满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。

     2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My four-year-old son ran down the stairs very excitedly in Christmas morning and went straight for the gifts under the tree. And, to my surprise, the first gift he grabbed was a gift he had been made for his father and me. He stood there with joys and patience as we opened our gift. When I saw the gift, that was a hand-made wreath made his small handprints, I started to cry. My husband leaned over and asked how I was crying. I said I can not believe the thoughtfulness of this child. My son was most exciting about giving us the present he had made for us. I felt proud for him. That is actually the best gift I received for Christmas.


1.in→on 2.And→But 3.删去been 4.joys→joy 5.that→which 6.made后面加上of 7.how→why 8.can→could 9.exciting→excited 10.for→of 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了作者的儿子给作者和丈夫做了一个礼物,这让作者和儿子都很激动和骄傲。 1.in→on 考查介词。句意:圣诞节早晨,我四岁的儿子激动地跑下楼梯。这里表示具体在某一天的早上,用介词on,故in改为on。 2.And→But 句意:但是,令我惊讶的是,他拿的第一个礼物是他为他爸爸和我做的。根据句意可知,这里前后是转折关系,故And改为But。 3.been 句意:他为他爸爸和我做的礼物。可知这里不需要用被动语态,故删去been。 4.joys→joy 考查不可数名词。句意:他高兴地站在那里。joy是不可数名词,没有复数形式,故joys改为joy。 5.that→which 考查非限制性定语从句。用which指代先行词the gift,故that改为which。 6.made后面加上of 句意:那是一个用他的小手印做的手工花环。make of“用…制作”,故made后面加上of。 7.how→why 句意:我的丈夫问我为什么哭。根据上下文可知,这里是问我哭的原因,故how改为why。 8.can→could 考查时态一致。句意:我说我难以相信这个孩子的想法。主句是过去时,故从句也用过去时,故can改为could。 9.exciting→excited 考查形容词,句意:我的孩子对于给我们亲手做的礼物非常激动。这里表示“感到激动的”,故exciting改为excited。 10.for→of 考查固定搭配。句意:我为他感到非常的骄傲。be/fell proud of 感到骄傲/自豪。故for改为of。 考点:短文改错。 【名师点睛】 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别: 一、在书写形式上,限制性定语从句紧接着主句写,非限制性定语从句和主句隔开。 He is a man who has won six medals. He is a man,who has won six medals. 二、限制性定语从句对先行词有限制修饰的作用,使得先行词具有区分于其它同类事物的特点. It is the tree I planted three years ago. 这是我三年前栽种的那颗树(不是其它的树). 而非限制性定语从句并没有上述作用,相反,它是对先行词起补充说明的作用. It is a tree,which I planted three years ago. 这是一颗树,我三年前栽种的(补充说明树栽种的时间). 三,限制性定语从句对先行词具有限定性,非限制性定语从句体现先行词的唯一性. John likes his father who has studied abroad.约翰喜欢他出国学习过的那个父亲(给人感觉他另外还有其它没出国过的父亲) John likes his father,who has studied abroad.约翰喜欢他的父亲,他父亲出国学习过.(约翰的父亲是唯一的) 四,语法区别.常考的一点是:非限制性定语从句修饰物,关系代词只能使用which,不能用that, It is a tree, which I planted three years ago. It is a tree, that I planted three years ago.(错)


1.The history students hoped to compare the ________(文明) of ancient China and Japan.

2.What a ________(巧合)!I wasn't expecting to see you here.

3.Animals can become unusually ________(好斗的) when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.

4.The company has been ________(转变) from a family business to a multi­million­pound operation.

5.________(担着) with the necessities, we made it convenient for our travel.

6.Everyone in my office likes Smith, because he is very ________(灵活的) in dealing with relations.

7.The heating system in the hotel has an __________(自动的) temperature control.

8.It's __________(不合法的) to read other people's private letters without their permission.

9.It's a pity that there were only more than one hundred ________(幸存者) in the earthquake that happened in Lushan country.

10.In nature,there are lots of violent ______(现象) which man is still unable to deal with.

11.Countless people have made great ______(贡献) to the development of our nation.

12.Large quantities of money were ________(捐助) to the drought-hit areas in the south of China in the spring of 2010.

13.There are three ________ (候选人) standing in the election of the director.

14.Interest is the best teacher, so a lack of interest is a(n) ________ (保证) of failure.

15.A number of ________ (潜在的) buyers have expressed interest in the company and placed an order for some of its products.




On keeping a Diary in English

Keeping a diary in English is one of the 1.__   __ (effect) ways to improve our English writing ability.

2._____ (compare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes 3.____ time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. 4._____ we persist in this practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many 5.__  __(difficult). In the first place, 6.___ often happens that we have trouble 7._______(find) appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.

As far as I 8._  __ (concern), my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is 9._____ great use to keep a diary in English for 10._____ development of our writing skills.




One fine afternoon I was walking along the Fifth Avenue, when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. I ________ the first sock shop that caught my eye, and ________, not more than 17, came forward. "What can I do for you, sir?" "I wish to ________ a pair of socks." ________ glowed. "Did you know that you had come into ________ in the world to buy socks?" I had not been ________ that, as my entrance had been accidental."Come with me, "said the boy happily.He began to ________ down from the shelves box after box.

"________, boy, I'm going to buy only one pair!" "I know that, but I want you to see how beautiful these are. Aren't they wonderful?" There was ________ an expression of joy, ________ he were revealing(透露) to me the ________ of his religion.I became far more interested in him than in the socks."My friend, "said I, "if this is ________ the enthusiasm from freshness, and you can keep it up ________, in ten years you’ll own every sock in the United States."

My amazement at his pride in ________ will be understood by all who read this article.In many shops the customer has to wait for someone to ________ him.When ________ some clerk does notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. ________ possibly that very clerk who is now so ________ began his career with enthusiasm.The freshness ________; He became a mechanical salesman.

I’ve observed such change in the lives of so many men in so many occupations that I've come to the ________ that the fastest road to failure is to do things mechanically.

1.A.turned intoB.broke intoC.came acrossD.met with

2.A.a female clerkB.a boy clerkC.a girl clerkD.an old man


4.A.His faceB.The roomC.His eyesD.The fire

5.A.the worstB.the right placeC.the wrongD.the best place

6.A.curious aboutB.aware ofC.sensitive toD.attached to


8.A.Hold upB.Just you waitC.Hold onD.Hang up

9.A.on his faceB.to my surprise

C.for some reasonD.to some degree

10.A.whenB.as ifC.even ifD.while


12.A.hardlyB.onlyC.no more thanD.not merely

13.A.day after dayB.day by day

C.the other dayD.to this day


15.A.serve onB.care forC.wait uponD.deal with





19.A.wore ofB.wore onC.wore overD.wore off





Nowadays, more and more parents are using a new technology, home security systems, to keep an eye on their “home-alone” children. In the early days of home security, the systems were basically designed just to keep the bad guys out. ___1.___ But be sure, when no adult is present, he or she knows how to do so safely.

Every child should memorize his or her own full name and address, and home, work and cellphone numbers of each parent. ___2.___If your child is too young to memorize the information, he or she may be too young to be home alone — for any time.

____3._____If a door or window is slightly open, the child has any reason to suspect someone has been in the house that shouldn’t be, have him or her call you, then wait at the nearby home of a neighbour who’s agreed to act as a safe house...

____4.__Besides, set a rule that he or she must never play outside the house when no one else is at home.

Be sure your child knows how to disarm (解除) and arm your home security system. Program your control panel (控制板) to give you a message when your child enters or leaves the house, and arms or disarms the system. __5.____

If you want to learn more about home security systems that can help parents protect their “home-alone” children, you can visit www.ProtectAmerica.com.

A. Warn your home-alone child never to answer the doorbell or telephone.

B. You and your child should work together to use the home security systems.

C. At present, the systems are only intended for home-alone children.

D. Teach your child to observe things when returning to the house.

E. Also keep this information posted next to the phone at home.

F. Now, many parents are also using them to make their home-alone children safe.

G. If your child forgets to rearm the system, you can call him or her with a personal reminder.



Autumn means different things to different people. “It all depends on your personality,” said British naturalist Richard Mabey. “Personality shapes your view of the season,” he said. “You may see it as a fading-away,a packing-up (结束),or as a time of packing in another sense—the exciting gathering of resources before a long journey.”

    If this is true,perhaps it tells us a little about,for instance,Thomas Hood,the 19th Century English poet. About November,he wrote:

    No warmth,no cheerfulness,no healthful ease

    No shade,no shine,no butterflies,no bees


    On the other hand,another English poet John Keats,already sensing he was seriously ill,was inspired by a late September day to pen one of the most famous poems in the English languageTo Autumn. He wrote to a friend afterwards that there was something comforting and healing about it.

    According to Richard Mabey,Keats has the biological evidence on his side. Autumn is not a time of slowing down,but a time of new beginnings and great movements of creatures. For example,just at the moment that Keats's “gathering swallows” (in To Autumn)are departing for Africa,millions of creatures are fleeing from the frozen north like Iceland,Greenland and Russia to winter along the east and south coasts of Britain. According to scientists,before falling,the leaves transfer their chlorophyll(叶绿素) and carbohydrates into the woody parts of the tree for safe keeping over winter. What remains is the natural antioxidants (防老剂) in the leaves: the yellow and orange carotenoids (类胡萝卜素),and another protective chemical specially produced for autumn,the bright-red anthocyanin (花青素).High colour is not a signal of deterioration (退化) and decline,but of detox (排毒的) ability and good health.

A century after Keats,the American poet Loren Eiseley wrote in his journal: Suppose we saw ourselves burning-like maples in a golden autumn. And that we could break up like autumn leaves...dropping their substance like chlorophyll. Wouldn't our attitude towards death be different?”

1.From Thomas Hood's poem,we may infer that ________.

A.he suffered a lot from cold November

B.he missed the shining summer days very much

C.he had a negative attitude towards autumn

D.he enjoyed butterflies and bees very much

2.In autumn,leaves turn yellow before falling because ________.

A.they can't bear the freezing

B.they can't get enough water from the wood part

C.chlorophyll and carbohydrates have been lost through leaves

D.chlorophyll and carbohydrates have come back to the wood part

3.From the passage we can learn that ________.

A.autumn has different faces in different people's eyes

B.John Keats was a good biologist as well as a poet

C.all creatures move from the cold north to Britain for winter

D.the three poets were only known for their poems about autumn

4.Which word can best describe Loren Eiseley's attitude towards autumn?




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