满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



As a father who works outside the home, I recognize that it is easy for me to get caught up in stress at work. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to turn off my work focus and turn on my family focus so that I can come home and be the loving husband my wife needs and the playful father my kids want.1.. Good fathers provide stability and strength to the family. As fathers, we do not let the pressures and worries of work get in the way of being there for our kids. 2.

3. It doesn’t need to be a lot of time, but if you are able, have one-on-one time with each of your kids.

2Be goofy滑稽的with your kids. The more voices you do, the more expressive you are when you play with them, the more they will feel your love and your acceptance of them.

3Spend time reading to them. Allow your kids to choose a book and spend time reading some of it to them before bed. The more effort you put into it the more they will feel your love. 4.

As a therapist(临床医学家)who works with children and their families, I have noticed that the better the relationship that a father has with his child, the more influence that father will have on his child. As fathers work on developing a strong link with their kids through positive interactions, they can have a positive effect in the lives of their children. 5.

AFathers have such an important and irreplaceable role in the family.

BSometimes books can help you deal with children.

CReading stories is an excellent time for dads to practice voice imitations.

DHere are some thoughts to help fathers keep their little ones in mind.

EAs a father he must involve hardships in all his life.

FAnd the confidence can give their children a great advantage to succeed in the future.

GMake a plan to spend time each day with your kids.


1.A 2.D 3.G 4.C 5.F 【解析】 试题分析:一个好父亲能让一个家稳固,给孩子树立好榜样。本文给一个好父亲提出几条建议。1.要每天留出时间来陪孩子;2.不要绷着脸,让他们敢于和你亲近,能感受到你的爱;3.花一些时间读书给孩子。 1.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。前句提出:作为一个男人,既要做好工作的,又要做一个好丈夫和好父亲很难;后句提到:好父亲为家庭提供稳定和力量。由此判断空格处要提到父亲对一个家庭的重要性,而A选项的意思(父亲在家庭中有着如此重要和不可替代的作用。)恰好符合语境,起到承接作用,故选A。 2.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。前文提到父亲对于家庭的重要性。下文又提出三条,由此可知这里是给父亲支招,所以D选项(这里有一些想法可以帮助父亲们把孩子记在心间。)符合语境。 3.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。空后的意思是:不需要很多时间,但如果你能,还是要和孩子有一对一的时间。由此判断G选项(计划一下每天陪孩子的时间。)和下文意思一致。 4.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。前文的意思是:花些时间阅读。比如睡前给孩子读一些书。而C选项的意思(读故事是一个父亲练习模仿声音的很好的时间)与前文意思一致,故选C。 5.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。前文的意思是:良好的父子互动会使父亲和孩子的关系密切,给孩子一个积极的影响,对孩子以后的生活有积极的影响。而F选项(自信心能使他们的孩子未来很可能取得成功。)与前文意思一致,故选F。


Elizabeth Mitchell’s new “Liberty’s Torch” is the fascinating story of how the Statue of Liberty came to be. The Statue of Liberty’s rough history is explored in “Liberty’s Torch”.

Frederic Auguste Bartholdi is an all-but-forgotten figure in American history. He was, however, responsible for one of the most enduring symbols of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. A Frenchman from Alsace, he designed and built the Statue of Liberty which stood on Bedloe’s Island in New York Harbor. How this statue came to be is the fascinating subject of Elizabeth Michell’s new book “Liberty’s Torch”.

The power of Mitchell’s narrative is convincing(令人信服的). We recognize the Statue of Liberty now as a symbol of hope and opportunity for a nation of immigrants. At the time, though, people could not see thatnor did they even imagine that. Instead, the construction of the statue was born of one man’s desire to set up a great monument.

For this reason, perhaps, “Liberty’s Torch” relies on Bartholdi as the connecting thread. Bartholdi went to Egypt to make photographic copies of the main monuments. On the boat, Bartholdi met and began a lifelong relationship with Ferdinand de Lesseps, the man who would build the Suez Canal. Maybe it was this friendship, or maybe it was seeing Egypt’s huge monuments, but finally the trip inspired Bartholdi’s dream to create the largest statue ever built. Failure to bring this to completion in Egypt, followed by his exile (流放) from Paris, led Bartholdi to sail to America.

By explaining the Statue of Liberty’s hard history and showing Bartholdi’s brave spirit, Mitchell has done a great service.

1.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. American people have never forgotten Frederic August Bartholdi

B. the Statue of Liberty wasn’t originally regarded as a symbol of hope

C. Bartholdi finished the Suez Canal

D. Bartholdi was a famous architect from Egypt.

2.What was the main reason for Bartholdi to build the Statue of Liberty?

A. To finish his education in the arts.

B. To mark his friendship with Ferdinand.

C. To create something better than Egyptian monuments.

D. To achieve his dream to create the largest statue.

3.What type of writing is the passage?

A. A travel guide.          B. A book review

C. An announcement           D. An architecture report.




Everywhere I look outside my home I see people busy on their high-tech devices, while driving, walking, shopping, even sitting in toilets. People have been influenced to become technology addicted. One study found that people had a harder time resisting the allure of social media than they did for sleep, cigarettes and alcohol.

The main goal of technology companies is to get people to spend more money and time on their products, not to actually improve our quality of life. They have successfully created a cultural disease. Consumers willingly give up their freedom, money and time to catch up on the latest information, to keep pace with their peers or to appear modern.

I see people trapped in a pathological(病态的)relationship with time-sucking technology, where they serve technology more than technology serves them. I call this technology servitude. I am referring to a loss of personal freedom and independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that eat up time and money.

What is a healthy use of technology devices? That is the vital question. Who is really in charge of my life? That is what people need to ask themselves if we are to have any chance of breaking up false beliefs about their use of technology. When we can live happily without using so much technology for a day or a week, then we can regain control and personal freedom, become the master of technology and discover what there is to enjoy in life free of technology. Mae West is famous for proclaiming(声明) the wisdom that “too much of a good thing is wonderful.”  But it’s time to discover that it does not work for technology.

Richard Fernandez, an executive coach at Google acknowledged that “we can be swept away by our technologies.”  To break the grand digital connection, people must consider how life long ago could be fantastic without today’s overused technology.

1. From the passage, technology companies aim to ______.

A. attract people to buy their products

B. provide the latest information

C. improve people’s quality of life

D. deal with cultural diseases

2. It can be inferred from this passage that people ______.

A. consider too much technology wonderful

B. have realized the harm of high-tech devices

C. can regain freedom without high-tech devices

D. may enjoy life better without overused technology

3. What’s the author’s attitude towards the overusing of high-tech devices?

A. Neutral.           B. Skeptical.

C. Disapproving.       D. Sympathetic.





Hello. I’m Jan from Mrs. Lake’s class. My class wants to work together to help the public. We think we have found a great way to do this. Last month we did a class project on the highways near our town. We learned about the Adopt-a-Highway Program. This program brings people together to pick up litter along the roads. We think it would be a great idea for all students in our school to join the program and adopt a highway.

Adopting a highway is not like adopting a pet. When a highway is adopted, only part of the highway is cared for by a group of people. The group agrees to work every week to keep its part of the highway clean. Each group gets its own sign that has the name of the group printed on it. The sign is put up at the side of the road. This sign lets drivers know who is keeping that area of the road clean.

The Adopt-a-Highway Program is a great way for people to help their environment look nicer. Also, the government does not have to send out as many road workers. This saves money. Finally, people may try harder to keep roads clean if they see people, especially teenagers like us, cleaning them up.

We will need helpers to care for our adopted highway. If you want to feel great and keep our roads cleanplease come with your parents to the meeting next week. We will meet in Mrs. Lake’ room on Wednesday at 6:00 P.M. At the meeting, we will talk about which roads are the dirtiest as a result of people's unkind acts. Then we' ll try to pick an area to adopt and clean.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Remember to keep our roads clean!

1.What is the Adopt-a-Highway Program about?

A. Giving names to the highways.

B. Drawing pictures of highways.

C. Picking up litter along the roads.

D. Putting up signs near the roads.

2. What should the students do first if they want to join the program?

A. Pick a spot to care for.

B. Call Mrs. Lake next week.

C. Write a letter to their parents.

D. Go to a meeting on Wednesday.

3.What is the purpose of this speech?

A. To encourage students to join the program.

B. To introduce the traffic system.

C. To show drivers how to drive safely.

D. To tell a story about adopting a pet.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Adopt-a-Pet

B. Adopt-a-Highway

C. Ways to Protect the Environment

D. Volunteers on Roads




In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly1. one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and 2._(society) changes. Naturally, these changes also 3.(lead) to new painting styles. Among the painters 4.(break )away from the traditional style of painting5. the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.

The Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors. They were eager to show how light and shadow fell6. objects at different times of day. 7., because natural light changes so quickly, the Impressionists had to paint quickly. Their paintings were not as8. (detail)as those of earlier painters. At first, many people disliked this style of painting and became very 9.(anger) about it. They said that the painters were_10.(care) and their paintings were ridiculous.





Janelle used the phone of the helpful woman to call Cliff. Cliff played golf with a medical doctor almost every Saturday. Cliff, ________ but glad his wife was alive, said he would be there ________ . She told him to bring their son and her ________ set of car keys, because her keys were in the ________ purse. Cliff and Donovan arrived just before the police officer finished ________ his report. Cliff________ his wife gently. He told Donovan to drive home in Janelle’s car. Cliff then asked the officer what the________ were of catching the attackers.

The officer told Cliff that ________ like this happened daily throughout southern California. Cliff________ the officer what could be done. “I know this sounds ridiculous(可笑), but we police can________ protect you law-abiding(守法的)citizens. There are simply too many criminals. Tell all your ________ relatives and friends one thing: Don’t go anywhere alone, day or night. A woman by herself, even ________ , might as well be carrying a bright neon(霓虹灯)sign that ________: ‘Victim hereCome and get me!’ I’m not ________ to be telling you this, because ________ the word gets out, tourism will suffer in southern California.”

The officer asked Janelle to ________ the police report. He wished her a speedy ________ , and promised to do his best to help put the attackers behind bars. He ________ both of them that the two thugs(暴徒)now had their credit cards, address, car keys, and house keys. He suggested that they make the appropriate phone calls, ________ the locks to their house, and get new keys for her car. Cliff told the officer that a couple of his friends were at his house, with guns, ________ for intruders. Cliff and Janelle thanked the officer and the helpful woman. Cliff drove Janelle straight toward their family doctor.

1.Asurprised     Bangry           Cunbelievable    Drough

2.Ashortly        Bgladly          Csuddenly         Dentirely

3.Aown            Bother           Crest             Dspare

4.Amissing        Bbroken          Cstolen           Ddamaged

5.Amaking out     Bsetting out    Cputting out     Dfilling out

6.Ashook         Bhugged          Chelped           Dplaced

7.Achances        Brobbers         Cpolice          Dthings

8.Acriminals     Brobberies       Csituations      Dscenes

9.Ainformed       Bsuggested      Casked           Dargued

10.Aor else      Bsort of         Cno longer       Dless than

11.Amale         Bclose           Cfamiliar        Dfemale

12.Ain public     Bat home        Cin secret       Din need

13.Awrites       Btells           Csays            Dshows

14.Apermitted    Badjusted        Cadvised          Dsupposed

15.Awhether      Bhow             Cif              Dwhy

16.Asign          Bcarry           Cmake            Dbreak

17.Amove          Brecovery       Csense            Dtravel

18.Atold         Bbelieved        Cguessed         Dreminded

19.Aget           Bkeep           Cchange          Drepair

20.Asearching     Bwatching       Ctaking           Dwaiting



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