满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

______ understand fully how film reacts ...

______ understand fully how film reacts to light, it is necessary to study the chemicals in the film.

A. In order to             B. So as to

C. So that                D. In order that


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:为了能充分理解灯光对胶卷的作用,有必要研究胶卷中的化学品。In order to 和So as to后面加动词原形,So as to不能用在句首。So that和In order that后加句子。此处是用在句首,后面加动词原形,故选A. 考点:考查近义词辨析。  

There ______ the bell.

A. go         B. goes       C. is going       D. is ringing



Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?

A. Not until his son came back did he go to bed.

B. Not until his son came back he went to bed.

C. Not until did his son come back he went to bed.

D. Not until did his son come back did he go to bed.



It is strange that he ______ there.

A. send                       B. is sent

C. should be sent             D. is sending



No one speaks to her; she's always ______.

A. left off           B. left out

C. left behind        D. left up



Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?

A. I am convenient to go there by train.

B. I go there by train at convenience.

C. It is convenient for me to go there by train.

D. It is convenience for me to go there by train.



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