满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。...






注意 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


I often felt so busy on weekdays. Besides for my regular school hours, I still hope to spare some time to do that I like. Therefore, the fact is that I spend most of my time doing assignments and few time is left for me to surf the Internet or listen to music. To be frankly, I really hope I can have some time watch Korean TV plays or play computer games. I am sure I can keep a balance between work and relaxation because my mother always gives me useful suggestion. She makes me aware that time is life. Once losing, it can’t be regained. So I will treasure my time and make good use of them.


1.felt→feel 2.besides 后for去掉 3.that→what 4.Therefore→However 5. few→little 6. frankly→frank 7.time watch改为time to watch 8.suggestion→suggestions 9.losing→lost 10.them→it 【解析】 试题分析:作者在周末总是很忙,要花很多时间完成家庭作业,很少有时间做自己喜欢做的事情。 1.felt→feel 考查时态。本句中副词“often经常”表示经常性习惯性的行为,与一般现在时feel连用。 2. besides 后for去掉 考查介词。介词besides除...之外,后面直接加宾语,原文中for是多余的。 3.that→what 考查宾语从句。本句中what引导宾语从句作为动词do的宾语从句,并在句中作为介词like的宾语。 4.Therefore→However 考查副词。句意:我希望有时间做我们喜欢做的事情,然而,事实是我把很多时间都花在了做作业上,很少有时间上网或听音乐。上下文之间是转折关系,所以使用however因导上下文。 5.few→little 考查形容词。名词time是一个不可数名词,而few修饰可数名词,故使用little修饰不可数名词。 6.frankly→frank 考查形容词。本句属于独立结构to be frank坦白说;其中形容词frank与系动词be连用。 7.time watch改为time to watch 考查不定式。本句中不定式做定语修饰名词time。句意:我很希望我有看韩剧的时间。 8.suggestion→suggestions 考查名词。本句中名词suggestion是可数名词,通常妈妈给我多个建议,所以使用复数形式suggestions。 9. losing→lost 考查非谓语动词。本句中it指代time,与动词lose构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词。 10.them→it 考查代词。本句中it指代不可数名词time作为介词of的宾语,而them通常指代可数名词复数形式。 【名师点睛】 在短文改错的设空中,冠词、形容词副词以及代词是最常见的三种错误: 1. 冠词错误: 误用a和an(根据单词的第一个音素来判定); 误用a/an和the(固定搭配,或泛指、特指;多冠词或少冠词) We maybe one family and live under a same roof. (a 改为the,thesame 是固定搭配) As everyone knows, it’s famous mountain with all kinds of pants. (mountain是可数名词需用冠词,所以其前加a) I hope you have pleasant journey.(journey是可数名词,故have后加a) 2. 形容词和副词错误: 系动词后用形容词(be/am/is/are/was/were/become/go/感官性动词smell/feel); 词性的误用(形容词修饰名词;副词修饰动词、形容词)。 I’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together. (time是名词所以要用形容词wonderful修饰) My pronunciation was terribly.(was后用形容词,terribly改为terrible.) 3. 代词错误:代词的主格和宾格(I / me;he/him; she/ her; we/ us they/ them )错误; 反身代词(myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves/ourselves)使用错误;代词的单数和复数使用错误; 代词指代错误;多代词或少代词。 Soon I began to enjoy talking to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English. (me 改为myself) One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.(to前加it) If anyone of us had any difficulty in our life and study, the other would help him out. (other后加s) What’s more, you have to be friends with your pupils and take good care of him. (him改为them) 如11.them→it 考查代词。本句中it指代不可数名词time作为介词of的宾语,而them通常指代可数名词复数形式。 考点:考查短文改错


I love my mother best. She is average in 1. (high). She has long silky hair, and she always carries a broad smile with her. I am always 2. (thank) to my mother. In the middle of her busy schedule at work, my mother makes sure that our house 3. (organize) well at all times. Like a busy bee, she prepares our meals, washes our clothes, and manages all other housework in perfect order.

4. my mother is very busy with her work, she squeezes her precious time to help me with my school work and attend outdoor activities with me. We both enjoy the time 5. we share my happiness and sorrow.

Last weekend, I joined my mother and her friends on a beach. Besides 6. (admire) the amazing sea snails, fish and catfish, we 7. (take) part in an interesting activity on the island—bicycle ride. We rented bicycles and enjoyed the ride up and down the hill. By the time we reached the top of the hill, I was 8. (extreme) tired. I was deeply touched that exhausted as my mother was, she helped me control my bicycle steadily 9. (make) sure I got down the hill safely.

Mother’s Day is just round the corner. I will make my mother 10. card. It is high time that I showed my thanks and love to my wonderful mother.





My wife Andrea and I picked a great time to move to New York City just a few days before the super storm Sandy hit the place.

Although Sandy _________ my family to stay indoors for two days while the wind and rubbish swirled through my new neighborhood, it _________ some unusual opportunities for us to meet our _________ by serving them. Before the storm _________ , my family went for a walk. We knew we’d be closed up for a while. We should enjoy some _________ time while we could.

While we were walking we noticed a woman _________ a huge load of emergency supplies, _________ moving from the market to her _________ . She had three large piles of supplies. Each time she’d _________ 15 or 20 feet with a pile, set it down, then go back and get another.

The _________ was going to hit before she got all of her supplies up to her living place. _________  we were already set, we figured it would be a good _________ to get to know a neighbor.

So Andrea and I each _________ a pile of supplies and helped the woman get _________ home. We had a good time getting familiar with her. She was from the Caribbean. Andrea and I loved _________ her thick, rich accent. When the storm hit later that night, we felt a little less _________ because we had a friend just a few buildings _________ . After Sandy there were dozens of_________ of selfless acts of service on TV, as people helped friends, neighbors and strangers in need.

_________ others when you are in need of service yourself is a sign of greatness. As Luther King Jr. said, “Everybody can be _________ , because anybody can serve.”

1.A. invited     B. expected  C. forced        D. ordered

2.A. missed     B. awarded   C. provided      D. wasted

3.A. parents    B. neighbors  C. relatives      D. customers

4.A. increased  B. reduced    C. disappeared   D. hit

5.A. outside    B. lost       C. useless       D. local

6.A. struggling with B. fighting for  C. watching out D. turning to

7.A. quickly     B. slowly     C. hardly         D. easily

8.A. office     B. garage    C. apartment      D. village

9.A. drive       B. run       C. cycle          D. walk

10.A. earthquake B. price     C. car            D. storm

11.A. Unless     B. Since      C. Until          D. If

12.A. chance     B. goal      C. excuse         D. experience

13.A. left       B. lifted    C. noticed       D. bought

14.A. everything B. something  C. nothing       D. anything

15.A. dealing with B. listening to C. laughing at D. commenting on

16.A. busy       B. excited   C. friendly       D. lonely

17.A. here       B. before    C. away           D. inside

18.A. reports  B. notes     C. results       D. causes

19.A. Refusing  B. Advising C. Requesting    D. Serving

20.A. upset      B. successful C. great          D. grateful




Easy Ways to Boost Your Confidence

Imagine being able to overcome any obstacle that might come your way at work or in relationships. Then try to picture yourself not having to ask for advice or someone’s approval every step of the way. 1. If you are low on confidence, read on because here are four easy ways to boost your confidence. Once you master them, everything in your life will change for the better.

Boost your self-image. If failure is getting you down, just remember that there is always a solution. 2. The best way to boost your self-image after a setback(挫折)is to write down all your accomplishments and star qualities. Make a list and put it ion your computer desktop or near where you spend most of your time. You can also make a list of all the things you should be grateful for.

3. You know your talents and strengths first. Then set your goals to match these. Reject those that are just beyoud your skills, abilities, qualifications or experience. This is where you can realistically assess your weaknesses and build on your strengths.

Get on the positive thoughts track. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. 4. Negative thinking may be useful when imagining failure situations, threats, and obstacles. But once you are trapped in negative thoughts, your brain ignores everything else and you only think of failure. The best solution is to build on positive thoughts.

Know being confident is an ongoing process. 5. Keep playing to the best of your ability and your confidence will always be there to support you.

A. Set realistic goals.

B. Stop playing different roles.

C. It isn’t a goal that you reach and then stop.

D. Why not keep comparing yourself with others ?

E. This is what self-confident people do every day.

F. So why are they positive thoughts and not negative ones ?

G. You may have to try again so you should boost your self-image immediately.



I was on vacation, and in my mind, vacation does not mean setting my hotel room alarm clock for 6 am. But when you’re in Aruba and hoping to reserve a beachside palapa(简陋草棚), that’s exactly what you do.

Tourists begin lining up at the crack of dawn to secure these umbrella-like wood structures that are covered with dried and woven palm leaves. They then place towels on chairs and call them theirs for the day, whether they remain there or not. I knew nothing of this beach code of ethics on my first day in Aruba. I saw an empty chair covered with a towel and took it. It was a big mistake.

For many visitors, a week bathing in the sun is the only activity they wish to pursue. It sounded good to my girlfriend, Barbara, and me after Boston’s awful winter. Six more inches of snow was predicted on the day we left. The sun, the sand, and the beach seemed just about right.

Aruba’s slogan is “One Happy Island”, and it doesn’t take long to understand why. Aruba is said to be on “island time”. Translation: No one is in a rush to do anything. When in Aruba, you go with the flow, however slow and lazy that might be.

Cooling trade winds, white sandy beaches, turquoise(蓝绿色)waters, and dazzling sunsets are all good reasons to visit. But this 20-mile island offers more than lazy days walking on the beach. There is amazing night life, casinos, golf, scuba diving(水肺潜水), fine dining, shopping, and a great national park.

But our first day was spent as you’d expect, swimming in the sea and enjoying cool drinks. Our drink of choice quickly became the Coco Loco. It’s as refreshing as it sounds.

1.Tourists get up at 6 am because they _____.

A. want to see the sunrise early

B. need to check out early

C. want to have fun longer

D. need to reserve a beachside palapa

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 refer to ?

A. Using whatever chair you like.

B. Waiting in a long line for a palapa.

C. Taking up a chair by placing a towel on it.

D. Covering a palapa with woven palm leaves.

3.Paragraph 4 shows life in Aruba is very _____.

A. relaxing     B. expensive

C. frightening   D. disappointing

4.What did the author do on his first day there ?

A. He went shopping.

B. He swam in the sea.

C. He went scuba diving.

D. He visited a national park.



As a child, I always thought about what the college admissions process would look like for me. I dreamed of the day when I’d get my first acceptance letter, and go on to learn as much as I could about many things as possible.

However, as I got older, my fears of going to college augmented. I’m a senior now, and the college admissions process isn’t exactly what I dreamt of when I was 7 years old. There are deadlines to meet, majors to choose, and how am I going to pay for all of this ? My mind plays tricks on me, convincing that my roommate will hate me and that my classes will be horribly boring and that each day will begin at five in the morning. To be honest, while I have many reasons to be excited for the next journey in my educational pursuits, I’m also scared to death.

I’ve invested hours upon hours studying for AP tests, SATs and ACTs. My peers and I sacrificed our Friday night football games, school dances and field trips to do better in studies in school. But is it all worth it ? What if the promise of college ends up being disappointing rather than a relief ?

In a year from now, my whole life will change. I’ll be a legal adult. My dorm might be in Paris, Los Angeles or Chicago. I’ll be doing my own laundry, cooking my own food and paying for things on my own. I’ll meet entirely new people and say goodbye to others. But isn’t that also the joy of life ? I want to experience joy, heartbreak, first times and new adventures.

College freaks me out, but you know what scares me more ? I must leave my life inside a comfort zone. It’s a big, bright and beautiful world, and I think it’s finally time for me to walk in it with the confidence at this time, I’ll be doing it right.

1.When the author was little, he _____.

A. considered going to college scary

B. didn’t study hard to prepare for college

C. often asked college students about college

D. often imagined what college would be like

2.What does the underlined word “augmented” in Paragraph 2 mean ?

A. Increased.   B. Spread.  C. Survived.   D. Disappeared

3.From Paragraph 3 we learn the author _____.

A. didn’t like outdoor activities

B. prepared very hard for college

C. didn’t like being with his friends

D. considered going to college worthless

4.What makes the author frightened the most ?

A. Going to college.

B. Living far from home.

C. Experiencing heartbreak.

D. Leaving his comfort zone.



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