满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Every morning,many girls in the African ...

Every morning,many girls in the African country of Zimbabwe rise with the sun and go to fetch water

for their families.They have to walk many miles an carry the water home on their heads. Where they live,there is no running water they can get at all.

     “You have to relax your neck and head and make it follow the load(负荷),”one girl told me ,“It is easy for you to do that if you practice for many times.” I have lived in Zimbabwe all my life.But I had never tried to balance a pot on my head.I have made efforts many times and I have also practiced it for long.But it was not east at all.I managed to walk only several yards before the pot fell off my head.The girls watching covered their mouths and laughed at my poor head-balancing skills.

     In reality,water is not the only thing that requires head-balancing skills in everyday life.In most of these villages,there is no electricity for cooking,so fire wood is used instead.The girls must collect and carry it back to their villages.They insist the easiest way to do this is on their heads.

     Even at school,head-balancing skills come in handy.At a school,I saw a group of girls fetching bags of sand that were to be used to build a new classroom.They carried these bags with ease.When I tried,I could not beat the weight.

     Girls in many countries worldwide prefer to carry things on their heads.They are taught this skill at a young age and grow up to have strong necks and great posture.For these girls,balance is simply a way of life.

1.According to the text,Zimbabwe girls _______.

A. go to fetch running water for money

B. catty water every evening

C. do pleasant jobs in their family

D. like carrying things on their heads

2.To get the head-balancing ability,a girl should _______.

A. have a short neck    B. take a light load    C. practice many times    D. cover her mouth

3.Why do the girls have good head-balancing skills?

A. Their necks are strong and their heads are round.

B. They are farced to carry things on their heads.

C. They find no other ways to carry things.

D. They have learned them since they were young.

4.What is the best title of the text?

A. A special living ability

B. Girl’s head-balancing skill

C. Carrying things from far away

D. Using our heads in different ways


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】本文为介绍说明文。文章主要介绍了津巴布韦女孩子都有着高超的头部平衡技能,她们基本上都是用头携带物品,而这项技能是作者望洋兴叹的。 1.推理判断题。根据文章对津巴布韦女孩子们携带东西的方式的描述及第三段最后一句They insist the easiest way to do this is on their heads.(她们认为做这件事最容易的方式就是放在头顶上)可推知,津巴布韦的女孩子们喜欢用头携带物品。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段中的It is easy for you to do that if you practice for many times可知,用头携带物品需要的平衡性需要通过很多次的训练得来。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Girls in many countries worldwide prefer to carry things on their heads.They are taught this skill at a young age and grow up to have strong necks and great posture.可知,女孩子们有很好的头部平衡技能,是因为从很小的时候就被传授了这项技能。故选D。 4.标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了津巴布韦女孩子们的头部平衡技能。故选B。

Are you struggling to make friends at a new school? Or are your friends suddenly leaving you out? Don’t worry—there are things you can do.

●Try speaking to the people you’re sitting next to in class.As they’re class.it is very important to chat to them first.

●Keep up the courage to speak to everyone in your class.You tend to stay with that class through your five years at secondary school so it helps if you get on with them.

●If you don’t have many friends in your class,try and make new friends in your subject lessons.You can also chat to them at lunchtimes and after school.

●Join a lunchtime or after school club.You’ll get to meet kids of all years that way.

●Don’t put yourself under too much pressurein can be hard to introduce yourself to people especially if they’ve already got their own friends.Ask your teacher to pair you with another pupil.

     Do you feel like you’re growing apart from some of your closest friends? As you grow older it’s natural to make new friends and sometimes that means you grow apart from your old friends.Try and make time for all your friends—why not introduce your different sets of friends so you

Can all go to the cinema or bowling together.

But what if you’re being the one pushed out of a friendship group? If this is happening to you then try and ask someone you are friendly with what is happening.If the whole group is leaving you out then try and find new people to hang around with at lunchtimes.Joining a lunchtime or after

school club is a good way to make new friends.

1.If you will be a new person at a new school,you should________.

A. speak to others and make them feel that you’re important

B. help everyone get on with each other in your new class

C. chat first to the people you’re sitting next to in your new class

D. push everyone in class too much pressure to make friends with you

2.Why does the author advise you to ask your teacher to pair you with another pupil?

A. This will put another pupil under too much pressure.

B. Another pupil must listen to your teacher.

C. It is not easy for you to introduce yourself to those who already got own friends.

D. Your teacher will pair you with another pupil who doesn’t have friends either.

3.What should you do if you’re pushed out of the whole friendship group?

A. Make new friends at lunchtimes or after school.

B. Find out what is happening to your old friends.

C. Introduce yourself to any new classmate first.



D. Invite other friends to go to the cinema or bowling together.



By high school,T.J.Ware was the most famous troublemaker in his town.Teachers Were afraid to see his name posted on their classroom lists for the next term.He wasn’t Very talkative,didn’t answer questions and got into lots of fights.

In a weekend activity all the students at school had been invited to sign up sign up For ACE training,a program designed to have students become more active in their communities.T.J.was one of 405 students who signed up.

At the start of the activity,T.J.didn’t readily join the discussion groups and he didn’t seem to have much to say.But slowly,the interactive(互动)games drew him in.The next day,T.J.was very active in all the activities.By the and of the activity,he had joined the Homeless Project team.He knew something about poverty.hunger and hopelessness.The other students on the team were impressed with his concern and ideas.They elected T.J.cochairman of the team

A group of teachers were against the headmaster about T.J.Ware’s being elected cochairman.They reminded the principal.“The very first communitywide service project was to be a giant food Drive,organized by the Homeless Project team.He’ll probably steal half the food.” But Mr Coggs-All reminded them that the purpose of the ACE program was to uncover any positive passion(激情)that Students had.

Two weeks later.T.J.and his friends led a group of 70 students in a drive to collect food.They Collected a school record:2,854 cans of food in just two hours and the food took care of needy families In the area for 75 days.The local newspaper covered the event with a full-page article the next day for his doing something great and leading a food drive.

1.Why were teachers afraid to see T.J.Ware’s name on their lists?

A. Because he didn’t seem to have much to say.

B. Because he didn’t answer ant questions in class.

C. Because he just liked the interactive games.

D. Because he often made troubles and fought with others.

2.Which of the following has nothing to do with T.J.Ware’s change?

A. T.J.signed u0 for ACE training.

B. A group of teachers were against his being elected co-chairman.

C. T.J.had joined the Homeless Project team by the end of the activity.

D. The headmaster agreed to let him be the co-chairman of the team.

3.A group of teachers told the headmaster “He will probably steal half the food” to_______.

A. persuade the headmaster not to make T.J.leader of the team

B. let the headmaster know everything about T.J.Ware

C. show T.J.Ware’s hobby to the headmaster

D. uncover T.J.Ware’s positive passion in him

4.What does the word “them” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?

A. Students.    B. Homeless people.    C. The group of teachers.    D. T.J.Ware and his friends.



红星中学拟于本周五上午8:00在阅览室举行英语读书会(reading circle)活动。假设你是高三学生李华,请给你的外教Mr. Black写一封邮件,邀请他参加活动。邮件的内容包括:




注意:    1. 词数不少于100词;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mr. Black,




                                                        Yours sincerely,

                                                               Li Hua










Every boy and every girl are eager for success. But what can we succeed in life? Here are my opinions:

First, we must be friendly and kindly. It allows us to make friends but survive wherever we are. Second, we must set a goal, which motivates us to pursue our dreams. Third, it’s better to believe in us. Only with self-confidence we realize our goals. Fourth, we should develop good characters, such as a strong will and diligence, because good qualities help us to hold on to our dreams since we get into the trouble.

As far as I’m concerning, success belongs to those who keep on trying. So let’s take actions now!




American singer Bob Dylan has become the first musician to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The 75-year-old was given the  1. (respect) honor for “having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”.

Born in America in 1941, Bob Dylan was an ordinary boy  2. favor of folk music. In the University of Minnesota, he joined a rock band and determined to become a great folk musician, 3.he dropped out of college at the end of his first year and went to New York 4.(seek) his dream. The artistic life of New York provided a rich5.(music) education6.he could not have received anywhere else. By the time of Dylan’s second album, The Freewheel in Bob Dylan, in May 1963, he 7.(begin)to make his name as a singer and a songwriter. At that time, he wrote many protest songs on the subjects of war and the civil-rights movements in America. In the songs , people heard anger and 8. (satisfaction). After the 1960s, he devoted9. (him)to Blues and Jazz

His accomplishments as a recording artist and performer have been central to his career, but his greatest contribution is 10. (general) considered to be his songwriting. As a songwriter and musician, he has received numerous awards over the years including Grammy, Golden Globe, and Academy Awards..



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