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By 2050, a completely new type of human ...

By 2050, a completely new type of human evolve as a result of extremely new technology, behavior, and natural selection. This is according to Cadell Last, a researcher at the Global Brain Institute, who claims mankind is undergoing a major “evolutionary transition”.

In less than four decades, Mr. Last claims we will live longer, have children in old age and rely on artificial intelligence to do ordinary and boring tasks. This shift is so significant, he claims, it is comparable to the change from monkeys to apes, and apes to humans. “Your 80 or 100 is going to be so radically different than your grandparents,” Mr. Last says, who believes we will spend much of our time living in virtual reality. Some evolutionary scientists believe this age could be as high as 120 by 2050.

Mr. Last claims humans will also demonstrate delayed sexual maturation, according to a report by Christina Sterbenz in Business Insider. This refers to something known as life history theory which attempts to explain how natural selection shapes key events in a creature’s life, such as reproduction. It suggests that as brain sizes increase, organisms need more energy and time to reach their full potential, and so reproduce less.

Instead of living fast and dying younger, Mr. Last believes humans will live slow and die old. “Global society at the moment is a complete mess,” he told MailOnline. “But in crisis there is opportunity, and in apocalypse (启示) there can be transformation. So I think the next system humanity creates will be far more sophisticated, fair, and abundant than our current civilization.”

“I think our next system will be as different from the modern world, as our contemporary world is from the medieval (中世纪的) world. The biological clock isn't going to be around forever,” he added, and said that people could pause it for some time using future technology.

The change is already happening. Today, the average age at which a woman in Britain has her first baby has been rising steadily stands at 29. 8. In the US, just one percent of first children were born to women over the age of 35 in 1970. By 2012, that figure rose to 15 percent.

“As countries become socio-economically advanced, more and more people, especially women have the option to engage in cultural reproduction,” Mr. Last added. And as well as having more child-free years to enjoy leisure time, he believes artificial intelligence will make up the need for low-skill jobs. We may also spend a large amount of time living in virtual reality. “I’m not quite sure most people have really absorbed the implications of this possibility,” Mr. Last said.

His views are detailed in a paper, titled “Human Evolution, Life History Theory, and the End of Biological Reproduction" published Current Aging Science.

1.According to Cadell Last, a completely new type of human will appear because of ________.

① artificial intelligence ② new technology ③ natural selection ④ mundane tasks ⑤ behavior

A. ②③⑤     B. ①②③      C. ③④⑤     D. ①②⑤

2.Which statement is compared by Mr. Last to the change from monkeys to apes, and apes to humans?

A. We have diseases and die young.

B. We spend less time in virtual reality.

C. We give birth to a child when we are young.

D. We use intelligent robots to do everyday housework.

3.The underlined words in the third paragraph most probably mean “________”.

A. Reproduction.

B. Reproduce less.

C. Natural selection shapes key events.

D. Organisms need more energy and time to ripen.

4.In the next system Mr. Last explained we can infer that ________.

A. women are engaged in careers or hobbies instead of giving birth to babies

B. women are engaged in playing computer games rather than working

C. women are engaged in cultural reproduction in place of men

D. women are engaged in living in virtual reality without options


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的全新的人类进化是因为非常新的技术,行为和自然选择。全球脑研究所的研究人员声称,人类正在经历一场重大的“进化”转变。 1.A 细节理解题。根据文章的介绍By 2050, a completely new type of human evolve as a result of extremely new technology, behavior, and natural selection.可知,完全新的类型的人的出现是因为新的技术、自然选择和行为。故选A。 2.D 细节理解题。根据文章的第二段In less than four decades, Mr. Last claims we will live longer, have children in old age and rely on artificial intelligence to do ordinary and boring tasks.可知,故选D。 3.D 词义猜测题。delayed sexual maturation意为“性成熟延迟”,D项Organisms need more energy and time to ripen.(生物需要更多的精力和时间来成熟)与划线词意思相近。故选D。 4.A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,妇女会更多从事事业或爱好,而不是生孩子。故选A。 考点:考查社会现象类阅读

Grown-ups are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practiced ever since. A man who has not had a chance to go swimming for years can still swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after many years and still ride away. He can play catch and hit a ball as well as his son. A mother who has not thought about the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" or remember the story of Cinderella or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

One explanation is the law of overlearning, which can be stated as follows: Once we have learned something, additional learning trials increase the length of time we will remember it.

In childhood we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldilocks. We not only learn but overlearn.

The multiplication tables(乘法口诀表) are an exception to the general rule that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school, because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood. The law of overlearning explains why cramming (突击学习) for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade, is not a satisfactory way to learn a college course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned. A little overlearning, on the other hand, is really necessary for one's future development.

1.Whats the main idea of Paragraph 1?

A. Children have a better memory than grown-ups.

B. People remember well what they learned in childhood.

C. Poem reading is a good way to learn words.

D. Stories for children are easy to remember.

2.The author explains the law of overlearning by ________.

A. presenting research findings

B. setting down general rules

C. using examples

D. making a comparison

3.According to the author, being able to use multiplication tables is ________.

A. a result of overlearning

B. a special case of cramming

C. a skill to deal with math problems

D. a basic step towards advanced studies

4.What is the author's opinion on cramming?

A. It leads to failure in college exams.

B. It increases students' learning interest.

C. It's possible to result in poor memory.

D. It's helpful only in a limited way.



Wanted, Someone for a Kiss

Were looking for producers to join us in the second of London 100FM. Youll work on the stations music programmes. Music production experience in radio is necessary, along with rich knowledge of modern dance music. Please apply in writing to Producer Vacancies, Kiss100.

Father Christmas

Were looking for a very special person preferably over 40, to fill our Father Christmas suit. Working days: Every Saturday from November 24 to December 15 and every day from December 17 to December 24 except Sunday, 10:30—16:00

Excellent pay

Please contact the Enterprise Shopping Center, Station Parade, Eastbourne.

Accountants Assistant

When you join in them in our Revenue Administration Unit, you will be providing assistance within all parts of the Revenue Division, dealing with post and other general duties. If you are educated to GCSE grade C level we would like to talk to you. This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience.

Walden District Council

Software Trainer

If you are aged 24-45 and have experience in teaching and training, you could be the person we are looking for. You should be good at the computer and have some experience in programme writing. You will be allowed to make our decision, and to design courses as well as present them. Pay upwards of £15,000 for the right person. Please apply by sending your CV (简历) to Mrs R. Ogilvie, Palmlace Limited.

1.We learn from the ads that the Enterprise Shopping Centre needs a person who ________.

A. is aged between 24 and 40

B. may do some training work

C. should deal with general duties

D. can work for about a month

2.Which position is open to recent school graduates?

A. Producer, London Kiss.

B. Father Christmas.

C. Accountants Assistant.

D. Software Trainer.



One day, while I was walking to work, I decided to bring some flowers that I had picked from my garden that morning. On the way, I ________ a stranger and presented the bunch to him with a smile card. ________ by the sense of joy I felt from giving flowers to another person, and may be ________ his day, I wanted to do it again.

When I got to my office, I had the ________ of anonymously(匿名地) leaving flowers around the workplace. The impersonal(无人情味的) ________ of the building where I work makes me ________. It just feels a little boring sometimes, ________ it's a nice building with great light. I ________ lots of people might feel the same way, so why not put a little ________ there, and throw in an inspirational ________ while I'm at it? After all, who doesn't like flowers?

So, for the past month, I've been ________ flowers in a little cup on the sink in the bathroom.

Each week, I ________ the flowers and the quote. It always feels ________ for me to read quotes like Henry David Thoreau's If one advances ________ in the direction of his dreams, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. and Gandhi's The fragrance(香味) always ________ on the hand that gives the rose. If anything, I figured, it at least makes me ________ each time I visit the bathroom.

Then today, when I walked in, I noticed ________ flowers in the cup, and a quote that someone else had written! It ________, Be the change you wish to see in the world.—Gandhi. This little act ________ me that, at the end of the day, we're all just people with hearts ________ the various roles and different hats we may wear in the workplace.

I did a little dance and I am smiling wide for the rest of the day!

1.A. picked outB. came acrossC. called upD. pointed at

2.A. StruckB. InformedC. SurprisedD. Honoured

3.A. calmingB. determiningC. reflectingD. brightening

4.A. beliefB. wayC. ideaD. aim

5.A. designB. atmosphereC. decorationD. regulation

6.A. uncomfortableB. impoliteC. impatientD. unconscious

7.A. whenB. unlessC. becauseD. though

8.A. concludedB. consideredC. doubtedD. expected

9.A. mysteryB. adventureC. beautyD. courage

10.A. flowerB. figureC. quoteD. material

11.A. growingB. wateringC. puttingD. arranging

12.A. countB. checkC. cleanD. change

13.A. refreshingB. interestingC. satisfyingD. puzzling

14.A. confidentlyB. surprisinglyC. quicklyD. effectively

15.A. holdsB. attachesC. remainsD. focuses

16.A. strongB. happyC. excitedD. shocked

17.A. beautifulB. newC. smallD. special

18.A. printedB. askedC. repliedD. said

19.A. introducesB. remindsC. suggestsD. indicates

20.A. regardless ofB. in terms of

C. in addition toD. instead of



Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?

—Yes. ________.

A. At pleasureB. With pleasure

C. For pleasureD. My pleasure



________ in Northern Europe rose steadily in the third quarter of 2016, following a 0.1  percent increase in the previous quarter.

A. Tourist spendingB. Tourist spent

C. Tourist spendD. Tourist spends



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