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Among the international students in Cana...

Among the international students in Canada who are struggling to find a job there after graduation, some of them eventually make it with relative ease. They’re the ones who’ve already built up much internship (实习) experience while still attending university, as their majors offer a co-operative program.

Co-op programs, a feature (特色) of Canadian university programs, allow academic studies to be combined with work experience. During school years, students get to network with employers, gain internship experience in relevant fields, and earn academic credits that count toward their degree or diploma.

Co-op programs are available in most comprehensive universities, like the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and York University. These programs are not only open to students majoring in business but also to many science and art majors. Statistics show that nearly 30 percent of recent foreign applicants have chosen majors that also subscribe to the co-op program. “It’s easy to understand,” said a senior education counselor. He noted that working opportunities are provided by employers that build bridges with the university and most of them are well-known companies or local government organizations. Moreover, the average salary for interns is as high as C$30,000 to C$40,000 a year.

Students can choose to work during vacations or term times freely. The required duration of the internship for undergraduates ranges from eight to twelve months, or four to six months for graduate students. “The programs also benefit those students who want to apply for immigration,” added the counselor. “That’s because the policies of many provinces in Canada require a certain length of work experience of the applicants.”

1.What’s the main characteristic of co-op programs?

A. They offer a variety of jobs in different fields.

B. They make academic credits easier to gain.

C. Employers work with students on their studies.

D. Students get work experience while at university.

2.What does the example of foreign applicants indicate?

A. Co-op programs are becoming more popular.

B. The average salary for interns will increase.

C. Co-op programs are open to all majors.

D. Companies welcome foreign students.

3.Which section of a website does the text probably come from?

A. Business.    B. Education.    C. Lifestyle.    D. Culture.


1.D 2.A 3.B 【解析】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了在加拿大的针对留学生的一个合作项目,学生们可以边学习边工作,这样毕业后可以找到好工作。 1.D细节理解题。根据第 2 段中Co-op programs, a feature (特色) of Canadian university programs, allow academic studies to be combined with work experience.可知,合作项目的特色是学习的同时还可获得工作经历,故选D。 2.A细节理解题。根据第 3 段中Statistics show that nearly 30 percent of recent foreign applicants have chosen majors that also subscribe to the co-op program.可知,越来越多的学生选择签署合作项目的专业,故选A。 3.B细节理解题。根据第 1 段开头,结合全文,都是介绍留学生在加拿大学习并参加合作项目为的是毕业后找到好工作,与教育有关,故选B。

Recently I and other Red Cross volunteers met a group of victims from Hurricane Katrina. We were there, as mental health professionals, to offer “psychological first aid” and I was struck by the simple healing power of presence. As we walked in the gate to the shelter, we were greeted with a burst of gratitude (感激) from the first person we met. I felt appreciated, but also guilty, because I hadn’t really done anything yet.

I first realized the power of presence many years ago when a friend’s mother passed away unexpectedly. I had received a call saying she had just passed away. I wanted to rush down there immediately, but didn’t want to intrude (打扰) on this very personal period of sadness. I was torn about what to do. Another friend with me then said, “Just go. Just be there.” I did, and I will never regret it.

Since then, I have not hesitated to be in the presence of others. Once I sat at the bedside of a young man suffering from the pain of his AIDS related dying. He was not awake, and obviously unaware of others’ presence. However, the atmosphere was by no means solemn. His family, playing guitars and singing, allowed him to be present with them as though he were still fully alive.

In my life, I am repeatedly struck by the healing power of presence. In it, none of us are truly alone. It is not only something we give to others but also changes me for the better.

1.Why were the hurricane victims grateful to the author?

A. He built shelters for them.

B. He gave immediate first aid to them.

C. He came to stay with them.

D. He brought mental health professionals.

2.What did the author do when his friend’s mother passed away?

A. He hesitated over whether to go.

B. He went to his friends’ at once.

C. He knew what to do instantly.

D. He decided not to disturb.

3.What does the underlined word “solemn” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Heavy but warm.    B. A little sad but cosy.

C. Relaxing and delightful.    D. Very serious and unhappy.

4.What has the author learned from his experience?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. Being present can make a big difference.

C. The family harmony is the happiest thing in life.

D. Being a volunteer can make one’s life more significant.



Teens For Planet Earth

This is a social networking site for teenagers who want to get involved in protecting our planet. They can connect with other green-minded teens, choose a project or create their own. Teens For Planet Earth encourages young folks to get busy in their own communities. They offer guidance on local projects with categories such as habitats, animals, water and education. Awards are given to active members.


At Meez, teens can create their own avatars(头像), rooms and virtual pets. It is a social community of creative people that combines avatars, virtual worlds and games. Meez offers contests and chat as well as homework help, a fashion central and a writers’ corner. A chat area for younger teens is available. Other areas are music, geek(极客)central, art and sports.


Cyberteens is another cool site that celebrates the teen years. Here teenagers can find community, games, and news. There is a link called “creativity” where teens can share their poems, stories, photos and artwork. The “cool links” section offers a huge variety of options to the curious teens. This site also has surveys and helps with jobs and school work.


Student.com is a resource site for teens and high school students. Its social network has over 900,000 members. Members earn points to win prizes just by browsing and they offer several multi-player games. Points are used to buy items at auction(拍卖会). Student.com is filled with useful information and articles.

1.What is Teens For Planet Earth aimed to?

A. Set up a project.

B. Give awards to teens.

C. Get young folks busy.

D. Give advice on local projects.

2.Which website offers assistance in jobs?

A. Teens For Planet Earth.    B. Meez.    C. Cyberteens.    D. Student.com.

3.What makes Student.com special among these websites?

A. It has the most members.

B. Teens can read articles on it.

C. It offers help on school work.

D. Teens can make purchases on it.

4.What can we infer about the websites mentioned in the text?

A. They provide game platforms.

B. They benefit teens in their social life.

C. They award outstanding teens.

D. They offer various study guidance.









参考词汇:中秋节:the Mid-Autumn Festival                农历: lunar calendar

    赏月: enjoy the full moon                    月饼: moon cake

The Mid- Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of Our Chinese lunar calendar.










I am an only child in my family. While eating, my parents always leave myself the best dish. But I don’t eat out much because I don’t have some appetite all the time. One day, my friend Alice asked me come to her house for dinner. In her family, a feeling was so pleasant because there had two kids in the family. When they were eating, my friend and her sister fight for the food. They ate a lot and laughed happy. I felt so happy but ate a lot. I got to know that the eating atmospheres could be very important.




These days, both women and men 1.(surround) by magazines and websites full of tips about dieting, exercise and fashion. Gone are the days 2. all men had to think about wearing a nice suit to be smart and handsome. Things have changed.

Now, a survey has suggested that 80% of men admit 3.(be) unhappy about their body. The biggest body issues for 4. (they) were beer bellies and lack of muscles. Some think this sudden vanity is due 5. the pressure or influence of role models we see on TV and in magazines. People end up with a perception of 6. the perfect body should look like. But not everybody wants to put in the effort to have perfect muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger. An opportunistic designer has even invented a muscle-enhancing shirt 7.(make) the buyer look more of a hunk (猛男).

But Joe Warner, the former editor of Men’s Fitness magazine, thinks the muscle-enhancing shirt is just 8. trick. He thinks many people in the country are overweight and should accept they need to do exercise regularly. Exercise is always good. 9.we mustn’t forget beauty is only skin deep. Character is more important than 10. (appear).



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