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阅读理解。 Time spent in a bookshop can be m...



Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are book-lover or only there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find a shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason is, you can soon be totally unaware of your surroundings. You soon become attracted in some books or others, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointments.

This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is the main attraction of a bookshop. A bookshop is very much like a music shop. You can wander round such a place to your heart’s content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the greeting “Can I help you?” You needn’t buy anything you don’t want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the back ground until you have finished reading. Then, and only then, are his services necessary.

Once a medical student had to read a text book which was far too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t obtain it from the library and the only copy he could find was in a certain bookshop. Every afternoon, therefore, he would go along to the shop and read a little of the book at a time. One day, however, he was disappointed to find the book missing from its usual place. He was about to leave, when he noticed the owner of the shop beckoning to him. Expecting to be told off, he went towards him. To his surprise, the owner pointed to the book which was tucked away in a corner. “I put it there in case anyone was tempted to buy it!” he said, and left the delighted student to continue his reading.

1.According to the passage ,the main attraction of a bookshop is ______ .

A. the chance to get free from the reality

B. learning something from the books

C. a shelter from a sudden shower

D. the surrounding of books

2.The writer thinks that the assistant in a bookshop should ______.

A. greet customers pleasantly and warmly

B. not disturb the customers when they read

C. help the readers to find what they want

D. not stay in the background all the time


1.A 2.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意是好的书店应该为潜在的顾客提供读书之便,而不管他是来买书还是只是随便看看。书店的吸引力主要在于它能给人们提供逃离现实生活的机会。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段“This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is the main attraction of a bookshop.”可知,这家书店的吸引力主要在于让人们暂时逃离日常的现实生活,故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段“In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the back ground until you have finished reading.”可知,作者认为,店员不应该去打扰正在看书的顾客,当顾客看完书之后才可以上前提供帮助,故选B。


Everyone knows that eating too much junk food is not good to our health. Yet, what is it about junk food that is so completely irresistible(无可抗拒的)? For one thing, it’s everywhere. From chips in fast food restaurants to candy in supermarkets, junk food always seems available. Thankfully, science is now providing new clues to help us reduce snacking.

Make friends with dainty(讲究的) eaters.

Studies have found that people tend to increase or reduce the amount of food they eat depending on what their companions are taking in.

See happy movies… and always get the smaller bag of popcorn(爆米花).

According to some experts, people eat up to 29% more popcorn if they are watching a sad or serious movie, compared to when they are watching a comedy. Viewers consumed almost 200 calories more when snacking from a large bucket, as opposed to when given a medium-sized container.

Eat breakfast.

Nutritionists have gone back and forth(来来回回)about the question of how much to eat in the morning, but new studies suggest that consuming a good breakfast is a must. Surveys on long-term weight-loss show that two key factors in keeping weight down are eating breakfast and exercising.

Divide your food and conquer overeating.

Any kind of dividing your food into portions slows down your eating. Any kind of marker makes you aware of what you’re eating and of portion size. Researchers advise reallocating(再分配)snack foods into small plastic bags. It sounds simplistic, but it works.

1.Why do people eat too much junk food though it is bad for our health?

A. It’s delicious from chips to candy.

B. It’s easily taken everywhere.

C. Because it’s available here and there.

D. It’s easily bought in fast food restaurants.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. People are likely to eat more food when staying with friends.

B. Nutritionists have the same opinion about how much to eat in the morning.

C. People prefer to snake from a large bucket.

D. If people are watching a tragedy, they eat up to 29% more popcorn.

3.What will he or she do if he or she wants to lose weight?

A. To eat nothing in the morning.

B. To eat breakfast and exercise.

C. To get up early and to go to bed late.

D. To snack from a medium-size bucket.

4.What is the text mainly about the rule(s)?

A. how to eat properly and healthily.

B. how to make friends with dainty eaters.

C. how much to eat in the morning.

D. how to control overeating.




I was very disappointed not to be able to go to the jazz concert last Friday. The advertisement in the paper said that you could buy tickets at the theatre box in Richland Hills any day between 10:00 and 4:00. Since I work from 9:00 to 5:30, the only time I could go to the theatre was during my 45-minute lunch break.

Unfortunately, the theatre is on the other side of the town, and the bus service between my office and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes. Last Monday. I stood at the bus stop for 15 minutes waiting for the bus, By the time I saw one come around the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip.

So I gave up and went back to the office. The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again next day. On Thursday, my luck changed. I got on a bus right away and arrived at the theatre in exactly 20 minutes. When I got there, however, I found a long line of people at the box office, I heard one man say he had been waiting in line for over an hour. Realizing I would not have enough time to wait in line. I caught the next bus and headed back across the town.

By Friday I realized my only hope was to make the trip by taxi, it was expensive, but I felt it would be worth it to hear the concert. The trip by taxi only took 10 minutes, but felt like an hour to me. When I got to the theatre, I was relieved to see that nobody was waiting in line. The reason, however, I quickly discovered, was that they had already sold all the tickets.

1.The man learned          that there would be a concert last Friday.

A. from the newspaper              B. from his friends

C. from one of his work-mates      D. over the radio

2.He tried to go to the theatre every day but managed to get there only _______.

A. once                      B. three times

C. twice                      D. four times

3.One day the man took _______ to get to the theatre by bus.

A. forty-five minutes         B. fifteen minutes

C. over an hour               D. just twenty minutes

4.The underlined word “relieved” may best be replaced by ___________.

A. surprised                 B. puzzled

C. pleased                    D. sorry





There was a boy who was sent to a boarding school. He used to be 1. brightest student in his class. He was at the top in every 2. (compete). But things 3. (change) when he came to the new school. His grades started dropping and he was lonely all the time. He felt he was worthless and4. no one loved him.

His parents began to worry,  5. they did not know what was wrong. So his dad decided to visit the school and have a talk 6. him.

They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking 7. some questions about his classes, teachers and sports. Then he asked, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”

The boy said, 8. (check) my grades?”

“No, no,” his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are important for me. I want to see you happy. Nothing could be 9. (value) than your happiness. You are my life”

The boy felt confident in his study again. He knew there was someone on the earth 10._cared for him deeply. He meant the world to someone.





Lose-Win is weak. It’s easy to get stepped on. It’s easy to be the nice guy. It’s easy to give in, all in the name of being a peacemaker.

A girl named Jenny once told me about her ______ in the world of Lose-Win during her eighth-grade year before she finally broke ______:

My ______ with my mom all started one day ______ she said to me sarcastically (讽刺地) “Wow, you’re surely lively today.” I ______ it so literally (字面地) that then and there I decided to close off from her and never ______ back to her. So every time she would say something ______ I disagreed with her I would just say. “Okay, ______ you want, Mom.” But it really got cold quickly. And my ______ began to build. One night I talked to my mom about the school homework and she said, “Oh, that’s ______ and then went back to mop the floor.

“Don’t you ever ______?” I thought. But I didn’t say anything and stormed off. She had no idea I was ______ upset. She would have been willing to talk to me had I ______ her how important it was to me.

At last I just blew up. “Mom, this has got to ______. You tell me everything you want me to do and I just do it because it’s ______ than if fighting. Well, I’m sick of it.” This all came as a ______ to her.

After my blow up, we felt like we were ______ all over in our relationship. But it’s getting better all the time. We discuss things now and I always ______ my feelings with her.

If you adopt Lose-Win as your basic ______ toward life, then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. You’ll also be ______ your true feelings deep inside. And that’s not healthy.

1.A. disappointment B. wanderings    C. lessons      D. helplessness

2.A. out           B. down           C. free          D. up

3.A. problems        B. relationship    C. quarrels     D. improvement

4.A. as              B. since           C. when          D. before

5.A. treated         B. took            C. received      D. regarded

6.A. fight           B. struggle       C. turn        D. talk

7.A. as though        B. only if         C. which       D. even if

8.A. however          B. too much       C. so much      D. whatever

9.A. coldness         B. hope            C. disagreement D. anger

10.A. true           B. impossible     C. nice          D. important

11.A. see            B. care            C. say           D. listen

12.A. also          B. still           C. already       D. even

13.A. warned         B. told            C. asked         D. shown

14.A. end             B. change         C. last        D. stop

15.A. worse           B. more           C. easier        D. less

16.A. gift          B. surprise        C. pleasure      D. harm

17.A. going          B. thinking       C. starting      D. reviewing

18.A. improve         B. have            C. discuss      D. share

19.A. attitude        B. method         C. way           D. theory

20.A. hiding          B. waking          C. storing     D. Hurting




















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