满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 出版地及周期:北京,每周一期;

2. 特色:内容丰富,图文并茂,版面设计新颖;

3. 办报宗旨:帮助同学们获得英语知识和技能,提高英语水平,拓宽视野;

4. 深受同学们的喜欢。

参考词汇:《21世纪英语报》21st Century Teens版面设计 page layout

注意:1. 写作内容不要超出规定区域,否则将视为无效;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;


21st Century Teens is a very popular English newspaper, which is published in Beijing each week. The edition has different kinds of sections, including food, science, culture and so on. By reading the newspaper, not only can you get the information of what has happened in the world currently, but it’s a good way to enrich your England vocabulary as well. In addition, the design of page layout is novel and attractive with vivid pictures and interesting articles. The aim of the newspaper is to help students to improve their English by providing them with English knowledge and techniques. Besides, it can be helpful to broaden our horizons. It’s no wonder that 21st Century Teens enjoys great popularity among student 【解析】 试题分析:《21世纪学生英语报》是一份广受师生欢迎的刊物,请根据以下内容介绍这份报纸。内容包括: 1. 出版地及周期:北京,每周一期;2. 特色:内容丰富,图文并茂,版面设计新颖;3. 办报宗旨:帮助同学们获得英语知识和技能,提高英语水平,拓宽视野;4. 深受同学们的喜欢。写作时不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯同时要把所提示的点写全,语句通顺,同时要注意准确运用时态、语态、上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。根据句意适当使用并列连词,同时也要合理运用高级词汇和高级句子为文章增色添彩。注意:1. 写作内容不要超出规定区域,否则将视为无效;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【亮点说明】本文是一篇英语短文,内容齐全,层次分明,布局合理,运用高级句子。21st Century Teens is a very popular English newspaper, which is published in Beijing each week.使用非限制性定语从句;not only can you get the information of what has happened in the world currently, but it’s a good way to enrich your England vocabulary as well not only---but also---,句型中,not only位于句子开头,句子用部分倒装;It’s no wonder that 21st Century Teens enjoys great popularity among student固定句式:It’s no wonder that---,难怪---;另外,In addition, Besides,的运用为文章增色添彩。 考点:考查话题作文  










Li Hua is an English learner who want to improve his reading skills, and he rarely practices. Yesterday he came and asked us for advices. “Any good athlete,” I said, “who will tell you he practices hardly to get in shape and achieve high honors. Seldom we hear of any athlete becoming a champion without any effort. We consider training to be a part of the game. Once he is in shape, it is easier of an athlete to succeed. Reading skills develop the same way. Any person who reads a lot are bound to improve his reading comprehension.” Feeling ashamed, Li Hua made upon his mind to practice more in future.




1. 值得称赞的是,尽管时间有限,格林先生还是成功地组织了这次重要的庆典仪式。

_________ ________ _________, Mr. Green managed to get the important ceremony _________ even if the time is so limited.

2. 当这只小狗感到害怕时,它就会躲到床底下。(省略句)

___________ ____________, the little dog will hide away under the bed.

3. 由于课外活动占用了大量的时间,她无法集中精力学习,而这次考试不及格则归咎于此。

With after-class activities __________ __________ most of her time, she couldn’t _________ ___________ her study, which was __________ __________ for the failure in the exams.

4. 将垃圾进行分类处理不仅有利于环境保护,还将对节约自然资源产生积极的影响。

_________ __________ ___________ the disposal of categorizing(分类) rubbish beneficial to the protection of environment, but also it will _________ __________ ___________ to saving natural resources.

5.课文背诵考查 (每空字数不限)

The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ. You have three layers of skin (1) ________________________________________________. The functions of your skin are also very complex: it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water; it is (2)______________________________________________. So as you can imagine, if your skin get burned it can be very serious. First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of burns.




1. We hope your suggestion will contribute _________ solving the problem.

2.The only thing I can tell you ________ certainty is that Master Meredith hasn't been riding since the accident.

3.Kate doesn’t lack money and experience, but she is lacking __________ confidence.

4. ___________ (give) that she was very interested in the activity, finally Lily’s mother allowed her to take part.

5. ____________ (expose) to harmful radiation has caused serious damage to his health.

6. The band, __________ (consist) of four handsome boys, is very popular among the teenagers.

7. ___________ (absorb) in her own affairs, she didn’t have any idea what was going on.

8.Her cousin steals money from his company and tells lies—he is very _______(honest)

9.The old law could sentence a woman to an/a _____________(bear) marriage, but now this is changing.

10.We were shocked at the case ________ a man who had killed his colleague got away with the crime.




1. The only____________(症状) of illness that Billy has is a pain in his stomach.

2.The man in charge was unable toc___________(阐明) the situation, so people were expecting a further explanation.

3.Then Wang Ping___________(使闪光) a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.

4. The factory was closed______________(暂时) for the shortage of water and electricity.

5. Your suggestion that the money should be used to build a nursery isa___________(值得赞赏的).

6.The rent of my apartment is very high, for it is____________(方便) to shopping and transportation.

7.Are youd______________(故意地) trying to hurt me?

8. Even before theo_______________(爆发) of war, relations between the two countries were strained.

9.His speech won round after round ofe_______________(热情的) applause.

10. Her house isf____________(配置家具) in excellent taste.




Night after night, she’d lean down and push my long hair out of the way, then kiss my forehead. I don’t remember ___1.___ it first started annoying me ----her hands pushing my hair that way. But it did annoy me, for ___2.___ felt work-worn and rough against my young skin. Finally, one night, I shouted ___3.___ her, “Don’t do that any more---- your hands are too rough!” she didn’t say anything in reply. ____4.__ never again did my mother close out my day with that familiar expression of love. Now, my own children are __5.__(grow) and gone. It was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my youth, __6.___ familiar hand hesitantly run across my face to brush the hair from my forehead. Then a kiss __7.___(gentle) touched my brow. In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night my young voice complained, “Don’t do that any more ---- your hands are too rough!” ___8.__(catch) Mom’s hand in hand, I blurted out ___9.___ sorry I was for that night. I thought she’d remember as I did. But mom didn’t know what I ___10.__ (talk) about. She had forgotten ---- and forgiven ---- long ago. That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her caring hands.



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