满分5 > 高中英语试题 >









Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Li Hua, an exchange student from China._________________________________










Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Li Hua, an exchange student from China. I’m writing to complain about the quality of the mobile phone which I bought from your store. It unexpectedly went wrong a few days after I bought it. The screen turned out to be black while I was taking photos. I tried to restart it according to the instructions, but it still failed to work. Therefore, I’m sure there is something wrong with the phone. I am hoping that you direct me to a store where I may get it repaired or change it for a new one within the next 3 days. Since your store has gained a good reputation for customer satisfaction, I am confident you will process my complaint at your earlier convenience. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours Sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】试题分析:本文是提纲类应用文写作。成文时要注意:1.文章主要用第一人称;2.时态:灵活变换;3.文章的内容要点要齐全:(1)写作目的;(2)具体问题:如手机黑屏,不能重启等;(3)解决办法:如维修,更换新手机等。4.注意使用高级词汇和高级句型,以提高文章的档次;5.注意使用一些连接词,使得文章表达自然、流畅。6.注意文章的字数控制,100单词左右。 【亮点说明】本文内容齐全,结构严谨,层次分明,布局合理,语言精练,同时运用高级句子。定语从句的使用:I’m writing to complain about the quality of the mobile phone which I bought from your store.状语从句的使用:The screen turned out to be black while I was taking photos.宾语从句和定语从句的同时使用:I am hoping that you direct me to a store where I may get it repaired or change it for a new one within the next 3 days.连接词的合理使用也是亮点:but,therefore,etc.  






Two years ago my husband buy me a bicycle. If you live in a town, it is often fast than a car and you don’t have to worry parking. You can leave them in any place you like. As it has a seat at the back or a basket at the front, it’s convenient for me to take my little daughter to school, and go shopping. I use it most in summer while the weather is warm and dry. It can be unpleasant in winter, though, when the weather is cold and rain. It can also be dangerous. You should be careful of on a bicycle. Accidents are not the only problem. One day I went shop and came back to find my front wheel gone. Now I have three strong lock.



Do you find it hard to memorize words? You must not be the only one. It could be 1.(help) if you say the words aloud. But this often isn’t good in a quiet classroom.

Now, researchers from the University of Waterloo, Canada, have come up 2.a new idea. They suggest 3.(draw) a picture of what you are trying to memorize!

The researchers did a study 4.(base) on the idea. They first gave a group of students some words such as “apple” or “balloon”. Then they gave the students 40 seconds, during 5.the students could either write the words again and again, or draw a picture.

When the time 6.(be) over, the researchers asked the students to do something else, like sing a song. After that, they gave the students 60 seconds to write down as many words 7.they could remember. The results showed that those who drew the words did a much 8.(good) job than those who wrote them.

So the next time you are having a hard time memorizing a word, 9.(draw) it! No worries if you’re not good at drawing. The 10.(research) say the quality of the drawing doesn’t matter at all.



My husband, Rashid, arrived in New York on his own from India. He stayed in a _______for a short time while _______for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his _______, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was _______. He was extremely worried _______ the suitcase had all his important papers, _________ his passport.

He reported the _________ to the police and then sat therelost and _______ in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to_______ in a new one.

Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a(an) __________. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. __________ he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)__________had been left out on the footpath.

My husband__________ to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of __________papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly __________ addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written __________in the pile in which my husband had given his new __________ number to a friend.

That family not only restored(归还) the important documents to __________that day but also restored our faith and __________ in people. We still remember their __________ and often send a warm wish their way.

1.A. school    B. museum    C. hotel    D. shelter

2.A. leaving    B. looking    C. waiting    D. paying

3.A. design    B. change    C. offer    D. stay

4.A. gone    B. shared    C. cost    D. returned

5.A. if    B. as    C. though    D. after

6.A. including    B. containing    C. case    D. holding

7.A. thought    B. complaint    C. case    D. pain

8.A. happy    B. lonely    C. satisfied    D. confident

9.A. grow up    B. break down    C. lie down    D. settle down

10.A. officer    B. stranger    C. friend    D. passenger

11.A. Then    B. So    C. But    D. Yet

12.A. where    B. what    C. that    D. it

13.A. moved    B. rushed    C. skated    D. wandered

14.A. unfamiliar    B. favorite    C. similar    D. expensive

15.A. suitable    B. flexible    C. convenient    D. foreign

16.A. e-mail    B. letter    C. paragraph    D. essay

17.A. flight    B. bus    C. telephone    D. diploma

18.A. us    B. you    C. them    D. me

19.A. friendship    B. justice    C. trust    D. devotion

20.A. curiosity    B. confidence    C. patience    D. kindness



Have you ever heard of an insect called the cicada(蝉)? 1. But they have an interesting internal clock that tells them when to go aboveground.

Every 17 years, billions of the noisy Brood V cicadas(十七年蝉) will swarm(成群出现) to northeastern parts of the US, including New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. 2.But there are usually a lot less of them compared to the Brood V cicadas.

3. According to Discovery News, these insects started their lives in 1999. And as their 17-year life cycle comes to an end, they go aboveground when their underground homes get warmer 64 degrees Fahrenheit (about 18℃) to be exact.

Then the females will lay hundreds of eggs in trees, and after about four to six weeks, the mother and father cicadas will die. 4.

While they can be kind of annoying, these insects don’t harm humans, but they do make a lot of noise during their time aboveground. 5.

However, since there are so many of the 17-year cicadas, the amount of laid eggs can sometimes harm small trees and bushes. But after this summer, these insects will mostly mind their own business until 2033.

A. That sound is the male cicadas attracting the female cicadas.

B. The cicada insects are common in summer, especially in August and can be found in July as well.

C. There are other kinds of cicadas that come around once a year or every 13 years.

D. The baby cicadas will go underground, and the 17-year cycle will start over again.

E. As a matter of fact, people like to eat them in some cultures.

F. Well, a special kind of these insects live underground in the US for most of their lives.

G. This is what makes Brood V cicadas so special.



It’s an ordinary morning,like all the others.But instead of being woken up by the buzzing of an alarm clock, you’ll be roused by the smell of freshly made coffee,light entering your room as the curtains open automatically,and a gentle back massage(按摩)provided by your high-tech bed.

This is what a typical(典型的) person's life will be like two decades from now,according to The Guardian. Want to know more?

After you get up, your apartment will be like an electronic orchestra with you as the conductor. With simple moves of your hand and spoken instructions, you’ll be able to control your apartment’s temperature, humidity, music and lighting. You’ll be able to look through the day’s news on translucent screens while your breakfast waits for you in the automatic oven.

As you move into your kitchen, you might accidentally hit your toe on a cupboard. If you do, you’ll grab your cell phone and open the diagnostics(诊断) app. Inside your phone there will be a tiny microchip(芯片) that uses X-ray waves to scan your body. The scan will tell whether your toe is bruised or broken.

After breakfast, your driverless car will take you to work. While you “drive”, your central computer system will suggest a list of chores(家务事) that your housekeeping robots can do that day and it will also remind you to buy a gift for your mother’s upcoming birthday.

As you can see, with the help of advanced technology, our lives will be more efficient(有效率的). Technology will mitigate our forgetfulness and free us of many small burdens that distract us, such as buying a ticket. Our brain will therefore be able to focus on more important things like preparing for a presentation or doing “deep thinking”.

However, the development of technology might have some disadvantages as well. By 2036, we’ll be relying heavily on the virtual(虚拟的) world, which will mean that all of our data will be stored in the cloud, a remote digital storage system with near limitless capacity(容量). That will increase the possibility of someone else accessing, sharing or manipulating(操控) our personal information.

1.What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To stress the importance of developing technology.

B. To remind people not to depend too much on computers.

C. To introduce one new invention that will benefit our future lives.

D. To describe how advanced technologies will affect our future lives.

2.According to the text, in two decades, ________.

A. you’ll be able to rely on an electronic orchestra to wake you up instead of an alarm clock

B. a tiny microchip in your phone will treat you when you are sick

C. you will be able to adjust the conditions of your apartment via oral instructions or simple hand gestures

D. technology will be smart enough to help us with important things like preparing for a presentation

3.What does the underlined word “mitigate” in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. Make up for.    B. Worsen.    C. Cure.    D. Take advantage of.



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