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阅读理解。 A new generation addiction is quic...


A new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over  the world.Weboholisma twentieth century diseaseaffects people from different ages.They surf the Netuse e­mails and speak in chat rooms.They spend many hours on the computerand it becomes a compulsive habit.They cannot stopand it affects their lives.

Ten years agono one thought that using computers could become compulsive behavior that could affect the social and physical life of computer users.This obsessional behavior has affected teenagers and college students.They are likely to log on computers and spend long hours at different websites.

They become hooked on computers and gradually their social and school life is affected by this situation.They spend  all free time surfing and don’t concentrate on homeworkso this  addiction influences  their grades  and  success  at  school.Because they can find everything on the websitesthey hang  out there.Moreoverthis addiction to websites influences their social life.

They spend more time in front of computers than with their friends.The relation with their friends changes.The virtual life becomes more important than their real life.They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society.

Because of the change in their behaviorthey begin to keep themselves apart from society and live with their virtual friends.They share their emotions and feelings with friends who they have never met in their life.Although they feel confident on the computerthey are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life.It is a problem for the future.This addictive behavior is beginning to affect all the world.

1.The author’s attitude towards weboholism is that of being________.

Aoptimistic         Bdisapproving

Cpositive            Dacceptable

2.What is the main idea of the passage?

AThe influence of weboholism.

BThe advantage of weboholism.

CThe popularity of weboholism.

DThe cause of weboholism.

3.What does the underlined word “obsessional” in the second  paragraph most probably mean?

AAttractive.      BProfessional.

CAddictive.        DPotential.

4.We can infer from the passage that________.

Aweboholism has the greatest effect on teenagers

Bstudents can hardly balance real and virtual life

Cpeople are addicted to games on the Internet

Dvirtual life is more vivid and attractive anyway


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.作者态度题。结合第一段后半部分提到的网瘾的不良影响可知,作者对网瘾持不赞成的态度。另外,第三、四、五段的内容都是线索提示。 2.主旨大意题。文章第一段开门见山地阐述了网瘾的危害,然后从不同方面详细阐述了它造成的不良影响,所以A项最能概括文章大义。 3.词义猜测题。第二段最后一句提到青少年和大学生可能会登录电脑,在不同的网站上花费很长的时间,由此可推知“obsessional”的意思是“痴迷的,上瘾的”,与“addictive”同义。 4.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第三句“The virtual life becomes more important than their real life.”以及最后一段第一句中的“they begin to keep themselves apart from society and live with their virtual friends”可推知,学生们几乎不能平衡真实生活和虚拟生活。



Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cats are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found a new recipe for success. According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly. Two­thirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.

However, it wasn't all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite. For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression, while a dog doing the same signals submission.

In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behavior. They are learning how to talk each other's language. It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk “Dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk “Cat”.

What's interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence. They can learn how to read each other's body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in common than was previously suspected. Once familiar with each other's presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa. They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.

The significance of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets — to people who don't get along, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.

1.The underlined word “swimmingly” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “________”.

A.early                 B.sweetly

C.quickly                D.smoothly

2.What is found surprising about cats and dogs?

A.They eat and sleep together.

B.They observe each other's behaviors.

C.They learn to speak each other's language.

D.They know something from each other's voices.

3.It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs ________.

A.have common interests

B.are less different than thought

C.have a common body language

D.are less intelligent than expected

4.What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?

A.We should learn to live in harmony.

B.We should know more about animals.

C.We should live in peace with animals.

D.We should learn more body languages.




For my grandmother’s 70th birthday,my family and I visited South Korea.While there,I was attentive to Korean high schools and students.

I was surprised by how different Korea’s public high schools are from America’s.Korean high schools can be all­girls,all­boys or co­ed (男女同校的) unlike our standard co­ed high schools.There are three grades:“go 1(10th)”,“go 2(11th)” and “go 3(12th)”.“Go” is the first syllable of the word “go­deung­hakkyo”,which,simply translated,is “high school”.

In America,unless you want to go to a private school,you don’t have to take an entrance exam.In Korea,however,students must take a test to get in because of the many choices of schools.

Another difference I couldn’t help but notice was the students’ appearance.With very few exceptions,all wear uniforms. A name tag (标牌) with the student’s name,grade and homeroom number must also be worn.Girl’s skirts can’t be above the upper part of the knee,and it is forbidden to dye(染) your hair or wear accessories (装饰品) except small earrings.There are strict regulations for appearance to achieve neatness,and it seems the only freedom students have is with their choices of hair style,socks and shoes.

The final difference was the setup of the classes.There may be 40 students in a classroom,but the number can be less or even more,depending on the population of the town or city.Although there are many students per classroom,they are very close,which I think is a result of not changing classrooms for different subjects.There are no levels in the subjects and the teachers are the ones who switch classrooms.They just have ten­minute breaks between subjects.In each class,students are ranked by their grades.This causes strict competition,and Korean students do a lot of studying.To help them,all schools have extra study classes after school.One other fact that helped me appreciate living in America is that Koreans have school on Saturdays.Although it’s only a half day,I think I speak for most Americans when I say we could never imagine ourselves in school on a Saturday.

Korea’s public high schools are clearly different from America’s.I had imagined them to be just like our schools,but now I have a clear picture of how different they are.

1.How many main differences are mentioned between Korea’s public high school and America’s?

A.3.              B.4.

C.5.               D.6.

2.It seems that the writer ________.

A.is familiar with the education system of high schools in Korea

B.is fond of Korean students’ appearance

C.prefers the high school life of America to the one of Korea

D.feels it common to have lessons on weekends

3.What does the underlined word “setup” in paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.Arrangement.           B.Size.

C.Number.                D.Outline.

4.According to the rules, the students of Korea can ________.

A.go to different high schools without exams

B.wear any clothes except uniforms at school

C.attend different classes as they like

D.have different hair styles





Everyone looks forward to progress, whether in one's personal life or in the general society.Progress indicates a person's ability to change the way he is living at the moment.Progress must lead to a better life and a better way of doing things.All these, however, remain true only in so far as people want to accept technology and move forward by finding new and more efficient ways of doing things.

However, at the back of the minds of many people, especially those who miss the “good old days”, efficiency comes with a price.When communication becomes more efficient, people are able to contact one another no matter where they are and at whatever time they wish to.The click of a button allows people miles apart to talk or see each other without even leaving their homes.With the communication gadgets, such as mobile phones and iPads, people often do not take the effort to visit one another personally.A personal visit carries with it the additional feature of having to be in the person's presence for as long as the visit lasts.We cannot unnecessarily excuse ourselves or turn the other person off.

With efficiency also comes mass production.Such is the nature of factories and the success of industrialization today.Factories have improved efficiency.Unskillful tasks are left to machines and products are better made and produced with greater accuracy than any human hand could ever have done.However, with the improvements in efficiency also comes the loss of the personal touch when making these products.For example, many handicrafts (手工艺品) are now produced in a factory.

Although this means that supply is better able to increase demand, now that the supply is quick and efficient, the demand might fall because mass production lowers the quality of the handicraft and it is difficult to find unique designs on each item.

Nevertheless, we must not commit the mistake of analyzing progress only from one point of view.In fact, progress has allowed tradition to keep up.It is only with progress and the invention of new technology that many old products can be brought back to their old state.New technology is required for old products to stay old.

It is people's attitude towards progress that causes the type of influence that technology has on society.Technology is flexible.There is no fixed way of making use of it.Everything depends on people's attitude.The worst effects of progress will fall on those who are unable to rethink their attitudes and views of society.When we accept progress and adapt it to suit our needs, a new “past” is created.

1.The underlined word “gadgets” in Para. 2 is closest in meaning to“________”.

A.tools                  B.messages

C.barriers               D.skills

2.Compared with home­made handicrafts, machine­made products ________.

A.lack great accuracy

B.lack the personal touch

C.are of high value

D.are quite welcome

3.What can be learned about technology from Paragraph 4?

A.It can destroy old traditions.

B.It can lead to social progress.

C.It can be used to correct mistakes.

D.It can be used to preserve old products.

4.What can be concluded from the last paragraph?

A.Progress can suit the needs of daily life.

B.People review the past with great regret.

C.Technology should be introduced in a fixed way.

D.People's attitude decides the use of technology.




Does stress cause gray hair?Many people believe that tension and stress can cause your hair to lose its color.In fact,it is an_old_wives’_tale that being upset all the time can result in premature graying.Here is a closer look at this situation and why some believe that this old wives’ tale could be true.

As one ages,the hairs on the head also age.In fact,just about everything on the human body begins to show signs of wear and tear after a while.The joints wear and become stiff and skin wears and becomes wrinkled.Hairs on the head grow and eventually die.They are replaced,but in the process something else happens.

When new hairs are replaced,the color or pigment (色素) is also added to them.However,as one ages,this pigment becomes less and less available.At first,hairs will have a limited amount of pigment and they will appear to be grayish in color.In time,they will lose all of their pigment and will be white.Many things are known to cause graying,and genetics is a very powerful factor.If one of your parents turns gray at an early age,there is a good chance that you will too.Some people begin the graying process in high school,while others may be over the age of forty.

Constant worry and tension can have many harmful effects on the human body.It is a known fact that stressful times can cause one to suffer hair loss.It would make sense that if it can cause these problems,perhaps it also may contribute to graying.However,there is no sound evidence to support this.

On the other hand,many medical professionals believe that there may be a link between graying and a constant state of anxiety or tension.Does stress cause gray hair?There is no scientific evidence to support the theory,but it is best to avoid stressful situations.

1.The underlined phrase in the first paragraph most probably means ________.

A.clever remarks          B.silly remarks

C.exciting remarks        D.disappointed remarks

2.The second paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A.every part of body is replaced with age

B.hairs will grow weak but not die

C.skin becomes wrinkled with age

D.every part of body ages with age

3.What might play the most important role in the graying process?

A.Genetics and the amount of sleeping time.

B.The amount of food people eat and living environment.

C.The amount of pigment and genetics.

D.Genetics and the amount of water people drink

4.According to the passage,continuous pressure may result in ________.

A.a person’s fatness            B.a person’s fitness

C.a person’s weight loss         D.a person’s hair loss

5.From the passage we can infer that ________.

A.stress causing gray hair is still in question

B.gray hair has nothing to do with tension

C.stressful situations can be of benefit

D.sound evidence has been found





The Japanese like parties.From ancient times, a party becomes enlivened (活泼) when someone starts singing and others keep applauding.Having such a custom, the Japanese can easily sing in front of others without feeling embarrassed.This seems to be one of the reasons that karaoke has been largely accepted in Japanese society.

It is now widely recognized that the use of karaoke started at a snack bar in Kobe City, one of the three biggest cities in Japan.It is said that when a guitarist could not come to perform at the bar due to illness, the owner of the bar prepared tapes of accompaniment recordings, and people enjoyed singing to the tapes.

It was at that time that karaoke appeared.Holding a microphone and singing a song to the accompaniment of an “orchestra (管弦乐队)”, you can feel like a professional singer.For soldiers living in a stressful society, there is no other entertainment activity that can make them feel so refreshed.

It is a typical way to relax for Japanese businessmen.They use it to take away their stress after work.However, there is an obstacle to this: since most Japanese houses are still made of wood, it would be very annoying to the neighbors to sing into a microphone at night.Seizing upon the opportunity, businessmen created the karaoke box, a roadside facility containing karaoke equipment.Karaoke boxes are soundproofed rooms, closed with a door, placed on roadsides where people can sing.The first “Karaoke box” was placed in a rice camp in the countryside in 1984.It was built from a converted freight car (改装的货运车).Now, the karaoke boom has even spread abroad and it has also been attracting the attention of the countries trying to improve their literacy rate (识字率) as a good educational tool.

1.According to the text, we can learn that karaoke ________.

A.originated from the biggest city of Japan

B.originated in the form of singing to tapes

C.can help you achieve the level of professional singers

D.first appeared in the army to relieve stress for soldiers

2.The underlined word “soundproofed” in Paragraph 4 most probably means “________”.

A.recording sounds repeatedly

B.receiving sound signals

C.making sound more clear

D.stopping sound from being heard outside

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Karaoke was started in a bar during a party.

B.A guitarist was the originator who brought the karaoke into being.

C.Karaoke was very common as a form of entertainment at home when it was born.

D.Karaoke is used as a way of education in some countries.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.What karaoke boxes are like.

B.How karaoke boxes were created.

C.The origins and development of karaoke.

D.Karaoke becomes a popular form of entertainment.



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