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You may know the Eiffel Tower as one of ...

You may know the Eiffel Tower as one of the most famous man-made monuments in the world, and youd be absolutely right! Read on to learn about the history of the great Eiffel Tower.

Travelers from around the world flock(蜂拥)to Paris, France, to visit the Eiffel Tower, making it the most visited paid monument in the entire world! In fact, in 2010, the Eiffel Tower welcomed its 250 millionth visitor!

The history of the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the famous monument. Construction began in January of 1887 and was completed in only two years. Their plan was to finish the tower in time to be the entrance arch for the Worlds Fair in 1889. This fair celebrated the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, which took place from 1789 to 1799.

The height competition

Located on the Champs de Mars, the tower is the tallest structure in Paris. It was the tallest man-made structure in the world for 41 years until the Chrysler Building in New York surpassed(超过) it. Then the spire(塔尖) on the top of the tower was added, raising its height to 17 feet taller than the Chrysler Building. It is now 1,063 feet tall! There are two replicas(复制品) of the Eiffel Tower in the world: a half scale model at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas and a full-sized monument of a similar (but not exact) design in Tokyo, Japan.

Three shades of wonder

Some pictures make the Eiffel Tower look like a dark iron color. But it is, in fact, bronze. Not only that, but the tower is actually painted three different shades to make it appear even taller: darkest on the bottom and lightest on the top.

1.The Eiffel Tower was constructed to ________.

A. show great respect for Gustave Eiffel

B. make Paris the most visited city in the world

C. show the French peoples construction skill

D. celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution

2.Which of the following does the author mention in the passage?

A. The political meaning of the Eiffel Tower.

B. The disadvantages of the Eiffel Tower.

C. The location of the Eiffel Tower. 

D. The cost of the Eiffel Tower.

3.Where can you find a structure similar to the Eiffel Tower according to the passage?

A. In New York.

B. In Las Vegas.

C. In Los Angeles.

D. In Florida.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. tell visitors where to find the replicas of the Eiffel Tower

B. raise peoples awareness of protecting the Eiffel Tower

C. offer people some information about the Eiffel Tower

D. call on people to visit the Eiffel Tower


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章主要讲述埃菲尔铁塔的历史以及相关信息。 1.’s Fair in 1889. This fair celebrated the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution可知,埃菲尔铁塔是因为庆祝法国革命胜利100周年而修建的。故选D。 2. 3.There are two replicas(复制品) of the Eiffel Tower in the world: a half scale model at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas可知,埃菲尔铁塔有两处复制品,其中一处位于Las Vegas,故选B。 4. 考点:人物故事类阅读理解 【名师点睛】 主旨大意题 这种题型要求考生能够把握文章的总体,并真正理解主题和中心;要求能较好地运用概括、判断、归纳、推理等逻辑思维方法解题,难度较大,属于高层次题。 一般主旨大意题可以分为两类: 1.确定文章的标题和主题(title or topic) 标题位于文章之首,用来高度概括文章内容,点明文章主题。它可以是单词,短语,也可以是句子。要确定文章标题,首先,要在阅读原文的基础上,考虑标题是否与主题密切相关;其次,看标题是否能概括全文内容。不能只概括短文中的某些事实或细节;然后,要注意标题范围不应太大或太小;最后,标题应简练并能吸引读者。即:1、独特新颖 2、概括性强 3、短小精炼。 常见的标题型题干: 1) The best title/ headline for this passage might be________. 2) The text (passage) could be entitled ______. 3) What is the best title for the passage? 4) What’s the topic of the article? 2.主题句(topic sentence)及主旨大意(main idea)的概括 一篇文章一般表达一个中心内容或主题。这个中心内容或主题通常用一个句子来概括。此句叫做主题句。一般来说,说明文和议论文都有主题句,而且多位于文章的开头,有时也位于文章的中间或末尾。但有时不能在文中直接找到主题句,要求读者把握每段的主题句,弄清段于段之间逻辑关系的基础上自己归纳总结。主题句必须能简洁明了地概括全文的主要内容,具有高度的综合性和概括性。文章或段落的其他句子都是对主题句的进一步解释,说明,论证或扩展 常见的主题句和主旨型题干: What is the topic sentence of the passage? This article/text/passage mainly tells that _____________. Which of the following gives a general idea of the passage? Which of the following is the main idea of the passage? 如:28.C考查主旨大意题。根据文章第一段以及后面各个小标题可知,文章主要讲述埃菲尔铁塔的历史以及相关信息,因此选C。 考点:自然科学类阅读理解

It was the day after Halloween when my grandmother was admitted to the hospital with the worst headache shed ever had. While posing in our costumes the night before, we knew something was wrong, just not how wrong.

Grandmas house was the central gathering place of my family. Sunday lunches, birthday dinners, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas — all were our traditions, with her as hostess. While my parents were busy running their small business, there were many nights when Grandma fed me and put me to bed in her spare room, until they came to get me. I spent my summers at Grandmas and I went everywhere with her. I couldnt imagine a time when she wouldnt be around me.

Then November 1,1991 began her month-long stay in the hospital—she suffered from a rare infection (感染)called nocardia asteroides. After being born in the year of the Great Depression, living through World War II, raising three kids, and being widowed at the age of 48, Grandma never expected to live into her seventies. The infection in her brain seemed to confirm that she wasnt long for this world. But thats not the end of her story. A team of doctors successfully removed the abscess(脓肿), and Grandma even made it into a local medical journal. Her doctor called her the brain lady.

Grandma celebrated her 85th birthday in March this year. In the almost 23 years since her recovery, shes seen two of her four grandchildren get married and welcomed three great-grandsons. Although they damage something in her house, she loves it when my two boys come over. And while I know they make her day, seeing her love blossom for another generation makes my day too. Happy Grandparents Day to my amazing grandmother!

1.When celebrating Halloween, the authors family _______.

A. knew Grandma would appear in a local medical journal

B. found that something was wrong with the costumes

C. didnt realize that Grandma was feeling unwell

D. didnt know how serious Grandmas illness was

2.What is the tradition of the authors family?

A. Running small businesses.

B. Spending summers at Grandmas.

C. Making Grandma hostess anywhere.

D. Gathering at Grandmas at special events.

3.When did Grandma have the operation to remove the abscess?

A. At the age of 60.

B. When she was about 62.

C. Before November 1, 1991. 

D. After this years Halloween.

4.The author wrote this text _____.

A. in honor of Grandma

B. to promote Grandparents Day

C. to stress the importance of health 

D. in celebration of Grandmas recovery
















参考词汇:course n. 课程;benefit vt. 对……有益;stressful adj. 有压力的 stress /pressure n. 压力;  survey n. 调查

Recently, a survey has been carried out in our school whether the freshmen have adapted to the life in senior high school.










  During the weekend I traveled by the air for the first time in my life. I usual travel


by train or bus. It‘s both cheaper and safe. But to fly in the sky was something new to


me. At the end I felt a little nervous. But very soon I became exciting when I found


me high up in the sky among the clouds. I also found that mountains, fields, river


and so on was interestingly small. I enjoy the frightening and comfortable journey


very much. After all, it is more interesting take a plane than to take a car.




Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?

In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It 1._______( be ) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it 2._______( actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of 3.______ most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

     But the river wasn’t changed in a few days 4.______ even a few months. It took years of work 5.__________( reduce ) the industrial pollution and clean the water . Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is 6.______ (clean ) than ever.

     Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit 7._____ is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don’t know how to control your credit card( 信用卡) use. When you face such an impossible situation, don’t you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?

     While there are 8.______( amaze ) stories of instant transformation(转变),for most of us the 9.________( change ) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be10.______( patience )                                                      




   A man worked in a post office. His job was to handle(处理) all   that had unclear addresses. One day he came across a letter which was   to God. He opened it and it , "Dear God, I am an 83-year-old woman and I live on a very small pension (养老金). Yesterday someone stole my . There was a hundred dollars in it, which was all the money I had until my next pension comes. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, and I have invited my last two friends for . Without that money, I have to buy food with. I have no family to , and you are my only . Can you please help me?" The man was , and went around showing the letter to all the other workers. Each of them   their wallets and donated a few dollars. By the time he   his showing, he had collected 96 dollars.     then he sent it to the old woman. Thanksgiving Day came and went. The workers    forgot about it. Then one day, there came another letter from the old lady to God. All the    gathered around when the letter was . It read, "Dear God, how can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? Because of your kindness, I was able to a lovely dinner for my friends. We had a very day, and I told my friends about your gift. Thank you very much!" Seeing this, all the workers felt   with the nice thing they had done. They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

1.A. stamps    B. money  C. mail    D. postcards

2.A. spoken    B. written  C. recorded   D. pointed

3.A. noticed    B. talked  C. read    D. told

4.A. clothes    B. purse     C. house   D. food

5.A. borrowed     B. wished  C. paid   D. left

6.A. dinner    B. fun  C. business  D. picnic

7.A. nothing    B. anything C. something  D. everything

8.A. live in     B. live on  C. turn to   D. turn back

9.A. family    B. hope    C. friend  D. partner

10.A. excited    B. amazed C. surprised  D. moved

11.A. gained    B. earned  C. searched  D. explored

12.A. finished     B. planned C. started   D. toured

13.A. Or     B. As   C. And    D. But

14.A. gradually   B. usually  C. especially  D. easily

15.A. friends    B. workers C. officers  D. guests

16.A. sent     B. replied  C. accepted  D. opened

17.A. bring    B. choose  C. prepare  D. enjoy

18.A. nice     B. strange  C. common   D. formal

19.A. traditional   B. wonderful C. expensive  D. extra

20.A. annoyed  B. confident    C. pleased      D. hopeful



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