满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You had better learn to be grateful. If ...

You had better learn to be grateful. If ________, you naturally open yourself up to receive all kinds of blessings and good things in life. You can receive almost everything you want ________. If you want recovery soon, start by feeling grateful that you are still ________. If it is more money that you want, start being grateful for whatever ________ of money you already have.

You see, showing gratitude(感恩) is the key to developing ________ attitude to life. It is the key to building successful relationships, and it is the key to ________ healthier and happier lives. And this is ________ the importance of being grateful lies. In a word, it makes life better.

One of my favorite ________ is “If you learn to appreciate more of what you already have, you will find yourself having more to appreciate.” Think about that!

Something as ________ as a “Thank you for being in my life” or “I ________ having you here with me”, can go a long way. It will make the other person feel good, and ________ it also will make you feel better!

So maybe your wife is not very ________ around the house, but she’s great at cooking your favorite ________. Or, maybe your child spilled milk all over your new shirt right ________ you walked out of the door for work, but usually he makes you laugh so much and makes you ________the luckiest parent in the world.

I strongly ________ you to make a promise to yourself for the next week. Decide to ________ every morning and think of at least 5 things that you are ________ for. Then say ________ out loud. You will notice a smile on your face without even trying. In 30 days you will feel completely renewed. This is the ________ of being grateful!

1.A. soB. anyC. possibleD. necessary

2.A. correctlyB. trulyC. whollyD. clearly

3.A. lovelyB. liveC. livelyD. alive

4.A. amountB. plentyC. kindD. number

5.A. terribleB. confusingC. positiveD. negative

6.A. feelingB. lookingC. enjoyingD. taking

7.A. whatB. whereC. whichD. that

8.A. mottosB. wordC. habitsD. rules

9.A. pleasantB. delightedC. simpleD. wonderful

10.A. averageB. avoidC. appreciateD. admit

11.A. for sureB. regardless of

C. instead ofD. by way of

12.A. lazyB. organizedC. carelessD. beautiful

13.A. milkB. drinksC. breadD. dishes

14.A. ifB. afterC. beforeD. unless

15.A. become ofB. look likeC. act asD. feel like

16.A. persuadeB. suggestC. demandD. advise

17.A. dress upB. wake upC. get upD. make up

18.A. gratefulB. upsetC. anxiousD. concerned

19.A. oneB. itC. themD. that

20.A. disadvantageB. consequences

C. awardD. power


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲述了人们要学会感恩,感恩的人会得到很多益处。 1.A 考查代词以及对语境的理解。这里的意思是:你要学会感恩,如果你感恩,你自然就会放开自己,接受生活中的各种各样祝福和好事。故选A。 2. 考查副词以及对语境的理解。A. correctly正确地;B. truly真正地;C. wholly整个;D. clearly清楚地。句意:您几乎会收到你真想要的一切东西。故选B。 3.考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A. lovely可爱的;B. live实况转播的;精力充沛的;C. lively生动的;D. alive活着的,根据上文描述康复,此处应该是感谢你还活着。故选D。 4.考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. amount数量;B. plenty丰富;C. kind种类;D. number数量。a large amount of money许多钱,whatever修饰名词amount,指金钱的数量。故选A。 5.考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A. terrible可怕的;B. confusing混淆的;C. positive积极的;D. negative消极的,负面的;句意:你知道,表达感恩是培养对生活的积极态度的关键。故选C。 6.考查动词以及对语境的理解。enjoy healthier and happier lives享受更健康和更幸福的生活。故选C。 7.考查代词以及对语境的理解。句意:这就是感恩的重要之处所在。这里的where指的是这里,故选B。 8.考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. mottos格言;B. word话;C. habits习惯;D. rule规则;句意:我最喜欢的格言之一是……。B项是单数,但one of后面加复数名词,故不合适。根据下文是一句话,故选A。 9. 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A. pleasant愉快的;B. delighted高兴的;C. simple简单的;D. wonderful精彩的。根据下文都是两句较短的感谢语,故选C。 10. 考查动词以及对语境的理解。 A. average平均;B. avoid避免;C. appreciate欣赏,感激;D. admit承认。此处是感激的语言,故选C。 11. 考查介词以及对语境的理解。A. for sure确定;B. regardless of不管;C. instead of而不是,代替;D. by way of通过……方式。句意:它可让另一个人感觉舒服,肯定也会让你感觉更好。故选A。 12. 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A. lazy懒惰的;B. organized组织的;C. careless粗心的;D. beautiful漂亮的。这里是表示“有组织的”,故选B。 13.考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. milk牛奶;B. drinks饮料;C. bread面包;D. dishes菜。前文是打扫房间,but表示语意转折,可能他更擅长做“菜”。故选D。 14.考查连词以及对语境的理解。A. if如果;B. after之后;C. before之前;D. unless除非。这里的意思是:在你出门工作之前。故选C。 15. 考查动词短语以及对语境的理解。A. become of使遭遇…,…降临于,发生…情况;B. feel like感觉像;C. act as行动像…………,担当;D. look like看起来像;根据前文的将牛奶洒在衬衫上,这里应该是让你“感觉像世界上最幸运的父母”。故选D。 16.考查动词以及对语境的理解。A. persuade说服;B. suggest提议;;C. demand要求;D. advise建议。根据句意:我强烈建议你为下周给自己发誓。advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事;demand和suggest后不用不定式作宾补。persuade sb to do sth劝服某人做某事,不合题意,故选D。 17.考查动词短语以及对语境的理解。A. dress up打扮;B. wake up醒来;C. get up起床;D. make up化妆;句意:决定每天早晨醒来至少考虑5件你要感激的事情。根据空后的every morning判断应是“醒来”。故选B。 18. 考查形容词以及对语境的理解。A. grateful感激的;B. upset焦虑不安的;C. anxious焦急的;D. concerned关心的,担心的;根据上文,主要讲述人应该学会感恩,故选A。 19.考查代词以及对语境的理解。这里的them代指的是things,所以要用复数形式,故选C。 20.考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. disadvantage劣势,缺点;B. consequences 后果;C. award酬金;D. power力量,权力,动力。句意:30天后你就会感觉到自己重生的力量。故选D。 考点:考查人生百味类阅读。

In high school, it’s important to stay healthy. 1. How can you study well if you’re sick? So you should pay attention to your health in order to study well in high school. In order to enjoy good health, you should have some good habits. Here are some tips for you.

Drink water regularly every day. Some students don’t like drinking water. They only drink water when they are extremely thirsty. 2. You should drink water regularly so that your body and brain can function well. Avoid sports drinks and soda when you are thirsty. They are not good for your health.

3.Some students don’t eat three meals a day. No matter what happens, you should not skip any meal of the day. Eating regularly helps keep your metabolism (新陈代谢) high and keeps your energy up. It’s especially important to eat a good breakfast every day with protein, carbohydrates (碳水化合物), and fiber to set up your body for the day of activity. If you don’t eat, how can you stay focused in class?

Eat the right foods. Some students eat whatever they can get. This is wrong. 4. Choose whole grains like rice and whole wheat flours. Skip muffins, donuts, and other processed foods. Instead, choose whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables.

5. If you do that, you can get distracted. Therefore, you may not pay attention to how much you are eating. You may eat too much. Eating too much harms your health. And you may gain too much weight because of it. Try to eat slowly so your brain sends the right signals to tell your belly that it’s full.

A. Don’t skip meals.

B. This is bad for your health.

C. Eat a good breakfast every day.

D. Avoid eating too much at one time.

E. Don’t watch TV or movies when you eat.

F. If you are unhealthy, you may fall ill easily.

G. You should eat the foods that are good for your body.



As early as the mid-18th century, some people began raising doubts about Marco Polo’s travels. In 1995, historian Frances Wood argued in her book Did Marco Polo Go to China? that the famous explorer from Venice never made it to pass the Black Sea. She noted that his travel journal left out the Great Wall of China, chopsticks and tea drinking among other details. Furthermore, Chinese documents from Polo’s day made no mention of the explorer and his men.

Wood and other scholars have argued that Marco Polo based his tales of China on information collected from fellow trades who had actually been there. Last year, a team of Italian researchers became the latest to challenge Polo’s accounts(叙述). They said that evidence didn’t support his description of Kublai Khan’s Japanese invasions (侵略).

Now, however, research by Hans Ulrich Vogel of Germany’s Tubingen University might help prove Marco Polo was true. In a new book Marco Polo Was in Chinathe professor of Chinese history tries to prove that Marco Polo spoke the truth. He suggests, for example, that Polo didn’t include the Great Wall in his book because it only achieved its great importance in the Ming Dynasty several hundred years later. Vogel further explains that Chinese records from the 13th and 14th centuries avoided setting down visits from Westerners.

Historians before him have touched on these issues. But Vogel also relies on another evidence:the explorer’s very detailed descriptions of currency and salt production in the Yuan Dynasty. According to Vogel, Polo documented these aspects of Mongol Chinese culture in greater detail than any other of his time. This is a hint (暗示) that Polo relied on his own powers of observation.

Will we ever know whether Marco Polo traveled to China? Perhaps not, but the consequences of his real or fictional journey are still felt across the globe. One reader of The Travels of Marco Polo was Christopher Columbus, who stepped upon the New World while following his idols footsteps.

1.France Wood doubted Marco Polo’s travel’s to China because his description ________.

A. missed some important culture of China

B. covered so much about traders’ life

C. was full of obvious mistakes

D. seemed less detailed

2.Vogel’s trust on Marco Polo is based on the argument that ________.

a. The Great Wall didnt gain its importance then

b. Records in the Yuan Dynasty mentioned Polo

c. Polo mentioned the currency and salt

d. Polo’s other works are believable

e. Polo recorded what he saw in great detail

A. a, b, dB. a, c, dC. a, eD. b, c

3.Which of the following shows the structure of the text?(P1为第一段,以此类推)



When I was small and my grandmother died, I couldn't understand why I had no tears. But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up, my laughs turned into crying.

So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing are controlled by the same part of the brain. Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so does crying.

Whatever helps us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional health, and crying seems to work well. One study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.

Besides, tears attract help from other people. Researchers agree that when we cry, people around us become kinder and friendlier and they are more ready to provide support and comfort. Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we're very sad until we cry. We learn about our emotions through crying, and then we can deal with them.

Just as crying can be healthy, not cryingholding back tears of anger, pain or sufferingcan be bad for physical health. Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can 1ead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illness. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, don't fight it. It's a natural, healthy and emotional response.

1.Why didn't the author cry when her grandmother died?

A. Because her father did not want her to feel too sad.

B. Because she did not love her grandmother.

C. Because she was too shy to cry at that time.

D. The author doesn't give the explanation.

2.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. there are two ways to keep healthy

B. emotional health has a close relationship to physical health

C. crying has many health disadvantages

D. crying does more good to health than laughing

3.According to the author, which of the following statements is true?

A. Crying is the best way to get help from others.

B. Fighting back tears may cause some health problems.

C. We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry.

D. We must cry if we want to reduce pressure

4.What might be the most suitable title for the text?

A. Why We CryB. How to Keep Healthy

C. Power of TearsD. New Scientific Discovery



Parents will do anything for their children. Whether it would be the food, clothes, or the place they live in, parents will always make sure their children have the best of everything. One of the biggest concerns that parents currently have is educating their children. They are faced with lots of difficulties when it comes to education for their young ones. Choices include private school, charter school, public school or home schooling.

Fortunately for parentsthere are a variety of different strategies that they can take in order to increase their child’s overall intelligence. According to Ross A. Thompson, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis, a child’s brain will actually reach 90% of its full size by the time they start kindergarten.

Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago concluded that playing a musical instrument directly affected the brain stem, the lower section of the brain. Moreover, children that learn an instrument at an early age tend to continue it when they are older. And numerous studies show that a well balanced meal is essential for a child’s mental as well as physical health. Some other researchers recommended that a second language should be taught when children are in preschool. They state that three to four years of age is the perfect time and that any age under four would work perfectly well for a childs brain development.

The average child will learn how to read between kindergarten and second grade. Many parents can give their children a jump start by teaching them to read before they start school. Children could have an adequate background of the alphabet and sounds of words before attending school. This can be done by simply reading to them whenever you want. The more comfortable they get, the easier the process will be.

1.From the first paragraph, we can infer that ________.

A. parents find it hard to satisfy their kids’ various demands

B. parents meet a new challenge when raising their kids

C. parents have more choices in offering education to their kids

D. parents get actively involved in the process of their kids’ growth

2.What suggestion may the researchers in the passage make?

A. To train kids as early as possible.

B. To try as many means as possible.

C. To help kids develop as fully as possible.

D. To use as many available resources as possible.

3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. The proper time to teach children to learn languages.

B. The effective ways to help develop children’s brains.

C. The vital factors to have a great effect on children’s health.

D. The practical steps to arouse children’s interest in study.

4.We can replace the words “jump start” in the last paragraph with ________.

A. inspirationB. introductionC. suggestionD. promotion



Tom goes everywhere with Catherine Green, a 54-year-old secretary. He moves around her office at work and goes shopping with her. "Most people don't seem to mind Tom," says Catherine, who thinks he is wonderful. "He's my fourth child," she says. She may think of him and treat him that way as her son. He moves around buying his food, paying his health bills and his taxes, but in fact Tom is a dog.

Catherine and Tom live in Sweden, a country where everyone is expected to lead an orderly life according to rules laid down by the government, which also provides a high level of care for its people. This level of care costs money.

People in Sweden pay taxes on everything, so aren't surprised to find that owning a dog means more taxes. Some people are paying as much as 500 Swedish kronor in taxes a year for the right to keep their dog, which is spent by the government on dog hospitals and sometimes medical treatment for a dog that falls ill. However, most such treatment is expensive, so owners often decide to offer health and even life premium for their dog.

In Sweden dog owners must pay for any damage their dog does. A Swedish Kennel Club official explains what this means: if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car, you, as the owner, have to pay for any damage done to the car, even if your dog has been killed in the accident.

1.Catherine pays taxes for Tom because ________.

A. Tom follows her everywhere

B. Tom is her child

C. Tom is her dog

D. Tom often falls ill

2.The money paid as dog taxes is used to ________.

A. keep a high level of care for the people

B. pay for damage done by dogs

C. provide medical care for dogs

D. buy insurance for dog owners

3.The underlined world "premium" possibly means ________.

A. payment for risks                   B. medical check

C. entertainment expense               D. protection fee

4.If a dog causes a car accident and gets killed, who should pay for the damage done to the car?

A. The owner of the car.

B. The owner of the dog.

C. The insurance company.

D. The government.



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