满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Ever walked to the shops only to find, o...

Ever walked to the shops only to find, once there, you’ve completely forgotten what you went for? Or struggled to remember the name of an old friend? For years we’ve accepted that a forgetful brain is as much a part of aging as wrinkles and grey hair. But now a new book suggests that we’ve got it all wrong.

According to The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it comes to the important things, our brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and 60s—much later than previously thought.

Furthermore, rather than losing many brain cells as we age, we keep them, and even produce new ones well into middle age. For years, it’s been assumed that brain, much like the body, declines with age. But the longest, largest study into what happens to people as they age suggests otherwise.

This continuing research has followed 6,000 people since 1956, testing them every seven years. It has found that on average, participants performed better on cognitive认知的)tests in their 40s and 50s than they had done in their 20s. Specifically, older people did better on tests of vocabulary, verbal memory (how many words they can remember) and problem solving. Where they performed less well was number ability and perceptual speed—how fast they can push a button when ordered. However, with more complex tasks such as problem-solving and language, we are at our best at middle age and beyond. In short, researchers are now coming up with scientific proof that we do get wiser with age.

Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with age. A recent US study found older people were much better at controlling and balancing their emotions. It is thought that when we are younger we need to focus more on the negative aspects of life in order to learn about the possible dangers in the world, but as we get older we’ve learned our lessons and are aware that we have less time left in life; therefore, it becomes more important for us to be happy.

1.Barbara Strauch probably agrees that ________.

A. the young are better at handling important things

B. people’s brains work best between their 40s and 60s

C. aging leads to the decline of the function of the brain

D. wrinkles and grey hair are the only symbols of aging

2.The continuing research has found older people perform better on ________.

A. perceptual speedB. number ability

C. vocabulary testsD. body balance

3.People are happier with aging because ________.

A. they learn to value the time left

B. they know how to share feelings

C. they cannot focus on negative aspects

D. they do not realize the possible dangers

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. People get happier with age.

B. People get wiser with age.

C. People get more forgetful with age.

D. People get more self-aware with age.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析: 本文讲述了通过实验,科学家们得出了这样一个结论,随着年龄的增长,我们会变得更加睿智而不是健忘。 1.B 细节理解题。根据文中第二段中when it comes to the important things, our brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and 60s.可知,文章的意思是当提到重要的事情时,我们的大脑随着年龄的增长会变得更好。实际上,她主张很多研究已经发现人们大脑的智力水平在40到60岁时达到顶峰。故选B。 2.2】C 细节理解题。根据第四段第三句Specifically, order people did better on tests of vocabulary.可知,年长的人在词汇测试上做的更好。故选C。 3.3】A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中but as we get older we’ve learned our lessons and are sub-consciously aware that we have less time left in life: therefore, it becomes more important for us to be happy.可知,但是当我们逐渐变老,我们已经经历了很多且下意识的认识到我们剩下的时间已经不多了,因此快乐对我们而言变得更加重要。年老的人会更加快乐。故选A。 4.4】B 主旨大意题。文章内容讲的是人随着年龄的增长,大脑的智力水平能够会更高,人也会更加快乐,故选B。 考点:考查科普类短文阅读。

假定你是小林,你的朋友李华马上要参加高考了,因此他很紧张,晚上经常睡不着觉。现在,请你给他发一封邮件,教他如何克服压力(get over pressure),内容包括:







Dear Li Hua,

I am sorry to learn that _____________________________________________________










Best wishes,


Xiao Lin







注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was playing at my cousin house. Since his family was rich than mine, he had more toys than I did. There was one on particular I’d always wanted. I put into my pocket when he wasn’t looking. I guessed, even at that age, I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy or faced my cousin again; I would always know I’d done something wrong. Late on, my aunt drove me home. When she dropped me off, I pulled out the toy slow and gave it back. She knows what had happened, but she thanked me and ever mentioned it again.



I am fond __1._my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. She can be really stubborn. I still remember what happened last month. Although she didn’t know _2.__ best way of getting to some places, she insisted on _3.__(organize) a trip. I kept asking her when we were leaving, _4.__ we were coming back, and whether she had looked at a map. To my questions, she gave no answer. Instead, she gave me a _5._(determine) lookwhich said she would not change __6.__mind. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 __7.__(meter), she seemed to be excited. When I told her the air would be hard __8._(breathe) and it would be very cold, she said it would be a __9._(delight) experience. I know my sister __10.__(good) than anyone else. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.



You had better learn to be grateful. If ________, you naturally open yourself up to receive all kinds of blessings and good things in life. You can receive almost everything you want ________. If you want recovery soon, start by feeling grateful that you are still ________. If it is more money that you want, start being grateful for whatever ________ of money you already have.

You see, showing gratitude(感恩) is the key to developing ________ attitude to life. It is the key to building successful relationships, and it is the key to ________ healthier and happier lives. And this is ________ the importance of being grateful lies. In a word, it makes life better.

One of my favorite ________ is “If you learn to appreciate more of what you already have, you will find yourself having more to appreciate.” Think about that!

Something as ________ as a “Thank you for being in my life” or “I ________ having you here with me”, can go a long way. It will make the other person feel good, and ________ it also will make you feel better!

So maybe your wife is not very ________ around the house, but she’s great at cooking your favorite ________. Or, maybe your child spilled milk all over your new shirt right ________ you walked out of the door for work, but usually he makes you laugh so much and makes you ________the luckiest parent in the world.

I strongly ________ you to make a promise to yourself for the next week. Decide to ________ every morning and think of at least 5 things that you are ________ for. Then say ________ out loud. You will notice a smile on your face without even trying. In 30 days you will feel completely renewed. This is the ________ of being grateful!

1.A. soB. anyC. possibleD. necessary

2.A. correctlyB. trulyC. whollyD. clearly

3.A. lovelyB. liveC. livelyD. alive

4.A. amountB. plentyC. kindD. number

5.A. terribleB. confusingC. positiveD. negative

6.A. feelingB. lookingC. enjoyingD. taking

7.A. whatB. whereC. whichD. that

8.A. mottosB. wordC. habitsD. rules

9.A. pleasantB. delightedC. simpleD. wonderful

10.A. averageB. avoidC. appreciateD. admit

11.A. for sureB. regardless of

C. instead ofD. by way of

12.A. lazyB. organizedC. carelessD. beautiful

13.A. milkB. drinksC. breadD. dishes

14.A. ifB. afterC. beforeD. unless

15.A. become ofB. look likeC. act asD. feel like

16.A. persuadeB. suggestC. demandD. advise

17.A. dress upB. wake upC. get upD. make up

18.A. gratefulB. upsetC. anxiousD. concerned

19.A. oneB. itC. themD. that

20.A. disadvantageB. consequences

C. awardD. power



In high school, it’s important to stay healthy. 1. How can you study well if you’re sick? So you should pay attention to your health in order to study well in high school. In order to enjoy good health, you should have some good habits. Here are some tips for you.

Drink water regularly every day. Some students don’t like drinking water. They only drink water when they are extremely thirsty. 2. You should drink water regularly so that your body and brain can function well. Avoid sports drinks and soda when you are thirsty. They are not good for your health.

3.Some students don’t eat three meals a day. No matter what happens, you should not skip any meal of the day. Eating regularly helps keep your metabolism (新陈代谢) high and keeps your energy up. It’s especially important to eat a good breakfast every day with protein, carbohydrates (碳水化合物), and fiber to set up your body for the day of activity. If you don’t eat, how can you stay focused in class?

Eat the right foods. Some students eat whatever they can get. This is wrong. 4. Choose whole grains like rice and whole wheat flours. Skip muffins, donuts, and other processed foods. Instead, choose whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables.

5. If you do that, you can get distracted. Therefore, you may not pay attention to how much you are eating. You may eat too much. Eating too much harms your health. And you may gain too much weight because of it. Try to eat slowly so your brain sends the right signals to tell your belly that it’s full.

A. Don’t skip meals.

B. This is bad for your health.

C. Eat a good breakfast every day.

D. Avoid eating too much at one time.

E. Don’t watch TV or movies when you eat.

F. If you are unhealthy, you may fall ill easily.

G. You should eat the foods that are good for your body.



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