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SAN FRANCISCO—A phone app(应用程序)in San Fr...

SAN FRANCISCO—A phone app(应用程序)in San Francisco gives information about open parking spots.City officials in San Francisco introduced the app to try to reduce traffic jams in the city, but some say it raises safety concerns.

In this city, drivers searching for parking spots lead to 30 percent of all downtown jams, city officials think.Now San Francisco has found a solution a phone app for spot-seekers that shows information about areas with available spaces.The system, introduced last month, relies on wireless sensors(感应器)fixed in streets and city garages that can tell within seconds if a spot has opened up.

But the system could come with serious consequences.Some people say that drivers searching for parking could end up focusing on their phones, not the road.“It could be really distracting(使分心的),” said Daniel Simons, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois.

City officials admitted the hidden problem.They are urging drivers to pull over before they use the city’s iPhone app, or to do so before they leave home. Nathaniel Ford, executive director of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, said safety could actually improve if drivers quickly found a spot instead of circling and getting frustrated.

San Francisco has put sensors into 7,000 parking spots and 12,250 spots in city garages.If spaces in an area open up, the sensors communicate wirelessly with computers that in turn make the information available to app users within a minute, said Mr. Ford, of the transportation agency.On the app, a map shows which blocks have lots of places(blue)and which are full(red).

More than 12,000 people have downloaded San Francisco’s app, which is available now only for the iPhone.

1.What is the phone app mentioned in the text mainly aimed at?

A. Benefiting iPhone users.

B. Preventing traffic accidents.

C. Making the traffic flow smoothly.

D.Making full use of the parking spots.

2.According to the text, San Francisco city officials ________.

A. don’t consider the app distracting.

B. are aware of the app’s disadvantages.

C. advise drivers to park cars slowly.

D. believe more parking spots are needed.

3.The phone app mentioned in the text ________.

A. is a bit slow in reacting

B. hasn’t been put into service

C. was introduced several years ago

D. can’t be downloaded to all phones

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. A phone app has been introduced to relieve the pressure on traffic in the city.

B. Safety concerns are voiced about a phone app aimed at helping drivers find parking spots.

C. Looking for parking spots contributes greatly to downtown traffic jams.

D. Drivers’ attention is distracted in one way or another when they are driving.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述在出现的一种新型的应用,帮助司机迅速找到停车的位置。在文章中还提及了人们对这种新型的应用的不同态度。 1.C细节题。根据文章第一段1,2行A phone app (应用程序) in San Francisco gives information about open parking spots. City officials in San Francisco introduced the app to try to reduce traffic jams in the city,可知这样的app目的在于缓解城市里的交通压力。故B正确。 2.B细节题。根据文章第五段第一句City officials acknowledge the potential problem.可知政府官员也承认这种潜在的问题。说明他们知道这个问题的存在。故C正确。 3.D推理题。根据文章倒数第6段More than 12,000 people have downloaded San Francisco’s app, which is available now only for the iPhone but which city officials say they hope to bring to all similar devices.可知这种app现在只能用于苹果手机。也就是说不说所有的手机都能使用这种应用。故D正确。 4.the app减少交通堵塞。故选A。 【名师点拨】 抓住文章主线,归纳文章中心 要注意不是所有的段落都有主题句,有时主题句暗含在句中。阅读这样的文章,就需要自己根据文章的细节来分析,概括出段落的主题,从而推导出文章的主旨。分析的方法是:先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。比如第51小题,A主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句City officials in San Francisco introduced the app to try to reduce traffic jams in the city,可知the app减少交通堵塞。故选A。 考点:考查科技类阅读

I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare (兔子) and the tortoise (乌龟). At the end I said, “ Son, remember: Be slow and steady (镇定的), and that will win the race. Don’t you think there’s something to learn from the tortoise?”

Sonny opened his eyes wide, “Do you mean next time when I’m entering for the 60-metre race I should wish that Billy, Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep halfway?”

I was shocked, “But the tortoise didn’t wish that the hare would fall asleep!”

“He must have wished that,” Sonny said, “Otherwise how could he be so foolish as to race with the hare? He knew very well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did.”

“He didn’t have such a wish,” I insisted. “He won the race by perseverance (坚忍不拔), by pushing on steadily.”

Sonny thought a while. “That’s a lie,” he said. “He won it because he was lucky. If the hare hadn’t happened to fall asleep, the tortoise would never have won the race. He could be as steady as you like, or a hundred times steadier, but he’d never have won the race. That’s for sure.”

I gave up. Today’s children are not like what we used to be. They’re just hopeless.

1.The writer argued with his son because ___________.

A. he liked tortoises while his son liked hares.

B. they disagreed about whether the tortoise was foolish.

C. he liked the story of the hare and the tortoise while his son didn’t.

D. he tried to teach his son a lesson but the son had different opinion.

2.Sonny believed that the tortoise ___________.

A. in fact did win the race luckily.

B. took a chance by agreeing to run a race.

C. was not given a fair chance in the race.

D. won the race by his own hard working.

3.Billy, Tony and Sandy must be___________.

A. boys who were unknown to Sonny’s father

B. boys who Sonny has run races with before

C. boys who Sonny has never raced with before

D. boys who Sonny did not expect to race with again

4.According to the passage, who do you think learnt a lesson?

A. The tortoise     B. Sonny

C. Sonny’s father   D. The hare



Win $ 50 in the Coolest Gadget(小装置) of the Week

Look at what’s the coolest gadget (vote for a chance to win $ 50).

Cryo S: A Cool Netbook Cooler

Like the other devices of NZXT, the Cryo S was designed to provide a competitive advantage at PC gaming. It has two adjustable 120mm fans that provide powerful cooling.

The full post can be found on Trends Updates.

Starry Night Bed

Are you having trouble getting that good nights sleep that you’re needing? Well, not any more. Why not take a look at the Starry Night Bed? The Starry Night Bed is a great new invention which will revolutionize the way in which you sleep. Not only is this bed fashionable and comfortable but it’s also a gadget heaven. With this bed you get many added gadgets including anti-snore technology, movie projector with speakers, temperature control and many more.

The full post can be found on Tech Styling.

Fugootalking gadgets

Fugoo gets all your appliances(装置,设备) talking to each other so your alarm clock could first wake you up and then tell the coffee machine to start working while checking traffic conditions online to tell you how long it will take you to get to work.

The full post can be found on Decide What to Buy.

Vote  What is this week's coolest gadget?

A Cool Netbook Cooler

Starry Night Bed

〇 Fugoo—talking gadgets

1.Where can you find the full post of the “Cryo S”?

A. Tech Styling.      B. Super Cool Pets.

C. Trends Updates.    D. Decide What to Buy.

2.If you buy a Starry Night Bed, you can get all the following gadgets EXCEPT ___________.

A. adjustable fans      B. movie projector

C. temperature control D. anti-snore technology

3.Where does this advertisement probably come from?

A. A magazine.   B. A website.

C. A newspaper.  D. A textbook.




Some people allow bad past experiences to keep them in fear. A personal example of this happened when I was in middle school. We each were asked to give an oral        in front of the whole class. When my turn came, I became      and I started swinging my legs back and forth. I did this during the entire presentation (介绍). I was a      student and I did not realize I was doing it.

After I completed my presentation, I       did or even wanted to give another oral presentation for the rest of my years in school.        I got older, I realized I wanted to improve my personality and build        over my fear. I began listening to motivational speeches (励志演讲). I would go to       seminars (研讨会) and found I was feeling better and better about myself. This       me to want to reach out and help others in need.

After listening to one particular speaker many times, I decided to write to him for       . He had advised in his speeches that if there was something you wanted to       , you should be persistent(坚持不懈的). So I became very persistent.

I wrote to his office many times and they        called me back. They offered me help by instructing me to       a local Toastmasters and see what it was all about. Toastmasters is a great organization for people who are interested in improving their       skills in preparation and presentation in front of a(n)       . I certainly needed to do this. I located the nearest Toastmasters and        a meeting.

At first, I sat in the background and was too overcome by my        . I did not even want to introduce myself. But by       this was just the false evidence appearing real, I      my fear and within a short period of time I was President of that Toastmasters.

Don’t get       in fears from unpleasant past experiences. Fears are         but false evidence appearing real, which are made broken.

1.A. presentation B. test        C. announcement   D. promise

2.A. upset      B. nervous     C. curious         D. excited

3.A. careful     B. lazy        C. young         D. slow

4.A. always       B. often       C. sometimes      D. never

5.A. Until       B. Before     C. As            D. Once

6.A. health       B. confidence C. business        D. strength

7.A. disturbed    B. surprised   C. inspiring      D. satisfying

8.A. frightened  B. encouraged  C. confused       D. prevented

9.A. practice     B. experience C. pleasure       D. advice

10.A. achieve     B. challenge   C. devote        D. succeed

11.A. probably    B. hardly      C. immediately   D. finally

12.A. manage      B. contact     C. organize        D. control

13.A. speaking    B. listening  C. reading         D. writing

14.A. mirror      B. company     C. audience       D. teacher

15.A. arranged   B. suggested  C. attended        D. hosted

16.A. appearance B. behavior   C. position       D. fear

17.A. forgetting B. doubting   C. realizing   D. regretting

18.A. faced       B. loved       C. understood     D. questioned

19.A. interested B. hurt        C. changed         D. drowned

20.A. something   B. nothing     C. everything    D. anything



She has expressed her hope ______ the foreign students will spread the good will and sincerity of the Chinese people to other parts of the world.

A. that             B. which

C. whether          D. what



______ you are supposed to do ______ you don't like a thing is ______ it. Don't complain.

A. That; what; change               B. When; that; to change

C. What; when; change              D. What; that; changing



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