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Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness.


We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good because anxieties can push people away, but a smile draws them in.

Smiling changes our mood

Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. 2.     Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

Smiling relieves stress

Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired or worn down. 3.     The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

Smiling lowers your blood pressure.

When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor (血压计) at home. Sit for a few minutes and take a reading. Then smile for a minute and read it again while still smiling. 4.

Smiling lifts the face and makes you look younger.

The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day --- you'll look younger and feel better.


Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile, our body is sending the rest of us a message that “Life is good!"

A. Smiling helps you stay positive.

B. Smiling makes us attractive.

C. Do you notice the difference?

D. Smiling can bring you luck and sorrow.

E. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile.

F. There's a good chance that your mood will change for the better.

G. As long as you try smiling daily, it can make you look younger.


1.B 2.F 3.E 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于说明文,告诉我们微笑能够带来很多好处,并建议我们笑口常开。 1.B 根据横线后句We are drawn to people who smile.微笑的人能够吸引我们。也就是说微笑可以让我们有吸引力。故B项正确。 2.F 根据横线后句Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.可知微笑可以改变我们的情绪,让我们的情绪变好。故F项正确。 3.E 根据本段的标题“Smiling relieves stress”可知微笑可以帮助我们减压。那么当我们遇见压力的时候,我们就可以尽量多的微笑。故E项正确。 4.C 本段的标题为“Smiling lowers your blood pressure.”可知微笑能够降低我们的血压。横线前句Then smile for a minute and read it again while still smiling.让我们微笑一分钟以后再看血压计,注意前后的差别。故C项“Do you notice the difference?”以反问句的形式提醒我们微笑能够降低血压。故C项正确。 5.When we smile, our body is sending the rest of us a message that “Life is good!"当我们微笑的时候,身体向我们发出信号:生活很好。也就是说生活会让我们保持乐观。故A项正确。 【名师点睛】 在完成七选五阅读时,我们可以从以下两方面入手: 1.理清句际间意义的关系 文章的内容是根据各层各段的大意有机地组合而成,各个层次,各个段落之间不管怎样错落有致,但它所表达的内容都是要围绕中心的,各句之间都有一定的语脉,从逻辑意义上来看,语段的句际关系可分为平列、顺序、层递、转折、总分、解释、因果等关系。构成语段的各个句子之间有时可以包含一种以上的句际关系。因此,理解阅读材料时一定要把握语脉,理清句际间的关系,进而理解语段或全文的内容。 2.找出句子之间的连接性的词语 文章的语句间的组合,除了从语句间的意义关系分析外,还可借助句子之间的连接性词语来把握,因为连接性词语能表明这个语段句与句之间、层与层之间的基本关系有承接关系(如 so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result 等)平列关系(如first, second, third…; firstly, secondly, thirdly…; first, next, then…; in the first place, in the second place…; for one thing, for another thing…;to begin with, to conclude 等)。 考点:考查说明文阅读

Everybody has one of those days when everything goes wrong. This is what happened to Harry.

He got up one morning very late because he had forgotten to wind up his alarm clock(闹钟). He tried to shave(刮脸)quickly and cut himself. When he got dressed he got blood all over his clean shirt, so he had to find another one. The only other shirt that was clean needed ironing(熨), so he ironed it. While he was ironing it, there was a knock at the door. It was the man to read the electricity meter(表). He showed him where the meter was, said good-bye and found that the iron had burnt a hole in his shirt. So he had to wear the one with the blood on it after all. By this time it was very late, so he decided he couldn’t go to work by bus. He telephoned for a taxi to take him to work. The taxi arrived and Harry got in and began to read the newspaper.

In another part of the town, a man had killed a woman with a knife and was seen to run away in a taxi. When Harry’s taxi stopped outside his office, a policeman happened to be standing there. He saw the blood on Harry’s shirt, and took him to the police station. He was kept till 3 o’clock in the afternoon before the police were sure that he was not the man they wanted. When he finally arrived at the office at about four, his boss took a look at him and told him to go away and find another job.

1.Harry had .

A. a lucky day        B. an unlucky day

C. a busy day         D. a good day

2.Put the following sentences into correct order according to the passage.

a. The man who read the electricity meter came.

b. Harry ironed his shirt.

c. Harry got blood all over his clean shirt.

d. There was a knock at the door.

e. Harry wore the shirt with blood on it.

A. a, b, c, d, e                B. b, a, d, c, e

C. b, a, c, d, e                D. c, b, d, a, e

3.Why did Harry wear the shirt with blood on it?

A. He had only one shirt.

B. The only other needed ironing.

C. The iron had burnt a hole in his clean shirt.

D. He cut himself and got blood all over his shirt.

4.Harry was taken to the police station because .

A. his taxi stopped outside his office and a policeman happened to be there

B. there was blood on his shirt and he was in a taxi

C. a man killed a woman with a knife

D. the murderer(杀人犯) was seen to run a away in a taxi

5.His boss told him to go away and find another job because .

A. he had been kept by the police

B. there was blood on his shirt

C. he was late for work

D. he had killed a woman



Memory, they say, is a matter of practice and exercise. If you have the wish and really made a conscious(自觉的)effort, then you can quite easily improve your ability to remember things. But even if you are successful, there are times when your memory seems to play tricks on you.

Sometimes you remember things that really did not happen. One morning last week, for example, I got up and found that I had left the front door unlocked all night, yet I clearly remember locking it carefully the night before.

Memory “trick” work the other way as well. Once in a while you remember not doing something, and then find out that you did. One day last month, for example, I was sitting in a barber(理发师)shop waiting for my turn to get a haircut, and suddenly I realized that I had got a haircut two days before at the barber shop across the street from my office.

We always seem to find something funny and amusing(有趣的)in incidents caused by people’s forgetfulness or absent-mindedness. Stories about absent-minded professors have been told for years, and we never got tired of hearing new ones. Unfortunately, however, absent-mindedness is not always funny. There are times when “trick” of our memory can cause us great trouble.

1.If you want to have a good memory, .

A. you should force yourself to remember things

B. you should make a conscious effort of practice and exercise

C. you should never stop learning

D. you should try hard to remember tings

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. One night the writer forgot to lock the front door.

B. One night the writer forgot having locked the front door.

C. The writer remembered to lock the door.

D. the writer remembered unlocking the front door.

3.From the sentence “We never get tired of hearing new ones”, we can infer that .

A. we enjoy hearing new stories about absent-mindedness of professors

B. we don’t want to know anything more about absent-mindedness of professors

C. we will never get tired of listening to new stories about absent-mindedness

D. absent-mindedness happens not only to professors but to many other people

4.In the passage, the writer seems to tell you .

A. forgetting things is serious and dangerous

B. always forgetting things is understandable

C. forgetting things at times is natural

D. the way to protect yourself from memory “tricks”

5.The best title for this passage is .

A. How to Get a Good Memory

B.“Tricks”of Memory

C. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness is Dangerous

D. Get rid of Absent-mindedness



YOU may like chewing gum (口香糖) after meals to stop your breath smelling bad; or your mother might use a special neutralizer (调理剂) to protect her permed hair (烫发). But have you thought about the chemical principles behind such everyday actions?

On March 2, the Senior 3 students from the IB (International Baccalaureate, 国际文凭) classes at Beijing Huijia Private School presented their discoveries, all in fluent English. This kind of seminar is held every year to show the achievements of the IB chemistry experiment lessons offered by the school. IB is a qualification based on a common curriculum (课程) for students aged 16-18 in any country and is recognized by universities everywhere.

满分5 manfen5.com

"Once I saw an advertisement for xylitol (木糖醇) gum," recalled Zhang Xinju. "Suddenly an idea came to my mind: are there any chemical reactions when the xylitol is working on our teeth?"

Zhang and his partner Bu Xuan visited several hospitals to try and find out. "Doctors know that xylitol can protect teeth, but few could explain how the chemical reactions happen," said the 17-year-old boy.

Presenting the results of their research in English to an audience of Chinese and foreign judges was never a problem for the students.

"Textbooks for IB students are in English, and our teachers speak in English," explained Wei Duan and Han Yu, whose research topic was "The Acid-Base Reaction (酸碱反应) in the process of Hair-Perming".

"In Senior 1 we often referred to Chinese textbooks, but we found we could understand and express it all in English by the second year."

Lu Jiang, the school's IB chemistry teacher and China's only IB vice-examiner, is proud that her students can apply scientific theories they learn in class to daily life.

"You might have learned these facts from you kindergarten teachers, but few think about the theories behind them," Lu said. "This kind of practice is intended to develop the scientific thinking they will need in their future studies."

1.IB is recognized by____________.

A.Beijing Huijia Private School

B.univercities in China

C.schools in Engkish-speaking countries

D.universities in any country

2.which statement is true?____________

A.Doctors don’t know that xylitol can protect teeth

B.Doctors can explain how the chemical reactions happen

C.Few could explain how the chemical reactions happen.

D.The foreign doctors can explain how the chemical reactions happen

3.Textbooks for IB students are in___________

A.Chinese             B.English

C.English and Chinese  D.Japanese

4.From the passage,we know_______

A.the students are creative

B.the students are poor in Chinese

C.the students don’t like chewing gum

D.The students are hard-working

5.From the passage,we can infer _________________________

A.we only need to work hard in our study

B.we must learn English well

C.we should intend to develop the scientific thinking in our studies

D.we should have more time to play












Dear Alice,

I know exactly how you feel !
















注意 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


I often felt so busy on weekdays. Besides for my regular school hours, I still hope to spare some time to do that I like. Therefore, the fact is that I spend most of my time doing assignments and few time is left for me to surf the Internet or listen to music. To be frankly, I really hope I can have some time watch Korean TV plays or play computer games. I am sure I can keep a balance between work and relaxation because my mother always gives me useful suggestion. She makes me aware that time is life. Once losing, it can’t be regained. So I will treasure my time and make good use of them.



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