满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Snowfall and low temperatures haven't ma...

Snowfall and low temperatures haven't made the animals move hurriedly for shelter. _______, they greet the snow with excitement, either enjoying the snowy landscape or tasting snowflakes.

A. On the contrary      B. In conclusion

C. As a whole           D. Aside from


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查固定词组。A. On the contrary正相反;B. In conclusion得出结论;C. As a whole从整体来看;D. Aside from除---之外。句意:降雪和气温低并没有使动物们匆忙的躲避。正相反,他们兴奋地享受这雪景或品尝这雪花。故选A。 考点:考查固定词组  

“Nowhere else_______ a greater talent for innovation than in Internet-based businesses”, said the report.

A. are Chinese businessmen shown

B. Chinese businessmen have shown

C. have Chinese businessmen shown

D. Chinese businessmen have been shown



For all the professional athletes, _______to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.

A. approach       B. method    C. way       D. access



The programme showed those doctors and nurses _______special importance to any potential symptoms in the population.

A. attached         B. contributed

C. led              D. indicated



Masha, a hostess on a Chinese TV program, could not forget those _______moments when she first arrived in China, _______ about Chinese culture.

A. embarrassing, confusing

B. embarrassed, confusing

C. embarrassing, confused

D. embarrassed, confused



So, it was a win-win situation _______was why we did not hesitate _______ with them.

A. where, to partner   B. which, to partner

C. where, partnering   D. which, partnering



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