满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I used to think that life in Jim Thorpe,...

I used to think that life in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, was filled with never-changing routines. I hated that everyone seemed to know everything about everyone else. Everyone seemed to enjoy talking about other people and their lives. I also didn’t like the fact that people seemed very close-minded. I felt trapped. I felt like I was missing out on opportunities. It seemed to me that city life would be the opposite.

Then I took my first trip to New York City. I couldn’t wait to experience the city. However, when I arrived in the Big Apple, it wasn’t at all what I had imagined. I knew it was home to thousands of people, but I hadn’t had the least expectation to see so many people on the street at one time. All the streets were filled with people. I also felt a little surprised to see that everyone was in a hurry and everything moved at such a fast pace. When I took the subway for the first time, I said hello to the middle-aged woman next to me. She looked at me with dislike and didn’t say a word.

After just one day, I realized how important my small town is to me. Now I appreciate the familiar faces I see every day. I like the feeling of security(安全) and belonging my town offers. Jim Thorpe gives me a sense of community and togetherness that the city doesn’t provide. I realize just how much a simple hello does for a stranger it really can make your day a little better.

My big trip showed me that my small town really has instilled(注入) morals and values in me that I didn’t even know I had. I never would have known what a big place my town holds in my heart if I had not taken that trip to New York City.

1.How did the author feel about life in Jim Thorpe at first?

A. People there cared little about others.

B. People there liked to accept new things.

C. Living there was a great disadvantage.

D. There were many chances of career development.

2.What surprised the author most in New York City?

A. The gestures of greeting.

B. The modern transportation.

C. The fast pace of life.

D. The crowded streets.

3.What made the author change his / her attitudes to his /her hometown?

A. Travelling to New York City.

B. The familiar faces in Jim Thorpe.

C. A big place in his / her town.

D. Everybody likes talking about others.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Love of my small town

B. A sense of community

C. A pleasant trip to New York City

D. Differences between big cities and small towns


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:作者开始不喜欢自己的家乡,但是一次旅行却改变了作者的态度。 1.C 推理判断题。第一段中作者列举了对生活在小镇的看法:一成不变,人们喜欢流言蜚语。思想闭塞,得不到机会等等,这说明作者认为生活在Jim Thorpe这个小镇很不好。故选C。 2.D细节理解题。根据第二段中的but I hadn’t had the least expectation to see so many people on the street at one time. All the streets were filled with people.可知,最让作者感到意外的是街里拥挤的人群。故选D。 3.A推理判断题。作者开始认为自己的家乡不好,但是到纽约后才发现自己家乡的优点。故选A。 4.主旨大意题。作者到纽约的一次旅行改变了作者对家乡的固有看法。他开始明白了自己家乡的重要性,明白了自己对家乡的热爱。可知A项最适合做标题。 【名师点拨】 推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写或综合。推理判断题的题干中通常含infer,suggest,imply,conclude indicate等标志性词语。 这种题型主要包括细节判断题、态度观点推断题、写作意图推断题、文章出处判断题和猜测想象推断题。比如第26小题,A推理判断题。作者开始认为自己的家乡不好,但是到纽约后才发现自己家乡的优点。故选A。 考点:考查故事类阅读






10:15 a.m.

on Wednesday


Babies from birth to 18 months old and their parents/caregivers can enjoy great books, lively songs, and rhymes, and meet other babies in the neighborhood. This program is limited to 35 participants.

Muhlenberg Library, Community Room

Children, Infant (0-18 months)

0:30 a.m.

on Wednesday


Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Never touched a computer? This is the time and place for you to get ahead with 21st century technology! Bring your technology questions and/or your wireless enabled device and get one­on­one assistance, discover online tutorials, improve your skills, exceed the limits of your imagination!

St. George Library Center, TechConnect Lab


10 a.m.

on Thursday


Learn to find consumer health information online, including doctors’ credentials, hospital information, drug side effects, conventional and alternative medical treatments of diseases, diets, weight loss, nutrition and exercises, and how to evaluate these websites.

Kips Bay Library


12 noon on


No talking, no cell phone, and no noise are required in our quiet study room. This room is open thanks to our volunteers, and is subject to their availability. If you are interested in keeping the quiet study room open more hours, please see a staff member about becoming a volunteer! Quiet Study Hours: Mondays 12-5, Tuesdays 1-5, Wednesdays 1-5, Thursdays 12-5, Fridays 10-3, Saturdays 10-3. Subject to cancellation /change of hours without prior notice.

67th Street Library


Book Lovers,



1.Who will probably take part in the event “BABY AND ME”?

A. Book lovers.          B. Businessmen.

C. Infants.             D. Adults 50+.

2.Where will you go if you want to learn about computer technology?

A. Muhlenberg Library.

B. St. George Library Center.

C. Kips Bay Library.

D. 67th Street Library.

3.In which event can you work as a volunteer?







假如你是高一学生李华,你的美国笔友 Mike 本学期来华当交流生(exchange student),他感觉与同学用汉语交流很费劲。请你根据以下要点给他写一封建议信,帮助他快速提高汉语水平,同时,你也希望得到 Mike 给你英语学习的建议。



2.希望得到 Mike 学习英语的建议。



Dear Mike,








Li Hua




1.It is known to us all that he achieved his success             his diligence and intelligence.(以…为基础)

2.The more passions we have towards life, the more happiness we experience.(有可能)

3.It is easy             him       in a crowd because he is very tall.(挑出)

4.I dream of visiting the West Lake one day,             Hangzhou is famous in the world.(介词+关系代词)

5.Liu Xing             TV      his friend Li Ming came in. (句型:正在做…,这时…)




1.The girl likes cats but d___________ dogs.

2.A panda is really our n___________ treasure.

3.Doing exercises every day has a positive e___________ on one’s health.

4.Westerners do not often entertain guests, but Chinese often invite friends to dinner. A lot of westerners feel p___________ to this question.

5.As we all know, playing computer games for a long time is very h___________ to our health.

6.As a member of Red Cross, he never fails to ___________(志愿)to help those in need.

7.___________(幸运地是), the storm did only a little damage to the crops.

8.Illegal hunting is threatening the ___________(幸存)of the wildlife.

9.You should have more ___________(自信)in your own abilities.

10.She_____________(集中)her mind on her lessons.




Everyone likes to have friends1.___________ are trustworthy. When what we say matches what we do, we earn trust and friendship. On the contrary, once we break our word, nobody will ever trust2._________ again. For example, if you are 3.___________ untrustworthy worker, you are less likely to get a promotion. Therefore, the 4.__________ (important) of keeping one’s word cannot be stressed too much.

I once had the unpleasant experience of someone 5.__________ (break) his promise to me. Last month, everyone in my class had to gather at school at 6:30 AM for our 6.___________ (graduate) trip. My friend Ben asked me7. ___________ (meet) him at McDonald’s at six, but he never showed up. I was8.___________ (depress) that when I called him, he told me he was already at school. I 9.__________ (rush) straight there, but all my classmates still blamed me for delaying the trip. After that, I ended my friendship with Ben because I don’t need 10.___________ (friend) that can’t keep their word.



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