满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many a time in life, you just need to ta...

Many a time in life, you just need to take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to, because it is worth ________.

A. thatB. itC. muchD. well


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查固定用法。句意:在生活中的许多时候,你只需要鼓起你所有的勇气,做一些你的心告诉你的事情,因为它是值得的。只有it可以代指前面提到的“心告诉你的事”。故选B项。 考点:考查固定用法 【名师点睛】 固定用法的考查需要考生的长期积累,注意把握积累的方向,在考试时能够准确无误的应用。固定用法有很多包括固定搭配,单词的意义以及固定句式等。  

Jane opened the window to ________ a little air and sunshine.

A. admitB. admireC. adaptD. adopt



Seeing a stranger with a knife in his hand, the little girl stood under the tree, ________ out of her mind.

A. frightenedB. be frightened

C. to be frightenedD. frightening



Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ________ sweet dreams.

A. make up withB. end up with

C. put up withD. catch up with



You were supposed to ________ your words carefully now that you meant no offence.

A. swallowB. breakC. keepD. weigh



When asked about his future plans, the president expressed the desire to step aside ________ the younger men.

A. in favour ofB. in terms of

C. in need ofD. in praise of



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