满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A 14-year-old Chinese boy overcame two o...

A 14-year-old Chinese boy overcame two of humankind’s most dreaded fears—getting stuck in an elevator and getting homework 1.(do) in a single night, owing to his calm-witted character.

Sun Yixiao was on his way up on Tuesday evening after school 2.the lift suddenly came to a stop. A moment of panic followed before the 3.(teenage) could find a way out.

Sun said he tried to open the elevator door, 4.(press) all the buttons in the hope to get the elevator to work again, but it didn’t work.

Without a cell phone at hand, Sun tried yelling to get attention of people outside, but no one responded as time passed by. He slipped a note through the door 5.the message “people stuck inside, please ask the property management for help,” and hoped someone 6.(pick) it up and act on it.

After exhausting all his options without knowing how long 7.would take before someone found him, he took out his textbooks and started to do his homework 8.(patient).

Soon after he finished his duties, Sun heard loud 9.(voice) outside. A large crowd including his teachers and other parents had come to the rescue, by which time he 10.(trap) in the elevator for over five hours.


1.done 2.when 3.teenager 4.pressing 5.with 6.would/could pick 7.it 8.patiently 9.voices 10.had been trapped 【解析】本文讲述的是一位14岁学霸被困电梯5小时,淡定写完家庭作业的故事。 1.考查过去分词作宾语补足语。句意:一名14岁的中国少年,在一个晚上的时间内克服了人类史上的两大恐惧:被困电梯和完成家庭作业。homework与do是被动关系,故填done。 2.考查连词。句意:在上周二晚上放学后,孙轶潇乘坐电梯回家,这时电梯突然故障停止运行。根据句意可知此处是when引导的时间状语从句。---when----,正在做某事,这时候----,故填when。 3.考查名词。句意:这名少年在寻找逃生出路之前惊慌随之而来。根据句意可知此处用名词形式teenager青少年。 4.考查现在分词。此处是现在分词表伴随状态,故填pressing。 5.考查介词。句意:他通过电梯门递出一张纸条,上面写着“有人被困在电梯内,请叫物业来帮忙”。with“具有,带有”。 6.考查时态。句意:寄希望于有人可能或将会捡到纸条并来救他。根据句意可知填would/could pick。 7.考查代词。句意:在做完所有他能做的自救措施后,这个务实的孩子不知道还要多久才会有人来救他,于是他决定做家庭作业。此处用it表示时间。 8.考查副词。句意:耐心地做作业。副词修饰动词,故填patiently。 9.考查名词复数。句意:孙轶萧听到外面嘈杂的响声。此处用名词复数,故填voices。 10.考查动词时态。句意:包括老师和其他父母在内的一大群人已经来营救,到此时他被困电梯已经五个小时。根据句意可知用过去完成时态的被动语态,故填had been trapped。

I learned my first lesson at a meeting. As we sat around the table I heard Meg, who was _______a recent operation, talking to Judith, the manager of our project. “Thank you so much for _______my daughters to their dance lessons last week.” Judith said, “It was nothing.”

Knowing how _______Judith’s schedule was, I found her driving Meg’s children to lessons unbelievably _______. I was about to say more about this when Donna, another colleague, entered the room _______. She apologized for being late, saying she just hosted a lunch for her friends who were over seventy. “That is so nice of you,” I said, _______how busy she was, how she didn’t like to cook and clean. “Oh,” she said, waving her hand, “It was nothing.” _______, I could still tell the _______in her voice. She did gain a sense of satisfaction from the entertainment offered to her friends.

Seeing their _______to help others selflessly, I started thinking about the concept of “nothing”, this peaceful and generous way of living—had it really been nothing or were they simply saying that? It ________to me that once I spent a whole afternoon after work helping a friend ________a speech. I ________her to rearrange the sequence of the stories in the lecture to make it sound more ________. After the fifth try, she finally ________it. She hugged me with ________, saying thanks to me. I smiled and said it was nothing.

Suddenly, I realized that helping someone was really something to me. I learned that giving from the heart doesn’t ________mean sacrifice and hard work. The ________is finding something we love to do and finding someone who ________that something. Our generosity can benefit others ________ourselves. Once you have a good ________ of it, it’s nothing. And it’s really something.

1.A. adapting to    B. recovering from    C. going through    D. rejoicing in

2.A. guiding    B. fetching    C. driving    D. dragging

3.A. tight    B. common    C. strange    D. practical

4.A. ridiculous    B. energetic    C. tiresome    D. generous

5.A. disappointedly    B. angrily    C. hurriedly    D. unexpectedly

6.A. ignoring    B. forgetting    C. knowing    D. predicting

7.A. Moreover    B. Therefore    C. Otherwise    D. Somehow

8.A. regret    B. sadness    C. surprise    D. pleasure

9.A. willingness    B. ambition    C. promise    D. progress

10.A. referred    B. occurred    C. appeared    D. seemed

11.A. put up    B. prepare for    C. give away    D. deal with

12.A. begged    B. invited    C. recommended    D. sponsored

13.A. sensible    B. confusing    C. sensitive    D. typical

14.A. got    B. meant    C. caught    D. made

15.A. gratitude    B. worry    C. concern    D. apology

16.A. normally    B. accidentally    C. possibly    D. necessarily

17.A. treat    B. trick    C. plot    D. plan

18.A. needs    B. admires    C. loves    D. defends

19.A. on account of    B. as well as    C. except for    D. regardless of

20.A. order    B. glimpse    C. command    D. impression



Speaking to Develop Self-confidence

Overcoming stage fright

Most people are nervous about public speaking. 1.If you know that your topic is interesting, and that your material is well organized, you have already reduced a major worry.

Facial expressions

2.During your speech, try to change your facial expressions to convey the emotions that you feel. Throughout your speech you need to use expressive facial expressions.

Eye contact

When you speak, you should look your audience straight in the eye. The idea is to give the impression that you are talking to each individual in your audience. If you have a large audience, try to look at people in the middle of the room, then slowly look to the right side of the room, then to the left side, then back to the center of the room. 3.Otherwise, this will give the audience the idea that you are not interested in your topic or in them.


Enthusiasm is being lively and showing your own personal concern for your subject and your audience. If you are truly interested in your topic, your delivery is certain to be enthusiastic and lively.

Varying speaking rate

Your words should not be too fast or too slow. If you speak too slowly you will bore your audience. If you speak too rapidly will be difficult to understand. Adapt your rate to the content of your speech. For example, if you explaining complex information, slow down. 5.

A. Inspiring your audience

B. Speaking with enthusiasm

C. If you are happy or enthusiastic, you should speed up.

D. Don’t look at the floor, the ceiling or out the window.

E. The best way to cope with nervousness is to really well prepared.

F. Smiling before you start your speech shows that you are not nervous.

G. If you are nervous, take a few steps to your right or left while speaking.



Artificial intelligence can ide ntify skin cancer in photographs with the same accuracy as trained doctors, say scientists. The Stanford University team said the findings were "incredibly exciting" and would now be tested in clinics. Eventually, they believe using AI could revolutionize healthcare by turning anyone’s smart-phone into a cancer scanner.

The AI was repurposed from software developed by Google that had learned to spot the difference between images of cats and dogs. It was shown 129,450 photographs and told what type of skin condition it was looking at in each one.

It then learned to spot the hallmarks of the most common type of skin cancer: carcinoma, and the most deadly: melanoma(黑色素瘤). Only one in 20 skin cancers are melanoma, yet the tumor(肿瘤) accounts for three-quarters of skin cancer deaths.

The experiment, detailed in the journal Nature, then tested the AI against 21 trained skin cancer doctors. One of the researchers, Dr Andre Esteva, told the BBC News website: "We find excitedly, in general, that we are on par with excellent skin cancer doctors."

However, the computer software cannot make a full diagnosis, as this is normally confirmed with a tissue biopsy(活检). Dr Esteva said the system now needed to be tested alongside doctors in the clinic. "The application of AI to healthcare is, we believe, an incredibly exciting area of research that can be leveraged to achieve a great deal of societal good," he said. "One particular route that we find exciting is the use of this algorithm on a mobile device, but to achieve this we would have to build an app and test its accuracy directly from a mobile device." Incredible advances in machine-learning have already led to AI beating one of humanity's best Go players.

And a team of doctors in London have trained AI to predict when the heart will fail.

1.From the passage we can infer that ________.

A. Artificial Intelligence must replace human one day

B. we can use Artificial Intelligence to cure skin cancers

C. we can use smart-phone to scan our skin at present

D. the research will be of great help to us and our health care

2.Which one will he agree with according to Dr Esteva?

A. Artificial Intelligence has beaten all of humanity’s best Go players.

B. Artificial Intelligence could support assessments by GPs.

C. We still need professional doctors with the help of the system.

D. There are too many disadvantages for Artificial Intelligence.

3.The underlined words “on par with” in Para 4 likely mean ________.

A. inferior to    B. equaled by    C. superior to    D. opposite to

4.What’s probably the best title of this passage?

A. Cancer Doctors Are Out

B. An APP Scanning Skin Cancers

C. Artificial Intelligence—change our future

D. Artificial Intelligence—as good as cancer doctors



The Leaning Tower of Pisa was not leaning when it was built in 1173 and it was straight like a pole. It started to shift direction soon after construction because of poor foundation in addition to the loose layer of subsoil(底土). At the beginning, it leaned to the southeast before the shaky foundation started to shift leaning towards the southwest. After the period of structural strengthening in the beginning of 21st century, now the Leaning Tower of Pisa leans at an angle of 3.97 degrees.

In 1178, the shift in direction was observed for the first time when the construction had progressed further to the third floor. The tower was very heavy for the three-meter foundation that was built on a weak area of land.

For compensating(补偿) the leaning position, the builders started to construct the upper floors with one side higher than the other one. This caused the tower to lean in the other direction. This unusual structure led to the tower being actually curved. In spite of these efforts, the tower kept on leaning.

The government of Italy started to plan a prevention of the complete collapse of the tower in 1964. However, a request was put forward by the authorities to keep the leaning position because of the tourism industry of the region.

After nearly two decades of careful planning by engineers, historians and mathematicians, the stabilization efforts for the Leaning Tower of Pisa started in 1990. The tower was closed for the general public and the people living nearby moved away. For reducing the total weight of the tower, its seven bells which represented the seven musical notes were removed. The tower was reopened for the general public on December 15, 2001.

In May 2008, after removing another 70 metric tons of earth, the engineers announced that the tower had been finally stabilized and it would remain stable for at least 200 years.

1.Why did the Leaning Tower of Pisa began to lean?

A. It was too high like a pole.

B. Its foundation was far from strong.

C. The work of repair was delayed.

D. Its foundation shook badly.

2.When did people notice the Leaning Tower of Pisa shift its direction?

A. As soon as it was constructed.

B. At the end of the construction.

C. Soon after the construction.

D. In the course of the construction.

3.Why did the authorities prefer to keep the leaning position of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

A. They wanted to attract more tourists.

B. They lacked funds then.

C. It was a mission impossible to make the Tower up-straight.

D. They were short of engineers, historians and mathematicians.

4.Which of the following is the right order according to this passage?

a. People noticed the tower began to shift its direction.

b. The repair work was carried out last time.

c. The Leaning Tower of Pisa was repaired for the first time.

d. The Leaning Tower of Pisa was built.

e. The tower was opened to the visitors again.

f. The government started to make a plan for the tower.

A. c, d, a, f, b, e

B. f, e, a, d, c, b

C. d, e, b, f, c, a

D. d, a, f, c, e, b



Visitors to the grounds of New College at England’s Oxford University pass under an iron gate with the advice: Manners make the man. Even after an appropriate update to: Manners make the person, it’s thought-provoking(引人深思的)—especially to today’s Americans.

When we think about what makes the person—it’s more likely the degree, the job, the salary. Since when do we count manners as a measure of success?

We do know that these would make life nicer, if more tolerable. Nevertheless, we forget or overlook our manners. So it seems, does everyone else—including, unluckily, our children.

As a university president, one of my great joys is to visit our campuses and see our students though we’re separated by different generations, interests, and, of course dressing, each student tells me something within the first few minutes that we meet: whether he or she has been taught manners. I sense this in different ways: through her words or her gestures, in the way she listens or how he refers to friends and faculty, how she greets and says goodbye, how he responds when an elderly person enters the room.

In the absence of manners, however, I make some allowances. For instance, the many ethnic(种族的)groups that students represent often have different explanations of what makes up good manners. In other cases, some students may reject what they’ve learned to break from their parents and be accepted by other students. Whether students are being different or openly opposing, a recent experience I had with them tells me that there’s some hope for reviving and good manners.

Good manners don’t just guarantee acceptance. Good manners open doors to deeper connections and more meaningful roles in our society. Good manners are gentle signals that show we care about one another and allow us to relate to another person in a thoughtful way but at a respectable distance.

1.Which of the following is seldom a mark of success to people today?

A. Handsome income.    B. Polite behavior.

C. An academic degree.    D. High ranks in the office

2.The main idea of paragraph 4 is more likely that ________.

A. manners can be taught in different ways

B. how the president of New College cares about his students

C. generation gap does exist between students and faculty members

D. what students say and do can indicate if they have mannered behavior

3.From the last paragraph we can learn that the biggest benefit by good manners would be that ________.

A. good manners guarantee acceptance of others

B. good manners inspire students to study harder

C. good manners help deeper connections with others

D. good manners guarantee students to get whatever they want



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