满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A“blogger” is a person who writes on an ...

A“blogger” is a person who writes on an Internet website called a “blog”. The word “blog” is a       way of saying“web log”, or “personal website”. Anyone can start a       , and they can write about anything they like.

       There are millions of blogs on the internet today. They       news, information and ideas for people who read them. They contain       to other websites, and they provide a place for people to write their      and react to the ideas of others.

       A research company called Perseus has        more than 3,000 web logs. It says that blogs are most       with teenage girls. They use them to       their friends know what is happening in their lives. The study       says that more than 100,000 bloggers stopped taking part in the activity after a year.

             , some people develop       blogs to present political and other ideas.       , the Republican and Democratic parties in the southern state of Kentucky recently started their own blogs. And American companies are beginning to use blogs to advertise their      .

      At the same time, some long-standing blogs have       . Last week, blogging leader Dave Winer closed his free blog service “weblogs. com”. He said the site became too expensive to      . He started the blog four years ago, and thousands of people had      on it. They were      that the site had been closed.

One blog that is still going        is called Rebecca’s Pocket. Rebecca Blood created the website in 1999. She wrote about the history of blogs on the site. That       led to a book called The Weblog Handbook. It has been        into four languages so far.

1. A.  shortB.  longC.  regularD.  central

2. A.  companyB.  expressionC.  experimentD.  blog

3. A.  debateB.  exploreC.  provideD.  seek

4. A.  issues B.  linksC.  recoveryD.  guidance

5. A.  reasonsB.  ideasC.  faultsD.  choices

6. A.  servedB.  reportedC.  studiedD.  attached

7. A.  popularB.  pleasedC.  boredD.  careful

8.A.  askB.  orderC.  demandD.  let

9. A.  insteadB.  yetC.  still D.  also

10. A.  BesidesB.  HoweverC.  In factD.  Therefore

11.A.  fierceB.  relaxingC.  seriousD.  humorous

12. A.  For exampleB.  In totalC.  In the endD.  On the contrary

13. A.  productsB.  employeesC.  systemsD.  predictions

14. A.  recognizedB.  endedC.  survivedD.  happened

15. A.  advertiseB.  startC.  continueD.  close

16. A.  writtenB.  appearedC.  workedD.  taken

17. A.  happyB.  upsetC.  excitedD.  confident

18. A.  devotedB.  gentleC.  weakD.  strong

19. A. characterB.  historyC.  articleD.  usage

20. A.  dippedB.  fooledC.  mixedD.  translated


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了博客。博客涉及哪些方面的内容,从不同人的想法,到媒体的建议和广告应有尽有。 1.A 考查形容词A.short短的;B. Long长的;C. regular经常的;D. central中央的。博客是web log的简称,故选A。 2.D考查名词A.company公司;B. expression表达;C. experiment实验;D. blog博客。任何人都可以写博客,故选D。 3.C考查动词A. debate争辩;B.explore探索;C.provide提供;D. seek寻找。此处讲博客为人们提供了各种新闻,信息和观点,故选C。 4.B考查名词A. issues话题;B. links链接;C. recovery恢复;D.guidance向导。这些博客含有其他网站的链接,给人们提供了地方写出他们的观点,以及对别人的观点做出回应,故选B。 5.B考查名词A. reasons理由;B. ideas观点;C. faults错误;D. choices选择。句意同上,故选B。 6.C考查动词A.served服务;reported报道;C.studied研究;D. attached附加。这家研究公司调查研究了3000个博客,故选C。 7.A 考查形容词A. popular受欢迎的;B.pleased感到满意的;C. bored感到无聊的;D. careful仔细的。短语“受...的欢迎” be popular with。故选A。 8.D 考查动词A. ask问;B. order命令;C. demand要求;D. let让。让某人知道let sb know, 故选D。 9.D考查副词A.instead相反;B.yet然而;C. Still仍然;D. Also也。该处讲研究表明大多数年轻女孩喜欢用博客,然而却发现多数博客主在一年后停止了使用博客,故选D。 10.B 考查副词A.besides除了..以外还;B. however然而;C. in fact事实上;D. therefore因而。前一段讲一些人用博客记录生活中的事情,这一段讲另外一些人用博客记录自己的政治观点等一些严肃的话题,有转折的意味。故选B。 11.C 考查形容短语A. fierce剧烈的;B. relaxing放松的;C. serious严肃的;D.humorous幽默的。句意同上。故选C。 12.A考查短语A. For example例如;B. In total总计;C.In the end最后; D. On the contrary相反。该句是对上文的情况举的一个事例。故选A。 13.A考查名词A. products产品;B. employees雇员;C. systems系统;D. predictions预测。 美国的公司开始用博客为自己的产品打广告,advertise后搭配products合适。故选A。 14.B考查动词A. recognized辨认;B.ended结束;C. survived幸存;D. happened发生。根据后面的举例, blogging leader Dave Winer 关闭了他的免费提供的博客服务器。故选B。 15.C考查动词A.advertise登广告;B.start开始;C. continue继续;D.close关闭。根据上下文理解,该处讲一些博客服务器因为太昂贵而难以继续维持,不得不结束。故选C。 16.A 考查动词A. written写;B. appeared出现;C.worked工作;D. taken拿取。人们通过博客服务器提供的网站,在上面写博客。故选A。 17.B考查形容词A. happy开心的;B. upset难过的;C. excited感到激动的;D. confident自信的。博客关闭了,应该是难过的心情。故选B。 18.D考查形容词A. devoted奉献的;B. gentle轻柔的;C. weak虚弱的;D. strong强壮的。此处举例讲一个仍然发展强劲的博客Rebecca’s Pocket。故选D。 19.C考查名词A. character特征;B. history历史;C. article文章;D. usage使用。此处指博客中的一篇文章被写成了书出版,并被翻译成了四种不同的语言。故选C。 20.D考查动词A. dipped浸泡;B. fooled愚弄;C. mixed混合;D. translated翻译。句意同上。故选D。 【名师点睛】 一、完型填空题的命题特点 完型填空题是一种综合性比较强的测试题,它把单项填空和阅读理解等题型融为一体,它不仅考查学生对词汇、词组、语法、句型和常识逻辑等语言基础知识的掌握情况和正确使用语法知识的能力,而且也考查学生的理解能力、推理能力、以及情景语感等方面综合理解和运用语言的能力。 二、完型填空的命题趋势 1、体裁、题材多样,考察学生涉猎各种信息的能力 体裁有记叙文、说明文等;题材涉及到趣味故事、幽默小品、科普知识、日常生活、人物小记、社会热点话题等等。短文一般文章短小,情节连贯,层次分明,线索清楚。目的是考查学生是否有阅读各种体裁、题材文章的能力以及获取各种新息的能力。 2、侧重整体理解、考查学生快速阅读理解能力。 解完型填空题需要学生具备视读、跳读、查读、猜词等各种快速阅读技巧。因为解题时间有限,在短短的时间内,要完成全文和选项的阅读,还要进行正确判断、推理、核查等工作。可见阅读速度非常重要。 3、侧重基础知识,考查学生语言知识的能力。 完型填空以文入手,结合文章的内容考查学生的基础知识,主要是词语搭配、近义词辨 异、辨析句子结构、掌握语法规则的能力。如21.A考查短语A. For example例如;B. In total总计;C.In the end最后; D. On the contrary相反。该句是对上文的情况举的一个事例。故选A。 4、上下文对照,考查学生捕捉关键词的能力。 解完型填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要阅读下句或者若干句才能明白。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。如22.A 考查动词A. written写;B. appeared出现;C.worked工作;D. taken拿取。人们通过博客服务器提供的网站,在上面写博客。故选A。 5、设置语境,考查学生的分析推理能力。 旨在考查学生在选项都符合语法及句子结构的情况下能否利用前后语境去推断出正确答案。 6、结合生活,考查学生利用常识题的能力。 目的考查学生的生活常识,看看学生是否善于观察生活,积累生活常识,能否利用常识去做恰当的选择。 7、关注连词,考查学生对行文逻辑、句子关联的理解能力。 此项用来考查学生在缺少连词的情况想,通过阅读能否理解句子的与句子的关系,是否了解行文逻辑的要求,能否掌握表示因果、转折、并列、条件、让步等的连词的用法。 三、完型填空题的解题步骤: 1、通读全文,了解大意 越过空挡,通读全文,理顺题意,找出信息词,建立语言的整体感。这是做好完型 填空题的关键。因为完型填空题的特点是着眼于整体理解。如23.B 考查副词A.besides除了..以外还;B. however然而;C. in fact事实上;D. therefore因而。前一段讲一些人用博客记录生活中的事情,这一段讲另外一些人用博客记录自己的政治观点等一些严肃的话题,有转折的意味。故选B。24.C 考查形容短语A. fierce剧烈的;B. relaxing放松的;C. serious严肃的;D.humorous幽默的。句意同上。故选C。 2、细读首尾,推测意图 文章的首句是全文的“窗口”,尾句是文章的总结、结论或点睛之笔。这样,通过阅 读首句和尾句,就可以了解背景知识,对于空格位置的词语进行大胆分析和判断,以便揣测作者的意图,理顺思路,为后面的答题做好铺垫。 3、综合考虑,瞻前顾后 在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,分析这一空格处在 句中的地位,前后的关系和它所起的作用,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案。 4、复读全文,验证答案 做完题目以后,要立足整体,再次通读全文,从语法入手,检查一下句子的时态、语法、主谓一致、代词的性、数、格以及词语的搭配等是否正确。若有疑问,必须根据文章的中心思想,从意义、语法的角度来仔细权衡,加以改正,弥补疏漏。 考点:议论文类完形填空


Summer is the season of family travel.   1.  Here are our top 5 things to teach your children before entering big crowds:

How Far They Can Go     2.   For young children, you should set a rule of always holding a parent’s hand. For older kids, you may be comfortable with a “I can always see you and you can always see me” rule.

To Call Your Real Name Teach your children that you will find them, so it’s best if they stay in one place. What’s more, teach them to call out your full name instead of “Mommy” or “Daddy” to help you more easily find them.

How to Identify a “Safe Person” Make sure your children know the best people to approach if they get separated from you. Employees working at the place you‘re visiting are generally always good, “safe people”. But what about places that may not have employees, like the beach?    3.  Experts say that moms are often the most willing and best-equipped people to help kids.

What to say     4.  Remember that if your children do get separated from you, they will likely be panicked (恐慌), so don’t assume that they will know how to tell strangers that they are lost. Role-play getting lost and using simple sentences like, “I am lost” with your kids to help them know what to do if it actually happens.

Their Personal Information Make sure your children know as much basic personal information as possible, including their full names, parents’ full names and telephone numbers and the address.    5.  

A. Teach your children to look for a mom with kids.

B. Sometimes it’s not hard to find a safe person in such places.

C. But do your kids know what to do if they get separated from you?

D. If your kids are too young to remember them, write them down!

E. It can be hard for people to help a lost child.

F. Tell your children to behave normally when they get lost.

G. It’s important to talk with your children about how close you expect them to stay to you.



There are many people who say Thomas Edison invented the twentieth century. Although there are those who may disagree, yet Edison was one of the greatest inventors in America.      

Born in 1847 in Ohio, Thomas Edison attended school for only three months. After his teacher said that he could not learn, Edison’s mother decided to teach him at home. There he was allowed to study the subjects that most interested him. By age ten, Edison had built a science laboratory of his own.

Edison got his first job at age twelve on the railway selling candy and newspapers. There he once saved a boy whose father was the boss of the railway station. In return the boss helped him a lot.

In his late twenties, Edison built an “invention factory” where he and his business partners could devote all their time to inventing. After improving upon the telephone, Edison created the phonograph(留声机). Although Edison did not actually invent the light bulb, he did create an electric lighting system which led to its widespread use.

Edison set up the first central electric power station in 1882, so New York became the first city in the world to have electric lights. This was the beginning of the modern world in which electricity became a way of life.

The following year, one of Edison’s engineers discovered electrons(电子), which at last led to electronics. Without electronics, we might not have radio, TV, computers, or space travel. The rest of Edison’s life was spent making and improving inventions.

Thomas Edison died at the age of eighty-four in 1931. Three days later, much of America dimmed(使暗淡) its lights in honor of the inventor—a man who had more impact (影响)on the development of present-day civilization than anyone else in history.

1. The passage tells us that ________.

A. Edison didn’t like to study at school

B. Edison invented the light bulb in his late twenties

C. even without electronics, we might have radio, TV, computers, or space travel

D. New York was the first city in the world to have electric lights

2.From the passage, we can infer that _________.

A. Edison’s teacher thought Edison was not worth teaching

B. Edison’s mother stopped Edison studying at school

C. Edison didn’t invent many things in all his life

D. Edison didn’t spend his life working on these inventions when he was old

3.Why did many Americans dim their lights when Edison died? ________.

A. Americans wanted to save more energy.

B. Americans were used to dimming their lights.

C. Americans dimmed their lights in memory of the great inventor.

D. Americans were made to dim their lights.

4.The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Edison, a Poor Man

B. Edison, a Great Inventor

C. Edison Died at 84

D. Edison and His Childhood



The biggest hamburger restaurant chain(连锁) in the world is McDonald’s. It started in 1955 with just one restaurant, but now has more than 20000 worldwide. There are more than 12000 McDonald’s restaurants only in the US. You can find them in 100 countries on six continents. There isn’t a McDonald’s in Antarctica, but I don’t suppose they eat hamburgers at the South Pole. When you eat at a McDonald’s restaurant you are joining the 35 million people who eat and drink at McDonald’s every day, and there are more than one million people who work there. McDonald’s has sold 100 billion hamburgers since it opened, and it sells more than 6.8 million pounds of French Fries every day.

How do you like your hamburger restaurant? There are old McDonald’s ---- part of one restaurant in England is 600 years old. There are elegant(高雅的) McDonald’s ---- there is one on the Champs Elysees in Paris. There are cool McDonald’s ---- there is one in Hollywood. There are McDonald’s restaurants on ships and trains, in hospitals and zoos, in airports and in colleges.

Clearly many people like the speed, hygiene(卫生) and cheapness of fast food restaurants. However, not everyone likes fast food. Some people question the nutritional value of the food; some people think the fast food causes too much waste and pollution. So the fast food business gives us plenty of food for thought, as well as convenient, affordable meals.

1.There are ________ McDonald’s restaurants outside the US now.

A. about 20000  B. about 8000

C. about 12000  D. about 32000

2.How many people does each McDonald’s employees serve on average every day? _______

A. About 35 billion  B. About 100 billion

C. About 35 million  D. About 600 million

3. From the passage we can infer that ________.

A. there are McDonald’s of different styles to meet different customers

B. the writer encourage more people to eat hamburgers

C. the writer thinks people should stop eating hamburgers

D. hamburgers are of great nutritional value

4. The underlined phrase“plenty of food for thought”in the last paragraph probably means ______.

A. a lot of delicious food  B. a lot of food you can afford

C. a lot of things to think about D. a lot of convenient food



It’s not Christmas Day yet. But wherever I go on the streets, I see shops selling Christmas trees and all kinds of beautiful decorations, waiters wearing Christmas hats; I hear children singing Christmas songs on broadcast; I get messages of Christmas’s best wishes from friends.

I just got quite confused again, since when have Chinese begun celebrating Christmas Day? What do these people celebrate it for, the birth of Chris? But we all know that most of Chinese are not Christians, they don’t even know the origin of Christmas Day, and they celebrate it for no reason.

I don’t celebrate Christmas Day or any other western holidays since I’m not a Christian and nor am I a westerner. I don’t know what Christmas really means. Anyway I can’t get reasonable answers from my friends. Some of them think they would like to just take this chance to enjoy themselves regardless of the meaning of the festival. Some of them think I’m an old-fashioned girl, a bigot who doesn’t appreciate the spirit of Chinese cultural tolerance(宽容) and understanding of other cultures. Well, if it is about cultural tolerance, why don’t we ever celebrate the month of Muharram, or festivals of colours in India, or Fiestas Patrias in Mexico?

I really appreciate cultural exchanges and communications with all nations, but I don’t think this is what it’s about. People are celebrating more and more western festivals while ignoring our traditional ones.

Is it part of globalization(全球化)? Do people in other non-western countries also celebrate Christmas?


1. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer _________.

A. is an old-fashioned girl

B. doesn’t like festivals at all

C. prefers western festivals to Chinese festivals

D. prefers Chinese festivals to western festivals

2. According to the writer, many Chinese people celebrate Christmas _________.

A. for no reason

B. for the birth of Chris

C. because most of them are Christians

D. because they don’t like Chinese festivals

3. The underlined word “bigot” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A. a very brave person  B. a very stubborn person

C. a very careful person  D. a very popular person

4. We can learn from the passage that _________.

A. more and more Chinese people celebrate western festivals now

B. Chinese people pay enough attention to our own festivals

C. no Christmas celebration means one lacks cultural tolerance

D. the writer doesn’t like cultural exchanges and communications with other countries



Agatha Christie used to go out at night. She will never forget the night when she met a robber many years ago.

That evening, she was invited to a birthday party which lasted till 2 o'clock in the morning. Without company, Agatha walked home along the quiet street. Suddenly from the shadow of a dark building, a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand ran out at her. “Good morning, lady,” the man said in a low voice, “I don't think you wish to die here!”“What do you want?” Agatha asked.

    “Your earrings (耳环). Take them off!”Agatha suddenly had a bright idea. She tried to cover her necklace with the collar (衣领) of her overcoat while she used the other hand to take off  both of her earrings, and then she quickly threw them on the ground.

  “Take them and let me go.” she said. The robber was uncertain. He saw that the girl didn't care for the earrings at all, only trying to protect the necklace. He realized the necklace would cost more, so he said, “Give me your necklace.”

  “Oh, sir. It's not worth much. Please let me keep it.”

  “Stop talking rubbish. Quick!”

  With shaky hands, Agatha took off her necklace. As soon as the robber disappeared, she picked up her earrings and ran as fast as she could to her home.

  The earrings cost 480 pounds and the necklace the robber had taken away cost only six pounds ten shillings (先令).

1.Agatha will never forget the night because ________.

A. she was robbed of her earrings

B. she was robbed but she fooled the robber

C. she had such a nice time at the party

D. it is dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night

2.Why did she try to protect her necklace? ________.

A. She didn’t want the robber to notice it.

B. It was cheaper than the earrings.

C. It was worth keeping.

D. She would rather have it robbed.

3.The story wants to tell us ________.

A. Agatha was brave and clever

B. the robber was foolish

C. a necklace is usually more expensive than earrings

D. never stay too late at an evening party



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