满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Today our life and work rarely feel light or pleasant. Instead, the whole experience of being alive begins to melt into one enormous obligation(责任). 1.

We say this to one another with great pride. 2. We are unavailable to our friends and family, unable to find time for the sunset, to finish off our obligations without time for a single mindful breath. This seems to have become the model of a successful life.

Because we do not rest, we lose our way. We lose the relaxation that gives us help. 3. Poisoned by the belief that good things come only through tireless effort, we never truly rest. This is not the world we dreamed of when we were young. But how did we get so terribly rushed in a world filled with work and responsibility, yet it lacks joy and delight?

4. Sunday is the time to enjoy and celebrate what is beautiful and good, time to sing songs, give thanks, and walk. It is time to be refreshed as we stop our work, our chores and our important projects.

Sunday is more than the absence of work. Many of us, in our desperate drive to be successful and care for our many responsibilities, feel terrible guilty when we take time to rest. 5. Many of us still recall when, not long ago, shops and offices were closed on Sundays. Those quiet Sunday afternoons are deep in our cultural memory.

A. We also miss the quiet that gives us wisdom.

B. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

C. It becomes the standard greeting everywhere, “I am so busy.”

D. We work through day and night, feeling rather exhausted.

E. But the Sunday has proven its wisdom over the ages.

F. The reason is simple: we have forgotten the Sunday.

G. The busier we are, the more important we seem to ourselves and, we imagine, to others.


1.C 2.G 3.A 4.F 5.E 【解析】 试题分析: 1.前句提到如今人们的生活缺少了轻松和乐趣,而背负的责任增加,由此判断C选项能承接上文,选C。 2.根据后句We are unavailable to our friends and family,可以判断前句是讲述人们的忙碌,而G选项内容也是讲述人们的忙碌的,内容符合语境,故选G。 3.前句内容提到因为忙碌我们失去了放松的时刻,而A选项内容也是人们对过去的怀念,信息提示词also,由此判断A选项符合语境。 4.后句是关于Sunday的内容,而F选项也提到了Sunday,认为人们生活中缺少了欢乐的原因是忘掉了在周日的放松,内容可以起到上下文的过渡作用,故选F。 5.本段内容是关于周日在人们生活中不可或缺的作用。上句讲述在责任和压力下人们感觉休息放松会让人内疚,而后句是有关周日在记忆中给人们带来的轻松愉悦的作用,由此判断E选项内容可以承接上下文,选E。 考点:考查七选五阅读


In late summer or early fall the large, yellow seed heads of sunflowers will be ripening. If gardeners can keep off the birds and other wildlife trying to eat the seeds, they can have a large harvest. The bright yellow blooms will make a rainbow garden, brightening up any space.

However, planting the sunflower seeds is a skilled job. Plant seeds no deeper than the full length of itself. Smaller sized sunflowers can be spaced a foot apart. Larger varieties will need to be spaced as far apart as three feet. This allows ripe plants enough space for the seed heads to ripen without knocking the ripe seeds off before gardeners have a chance to harvest them.

Most sunflower seeds, especially those with eatable seeds, are large enough to handle without the need for seed sorters. This is why sunflowers make an excellent choice for a children's garden as well. Gardeners will want to mix plenty of soil fertilizers into the ground as sunflowers tend to be heavy feeders.

Sunflowers can be slow starters and the tiny new plants don't seem to grow very rapidly. Gardeners should protect the new plants as they begin to grow. Once they get going, sunflowers are able to out-grow many weeds, making them easier to grow in the home vegetable garden than many other plants.

Most pests and diseases are not a bother to the sunflower, however, more than one gardener has said that their lovely looking plants were destroyed overnight by hungry squirrels, mice or birds. To preserve their harvest, gardeners can cover the ripening seed head with stockings or net cloth to help keep the destroyers off the seeds.

Planting sunflower seeds is easy and can help even the smallest gardener feel successful in their gardening attempts.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to plant sunflowers.

B. Different kinds of sunflowers.

C. Ways to preserve sunflowers.

D. Tips on making your garden bright.

2.Why should enough space be left between sunflowers?

A. To prevent birds from eating sunflower seeds.

B. To offer the sunflowers enough sunlight.

C. To protect the ripe seed heads before harvest.

D. To help the sunflowers grow stronger.

3.Why do children love to grow sunflowers in their garden?

A. They want to decorate their garden with sunflowers.

B. The seeds are easy to plant and unnecessary to sort.

C. They want to share their own harvest with their parents.

D. Sunflowers don’t need too much soil fertilizer.




Saber Miresmailli was on vacation in London when, caught in a bit of traffic on London Bridge, he decided to take a photo of Tower Bridge.

"I noticed the couple," he said. "At that moment, I did not see anyone from the wedding party or a photographer with the couple, so I took several pictures. Usually, my pictures are not very good given the fact that I don’t use flash and I don’t stop to compose (构图)—so when we get back after two weeks, I was very surprised to find this one turned out so well."

Miresmailli said, "I thought to myself, if it was me getting married, I would have wanted the picture."

So he posted the photo on Facebook and attached a few friends with the hope of finding the couple and passing them the picture. What happened next, he said, "was crazy."

"I received more than 2,000 requests from perfect strangers and lots of positive and negative emails." Until this afternoon, almost 230,000 people had shared his Facebook post on the photo.

There's also been an uncertain identification of the couple. It's likely that their names are Laura and James. “If it's the right couple,” Miresmailli said, “they are on their honeymoon in Bali and have no idea about the photo. I believe they will be shocked to find out about their fame”.

Miresmailli said he's been drowned by the interest in the photo.

"I just want to give them their picture and go back to work and tend my tomatoes," he said.

1.Saber Miresmailli is seeking for a couple who ________.

A. held the wedding party in Bali

B. were looking for their wedding pictures

C. were taken a photo by him without knowing it

D. became famous for their honeymoon experience

2.Why are Miresmailli’s photos usually not satisfactory?

A. They are not developed in time.

B. He is not good at finding views.

C. He doesn’t take enough pictures.

D. He doesn’t care much about photograph skills.

3.What is the right order of the whole story?

a. received requests and emails

b. posted the photo on Facebook

c. noticed a couple

d. took a photo

e. was caught in traffic

f. attached some friends

A. e, d, c, b, a, f          B. e, c, d, b, f, a

C. c, d, e, b, f, a           D. c , e, d, b, a, f

4.20Miresmailli said the words in the last paragraph with a sense of ________.

A. pride                    B. duty

C. appreciation             D. Humour




In this constantly changing world, how to put the knowledge 1. (gain) every day into 2.(real) has interested numerous people. As a proverb goes, “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key 3. it.” Apparently, this saying 4. (try) to deliver the message   5. we ought not to stop practicing it if we 6. (true) want to master the knowledge we learn,

There are several reasons 7. (account) for this statement. To begin with, human beings are forgetful beings; therefore, only when we use knowledge, make 8. (mistake), and try to use it again will we be able to remember it by our heart. Moreover, knowledge has become growingly complicated and we can seldom grasp the essence of it if we do not practice it again and again.

Practicing, to sum up, 9. (be) of greatest importance for those who are determined to learn knowledge well. As a student, I hope that the young can focus more attention on practicing 10. they learn.




Several years ago, my son and I had a brief conversation that has really stuck with me.

My Son: Were you there for the first    of my game, Dad? I started!”

Me: I didn’t get back into town and to the game    the second quarter... But you did great!”

My Son: “Oh.”

Me: But you really need to start    better.”

My Son:(Silence)

So, what was wrong with    I said? Well, he understood my flight was late and so I    the first quarter. And my compliment(表扬) was good. But, the “but was the     . Instead of just praising him for his accomplishment, I ___ _him for his eating habits. And that criticism crushed(碾碎) the compliment.

___ _, I realize that the words I had spoken weren’t the ___ _words my son heard. The moment I said, But you really need...” what my son heard was, What you did was good, but not quite good enough.”

So what did I take away from this___ _? First, I learned that accomplishments should be strong and___ _. Saying “great job” or “good work” is a good ___ _when complimenting. But it’s even  ___ _to say something like, “I’m proud that you___ _the staring team. You preserved and worked really hard to get there.” Second, I learned that criticism should not be ___ _a compliment. Criticism can be so ___ _to the listener that he won’t even hear a compliment more than criticize. Mark Twain once said, I can live for two months ___ _a good compliment.” Giving your child a strong compliment can greatly ___ _and push him forward. Criticizing your child, although necessary at times, ___ _quickly take the wind out of his ___ _.

1.A.time             B.quarter           C.step            D.attempt

2.A.if              B.until             C.unless          D.as

3.A.eating          B.studying          C.working         D.playing

4.A.as              B.which             C.what            D.that

5.A.forgot           B.lost             C.caught          D.missed

6.A.question        B.point            C.challenge       D.problem

7.A.taught          B.described         C.criticized      D.corrected

8.A.Looking back     B. Turning around   C. Moving on      D. Coming along

9.A.main             B.same              C.brief          D.detailed

10.A. experiment    B.expression        C.experience      D. adventure

11.A. timely        B.weak             C.specific        D. special

12.A. practice      B.sign              C.way             D.start

13.A.well           B.worse             C.better          D.good

14.A.formed         B.made              C.found         D.took

15.A. separated from B. prevented from   C.referred to     D. mixed with

16.A. loud          B.weak             C.high            D.frightening

17.A. with          B.on               C.for             D. of

18.A.inspire         B. respect          C.inspect         D.require

19.A.will            B.can              C.shall          D.must

20.A.sail           B.room              C.heart          D.game



假如你是李华,在感恩节即将到来之际,你校组织了以“What shall we do to thank our parents?”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你根据自己的亲身体会结合现实生活,写一篇不少于100词的演讲稿。













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