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Without doubt, studying international cu...

Without doubt, studying international customs can help avoid 1. (difficult) in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

  2.I get to know more international friends, I learn more about cultural “body language”. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor3.(be )they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. Spoken language can 4. (take) full advantage of to communicate with others, they also express their feelings5. (use) unspoken “language” through physical distance, actions or posture, English people, for example, do not usually stand very close6. others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.

However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others7.  (close) and are more likely8.(touch) them. Most people around the world now greet each other by shaking hands, 9. some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the Japanese,  10. prefer to bow.


1.difficulties 2.As/ When 3.are 4.be taken 5.using 6.to 7.closely 8.to touch 9.but/ while 10.who 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了当今文化交叉的世界学习国际习俗的重要性及具体运用。 1.difficulties.考查名词。此处指在当今文化交叉的世界学习国际习俗能帮助我们避免一些困难,根据句意用名词,difficulty是可数名词,故填difficulties. 2.As/ When.考查连词。当我开始认识更多的国际朋友,我就更多的知道了肢体语言文化。此处引导时间状语从句,根据句意故填As/ When. 3.are.考查动词形式。与上句动词greet时态一致用现在时,根据主语they动词用复数,故填are. 4.be taken.考查时态语态。句意:口语可以被充分用于和别人的交流中。句中主语Spoken language和动词短语take advantage of是被动关系,此处是情态动词的被动,故填be taken. 5.using.考查动词形式。此处指通过不说出来的语言表达感情,用-ing形式做方式状语,故填using. 6.to.考查短语。close to“靠近”,此处指英国人通常不靠近别人,故填to. 7.closely.考查副词。此处修饰动词approach要用副词,指紧密地靠近。故填closely. 8.to touch.考查不定式。be likely to do“可能…”,此处指更可能触摸到他们,故填to touch. 9.but/ while.考查连词。多数人现在通过握手来互相打招呼,而一些文化也使用其他的问候方式。此处表示对比,故填but/ while. 10..考查关系代词。句中包含定语从句,先行词是the Japanese指人在定语从句中做主语,用关系代词引导,故填who. 考点:考查社会文化类短文阅读。

I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday” which was to make us more the problem faced by disabled people, We were asked to “ a disability” for several hours one Sunday. Some members chose the wheel chair, Others wore sound-blocking earplugs(耳塞)or blindfolds .

Just sitting in the wheelchair was a experience, I had never considered before how  it would be to use one .As soon as I sat down my made the chair begin to roll ,Its wheel were not   Then I wondered where to put my   .It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into ,I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of    for several hours, For disabled people, Using a wheelchair is not a temporary(临时的)     

I tried to find a position and thought it might be at ease, a little nice to be around for a while. Looking around, I      I would have to handle the thing myself! My hands started to ache as I    the heavy wheels, I came to know that controlling the of the wheelchair was not going to be a (an)   task.

My wheelchair experiment was soon    . It made a deep impression on me. A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the   , both physical and mental, that disabled people must overcome.

1.A. curious about  B. interested in  C. familiar with  D. cautious about

2.A. cure B. preventC. experienceD. analyze 

3.A. insteadB. surprisinglyC. as usualD. including me

4.A. learning B. frighteningC. satisfyingD. relaxing

5.A. convenient  B. challengingC. boring D. exciting

6.A. heightB. will C. skill D. weight

7.A. lockedB. repairedC. poweredD. damaged

8.A. handsB. feet C. keys D. handles

9.A. place B. action C. play D. effect

10.A. amusement  B. communication  C. transportation  D. production

11.A. exploration  B. inspiration C. experimentD. entertainment

12.A. powerfulB. comfortableC. wonderfulD. changeable

13.A. yet B. just C. still D. even

14.A. shownB. pushedC. driven D. led

15.A. realized B. suspectedC. regrettedD. admitted

16.A. raisedB. rolled C. pressedD. felt

17.A. shapeB. instruction C. directionD. order

18.A. easy B. heavy C. outstandingD. convincing

19.A. forgottenB. ruined C. IgnoredD. completed

20.A. weaknesses  B. challenges C. fear D. fate




Whenever you do things you don’t like, you will start to hate yourself a bit more. You will hate yourself for not being consistent. For doing things you know that you don’t want to do, another stress is right there.

Do less

This is one of the hardest things, especially for me. I’m doing too many things at the same time. In itself, doing many different things to figure out what works and what doesn’t isn’t that hard. 2..But at some point you need to

let go of the things that don’t work and focus on the things that work. And that’s the hardest part, at least for me.

3..And if you always try to make everything work, you’ll usually end up with nothing working at all.

Get rid of complicated things

There are many complicated(复杂的)things in life. Complicated relationships, complicated jobs, complicated whatever. what all of these things do is that they steal our focus. 4.

Read books, not blogs

Blogs consist of too much information for our brains to process. Blogs usually leave out the story our brains need. 5. Don’t believe me? Try it. What parts of this blog post do you remember? Probably none.

A.  It’s actually quite good.

B. Never hate to be yourself

C. Don’t do things you don’t like.

D. I always try to make everything work.

E. Our brains can make up a good story.

F. They also add an extra stress to our lives.

G. Our brains need a story to remember things.



Some people will do just about anything to save money. And I am one of them .Take my family’s last vacation for example .It was my six-year-old son’s winter break form school ,and we were heading home form Fort Lauderdale after a weeklong trip. The flight was overbooked ,and Delta , the airline ,offered us $400 per person in credits(积分) to give up our seats and leave the next day .I had a meeting in New York,So I had to get back . But that didn't mean my husband and my son couldn't stay. I took my nine-month-old and took off for home.

The next day my husband and son were offered more credits to take an even later flight.Yes, I encouraged一okay, ordered-them to wait it out at the airport, to "earn" more Delta Dollars. Our total take: $1,600. Not bad, huh?

  Now some people may think I'm a bad mother and not such a great wife either. But as a big-time bargain hunter, I know the value of a dollar. And these days, a good deal(交易) is something few of us can afford to pass up.

I've made a living looking for the best deals and exposing the worst tricks .I have been the consumer reporter of NBC's Today show for over a decade. I have written a couple

of books including one titled Tricks of the Trade: A Consumer Survival Guide. And I really do  what I believe in.

I tell you this because there is no shame in getting your money’s worth. I’m also tightfisted when it comes to shoes, clothes for my children, and expensive restaurants. But I wouldn't hesitate (犹豫)to spend on a good haircut. It keeps it longer, and it's the first thing people notice. And I will also spend on a classic piece of furniture. Quality lasts.

1.Why does the author mention her family’s last vacation?

A. To celebrate her son’s winter break from school. 

B. To show she was always ready to save money.

C. To prove the Delta’s service was reasonable. 

D. To tell an unforgettable family experience.

2.What can we infer about the author?

A. She tries to make full use of every dollar .

B. She makes a living mainly by writing.

C. She is not a good mother or a wife.

D. She is crazy about cheap products.

3.What does the underlined word mean ?

A. generous with time. B. mean with money.

C. being excited.       D. feeling ashamed.

4.What can be a suitable title for the test?

A. How to be a good housewife.

B. How to book airline seats.

C. How to live a rewarding life.

D. How to make every dollar count.



It happened to me recently. I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of our President. A friend I was talking to agreed with me that it was ,in his words, “a wonderfully written book ”. however, he then went on to talk about Mr. Obama in a way which suggested he had no idea of his background at all .I felt that I was talking to a book liar.

And it seems that my friend is not the only one. Approximately two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven’t .In the World Book Day’s “Report on Guilty(愧疚的) Secrets”, Dreams From My Father is at number 9.The report lists ten books, and various authors, which people have lied about reading, and as I’m not one to lie too often (I’d hate to be caught out ),I’ll admit here and now that I haven’t read the entire top ten .But I am pleased to say that, unlike 42 percent of people, I have read the book at number one ,George Orwell’s 1984.I think it’s really brilliant.

The World Book Day report also has some other interesting information in it. It says that many people lie about having read Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoevsky(I haven’t read him, but haven’t lied about it either )and Herman Melville.

Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to “impress” someone they were speaking to. This could be tricky if the conversation became more in –depth!

But when asked which authors they actually enjoy, people named J.k. Rowling, John Grisham, Sophie Kinsella(ah, the big sellers, in other words).Forty-two percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story(I’ll come clean: I do this and am astonished that 58 percent said they had never done so).

1.How did the author think of Dreams From My Father?

A. It was his favorite.

B. It made little sense. 

C . He was very fond of it.

D. He totally had no idea.

2.What can we learn from “Report on Guilty Secrets”?

A. 58% of people haven’t read 1984.

B. All of the listed authors are unknown.

C. Many people have ever lied about reading. 

D. Dreams From My Father isn’t among the top ten.

3.Why do people probably lie about reading?

A. To admire the writer.

B. To advertise the book.

C. To start a conversation. 

D. To leave a good impression.

4.What’s the tone (语气) of the author in the article?

A. Very friendly.

B. A little humorous.

C. Rather confusing 

D. Quite cautious.



Honey from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, it is also delicious. Most people, and many animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees' nest and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper - a little bird called a honey guide.

The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax in the beehives (蜂房). The little bird cannot reach this wax(蜂蜡), which is deep inside the bees' nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest. When they finally arrive at the nest, the follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax, always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.

Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax, but nothing can prevent the birds from making efforts to get it. The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away. They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives, and will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.

1.What can we know from paragraph 1?

A. The wild bees’ nests can be easily found.

B. The wild bees’ honey isn’t a natural sugar.

C. A honey guide can help people find the honey.

D. A honey guide is a local villager living in the forest.

2.The underlined word “the follower” in paragraph 2 refers to________.

A. A member of a nest’s bees.

B. A bird which feeds on bees.

C. A person who raises bees. 

D. A person who hunts for honey.

3.Which words can best describe a honey guide ?

A. Determined and smart. 

B. Selfish and self-centered.

C. Helpful and Humorous.

D. Stubborn and mean.



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