满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Jane can’t attend the meeting at 3 o’clo...

Jane can’t attend the meeting at 3 o’clock this afternoon because she ______ a class at that time.

A. will teach           B. would teach

C. has taught           D. will be teaching


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:简不能参加今天下午3点钟的会议,因为她那个时候在一个班上课。根据句中的时间状语at that time,指代at 3 o’clock this afternoon,表示在将来的某一时刻正在做某事,故用将来完成时。故选D。 考点:考查时态。 【名师点睛】本题考查时态。将来进行时主要表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作,或表示要在将来某一时间开始,并继续下去的动作。分析此题需抓住时间状语,以及that time所代指的时间,再联系所学将来进行时所应用的范围及句意可以选择正确的答案。  

Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement______ so far by the two sides.

A. has been reached              B. was reached

C. will reach                   D. will have reached



As you go through this book, you ________ that each of the millions of people who lived through World War II had a different experience.

A. will find                  B. found

C. had found                   D. have found



In my hometown, there is always a harvest supper for the farmers after all the wheat____ cut.

A. will have been       B. will be

C. was                   D. has been



That's why I help brighten people's days. If you ________, who's to say that another person will?

A. didn't              B. don't

C.weren't              D. haven't



Dr. Jackson is not in his office at the moment.

All right. I____ him later.

A. will call              B. have called

C. call                   D. will be calling



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