满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



When people find out that the product they bought is unsatisfying or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer’s claims , the first step is to present the warranty , or any other records which might help , at the store of purchase . In most cases , this action will produce results . However , if it does not , there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction . A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager . In general , the higher up his or her complaint , the faster he or she can expect it to be settled . In such a case , it is usually settled in the consumer’s favor , assuming he or she has a just claim . Consumers should complain in person whenever possible , but if they cannot get to the place of purchase , it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter .

Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly , and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question . If this cannot be done , the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong , rather than by making general statements . For example , The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear is better than This stereo does not work . The store manager may advise the consumer to write to be manufacturer . If so , the consumer should do this , stating the complaint as politely and firmly as possible . If a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result , the consumer can go to a step further . She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumer’s rights .

1.When people find that their purchase is unsatisfying , the first thing they should do is to __________ .

A. complain personally to the manager

B. threaten to take the seller to court

C. write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchase

D. show some written proof of the purchase to the store

2.How can a consumer make his or her complaint more effective , according to the passage ?

A. Make polite and general statements about the problem .

B. Threaten to take the seller to court .

C. Explain exactly what is wrong with the item .

D. Avoid having direct contact with the store manager .

3.What’s the best title of this passage ?

A. How to settle a consumer’s complaint

B. How to make an effective complaint

C. How to avoid buying a faulty item

D. How to deal with complaints


1.D 2.C 3.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.细节理解题。由“the first step is to present the warranty , or any other records which might help , at the store of purchase ’’可知,消费者的第一反应是可以找到任何能找到的书面购买记录。故选D。 2.细节理解题。由“Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly , and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question .”可知对商品问题作出越详细的描述,越有利于问题的解决。故选C。 3.主旨大意题。文章主要讲了消费者如何处理当自己购买的商品出现问题时进行投诉的问题,并指出详细的描述有利于投诉的成功处理。故选B。 考点:考查社会类短文阅读。



Brighton is the 1. (health) city in Britain with the highest level of personal trainers, yoga clubs and health food stores, according to a survey released on Friday.

The survey, 2.looks at 19 statistics covering health, 3. fitand environment, says Brighton has the highest number of residents 4. (eat) at least five kinds of fruit and vegetables a day.

The survey, 5. (conduct) for the Sky Travel channel, has compared 15 cities across the UK. It says Brighton residents live 6. an average age of 78 years old. They are twice as likely   7. (walk) or cycle to work as the people living in other parts of Britain.

In 8.comparewith the national average, Brighton has nearly a third more health food stores and personal trainers than 9. in any other city in Britain. It has twice many yoga clubs, and the level of fat residents is below the national average.

Meanwhile, 10. survey also finds that Brighton residents have the best levels of cholesterol (胆固醇) and blood pressure in Britain.




"I...I thought you could use it for something." Susan's ______ did nothing to help us understand why a dark blue carpet remnant(零头布料) was being ______ as a birthday gift.The murmured "thanks" could be barely heard as Holly tried not to allow her disappointment to show.

Holly's disappointment didn't become ______ until the following evening when she came downstairs to say good night. "Well, I guess we know how much my best friend ______ me, huh, Mom?" She said ______, with her head down.

The next morning, I carried a garbage bag outside. My heart sank as I ______ the lid of the garbage can and saw Susan's carpet lying there. ______ only a moment, I picked it up and  brought it into the house .

“Susan ______ you and me to go over to her house after school tomorrow .”Weeks later Holly announced as she arrived home from school. ______ her voice carried a so-what attitude , I sensed she was pleased by the invitation.

The next day we ______ to the destination along the winding country road . A tall woman stood in the doorway to ______ us as we approached the small farmhouse. The house was ______ but neatly decorated with used furniture .From the ______ with the woman we knew Susan had long been separated from her parents and she was Susan’s foster mother(养母).

A warm light shone in her eyes as she ______ to me her fondness for Susan . I came to respect this ______ woman who had opened her home to a young girl and attempted to make a difference in her life.

As daylight began to ______  we offered our thanks and said goodbye . Holly sat quietly in the car leaning her body forward as if willing the car to move faster. No sooner had we come to a stop than she ______ opened the car door and walked purposefully toward the garbage can.

“Is this what you were looking for?” I held out the piece of ______. “Thanks, Mom.” a tear or two ______ from her eyes and fell onto the remnant ,as if ______, that has become the most precious birthday present in the world.

1.A. adaptation      B.negotiation    C.explanation   D.assumption

2.A. valued          B.deserted        C.described     D.presented

3.A. evident         B.strange        C.slight        D.absent

4.A. goes against     B.thinks of       C.learn from    D.pays for

5.A. apparently       B.regularly       C.miserably     D.consistently

6.6.A. lifted        B.threw           C.closed        D.repaired

7.A. Pausing         B.Hesitating     C.Thinking      D.Lasting

8.A. expected        B.convinced      C.invited       D.permitted

9.A. Although        B.Since           C.Because     D.Once

10.A. moved          B.drove          C.walked       D.returned

11.A. direct          B.defend         C.arrest        D.greet

12.A. messy         B.noisy           C.shabby       D.smelly

13.A. chat            B.switch          C.exchange    D.debate

14.A. admitted        B.clarified     C.revealed      D.declared

15.A. light­hearted    B.generous­hearted C.soft­hearted  D.cold­hearted

16.A.end            B.darken         C.drop         D.fade

17.A. quickly         B.carefully       C.quietly       D.skillfully

18.A. gift            B.garbage        C.carpet        D.bag

19.A. flooded         B.poured         C.streamed      D.slipped

20.A. by nature       B.by magic        C.by luck       D.by coincident



Life is always full of hardships. _______ a better life, we need positive energy.

A. Live              B. To live

C. Living              D. Lived



—Can you give me a ride?

—Sorry. There is no room ___________ in my car.

A. to leave               B. leaving

C. left                   D. being left



In Singapore, people______eating or drinking on the subway can be fined up to 500 Singapore dollars.

A. having caught            B. catching

C. caught                    D. to catch



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