满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假如你是李华,你的美国笔友David来信说,当他了解到人工智能(AIMaster战胜了60 位顶尖职业围棋(Go)高手后,迷上了下围棋,希望你给他一些关于提高棋艺的建议。


1.最好到中国参加培训班;  2.熟能生巧,尽量多在网上对弈;   3.多观看www. weiqitv.com上的国际大赛直播。

注意:1.词数100左右2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear David,






                                                                              Li Hua


Dear David, I’m delighted to receive your letter, in which you have told me you have become a Go addict after knowing Master had defeated 60 world-top professional players and ask for my advice on how to learn Go well. Here are some tips for you. First, it is a good idea for you to register for a training class in China, where Go was born. In addition, as the proverb says, practice makes perfect. So you are expected to play the game online as much as possible. Finally, I recommend that you watch more live broadcasts of international matches at www. weiqitv. com, which is sure to help you acquire advanced Go-playing skills. I hope you will find these ideas beneficial. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】试题分析:本文是给美国笔友David回信,给他一些关于提高棋艺的建议。文章给出了提纲。成文时应注意以下几点:(1)内容要点齐全,文章中的3个要点要表述完整。(2)人称使用要恰当,使用第一人称。(3)时态:一般现在时为主。(4)适当使用一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅。(5)恰当使用一些高级词汇和句型,以增加文章的档次。 【亮点说明】 1.使用高级句型:非限制性定语从句…,in which you have told me you have become a Go addict…;宾语从句…ask for my advice on how to learn Go well.;关系副词引导的非限制性定语从句…a training class in China, where Go was born.;虚拟语气以及非限制性定语从句I recommend that you watch more live broadcasts of international matches at www. weiqitv. com, which is sure to help you acquire advanced Go-playing skills. 2.使用了过渡词语:First,In addition,Finally等。3.使用了重要短语及谚语:ask for请求,要求;谚语practice makes perfect熟能生巧。  







   Recently I have taken quite a interest in cooking. I suggest that the school organizes a cooking-learning activity to teach students to prepare any delicious food. It can be really fun and I bet there will be a lot communication going on with students. Besides, it’s a good way to build up team spirits. The school can even hold a competition to see whom can cook the most delicious food. Much importantly, I think cooking is a vital skill for the people nowadays. What is known to all, eating-cooked food is a much more healthy and little costly way of life than eating in a restaurant.



Chinese kung fu, also known as wushu or Chinese martial arts, is one of the most well-known examples of traditional Chinese culture. It is 1.(probable) one of the earliest and longest 2.(last)sports which uses both muscles and brain.

The theory of kung fu is based 3.classical Chinese philosophy(哲学). Over its long history it 4.(develop) as a unique combination of exercise, practical self-defense, self-discipline, and art.

It is estimated that Chinese kung fu dates back to primitive society. At that time people used sticks 5.(fight) against wild beasts. Gradually they6.(accumulate) experience in self-defense.

Chinese kung fu is a large system of theory and practice. It combines 7.(technique) of self-defense and health-keeping.

In Chinese kung fu, however, a 8.(different) is made between external(外家的) and “internal” kung fu. 9.is said that “In external kung fu, you exercise your tendons, bones, and skin; in internal kung fu, you train your spirit, your qi, and your mind.” And so internal kung fu can continue later in life, 10.the external body weakens.



Rocky was a 65-pound dog. Rita was his eleven-year-old _______. When Rocky was given to her, Rita immediately liked him. Whenever she was not in school, the two were _______together and within touching distance. The family would often lovingly_______the pair as “R and R”.

   But Rocky had one_______he feared water very much, which was due to an awful experience he had at the age of seven weeks in his_______home. He was nearly_______by a naughty boy who had been blamed by his father.

   One late afternoon, Rita’s mother_________R and R to a shopping area near a lake. Rita was running along the boardwalk above the surface of the_______, enjoying the beautiful scenery around. It was then that a boy on a bicycle_______Rita. She let out a cry of pain and fell into the lake __________there.

   Rita’s mother was at the entrance of a __________which was a hundred feet away. She rushed to the lake shouting for help. Rocky seemed to __________his fear and jumped into the water to save his owner. Rocky immediately went to Rita and__________her by the shoulder’s clothes. This caused her to__________so that her face was out of the water and she coughed.__________, the water was calm, they were not far from__________, and Rocky quickly reached a depth where his __________were on solid ground. He dragged Rita __________her head was completely out of the water, and then stood __________her, licking () her face.

   Rita and her family believe that it was only the big dog’s____________for the little girl that caused him to take action that might be life-threatening.

1.A. friend    B. guard    C. owner    D. trainer

2.A. sometimes    B. seldom    C. often    D. always

3.A. recognize    B. refer to    C. consider    D. laugh at

4.A. shortcoming    B. habit    C. mistake    D. pain

5.A. comfortable    B. poor    C. previous    D. new

6.A. killed    B. drowned    C. ruined    D. abandoned

7.A. took    B. accompanied    C. followed    D. sent

8.A. ice    B. snow    C. water    D. frost

9.A. beat    B. met    C. hurt    D. hit

10.A. lying    B. swimming    C. pushing    D. floating

11.A. park    B. garden    C. store    D. theater

12.A. overcome    B. ease    C. sense    D. realize

13.A. comforted    B. seized    C. rescued    D. approached

14.A. roll over    B. show off    C. look up    D. turn around

15.A. Unexpectedly    B. Hopefully    C. Fortunately    D. Eventually

16.A. a shelter    B. danger    C. a rock    D. shore

17.A. arms    B. feet    C. legs    D. hands

18.A. until    B. before    C. after    D. once

19.A. for    B. beside    C. with    D. against

20.A. courage    B. devotion    C. sympathy    D. love



Knowing a second language can make you more employable and a better traveler. But hanging on to your high school or college Spanish—or French, or German, etc—is a challenge once you’re no longer enrolled in classes. 1.

Go mobile.

They're not quite as addictive as Candy Crush, but language learning apps are a perfect, productive way to kill time. 2.You can try Duolingo, which takes an entertaining and comprehensive approach to learning a language; it teaches not only reading and writing but listening and speaking.


Join a local group to connect and chat with fellow students of your desired language, Or, find a virtual partner on a site like Conversation Exchange; native speakers of other languages who want to practice their English will be happy to trade small talk with you over Skype.

Read, watch, listen.

If you’re reasonably literate in your language of choice, consider picking up a favorite children's book (or audio book) in translation. 4.Or you can try to watch foreign films with English subtitles.

Take the traditional approach.

Language classes are an investment in terms of both time and money, but they remain an effective way to learn. 5.They include ones with a fun focus on literature, film, or even food.

A. Find a conversation partner or several

B. Get in some regular conversational practice

C. Community colleges offer a variety of language classes.

D. Harry Potter, for example, is available in 68 different languages.

E. You may be able to link up with a center like the French Institute.

F. Fortunately, you can stay literate in your language of choice with a little effort.

G. You can shop around to find one that copes best with your preferred learning style.



Every morning at 6 am Alan Swallow gets out of bed, has breakfast and reads the paper. And for that he is an unsung hero.

When he reads The Southland Times in the morning, he reads it aloud and records if for people who are visually impaired(受损的).

The Blind Foundation provides its members with the Telephone Information Service(TIS) which has articles from more than 70 newspapers, radio and TV schedules, finance information, public and government notices and updates from the Blind Foundation. For 17 years Swallow has read the paper for the service. In the early days someone would head down to the local studio to record the news for the day and they had one chance to get it right. Nowadays, the news readers can work from home suing their phones.

The TIS service is available 365 days a year, and it could sometimes take him an hour to get through the local news items he had chosen. “It doesn’t take much effort, but it does take a commitment because people are relying on it.” He said.

The service had struggled for some time with volunteers because not many people knew about it. Swallow said, “It was fulfilling to know that people were benefiting from what he was doing.”

For Blind Foundation social function organiser Liz Anstice, the opportunity to give back to a foundation that had given much to her, was a nice aspect of the role. She has been involved with the foundation for five years after she became visually impaired. She said the biggest challenge was building the trust that people had in the local branch of the foundation.

Anstice reformed the social committee group and changed things so people did not get bored. The Christmas celebrations had been so well received members from the Blind Foundation in Balclutha were coming down for them. However, sometimes getting members to the events was a challenge because of a lack of volunteers available to transport them, she said. She was proud of being a finalist for the Volunteer Recognition Award.

1.How does Alan Swallow work for The Blind Foundation?

A. By writing newspaper articles.

B. By reading news for the blind.

C. By updating local news every day.

D. By collecting telephone information.

2.How does Alan Swallow feel about his work for the TIS service?

A. Time-consuming.    B. Challenging.    C. Satisfying.    D. Struggling.

3.What’s the problem for getting members to the events according to Liz Anstice?

A. People’s distrust.    B. Costs of transport.

C. Boredom of events.    D. Shortage of volunteers.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. Blind Foundation Recognizes Its Unsung Heroes

B. Work for Telephone Information Service

C. Great Challenges to Blind Foundation

D. Blind Foundation: Reforms Going on



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