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语法填空 World Read Aloud Day is celebrated ...


World Read Aloud Day is celebrated each year on the first Wednesday of March. It 1. (start) by the LitWorld. org in 2010 and has now reached 65 countries. 2. aim is to encourage people worldwide who cannot read to enjoy the benefits of a book. Its website asks everyone 3. (celebrate) the day by taking a book, finding an audience, and reading out aloud. It is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write 4. (belong) to all people.

The website asks visitors to join in the movement to reduce 5. number of illiterate (不识字的) people in the world. It is 6. (absolute) necessary to help those who cannot read.The website says, “It's time to start by reading aloud to 7. might like it. Share a book with a child who might need it, share a story with someone who would treasure it, listen patiently 8. someone else's story as they share with you.” The United Nations says, “Literacy involves a variety of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge, _9. to participate fully in society.” In that way, World Read Aloud Day does help make a _10. (different).


1.was started 2.Its/The 3.to 4.belongs 5.the 6.absolutely 7.whoever 8.to 9.and 10.difference 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


It was a freezing cold evening in northern Virginia many years ago. An old man was waiting for a _______ across the river.

At last he heard some hooves (马蹄) _______ along the frozen path. Anxiously, he watched as several horsemen came around the bend. _______, he let them pass by one after another. Finally, as the _______ rider was drawing near, the old man _______the rider's eyes and asked whether he would _______ giving him a ride to the other side.

The rider agreed ________. Seeing the old man was unable to ________ his half­frozen body from the ground, the horseman _______ and helped the old man _______ the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river, but to his _______, a tiny but cozy cottage.

Before leaving, out of _______, the horseman asked the old man why on such a bitter winter night he would wait and ask the last rider and _______he had refused. The old man replied, “I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no _______ for my situation. But when I looked into your eyes, I was certain that your gentle spirit would give me _______ in my time of need.”

Those _______ comments touched the horseman deeply, who _______ the old man. “May I never get too busy with my own affairs that I _______ to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion.”

With ________, Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States, turned his horse around and _________ his way back to the White House.

1.A.horseman       B.horse         C.ride          D.friend

2.A.attacking       B.running       C.entering       D.approaching

3.A.However         B.Therefore     C.Thus           D.Moreover

4.A.coming          B.remaining     C.next          D.last

5.A.kept           B.caught        C.looked        D.saw

6.A.mind            B.avoid         C.prefer        D.try

7.A.seriously      B.doubtfully    C.willingly      D.strangely

8.A.lift            B.push          C.feel           D.stand

9.A.went off        B.turned around C.set out        D.got down

10.A.onto           B.over          C.off            D.above

11.A.hometown       B.apartment     C.destination   D.village

12.A.courage       B.curiosity     C.enthusiasm    D.honesty

13.A.what about     B.if only       C.how come       D.what if

14.A.chance         B.doubt         C.concern        D.reason

15.A.strength      B.comfort       C.generosity    D.assistance

16.A.heartwarming   B.impressive    C.pessimistic  D.optimistic

17.A.persuaded     B.told          C.reminded      D.suggested

18.A.manage        B.fail          C.disagree      D.remember

19.A.it            B.them          C.that           D.this

20.A.made          B.struggled     C.felt          D.fought




Dear Mum,

Sorry to have kept you waiting last night. Excuse me for my come back late. I was held up because the power failure in the school. The lights sudden went off in the middle of the play. The students were confused about how to do. I was in the charge of the staging of the play, but I could not leave the stage in disorder. I had to try my best to control the situation. I arrange to light the candles preparing for the play in advance. After the performance, I called a few taxi to take the actors home since many of them lived far away. I hope you do not mind my lately return.


Li Hua




One hot summer day, I bought a small boat when my family spent vacation1.(enjoy) the beaches of beautiful Gulf shores. Both of my daughters played all day in the boat. Later the little one got2.(tire). Therefore, I took her to our spot on the sand as my elder girl continued to play in the boat. But the boat with my elder daughter in it was gradually moving far out from the shore. I called to her to come3.(close) to the shore and she seemed to be frightened. All she could do was to 4.(paddle) hard to one side and the boat was just making small circles.

I stood as far out in the water, shouting5.(instruct) to her. 6.(fortunate), some teenagers on a boat not far from her7.(notice) what was happening and started to head her way immediately.

I'm not a good swimmer8.I determined to have a try. I continued swimming until I no longer knew or could feel that I had legs, but  I always kept my eyes on her. Helped by the teenagers, I finally made my way back pulling her and calming her.

I've learned_9.the experience that maybe we think we are not strong enough sometimes, but if we trust 10. enough and take the first attempt, we'll have all the strength we need.




As a child, I started learning to play the piano, my favorite musical _______, but I was forced to give up when I started my middle school _______ I could concentrate more on my studies.

It's one of my biggest ________ to stop practicing the piano when I recall sadly today. During the following years, I kept telling my piano teacher that I would _______. However, I didn't keep my promise because I was _______ with my study. _______ I lost touch with my teacher. Some years later, my teacher died. I was very sad because I lost such a good teacher. She was a very warm and gentle person. It hurts me to think she may have been _______ that I never returned. I haven't taken lessons since then but to be honest, I _______to. Sitting at the piano, I couldn't help recalling many _______— time of my practising at home and playing before my teacher and one time my teacher _________ me after I played an entire piece of music wrong in front of her colleagues. I was so _______ that I could hardly say anything. But her _______ helped ease my shame. These memories, ________, good or bad, never caused my _______ to play the piano again.

This thought then led me to think that ________ is like music, and that we all try to play different ________ in the instrument of our life. Sometimes the pitch (音高) is _______ when we play it well, but sometimes we are out of tone. However, we all continue to create our own _______ style of music. No matter what style our music is, it is _______ that we sing the songs of joy, quietness and love. Though I may never make it back to piano lessons, it doesn't _______that I've stopped making music.

1.A.instrument        B.performance       C.room        D.stage

2.A.because           B.so that           C.now that      D.for

3.A.successes         B.regrets           C.decisions     D.hobbies

4.A.play              B.graduate          C.leave         D.return

5.A.occupied         B.angry             C.satisfied     D.patient

6.A.Actually         B.Constantly        C.Suddenly     D.Gradually

7.A.astonished        B.glad              C.disappointed  D.amazed

8.A.liked             B.needed            C.wanted        D.decided

9.A.dreams            B.expressions       C.words        D.memories

10.A.instructed      B.hurt              C.punished     D.respected

11.A.frightened      B.moved             C.embarrassed   D.excited

12.A.happiness        B.satisfaction      C.comfort      D.sigh

13.A.instead          B.meanwhile         C.therefore    D.however

14.A.hope            B.courage           C.feeling      D.effort

15.A.life             B.learning          C.attitude      D.enjoyment

16.A.cards            B.sports            C.roles         D.games

17.A.hard            B.wonderful         C.surprising  D.complex

18.A.unique          B.boring            C.common       D.similar

19.A.necessary        B.strange           C.possible      D.important

20.A.matter           B.mean              C.report       D.appear




Do you struggle with business writing?Are teams and individuals asking for help with their business writing skills? 1. Since 1990, we have been helping employees and managers write better.

Everything written in business reflects the image of the company and the writer. 2. This means organizing ideas well, checking that the language is accurate and that the presentation is professional. Writing successfully is always the result of careful planning.

Before you start writing, you need to decide why you are writing and what you hope to achieve. This will help you decide what to include in your writing and whether to write an e­mail, a letter or perhaps a report.

Meanwhile, think about readers. 3. The structure of what you write can guide readers and help them understand the content of your writing so that they can respond.

While you are writing, you need to think about how you organize your ideas. Writing a report may involve presenting data and linking complex ideas; writing a memo (备忘录) may involve describing a situation and dealing with ways of improving it. You need to understand how to construct paragraphs. 4._

After you have finished writing comes the very important process of revising, checking and correcting.

5.You will find plenty of useful information about effective business writing. In our courses, participants get tools, tips, techniques, job aids, and follow­up resources to help them write better.

A.Contact us.

B.Assess your skills here.

C.It will help you choose appropriate structures.

D.A range of words can be used to link your ideas.

E.Spelling mistakes should be checked and corrected.

F.So it is very important that writing is done to the highest standards.

G.Here comes the good news.



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