满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假如你是新华中学的高三学生李华,你的美国朋友John最近在网上看到中国谚语“He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man”想了解相关信息,因此给你写了一封信。请你根据下面提示给他回信。



参考词汇:the Spring and Autumn and Warring States    the Ming Dynasty

Dear John,

I’m glad to learn that you are interested in Chinese proverbs. ___________________











Li Hua


Dear John, I’m glad to learn that you are interested in Chinese proverbs. The proverb “He who has never been to the Great wall is not a true man.” is about the Great wall. The Great wall of China was built during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty to defend against enemies. Meanwhile, the Great Wall is one of the seven great wonders in the world, which is considered as a symbol of the Chinese people’s wisdom. Actually, climbing it needs courage, determination and other good qualities. Therefore, if you manage to climb it, it shows that you are equipped with those qualities as this proverb puts it. I sincerely invite you to come to China to visit the Great wall. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:本文是提纲类作文,要点已给出。根据要点文章可分三段来写:第一段讲谚语的含义;第二段讲长城,这就要求对长城有一定的了解;第三段讲邀请来中国亲自体验。写作时可充分展示自己的长城知识,同时注意字数控制在100左右。要用高级词汇和高级句子提升文章档次。 写作亮点:本篇条理清楚,要点全面,结构连贯。其句式上的变化既使得文章生动而流畅,也体现了作者驾驭句式的能力。例如:文章还运用了宾语从句that you are interested in Chinese proverbs.和that you are equipped with those qualities as this proverb puts it. 定语从句who has never been to the Great wall和which is considered as a symbol of the Chinese people’s wisdom.不定式to defend against enemies. one of句型。defend against,manage to,equipped with,Looking forward to等词汇及Meanwhile, Actually, Therefore等连接词。 考点:考查提纲类写作。 【名师点睛】 应用文写作指导 应用文写作题目的设计形式多种多样,一般通过图画、表格、提纲等形式展示表达的话题及相关信息和主要内容,一般都要有一定的汉语提示和要求。写作内容大都包括对信息内容的客观描述,还要发表自己的观点和看法;有时要求提出解决问题的办法或建议。 应用文的写作要注意以下几个方面: 1、写作的前提是明确目的,以便合理的安排文章内容和结构。除了感谢信、道歉信、邀请信、推荐信、投诉信、求职信等目的较明确外,发言稿、通知、调查报告等也要考虑写作文章的用途或听众与读者的需求; 2、写作的关键是仔细审题,通过审题,得出图画、图表或提纲提示信息,并选准表达要点,使其很好的描述现象,分析问题,解决问题,达到写作的目的; 3、注意篇章结构的整体安排:开篇点题,表明写作的目的(一般给出);描述事物的顺序和思路(按照审题得出的表达要点合理安排,要符合客观实际和人们的认知规律);合适自然的结尾(首尾呼应,提出解决问题的方法或建议)。 4、注意应用文的语言要规范、准确,要得体;选词要丰富,适量使用结构稍复杂的长短句式,如倒装句、强调句和定语从句等,确保写作信息的含量;注意过度与衔接,确保行文连贯,提高写作的质量。 5、选择恰当的人称和时态:以第一、三人称为主,主要选用现在时态。  





注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Tricia,

I’ve come back home safely. Looked back on my stay in Britain, I felt so happy and satisfied.

The beautiful scenery and friendly people impressed on me a lot. I also benefit a lot from learning together with the local students. Much important, your help and kindness made it easier for me to have better understanding of British culture but adapt to the life there. So please accept my thank for the help you have given me. By the way, attached to the letter is the photos taken with you, which I believe will remind you about the happy time we spent together. We are expected to come to China soon. Looking forward to your reply.




1.Proper diets,__________(结合) with plenty of exercise, contribute to his good health.

2.He showed special ________(较喜欢) for playing with those plastic toys.

3.Scientists have made many important __________(发现) in the last 50 years.

4.These plants cannot _________(存活) in very cold conditions.

5.Only when he ________(道歉) for his behavior will I speak to him again.

6.Happiness and success often come to those who are good at ________(辨认出) their own strengths and weaknesses.

7.From what he said I come to a __________(结论) that he is lying.

8.The competition attracted over 500 competitors _____________(代表) 18 different countries.

9.Who is _____________ (负责) for the terrible mess?

10.Up to now, quantities of travelers________(吸引) to the beautiful island.



There is bad news for students who like to use their mobile phones while they study. New research shows that students do not learn very well when they text. Researchers    1.   (look)at 145 American high school students in the classroom. Some of the students used their mobile phones during class, while the others had their phones      2.      (switch) off. The head researcher, Dr Jeffrey Kuznekoff, said students   3.  did not use their mobile phones while the teacher was talking got    4.  (high) scores on tests they took at the end of the class.

One of the biggest    5.   (challenge) teachers have in the classroom is the non-stop battle of    6.   (keep) students working because students were more absorbed in social media than learning. Many students felt they needed to be online and check messages even they had important work to do in class.

   7.   is very common for students to be   8.  (physical) present in class, but mentally absent because they are using their mobiles. A study found that test scores increased 9. six percent after mobile phones    10.  (ban) in class.



I guess a boss must be pleased to hear that his employees are sorry to hear he’s leaving and that they respected him and appreciated the job he’d done. Cards and emails are great, but maybe it’s just ________ heartwarming to know that kind words are being said ________ “behind your back”.

I like to do the ________ for my students. Of course I give them my own compliments, but I love to let them know when other adults have ________ their good behavior and attitudes. I want them to know that we aren’t spending our lunch and meeting times ________ about them all the time! I want them to know that we often express our ________ in working with this ________ group of kids, and I want them to know why!

I ________ myself when someone finds how my teenage grandchildren are turning into such fine young people. Then it’s absolutely ________ to let them know it too! I want them to know that people notice them, and that it ________ when what they notice is good and praiseworthy.

I’ve known, from the other side, how much this can ________. I often lack confidence in my own abilities as a teacher, so it gave me quite a ________ when a friend who works with families in the community ________ that he has heard several times from parents how glad they are to have their kids in my class. It just feels more important ________ to have the words said by people who don’t know I’ll ever hear — when they can be ________ honest. Great to hear it and great to ________!

Sure, it’s pleasant when we can say nice things about other people. It feels good! And I think it’s a ________ compliment for people to know of the times when others are saying nice things even ________ ear shot.

Watch for your next opportunity to be the ________!  Make sure to tell them about the nice things being said behind their backs! Because how will they know ________ we tell them.

1.A. tooB. quiteC. extraD. rather

2.A. evenB. alreadyC. slightlyD. ever

3.A. restB. sameC. exampleD. job

4.A. pickedB. recognizedC. receivedD. noticed

5.A. chattingB. complainingC. blamingD. arguing

6.A. pleasureB. interestC. difficultyD. hope

7.A. importantB. particularC. excellentD. active

8.A. understandB. thankC. showD. distinguish

9.A. worthyB. rightC. necessaryD. great

10.A. considersB. mattersC. mindsD. depends

11.A. meanB. playC. markD. perform

12.A. evidenceB. giftC. liftD. answer

13.A. deliveredB. referredC. announcedD. mentioned

14.A. somehowB. stillC. otherwiseD. therefore

15.A. properlyB. partlyC. totallyD. obviously

16.A. rememberB. appreciateC. enjoyD. share

17.A. relativeB. comparableC. specialD. complete

18.A. because ofB. out of

C. withinD. without

19.A. reminderB. reporterC. readerD. carrier

20.A. thoughB. onceC. ifD. unless



Job interviewing never seems to get any easier—even when you have gone on more interviews than you can count. 1. Here are job interview tips to help prepare you to interview effectively.


Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of concrete examples you can use to highlight your skills.


Do your homework about the employer and the industry so you are ready for the question what do you know about this company. 2. If you’re not sure of the name, call and ask ahead of the interview. Try to relate what you have learned about the company when answering questions.


Make sure your interview dress is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice folder with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking.

Be On Time

4. Try to arrive at the interview on time. Being on time means five to ten minutes early. If necessary, take some time to drive to the interview location ahead of time.

Stay Calm

During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm as possible. 5. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question (active listening) before you answer and pay attention.

Show What You Know

Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions and use examples from your research when answering related questions.

A. Get Ready.

B. Check yourself.

C. Never be late for the interview.

D. Keep it in mind that actions speak louder than words.

E. Know the interviewer’s name and use it during the job interview.

F. However, invest a little time ahead of the interview and it will be much easier to handle.

G. Remember your body languages as much as your answers to the questions.



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