满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以...



My father was a highly educated, intelligent gentleman. He could debate or discuss for hours on almost any topic and hold your _________ in the process. I thought there was nothing he wasn’t     _________  to do.

A few days before my younger brother’s 7th birthday, Dad planned to assemble(装配)a new  _________ as a special birthday surprise. After nearly an hour of   _________ the instructions, Dad was still unable to _________ the new bike together. Later he _________ the paper of instructions, _________ up his tool box, and decided to take the bike back to the local toy store and pay extra _________ to have it correctly assembled there. _________ an idea came to him, as he called out to Lovett, the quiet little man who cut our grassland.

“Lovett, have you ever assembled a boy’s bicycle?”

As Lovett walked towards the bike, Dad handed him the _________ . Lovett handed it back to him, saying, “No, thanks. I can’t read. When you can’t read, you have to _________  .” Less than 15 minutes later, the new bicycle was _________  assembled, with no _________  parts remaining. Dad shook Lovett’s hand, patted him on the back, thanked him, and hid the bike.

On the night after my brother received his shiny new gift, Dad announced at the family dinner table what had happened several days earlier. He took great   _________ in telling it over and over again he used it as an example of thinking.

He did not refer to illiteracy(文盲), but strongly taught us to use our _________  . The joke was on my father, _________ he was able to turn it into a learning tool, and I liked him even more after that incident. I also gained a new _________ for Lovett. To me he had _________ been the old yard man who didn’t _________ much, but after that day, he seemed to smile _________  , even walk taller. It’s amazing what a real nod of approval can do to lift people up.

1.A. belief         B. breath        C. view          D. attention

2.A. willing         B. able         C. lucky         D. capable

3.A. bicycle        B. toy          C. computer       D. boat

4.A. reviewing      B. reading      C. examining     D. searching

5.A. bring          B. get          C. work           D. put

6.A. looked through B. folded up     C. turned to     D. devoted to

7.A. brought         B. added         C. picked         D. set

8.A. effort          B. tax          C. service        D. money

9.A. Then           B. Thus         C. Since          D. Though

10.A. tools         B. routines     C. instructions   D. orders

11.A. exchange     B. think         C. learn          D. admit

12.A. partly        B. largely      C. hardly         D. fully

13.A. separate      B. different    C. major         D. spare

14.A. care          B. action       C. delight        D. risk

15.A. resources      B. heads        C. knowledge      D. hands

16.A. so             B. but          C. or             D. and

17.A. respect       B. reward      C. relief        D. regard

18.A. never          B. ever         C. always         D. often

19.A. say          B. show         C. care           D. earn

20.A. colder         B. weaker       C. broader       D. grayer


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文是篇记叙文。父亲是一个接受过高等教育的、智慧的人,在“我”眼中父亲无所不能。但有一次,父亲给弟弟装配一辆自行车作为生日礼物,按照说明书却发现安装不了,最后是一位目不识丁却爱思考的园丁帮忙解决了问题。 1.D考查名词。A. belief信念,信仰; B. breath呼吸; C. view观点; D. attention主意,关注。由前半句可知父亲可以就任何话题进行数小时的辩论或讨论,在此过程中可以抓住你的“注意力(attention)”。故选D。 2.B考查形容词。A. willing心甘情愿的; B. able有能力的;C. lucky 幸运的;D. capable有才干的。由前两句可知父亲的能力很强,认为他是没有什么不会做的(be able to)。故选B。 3.A考查名词。A. bicycle自行车; B. toy 玩具;C. computer 电脑;D.boat小船。下文第44空后的bike提示选A项。 4.B考查动词。A. reviewing 回顾,复习;B. reading阅读;C. examining检查; D. searching搜寻。装配自行车前得“阅读(reading)”说明书。故选B。 5.D考查动词。A. bring 拿来,带来;B. get得到;C. work 工作;D. put放。put...together意为“组合,装配”。故选D。 6.B考查动词词组。A. looked through 浏览,识破;B. folded up折叠;C. turned to 转向;D. devoted to致力于。由下文父亲决定将自行车送回当地的商店花钱让人组装可知将说明书“折叠起来(folded up)”。故选B。 7.C考查动词。A. brought拿来,带来; B. added增加;C. picked 挑选;D. set放置。父亲决定花钱让人组装自行车,所以将工具箱“收起来(picked up)”。故选C。 8.D考查名词。A. effort 努力;B. tax税金; C. service服务; D. money金钱。 请玩具店组装自行车自然要额外付费,故选D项。 9.A考查副词。A. Then然后; B. Thus因此;C. Since既然; D. Though尽管。该句的两个分句间已经有连词as,所以此处不应该是连词,而是副词。根据语境可知应该用then。 10.C考查名词。A. tools工具; B. rotes死记硬背;C. instructions 说明;D. orders订单,命令。由下文“I can't read”可知Lovett不识字,所以应该是instructions。故选C。 11.B考查动词。A. exchange交换; B. think想,认为;C. learn 学习;D. admit承认。不识字的话就得动脑筋去“想(think)”。故选B。 12.D考查副词。A. partly 部分地,在一定程度上;B. largely主要地,大部分;C. hardly 几乎不;D. fully充分地。由下文“with no __ __parts remaining”可知“完整地(fully)”装好了自行车。故选D。 13.D考查形容词。A. separate分离的; B. different不同的;C. major主要的; D. spare业余的,额外的,备用的。由语境可知装好了自行车,自然就没有剩下“多余的(spare)”的零件。故选D。 14.C考查名词。A. care 关心;B. action行动; C. delight高兴; D. risk冒险。 父亲反反复复地给我们讲这件事,把这件事作为要思考的例子。所以父亲是“喜爱(take delight in)”讲这件事情的。故选C。 15.B考查名词。A. resources资源; B. heads 大脑,头;C. knowledge知识; D. hands手。父亲用这个例子要我们学会使用我们的“大脑(heads)”去思考。故选B。 16.B考查连词。A. so所以; B. but但是;C. or或者,否者; D. and和。前后表示转折关系。故选B。 17.A考查名词。A. respect 尊重;B. reward报酬;C. relief安慰,减轻; D. regard主意,问候。通过Lovett的事例,作者对他有了新的“尊敬(respect)”。故选A。 18.C考查副词。A. never从来没有; B. ever曾经;C. always 总是;D. often经常。对于作者来说,Lovett“一直(always)”是一名沉默少言的老园丁。故选C。 19.A考查动词。A. say 说;B. show展示;C. care 关心;D. earn赚取。由上文中“Lovett,the quiet little man”可知Lovett沉默少言。故选A。 20.C考查形容词比较级。A. colder更冷; B. weaker更虚弱;C. broader更宽; D. grayer更苍白。“我”对Lovett有了新的尊敬,这是对他的肯定,所以此后他似乎笑得“更灿烂(broader)”。故选C。 【名师点拨】 如何做好完形填空 1.上下文对照,抓关键词。 解完型填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要阅读下句或者若干句才能明白。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。比如21.A. Then然后; B. Thus因此;C. Since既然; D. Though尽管。该句的两个分句间已经有连词as,所以此处不应该是连词,而是副词。根据语境可知应该用then。 2.结合生活,利用常识题解题。 目的考查学生的生活常识,看看学生是否善于观察生活,积累生活常识,能否利用常识去做恰当的选择。比如22.A. separate分离的; B. different不同的;C. major主要的; D. spare业余的,额外的,备用的。由语境可知装好了自行车,自然就没有剩下“多余的(spare)”的零件。故选D。 3.关注连词,考查学生对行文逻辑、句子关联的理解能力。 此项用来考查学生在缺少连词的情况想,通过阅读能否理解句子的与句子的关系,是否了解行文逻辑的要求,能否掌握表示因果、转折、并列、条件、让步等的连词的用法。比如23.A. so所以; B. but但是;C. or或者,否者; D. and和。前后表示转折关系。故选B。 考点:考查故事类阅读



Not all children want to listen to their parents. However, parents have been around for at least two decades or so longer than their kids. 1.  Here are four ways in which they might be right.

2.  People should want to grow and change with time in a good way. People who hang around with those who are not as smart as they are will stagnate (停滞). So try to surround yourself with people who are worth learning from.

The more you learn, the less you really know. People tend to believe that they are right about everything before they’ve really learned anything about the world.   3.  This is largely due to contrast: people will realize how ignorant (无知) they were in the past after they’ve learned certain things, making them realize how much they’ve left to learn.

Growing up too fast is truly bad.   4.  However, these are the years when you are going to be more protected from the cruel realities of adulthood. You should try to appreciate this aspect of this life stage without being concerned with pushing your development too hard.

It is better to try and fail than fail to try. Children have to learn that failure is part of life.   5. However, the sting (刺痛) of failure disappears gradually, and the regret about missed opportunities is going to sting far more for many adults. So don’t stop going for certain goals because of a fear of failure.

A. Parents are wiser than you think.

B. It’s hard enough for adults to accept.

C. Being around people who don’t challenge you is a bad idea.

D. Your childhood years may not be the best years of your life.

E. They have some life experience, and it makes sense to listen to them.

F. People who bring out the best in others will reach their personal best.

G.  By the time they have, they’ll realize how complicated (复杂) the world can be.



Dust on furniture may be bad news for waistlines (腰围). But it’s far too early to add dusting to a weight-loss plan. Dietary fats and other materials that make up indoor dust can send a signal to human fat cells, telling them to grow. That process, in turn, might slow the body’s rate of burning energy. Such changes could add to any weight problems a person might have.

“We don’t know what that means to long-term health and certain diseases yet,” says Heather Stapleton, one of the study’s authors. But she notes that her team’s findings also raise a question of whether pollutants in dust might play some role in the growing, global problem of obesity (肥胖).

Stapleton and her colleagues collected dust from homes and offices. Studies found that some materials in the dust could turn on a protein (蛋白质) called PPAR-gamma 1. It’s found in many human tissues. Turning this protein on can cause fat cells to grow. Researchers think this protein may be involved in obesity. But a second study now finds evidence that certain fats are mostly to blame. Cooking oils may send out some of these fats into the air, where they eventually find their way into house dust. Or, the authors say, the fats might enter house dust as part of the hair or skin cells shed (脱落) by people or pets.

“While the findings are amazing,” says Mitchell Lazar, another study author, “these findings need to be taken as very limited.” Indeed, he adds several cautions about how the findings should be understood. “For one thing, people eat these fats in foods all of the time. That is likely to be a lot more than would be consumed from indoor dust,” he said.

1.What do we know about PPAR-gamma 1? _____

A. It comes from dust.

B. It leads to weight gain.

C. It can help get rid of dust.

D. It only appears in human bodies.

2. What’s the best title for the text?  _____

A. Can house dust make us fat?

B. Why is it important to clean?

C. Anything to do to deal with dust?

D. What is the best way to lose weight?



Since 2008, hunters have illegally killed more than 3000 rhinos in South Africa. The International Union for Conservation of Nature warns that rhinos may die out by 2026. People who hunt and kill illegally are called poachers. The most effective way to watch for and prevent illegal hunting is from the air. However, piloted flights are too costly. Fortunately, some Spanish college students have invented a drone (无人机) that can observe more places than a plane.

Arnau Garcia is an aeronautical (航空学的) engineering student at the Polytechnic Institute of Catalonia, in Spain. He says observers from the air have trouble finding poachers when they hide under the trees. Mr. Garcia and other students have worked with the drone manufacturer HEMAV to help find the hidden poachers. They make it by using the thermal camera, which is especially sensitive to body heat. Even when the poachers keep still, it can also keep track of them.

The drone can fly in the wind up to 55 kilometers per hour. It has an autopilot system, so it memorizes the flight path. The drone also has a microphone, a video camera and a GPS system. These permit it to report accurately where a picture is taken. After each flight, the drone can bring back detailed information about where rhinos are found, the conditions of water and plants in the area, and the positions of suspected poachers.

Experts say the drone can fly as far as 70 kilometers from the base. It means that it could quickly observe large areas for poachers. However, the same search operation would take days for human observers. Thanks to the drone, many poachers have been caught and the number of rhinos is on the increase. In addition, HEMAV has received an increasing number of orders for the drone. Even South African national park officials attempt to fill the air with drones.

1.What do we know about the drone? _____

A. It may get lost easily in the air.

B. It can’t work in the windy days.

C. It can offer detailed information.

D. It is useless when the poacher stays still.

2.What’s the best title for the text? _____

A. How to make the drone work well

B. A new way to stop illegal hunting

C. The living conditions of rhinos are worrying

D. The drone helps save rhinos in South Africa



Although environmental problems have existed for centuries, some people still care little about our environment. Problems like ice melting, electronic waste are lighting up news programs and becoming part of an ongoing dialogue about the environment.

As a teenager, what do you think all the problems mean for your future and for the future of the planet? For our October 2016 writing contest, we want you to really consider what you think about environmental problems.

Use these questions to help focus your essay

What environmental problem do you think should cause the greatest alarm and action?

Do you think that you have a personal responsibility to help solve environmental               problems or do you feel helpless against the struggle?

What do you think could help a specific environmental problem?

Don’t try to answer all these questions. Use one of them to make a personal essay.

The title of the essay

When you hand in your essay, title it as: Environmental Problems: _______.

Include the phrase “Environmental Problems” as the beginning of your essay title, but then make the rest of your story title unique. Examples:

Environmental Problems: Trashy Behavior and the Plastic Bottle

Environmental Problems: We Can’t Exist If We Refuse to Change


(1) This is a non-fiction essay contest.

(2) Essays are 500 words or less.

(3) Essays must be your original work.

The deadline:

Midnight Oct. 30, 2016


The winner will be posted on our writing contest website or on Teen Trend Report after Nov. 26, 2016.

1.What is the text mainly about? _____

A. How to write an essay.

B. How to protect our planet.

C. October 2016 writing contest.

D. Some environmental problems.

2.Which of the following essays will be accepted? _____

A. A 300-word essay taken from the newspaper.

B. A 400-word essay on air pollution.

C. A 500-word essay full of imagination.

D. A 600-word essay on plastic bottles.

3. How can one know the result of the contest? _____

A. By sending an email.

B. By visiting the website.

C. By calling the organizer.

D. By reading a scientific report.



Neither rain nor snow nor the dark of night can separate Tennessee postal carrier “Mailman Mike” from his 4-and-a-half-year-old friend Carter Lawson – or keep them from their appointments.

For the past nine months, the two have teamed up every day in the preschooler’s Knoxville neighborhood for a few minutes of delivering mail together and chatting with fellow neighbors. Lawson wants to be a mail carrier when he grows up, and in an inspiring story, his mom told us how mailman Mike Crenshaw has been a role model to her son. “Anyone could just be like ‘Go away, kid’, but Mike has really gone out of his way to talk with Carter,” said Cassie Lawson of the United States Postal Service carrier. Little Carter even got his own uniform to match Mike’s. “It’s been really cute. I just couldn’t believe he got a full mailman’s costume,” the postal service employee said.

“Every letter carrier has stops he looks forward to and this is the one I look forward to every day,” said Mike. “He’s the end of my day, and the best part of my day. Not because it’s the end, but because he’s such a cute little guy.”

The man and the little boy’s connection isn’t a surprise to Fredric Rolando, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers. “Kids respond to mailmen because letter carriers are a friendly, uniformed part of the neighborhood who bring something to their house every day, and are someone they come to recognize and trust,” Rolando said. “It’s the same for the elderly, but in addition, letter carriers may be the only person they communicate with all day.”

1.Mike Crenshaw meets Carter Lawson every day to _____ .

A. play with the boy

B. get mail from the boy

C. listen to the boy’s stories

D. send mail together with the boy

2.Why does Mike Crenshaw like the last stop of his day? _____

A. It is where he lives.

B. It is where he is paid.

C. He wants to be with Carter.

D. He can finish his work by then.

3.What is the best title for the text? _____

A. A letter carrier is praised for helping a kid.

B. A mailman makes a little boy’s dream come true.

C. Every letter carrier has stops he looks forward to.

D. The importance of letter carriers cannot be ignored.



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