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Global Positioning Systems are now a pa...


Global Positioning Systems are now a part of everyday driving in many countries.These satellite-based systems provide turn-by-turn directions to help people get to where they want to go.But,they can also cause a lot of problems, send you to the wrong place or leave you completely lost.Many times,the driver is to blame.Sometimes a GPS error is responsible.Most often,says Barry Brown,an expert in human-computer interaction,it is a combination of the two.

We spoke to Mr Brown by Skype (网络电话软件).He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States.There he borrowed a GPS-equipped car to use during his stay.Barry Brown:“And they just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination.And,then it wasn't until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they actually put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived.They actually put their home address ia So again,the GPS is kind of 'garbage in garbage out'”.

Mr Brown says this is a common human error.But,he says,what makes the problem worse has to do with some of the shortcomings,or failures,of GPS equipment.Barry Brown:“One problem with a lot of the GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn.Because they just give you the next turn,sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that it's going to the wrong place.

Barry Brown once worked on a project with Eric Laurier from the University of Edinburgh.The two men studied the effects of GPS devices on driving by placing cameras in people's cars.They wrote a paper based on their research.It is called “The Normal,Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS”.It lists several areas where GPS systems can cause confusion for drivers.These include maps that are outdated,incorrect or difficult to understand.They also include timing issues related to when GPS commands are given.

Barry Brown says to make GPS systems better we need a better understanding of how drivers,passengers and GPS systems work together.

1.In Paragraph 2,Mr Brown mentioned his friend in the conversation to       .

A.build up his own reputation

B.laugh at his stupid friend

C.prove the GPS system is only garbage

D.describe an example of human error

2.Which of the following statements would Barry Brown most likely agree with?

A.GPS units are to blame for most GPS service failures.

B.We should introduce higher standards for the driving license.

C.Cameras are urgently needed to help improve GPS systems.

D.Drivers,GPS systems and passengers should unite to improve GPS systems.

3.What is Mr Brown's attitude towards GPS?

A.Unconcerned.  B.Prejudiced.  C.Objective.  D.Critical.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Driving with GPS can be difficult

B.Driving confusions can be caused by small screens

C.Driving without GPS should be much more convenient

D.GPS equipment in driving:to be deserted or improved?


1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇议论文,论述了GPS的引起的问题,最后告诉我们要想使得GPS更好,我们需让司机,乘客和GPS三者合作。 1.D推理判断题。布朗先生在第二段提到他朋友是为了什么?根据文章第二段第四句和第三段第一句They actually put their home address in;“Mr Brown says this is a common human error””他们实际是输入了他们家的住址”,布朗先生说这是一个普通的人为错误”; 故选D. 2.D推理判断题。 Barry Brown最可能同意一下哪个观点?根据文章最后一段“ To make GPS systems better we need a better understanding of how drivers, passengers and GPS systems work together.”“为了使得GPS变得更好,我们应该对如何使司机,乘客和GPS系统合作有一个更好的理解”;故选D. 3.C推理判断。布朗先生对GPS是什么态度?A. Unconcerned. 不关心B.subjective.主观的;C. Objective.客观的;D. Critical.批评的;在文章中,布朗先生既说了GPS的优点,又说了它的缺点并就如何使得GPS更好提出建议,因此布朗先生对GPS的态度是客观公正的;故选C. 4.A标题判断题。文章第一段开篇提了一下GPS的优点,但立即出现了but继而转折,But, they can also cause a lot of problems,将文章主题引向转折后的内容。故选A. 【名师点睛】 选择标题在英语阅读理解题中属主旨大意题,是深层理解题,它要求考生在通读全文的基础上,认真分析主人公的特定心态、文章大意及作者的写作意图。通常情况下,标题具有概括性、针对性、醒目性的特点。所谓概括性,就是指标题应在最大程度上覆盖全文,囊括文章的主要内容,体现文章的主题。针对性是对标题外延的一种界定,标题要直接指向文章的主要特点。而醒目性是为了吸引读者的注意力,唤起读者对文章阅读的兴趣。常见的命题形式有:The best title for the text would be... / What can be the best title for this text? / Which of the following can be the best title for the text? 等。以下是此类题目的基本解题思路。 1、确定最佳标题的方法 在阅读文章时,要注意文章中反复出现或强调的信息,寻找与文章大多数内容相关的信息,找出覆盖全文的核心词汇,看选项内容是否切中文章的中心论题,也就是要看选项内容与作者的写作目的是否一致。 2、寻找文章的主题句 了解文章主要论题的关键是找到全文的主题句。主题句通常在文章首段,但是也可能在文章的末段、在文章的某一段落,或者分散在文章的各个段落中。如果每个段落都有主题句,那么把各段落的主题句的中心思想集中起来,即为全文的主题句. 3、概括文章的主题 要把握文章主旨,就必须根据具体的语言环境、陈述内容的逻辑关系(文章的结构)、上下文的连贯意思及文中有关暗示来理解文章的深层含义。 4、逆向思维法 针对这类题型,考生不妨思考一下,“如果我是作者,遇到这样的标题,文章应该怎样写?” 5、整体把握文章,不被细节迷惑 标题实际上是文章主题的一种确认方式。要准确地把握文章的主题思想,就要十分留意文章的开头和结尾,要抓住文中具有概括性的信息,从上下文连贯的意思来理解全文。好些文章的主题句并不明显,需要我们仔细体会字里行间的意思,了解文章的背景知识、文章结构,推断作者意图或态度,从整体上把握文章的主旨。从全局的角度归纳概括出文章的标题。要防止本末倒置,主次不分,要排除干扰项的干扰,选出正确的答案。有些干扰项,从局部看也许不算错,但从全局看却又片面。这类干扰项与正确答案之差,其实是局部与全局之差。考生在做题时不要为局部现象(即细节)迷惑,而忽略了文章的整体思想。有的文章一开始就亮出主题,全文随着主题而展开。 考点:考查说明文阅读







3. 开头和结尾已经为你写好,但不计入总词数。

Dear Tom,

You have told me that you are very interested in how we Chinese celebrate our traditional festivals. __________




We are looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua









Dear Steven,

  I’m glad that you coming to Beijing this summer vacation. You asked many question in your letter, and now let me answer them.

To start with , Beijing, the capital of China, is very attractive city with a long history. You can found all kinds of delicious food in Beijing, of that the most famous is the roast Beijing duck. I hope we will enjoy it. Besides, there is a great number of tourist attractions worth visiting, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace or the Forbidden City. These scenic spots have attracted millions of tourists in this year. I promise you will have a wonderfully time here in Beijing.

I’m looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible.


  Liu Chao



第三节 句子填空

1.Your children _____  ______  ______(行为表现好).

2.Einstein ______  ________(坚持)his opinion and went on with his research.

3.It _____  ______(被想到)him that he had an important conference to attend the next morning.

4.The sound of happy laughter ______  _____(回忆起)memories of his childhood.

5.I accepted the job _____  ____(毫不犹豫).




1. Opportunities and success tend to be in ___(有利于)of those who are ready.

2. He was ___________(推荐)for the post by a colleague.

3. He made some quite ____(合理的)points and gave a good speech.

4. I wish you wouldnt ___(打断)me all the time.

5. Health officials have tried to raise ________(意识,觉悟)about AIDS.



Music is one of the most important and powerful things in my life.1.(listen)to music can help motivate me in hard times.

When I was younger, I didn’t have the great love 2.music as I do now. I 3.(main) listened to what my parents were listening to. I didn’t have much of care for musical compositions. Whether I was in the car, the home, 4.anywhere else, there was sure to be some Beatles, Buddy Holly, or the Dubliners. Now as I’m _655.(old), I enjoy it as it allows me 6.(remember) my childhood.

I believe music 7.(have)the ability to convey all sorts of feelings. The effect that music can have on our 8.(emotion) is unbelievable, as it can bring people to floods of tears or bursts of laughter.[

I believe music affects people in many different ways. To me music is more than just 9.we listen to or play. It’s something to feel. In my life, it is music which is extremely important10. brings me closer to my friends and family. I also feel that it helps me to get through things.



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