考查动词的用法。Admit doing 承认做了某事; 5.terribly → terrible 考查形容词。句意:这导致他们之间的争论,形容词用来修饰argument; 6.refuses → refused 考查动词的时态。根据前半句话提到Later it turned out that the story wasn’t true可知用一般过去时; 7.few前加a 考查冠词;a few days一些天; 8.lessons → lesson 考查名词。Lesson 当教训讲是不可数名词; 9.去掉that 考查宾语从句。句意:我不应该错误的相信别人的话并传出去,what引导believe的宾语从句; 10.him → me 考查代词。句意:虽然同桌原谅了我,但我仍然很羞愧; 考点 :短文改错


As the plane circled over the airport,everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane __1.__  ( move) unsteadily through the air,and although the passengers  __2.__ (fasten) their seat belts,they were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment,the air-hostess presented. She looked very pale,  __3.__ was quite calm. Speaking quickly and almost in a whisper,she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if  any of the _4.__ (passenger) knew anything about machines. After a moment's hesitation,_5.__ man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot's cabin. Moving the pilot aside,the man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent instructions that __6.__ (send) by radio from the airport below. To everyone's relief,the plane,which was __7._ (dangerous)close to the ground at the moment,soon began to climb. The man had to circle the airport several times to become familiar __8.__ the controls of the plane. The critical moment came __9.__  he had to land. The man,_10.__ (follow) the instructions,guided the plane toward the airfield,and it landed safely after a long run along the runway.




It was a hot day, and a big lion was sleeping under the sun. Suddenly he felt something on his face. The lion was not _________ as he had been enjoying his sleep. Angrily he  _________  whatever it was that was on his face. A tiny mouse fell to the ground.

“I shall kill you for  _________  me up!” the angry lion said.

“Please, I ask you to spare (饶) my life. I have a big family to _________ and in my hurry I did not notice you in time among the long grass,” the mouse said.

_________ would I spare your pitiful life? You are of no use to  _________  . You are even too small to eat!” the lion said.

“No one’s  _________ tells the value of his life,” the mouse said. “But I’ll make you a(n) _________ : If you spare my life, one day I shall _________ that debt (债).”

The lion laughed and let the mouse go. “There is no way you could ever _________  a lion’s life. But go and feed your children and _________  show your face again.” After that he closed his eyes again and the mouse ran to safety. The mouse  _________  to keep his promise.

One day, hunters _________ the lion alive and tied him to the ground with ropes (绳子). The lion lay there _________  , waiting for his fate (命运). Suddenly, when the lion opened his eyes, he saw a tiny mouse in front of him. The lion _________  the mouse as the same one he had almost  _________a long time ago. Without a word, the mouse got to work, and during the night, he bit through the  _________  .

He worked tirelessly and, just before the sun rose, the lion could quietly  _________  to safety. Before he disappeared he looked at the _________ mouse and said quietly, “I shall remember your  _________ , and no longer shall lions kill mice as long as I am alive.”And so it was from that day on.

1.A. annoyed       B. happy        C. confused        D. afraid

2.A. hit             B. passed       C. discovered     D. touched

3.A. picking         B. calling      C. waking          D. taking

4.A. care            B. feed         C. help            D. hold

5.A. When           B. Where        C. How            D. Why

6.A. someone         B. anyone      C. one           D. none

7.A. size          B. age         C. weight         D. wealth

8.A. request       B. apology      C. suggestion      D. promise

9.A. return         B. receive     C. repay          D. remember

10.A. end           B. guide        C. save           D. kill

11.A. never          B. always       C. still           D. just

12.A. decided        B. hesitated (犹豫) C. pretended  D. agreed

13.A. beat           B. found        C. locked        D. caught

14.A. helplessly    B. weakly      C. calmly         D. proudly

15.A. noticed        B. accepted     C. regarded      D. recognized

16.A. kept          B. killed      C. fooled        D. misunderstood

17.A. ropes         B. fences       C. grass         D. ground

18.A. settle         B. remove      C. wander         D. escape

19.A. scary         B. exhausted   C. pitiful         D. energetic

20.A. word           B. work         C. help           D. company




Last month I got the chance to take part in an underwater research project in an area of the Gulf of Mexico called the Flower Gardens. A team of professional researchers, led by the scientist Dr. Matt Phillips, was trying to learn more about the fish and various creatures that live in this part of the sea. 1.

The team used a piece of underwater equipment called a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to collect information. The ROV could measure water depth and temperature and it also had a camera that sent live film back to the boat. 2. It was controlled by a computer on the boat, and I was allowed to operate it a few times.

3. At first, I was quite frightened — mainly because I couldn’t see land in any direction. 4. It was amazing to see the colourful fish swimming around and I could see all the way to the Flower Gardens, which are almost 30 metres down.

I will never forget the Flower Gardens. The trip was like a holiday but I also learnt new things about science and research projects. The team was very friendly and everyone was happy to explain what they knew about the sea. It was a great opportunity and it has made me think about my goals in life. 5.

A. The ROV was great fun.

B. The ROV was difficult to operate.

C. However, the thing I enjoyed most was diving into the water.

D. But as soon as I jumped into the water, I wasn’t afraid anymore.

E. The only thing I disliked was collecting information about the sea.

F. The experience will definitely help me work harder to become a scientist.

G. The Flower Gardens are a long way from the shore and we spent three days on boat.



FOR thousands of years, Stonehenge has confused visitors with a seemingly unanswerable question: Why would anyone carry so many huge stones across Britain and put them in a ring? It seems even stranger when you think of the fact that it was done by prehistoric people working without modern technology, not even a wheel.

Stonehenge has started endless debates over the centuries. Experts have said at different times that it was a temple, a calendar (日历) or a graveyard (墓地).

Yet “all the ideas to date could be mistaken,” said Julian Spalding, a famous art critic (评论家) and former director of some of the UK’s leading museums. “We’ve been looking at Stonehenge the wrong way: from the earth, which is very much a 20th century viewpoint,” he told The Guardian.

Spalding has put forward a new theory about Stonehenge in his latest book, Realisation: From Seeing to Understanding. “The current theories about Stonehenge are based on looking across the ground, which is a modern idea,” he writes in his new book. He told The Guardian that in ancient times, spiritual ceremonies didn’t happen on the ground. Prehistoric people believed that in this way they could get closer to the heavens. So Spalding says that “rituals (仪式) at Stonehenge were performed in the same way – not among the stones, but on top of them,” reported The Washington Post.

He re-imagines a scene in his book, explaining how the mysterious site was used: Stonehenge held up a large, circular platform (平台). It was a raised altar (圣坛) reached by stairs, and thousands of people might have worshipped (祈祷) there.

To support his theory, Spalding lists examples from ancient civilizations worldwide. In China, Peru and Turkey, such sacred (神圣的) monuments (遗迹) were built high up, whether on man-made or natural sites. In an interview with The Washington Post, Spalding said the wood that would have been used for the platform had long since rotted away (腐烂), leaving only the stone pillars (柱子) that supported it behind.

So far scholars have had “a fair degree of skepticism (怀疑)” about these ideas, according to The Huffington Post. Sir Barry Cunliffe, prehistorian and Oxford University archaeology (考古学) professor, said: “He could be right, but I know of no evidence to support it ... There are a large number of stone circles around the country which clearly didn’t have a platform on top. So why should Stonehenge?”

1.What is the article mainly about?

A. The history of Stonehenge.

B. A new theory about Stonehenge.

C. Why Stonehenge has started endless debates over the centuries.

D. How Stonehenge is different from other ancient civilizations.

2.According to Spalding’s theory, Stonehenge ______.

A. was a prehistoric calendar

B. should be looked at from the earth

C. was a raised altar for worship

D. was simply a natural site

3.How does Spalding support his theory about Stonehenge?

A. By raising questions.

B. By providing related figures.

C. By quoting other experts’ research.

D. By giving examples from other civilizations.

4.We can infer from the article that Cunliffe is ______ Spalding’s theory.

A. supportive of   B. amazed at

C. worried about   D. doubtful about



IN China, red is known to be a lucky color. But you may be surprised to know that British culture is also full of the color red. It’s true: Go to Britain and you will see red everywhere.

There are red postboxes on street corners and on the sides of buildings. The British red phone box is famous all over the world. The famous double-decker (双层) bus is red. Red is the color traditionally worn by British soldiers in battle (战争), and there is red in the UK’s Union Jack national flag. Britain even has a famous team of stunt (特技) jet fighters (喷气式战斗机) called “The Red Arrows”.

To go with British culture’s love of red, British nature also features many red animals. A beloved bird is the robin (知更鸟), which has a bright red breast (胸脯). At Christmastime in winter, the bird is commonly found on the greetings cards people send each other. There is also quite a rare animal called the red squirrel (松鼠). Foxes are red, and they used to be hunted by men in red outfits (服装).

But is red considered lucky to British people? A good way to see how a culture looks at a color is to look at the way it uses it in language. The results may surprise you. Even though Britain has a lot of red on its high streets and in its countryside, red is used quite differently as a metaphor (比喻). If someone “sees red”, they are angry. When a person is “red faced”, they are out of breath or blushing (脸红). Red is also a political color: it means a left-winger (blue is the color of the political right). To be “in the red” is to be in debt (someone in credit (存款) is “in the black”).

Look hard enough and you’ll find the color red being used in all countries. For instance the “red heart” symbol (符号) is pretty universal. But whether the British realize it or not, red is everywhere in Britain. It does seem that the country is in love with the color.

1. The article is mainly about ______.

A. the metaphor of red in the English language

B. the preference for red animals in Britain

C. the history of red items in Britain

D. the color red in British culture

2. Someone saying bad words about you behind your back might make you ______.

A. red-faced        B. see red

C. in the red     D. in the black

3. It can be inferred from the article that ______.

A. red has different meanings depending on the context (情境)

B. the color red is not as popular as it was before in Britain

C. most British people are aware of (知道的) how popular the color red is in British culture

D. British people are often asked to explain the meaning of the color red

4.The main purpose of the article is to ______.

A. compare        B. judge      C. inform     D. argue



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