满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.The girl likes cats but d___________ dogs.

2.A panda is really our n___________ treasure.

3.Doing exercises every day has a positive e___________ on one’s health.

4.Westerners do not often entertain guests, but Chinese often invite friends to dinner. A lot of westerners feel p___________ to this question.

5.As we all know, playing computer games for a long time is very h___________ to our health.

6.As a member of Red Cross, he never fails to ___________(志愿)to help those in need.

7.___________(幸运地是), the storm did only a little damage to the crops.

8.Illegal hunting is threatening the ___________(幸存)of the wildlife.

9.You should have more ___________(自信)in your own abilities.

10.She_____________(集中)her mind on her lessons.


1.dislikes 2.national 3.effect 4.puzzled 5.harmful 6.volunteer 7.Fortunately/Luckily 8.survival 9.confidence 10.focused 【解析】 试题分析:根据下列各句句意及所给单词首字母或汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空 1.dislikes 句意:这个女孩喜欢猫,但不喜欢狗。可知句子用一般现在时态,故填dislikes。 2.national 句意:熊猫真的是我们国家的国宝。形容词修饰名词,故填national。 3.】effect 句意:每天锻炼对人的身体健康有一个积极的影响。故填effect。 4.puzzled 句意:许多西方人对这个问题感到疑惑。故填puzzled。 5.harmful 固定词组:be harmful to sb.对某人有伤害,故填harmful。 6.volunteer 句意:作为红十字会的成员,他都是志愿去帮助那些需要帮助的人。故填volunteer。 7.Fortunately/Luckily 句意:很幸运,风暴只对庄稼造成了一点伤害。故填Fortunately/Luckily。 8.survival 句意:违法猎杀正在威胁野生动物的生存。根据句意可知此处用名词形式,故填survival。 9.confidence 句意:你应该有你自己的自信。此处用名词形式,故填confidence。 10.】focused 句意:她集中精力在她的功课上。根据句意可知用一般过去时态,故填focused。 考点:考查词汇填空


Everyone likes to have friends1.___________ are trustworthy. When what we say matches what we do, we earn trust and friendship. On the contrary, once we break our word, nobody will ever trust2._________ again. For example, if you are 3.___________ untrustworthy worker, you are less likely to get a promotion. Therefore, the 4.__________ (important) of keeping one’s word cannot be stressed too much.

I once had the unpleasant experience of someone 5.__________ (break) his promise to me. Last month, everyone in my class had to gather at school at 6:30 AM for our 6.___________ (graduate) trip. My friend Ben asked me7. ___________ (meet) him at McDonald’s at six, but he never showed up. I was8.___________ (depress) that when I called him, he told me he was already at school. I 9.__________ (rush) straight there, but all my classmates still blamed me for delaying the trip. After that, I ended my friendship with Ben because I don’t need 10.___________ (friend) that can’t keep their word.




After a tornado touched down in a small town nearby, all the local newspapers carried stories featuring some of the families who suffered the hardest. A particular picture ___________ touched me. A young woman stands in front of a totally destroyed home, a pained expression twisting(使扭曲) her features. A young boy, seven or eight years old, stands at her side, eyes downcast. A tiny girl stares into the camera, eyes wide with confusion and___________. This would be a good __________ to teach my children to ___________ those less fortunate than themselves.

I taped the picture to our refrigerator, explaining their ___________ to my seven-year-old twins, Brad and Brett, and to three-year-old Meghan. “We have so much, and these ___________ people now have nothing,”I said. “We will __________ what we have with them.”

I sorted through our___________ and __________ the boys to go through their toys and ___________ some of their less favorite things.

Brad and Brett___________ the toys they had chosen to donate into a box while I filled it with clothes. Meghan walked up with Lucy, her much-loved doll hugged __________ to her chest. She __________ in front of the box that held the___________, gave Lucy a __________ kiss, and then laid her gently on top of the other toys. “Oh, honey,” I said. “You don’t have to give Lucy. You love her so much.”

Meghan nodded seriously, eyes glistening(闪光) with held-back ___________. “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy. Maybe she’ll make that other little girl__________, too.”

I stared at Meghan for a long moment. I suddenly __________ that true generosity is 59.___________ that which you cherish(珍爱) most. I, who had wanted to teach, had been taught.

Without a word, the boys went to their rooms. They came back with their __________ toys and placed them in the box next to Lucy. Swallowing back tears, I pulled all three of them into my

1.A. exactly  B. especially       C. properly   D. only

2.A. surprise  B. happiness        C. fear       D. shyness

3.A. way      B. opportunity      C. loss      D. message

4.A. help       B. raise           C. meet      D. keep

5.A. illness   B. anger            C. question   D. difficulty

6.A. strange   B. ordinary         C. poor      D. wild

7.A. deal       B. share            C. save      D. prevent

8.A. pens       B. books            C. goods     D. clothes

9.A. encouraged B. asked            C. forced    D. ordered

10.A. leave     B. donate          C. send       D. miss

11.A. tried    B. got             C. turned   D. placed

12.A. kindly   B. really          C. tightly    D. rarely

13.A. stopped   B. lay              C. picked    D. carried

14.A. goods     B. clothes          C. toys       D. books

15.A. lovely  B. final           C. hard       D. dark

16.A. lights    B. tears           C. drops     D. emotion

17.A. sad       B. nice             C. happy     D. open

18.A. realized B. held            C. showed     D. cared

19.A. going     B. getting         C. putting  D. giving

20.A. favorite  B. excellent       C. perfect    D. super




Before reading, answer me, what do you do for a living? Are you a teacher? Editor or lawyer? That would be too normal compared to the jobs here. 1.__________Let’s take a look.


Is begging a job? You may wonder. According to a recent survey, the average monthly “salary” of each of the 59 detained beggars in Dubai is about $73,000.

Pet food tester

Have you ever tasted the food your beloved pet lives on? If you can’t wash it down with anything, a pet food tester can help to check the pet food’s quality and taste. 3.__________

Chick(小鸡) gender examiner

4.___________This is a demanding job in Britain, with a salary of $58,000 per year.

Professional hugger

Do you need a hug but don’t have someone to provide one? A professional hugger provides hugs, or bear hugs (if you want) in New York for $60 per hour.

Mistress fighter

These fighters do not really fight against mistresses who break up couples. 5._________ Some fighters can earn $15,000 a month.

A. Beggars in Dubai

B. Professional Beggars

C. A person who does this job is estimated to earn $90-180 a day.

D. They persuade them to leave and save broken marriages.

E. Here are some unusual jobs that sound both funny and unexpected.

F. Believe it or not, these fluffy little creatures need examiners to check if they are males or females.

G. Do you need a gender examiner to provide a healthy chick?



Santa and his helpers arrived at the ski slopes(滑雪场) to spread some holiday cheer.

It was told that 150 skiing Santas jumped on skis and snowboards for the 16th annual Skiing Santas event that was held at Sunday River ski resort in Newry, Maine. And the event serves as a festival’s beginning to the holiday season.

“It’s really fun because everyone is a little wild and crazy,” said Catherine Bolender, 53 years old. She has been participating for about a dozen years. “It’s a fun and festive event.”

Thom Bureau is a snowboarder(滑雪小子) and agrees that it’s amazing. It’s also unforgettable. “When you’re on the chairlift, you look back as you’re getting off and the whole chairlift is full of Santas. It’s fantastic, actually,” he said.

The event has become so popular that it’s difficult to get a ticket. Brad and Heather Cope are from Newton Falls. They said the online registration filled up in 4 minutes on November 30 and they were lucky to get the tickets. “We were both on our computers at noon to make sure we got them,” said Brad Cope who is a former ski guider.

Some officials say the event raises a little more than $3,000 for the Sunday River Community Fund. It is a local charity. Participants are required to donate at least $15 to the fund. In exchange, they are allowed to ski for free and can receive another ticket.

1.What’s the function of the 16th annual Skiing Santas event?

A. A celebration of Christmas

B. An attraction of tourists

C. An ending to the holiday season

D. An opening to the holiday season

2.What do people think of the event?

A. Difficult but boring

B. Interesting and wonderful

C. Easy but unforgettable

D. Old and meaningful

3.How can people get tickets?

A. By registering online

B. By going to the ticket office

C. By telephoning the officials

D. By sending messages

4.What is the main purpose of the event?

A. To gather ski lovers to compete with each other

B. To help Santas spread holiday cheer

C. To enjoy the holiday season together

D. To raise money for a local charity



Unseen Art wants to give the Mona Lisa and other world-famous artworks the 3D treatment so that they can be touched, making them accessible to the blind and visually impaired(受损的). “There are many people in the world who have heard of classical artworks their whole lives but are unable to see them,” say Marc Dillon, advocate for the project. “Now they can experience them for the first time and create their own impressions and opinions.”

The project is currently crowd-funding(大众筹资) on Indiegogo, offering 3D prints of the Mona Lisa for backers, which can be kept or donated to an organization serving the blind and visually impaired community. The money raised will be used to fund an online platform where the 3D files will be down-loadable for free, making 3D printable art available worldwide, anywhere there is a 3D printer.

The project strikes a personal chord(引起共鸣) with Dillon. “I was born with one arm shorter than the other. All my life, I continually had to prove that I was able to do everything I wanted to, from playing guitar and riding motorcycles to life-guarding and weightlifting. I also had an uncle who worked as a mechanic(技工) and became blind in adulthood. I saw he was able to continue to do almost anything a seeing person could do.”

To test the concept, Dillon took the first 3D print to the Blind Institute of Finland, “They were very excited to touch the Mona Lisa!”says Dillon. In a video for the project, one can see a blind woman experiencing da Vinci’s masterpiece through touch. Just like countless others throughout history, she is interested in Mona Lisa’s mysterious expression.“It’s a little bit… mysterious,” she says happily. “She wasn’t exactly a classical beauty!”

1.World-famous artworks are printed with 3D technology to ________ .

A. allow the disabled to experience by themselves

B. raise money for an online platform

C. keep those works for future generation

D. make money for themselves

2.How can the money raised be used?

A. For any printing office.

B. Other similar projects.

C. For an online platform.

D. Other famous artworks.

3.According to paragraph 3, we can know that ________ .

A. Dillon became blind in childhood

B. Dillon’s uncle was disabled too.

C. Dillon tried to become a mechanic

D. Dillon’s uncle created 3-D technology

4.After a blind woman experienced the printed works, she felt ________ .

A. disappointed   B. worried   C. unsatisfied   D. excited



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