满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Which of the following sentences is righ...

Which of the following sentences is right?

A. It was not until she took off her dark glasses did I recognize she was a famous film star.

B. Was it in this palace where the last emperor died?

C. Poor as he was he was honest.

D. Had she enough money, she would buy the beautiful dress.


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查特殊句式。A选项部分倒装,必须把主句中not和until从句一起提前;B项是强调句式,应把where改成that;D项是if引导的虚拟语气,省略if则把were/should/助动词had提前,而此句的had是实义动词,不能提前;C项中as是“尽管”的意思,用部分倒装,把表语提到主语前面。根据上面的分析,可知C项正确。 【知识拓展】 对于not…until句型,当not until…位于句首时,其后的主句要用倒装语序: 如:He didn't leave the room until the rain stopped./Not until the rain stopped did he leave the room. 雨停了之后他才离开这房间。 考点:考查特殊句式  

Out ___________ when the fire burst forth.

A. rushed they

B. did they rush

C. the children rushed

D. rushed the children



He hadn’t been asked to the party and was feeling _______________.

A. left out B. broken downC. got overD. cut off



Having studied in a medical college for 5 years, Lucy __________ her job as a doctor in her hometown.

A. set outB. took overC. took up D. set up




____1.____The Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio did the study. It was published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. The study found a sixty-three percent increase in the number of people treated for rock climbing injuries in American hospitals.

The study said forty thousand people were treated in emergency rooms. _____2.___ The ankle was the most common body part to be injured.

_____3.______The average age was twenty-six. Fifty-six percent of the injuries were to people twenty to thirty-nine years old. Women made up twenty-nine percent of the injured population. That is more than that in past rock climbing studies.

_____4._____ But many people think it is worth it. John Bachar said rock climbing felt like being on another planet. Dean Fidelman says it is a continual challenge and a beautiful form of movement. And, for Sarah Bowman, she has just started her way up the rocks.

Dean Fidelman said that he believes a climber's ego(自我价值感) can be his worst enemy on a rock. ____5.____

A. Like many other sports, rock climbing can be dangerous.

B. Climbers in the study were from ages two to seventy-four.

C. The most common injuries were broken bones and sprains in legs and feet.

D. They try to move as silently up the wall as they can.

E. A recent study shows a sharp increase in rock climbing injuries between 1990 and 2007.

F. There’s no other sport where you’re really going up and down.

G. He said rock climbing is a high risk sport in which many people overestimate their abilities and underestimate the rock.



A small group of people around the world have started implanting(移植) microchips to link the body and the computer.

Mr. Donelson and three friends, who had driven 100 miles from their homes in Loockport, New York, to have the implants put in by Dr. Jesse Villemaire, whom they had persuaded to do the work, are part of a small group, about 30 people around the world, who have independently put in microchips into their bodies, according to Web-based reports.

At a shop William Donelson was having a four-millimeter-wide needle put into his left hand. “I’m set,”he said with a deep breath. He watched as the needle pierced(刺穿) the fleshy webbing between his thumb and a microchip was set under his skin. At last he would be able to do what he had long imagined: strengthen his body’s powers through technology.

By putting the chip inside—a radio frequency identification device (RFID)—Mr. Donelson would have at his fingertips the same magic that makes safety gates open with a knock of a card, and bridge and tunnel traffic flow smoothly with an E-Zpass. With a wave of his hand he plans to connect with his computer, open doors and unlock his car.

Implanting the chip was relatively simple task but very meaningful to Mr. Doneselson, a 21-year-old computer networking student so interested in the link between technology and the body that he has data-input jacks(数据输入插空) inside his body. They might lead to an imagined future when people can be connected directly into computers. His new chip is enclosed in a glass container no bigger than a piece of rice and has a small memory where he has stored the words “Technology”.

Some doctors have done the piercing in people’s homes, and others have implanted chips in their offices after patients signed forms showing the fact that long-term studies have not been done on their safety. Piercers treat the implants much like any other medical operation steps, instructing people to keep the site dry, and advising them that swelling and redness should last a week.

1.With a RFID implanted, which of the following will Mr. Donelson be able to do?

A. Make a safety gate open with a knock of a card.

B. Make bridge and tunnel traffic flow smoothly with an E-Zpass.

C. Open doors and unlock his car with a wave of his hand.

D. Turn his body and brain directly into computers.

2. The underlined word “they” in paragraph 5 refer to “___________”.

A. glass containers

B. implanted computer chips

C. data input jacks

D. computer and networking students

3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. High Tech, Under the Skin

B. A Needle, So Magic

C. Donelson, a Powerful Man

D. Data-input Jacks, Inside the Body

4.We can conclude from the passage that __________________.

A. Mr. Donelson has made a large sum of money by the piercing.

B. the Piercers are people working in the computer field

C. the piercing has no side effect and it will make people intelligent

D. the long term effects of these implants are not yet known

5.What will happen to the site on the body after the operation?

A. There will be swelling and redness.

B. The site will be dry.

C. Nothing will happen at all.

D. The pain will remain for a week.



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