满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

语法填空 I was visiting the Cape Verde Islan...


I was visiting the Cape Verde Islands with some friends. Although it was a 1. (wind) day, the water was clear and my friends were out on the reef. Going out to snorkel (潜泳), I 2. (notice) that an ocean current had spread to the bay, pushing me towards rocks 3. (cover) in sea urchins (海胆). Since I wasn't close to the shore, 4. would have been a tiring exercise to swim against it, so, using the current, I made it back to shore in about an hour.

5. (lie) on the beach and out of breath, I heard a voice. A man, 6.was one of the guys I had just met, was getting pushed past the rocks and would be quickly carried out to sea. No one else was close, 7. I jumped into the water. Keeping a mark on all of the submerged rocks and sand bars (沙洲), I swam out to him.

“Get hold of my arm and when you reach a sand bar, grip it with your feet,” I said over the roar of the waves.

With one hand, I held onto the man, and with 8. other, I was using all of my remaining 9. (strong) to reach the sand bars. Again, I used the current to get across the bay, towards the shallows. 10. (final), we crawled up the sand and lay there watching the sun.


1.windy 2.noticed 3.covered 4.it 5.Lying 6.who 7.so 8.the 9.strength 10.Finally 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Beijing has lots of famous tourist attractions. Every year many tourist come here to enjoy its beautiful scenery and rich culture. But several years ago, visitors behave badly. Some talked loudly in public and threw litter everywhere. Some picked flowers, cutting down trees and hurt animals. And even better, some painted on the walls and smoked in the woods.

Luckily, things has changed. Rubbish is always put into dustbins. People are friendly at animals. Everybody smokes in the woods. All these changes make us happily. As student, I think we should know it's our duty to protect the environment. Let's to change our behavior when we travel.




Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg 1. (recent) surprised Chinese students when he spoke to 2. in Chinese. In a talk at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Zuckerberg spoke Chinese for about 30 minutes. 3.his Chinese was far from perfect, students and faculty cheered his effort.

Clayton Dube is the head of the U.S.­China Institute at the University of Southern California. He praises Zuckerberg's effort and thinks more American CEOs should learn foreign 4. (language).

“To speak Chinese 5. (mean) you begin to think as Chinese people do. You begin to understand how Chinese speakers have the world _6. (organize), and how they understand things. And that is a vital step if you're going to be culturally qualified.”

Zuckerberg's talk raises a larger question: Is Chinese the language of the future? Could it replace English 7. the world's international language? Chinese already has the most native speakers of any language. And, China may soon pass the United States as the world's 8. (large) economy.

The study of 9. Chinese language is increasing in the United States and around the world. In 2009, about 60,000 _10. (America) college students were studying Chinese. That is three times as many as in 1990.




A crowd gathered recently to hear a popular jazz band. The music was good, and the _______ were very talented. But everyone had come to see one player _______,the 9­year­old boy, Jose Andre Montano.

Why were so many music­lovers interested in _______ this young man perform? It is because he is a jazz _______, and he is blind.

Jose's life began in Totora, Bolivia, ________ he was born blind. Yet _______ his lack of sight, the boy began playing the drums at the age of 4. He showed a(n) _______ ability, and before long, he was playing the _______, too. By the age of 5 he had formed his own jazz trio (三重奏). His parents, along with everyone else, are _______ surprised by his wonderful talent. “I didn't know  ________ before; he got me into it,” said his father, Roberto. “I don't know how to explain how it _______. It's like jazz was _______ inside him.”

Many professional musicians are equally ________ and welcome the chance to ________ with Jose. They have noticed his deep understanding of this unique form of music. Singer Vero Perez says the exceptional thing about Jose isn't his age or even his _______. According to Perez, “He shows other musicians how jazz music really is to be played.”

As Jose's fame _______, he has more chances to tour and perform. He has traveled throughout Bolivia and into Brazil and Peru.

When Jose is at home with his family, he is a _______ little boy. He goes to school and does his homework. _______ when he begins playing the piano or drums, his musical genius becomes obvious. Jose has proved that nothing will keep him from doing what he loves best. His positive _______ towards life encourages others to look past their own obstacles and _______ their dreams.

1.A.singers          B.actors         C.musicians      D.dancers

2.A.in person         B.in particular  C.by mistake      D.by chance

3.A.celebrating      B.encouraging    C.noticing       D.watching

4.A.genius           B.fool           C.inventor       D.conductor

5.A.what              B.where          C.when            D.which

6.A.through          B.for            C.although       D.despite

7.A.amusing           B.frightening    C.amazing         D.interesting

8.A.drum             B.computer       C.song            D.piano

9.A.continuously     B.normally       C.strangely      D.suddenly

10.A.rock             B.folk           C.jazz           D.blues

11.A.came about       B.came back      C.turned up       D.turned off

12.A.only            B.already        C.never          D.hardly

13.A.depressed        B.confused       C.impressed      D.worried

14.A.live            B.chat           C.fight          D.perform

15.A.carelessness     B.blindness      C.deafness       D.loneliness

16.A.promises        B.appears        C.lifts          D.spreads

17.A.lazy             B.happy          C.normal         D.funny

18.A.But              B.So             C.Because         D.Since

19..A.success        B.attitude       C.dream          D.performance

20.A.reach for       B.call for       C.ask for        D.send for




The Verizon Innovative App Challenge gives kids a chance to create apps (计算机应用程序) that can solve problems in their community.

Do you want to make a difference in your community? The Verizon Innovative App Challenge can get you started. The first step is to think of a problem in your community. The next step is to create an app that can solve the problem.

Groups of five to seven students in middle school or high school, led by a teacher, can enter the contest. First, teams compete on a local level. Teams that make it to the next round receive D|S5,000 for their schools. Finalists present their app ideas to judges in a live webinar (网络研讨会).

Next, the judges pick national winners. The top eight teams receive an additional D|S15,000 for their schools, and each team member receives a Samsung tablet. Plus, the winning teams get the chance to bring their app to life.

A group of six girls from Los Fresnos, Texas, won the second annual Verizon Innovative App Challenge. They came up with the Hello Navi app concept, short for “hello navigation”. The app was designed to help visually­impaired students navigate their school by using an internal compass and voice­over technology. Read more about the team in September 19, 2016 issue of TIME For Kids: Edition 3-4.

Do you have an app idea that could help solve a local issue? The deadline to register is November 24, 2016. Find more information and register your team at www. verizonfoundation. org/appchallenge.

Here are some tips from the Verizon Foundation to get you started:

•Get your team together for a brainstorming meeting. Write out all the ideas that come to mind.

• Don't ignore challenges. Think of the problems that exist in your community.

•Ask family, friends, and people in your community to share their thoughts about problems that they want to see solved.

1.The Verizon Innovative App Challenge was launched to ________.

A.let students create apps to solve problems

B.call on students to put their ideas into practice

C.inspire students to focus on social problems

D.encourage students to cooperate with teachers

2.In which order should one follow to enter the Verizon Innovative App Challenge?

You think of a problem in your community.

Your team compete against others in your city.

You invent an app with your partners and teachers.

Winning teams can compete to become national winners.

A.①②③④             B.①③②④

C.①④②③             D.④①③②

3.What does the 5th paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The winning team and their app of the second Verizon Innovative App Challenge.

B.An app designed to help the disabled to work on the computer.

C.An app concept that navigates blind students to explore nature.

D.Six girls from Los Fresnos, Texas who signed up for the contest.

4.What's the purpose of the passage?

A.To tell readers how to solve a local issue.

B.To invite kids to join in the Verizon Innovative App Challenge.

C.To offer readers information about a talent show.

D.To appeal to adults to make contributions to society.




What's life like on a deserted island? Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona decided to find out.

The adventurous senator took a vacation from Capitol Hill and went on a four­day Robinson Crusoe style holiday with his two teenage sons to a remote, deserted island in the North Pacific Ocean.

The senator and his sons, 15­year­old Tanner and 13­year­old Dallin, traveled 5,200 miles from Phoenix, Arizona to the island of Biggarenn. They didn't carry any food or water.

The island is part of the Marshall Islands. It offered no basic supplies, so the Flakes had to catch and cook their own food and purify their water. Their diet was made up of coconuts, crabs and fish. They caught the crab and fish themselves and cooked the food over an open fire started with a magnifying glass (放大镜).

The Flakes brought along a lobster trap (龙虾夹) in the hope of having some delicious treats, but lost it within the first few hours after it was attacked by a shark. They also carried two pumps to remove salt from ocean water. It took them hours each night to pump for just a few gallons of fresh water.

One of the most memorable moments of the trip, the father said, was when he and his 15­year­old son were almost caught by sharks after spearing (用叉叉起) a fish in the ocean.

Still, it was quite an enjoyable holiday for them. “For a dad it was a wonderful thing. No video games around, no television, no disturbance, no texting,” Flake recalled.

1.Why did the Flakes go to the island of Biggarenn?

A.To meet Robinson Crusoe.

B.To spear the shark for food.

C.To spend a special vacation.

D.To swim in the North Pacific Ocean.

2.What can we learn from the text?

A.The Flakes could easily find a fire on the island.

B.The Flakes caught lobsters for food on the island.

C.The Flakes found basic things that they needed on the island.

D.The Flakes took much trouble to get drinkable water on the island.

3.According to the text, the Flakes' holiday is ________.

A.adventurous but interesting

B.exciting but painful

C.meaningless but enjoyable

D.boring but memorable



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