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People always feel headache about academ...

People always feel headache about academic writing.Jennifer Ahern-Dodson provides some suggestions with some students and teachers.She asks about their earlier writing experiences.Were they negative or positive?She advises that you are not alone if you have had problems with your writing.She says everyone struggles with writing.

“Writing is hard.All writers struggle at some point.And even if writing has come easily for you,at some point in your work as a student,that eventually you’re going to hit a roadblock.So it’s really important to take a moment to think about their past writing experiences.And when the writing was going well,what was happening?When the writing wasn’t going well,what was happening?”

She says most people’s negative writing experiences happened because a very specific formula is required for a paper including an exact length.”And so they primarily focus on,and worry about,what the final product has to look like,like how many pages for a research essay?Or if it is in the second or third language,you know,punctuation and grammar,like whether it gets communicated in the right language.

Another problem can arise when the need to do well on a paper is extremely important.“...like a timed essay exam,or a college application essay,or a research paper that is at the end of the semester,and it’s tied to the entire grade for the class.So worrying about what will happen if they don’t do well–get bad grades,don’t get into college–creates,of course,significant anxiety.And that can make it harder to get the writing done.”

Then she and the people she’s helping move to more positive projects.She says usually when writing comes easily,the writers feel they have something important to say.The teacher advises thinking about who your audience is,and what it is that you really want to say to them.

1.What does Jennifer Ahern-Dodson think of academic writing?

A. It is made up of past experiences.    B. It has positive effects.

C. It is hard for everyone.    D. It makes people think.

2.Which can best explain the underlined words“hit a roadblock”in Paragraph 2?

A. Have an accident.    B. Meet into trouble.

C. Break some record.    D. Graduate from school.

3.What can be the problem with academic writing?

A. Research subjects.    B. Required styles.

C. A certain formula.    D. Lack of patience.

4.According to Jennifer,how can we improve writing?

A. By stopping worrying.    B. By thinking positively.

C. By focusing on the subject.    D. By thinking about audience.


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】文章首先介绍学术写作是令人头疼的,然后专家 Jennifer Ahern-Dodson分析了原因并给出了一些建议。 1.C细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Writing is hard. All writers struggle at some point…”可知,写作对每一个人都是困难的,故选C。 2.B词义猜测题。根据文章第二段“Writing is hard. All writers struggle at some point. And even if writing has come easily for you, at some point in your work as a student, that eventually you’re going to hit a roadblock.(写作对每一个人都是难的,所有写作者都在某种程度上挣扎。即使写作对于你来说很容易,在你作为学生的某个时候,最终你也会__________)可推知,划线词应该是“遇上障碍、麻烦”的意思,故选B。 3.C细节理解题。根据文章第三段he says most people’s negative writing experiences happened because a very specific formula is required for a paper including an exact length.”可知,学术写作有特别的准则,故选C。 4.D细节理解题。根据文章第五段The teacher advises thinking about who your audience is, and what it is that you really want to say to them.可知,老师建议考虑你的听众是谁,你真想给他们说些什么,故选D。

This year marks 45 years since Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon,taking“one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.”Overall,12 American astronauts have walked on the lunar landscape,the last doing so in 1972.

Enthusiasm for space travel has always increased and decreased.In 2010,President Barack Obama cut funds for a NASA mission that would haveput humans back on the moonby 2020.“I understand that some believe that we should attempt a return to the surface of the Moon first,as previously planned.But I just have to say here:We’ve been there before,”said Obama.NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has alsothrown cold wateron the idea of a return mission to the moon.

But others believe there are benefits to going back to the moon.“It’s the closest future body to us,making it the least challenging to explore all the planets,moons and asteroids(小行星)in our solar system,”wrote Gene R.Grushfrom NASA Johnson Space Center.Richard Vondrak,deputy(代理的)director of the Solar System Exploration Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center,said,“Astronauts can accomplish scientific exploration that is beyond the capability of robotic explorers.”

And then there’s the private sector.In the last few years,several private companies have launched rockets of their own,ending the public sector’s monopoly(垄断)on space flight.Meanwhile,Buzz Aldrin,the second person to walk on the moon,believes that there’s amuch better goalfor exploration:Mars.“We’ve walked on the moon,so we understand it better than anything else,”Aldrinsaid.“We’ve got to start thinking of long-term investments.”

1.What can we know about Neil Armstrong’s walking on the moon?

A. He stepped on the moon in 1972.    B. It is highly thought of in the world.

C. It took astronauts 45 years to do that.    D. He did it together with 11 astronauts.

2.What can we learn about Gene R.Grush?

A. He hopes to use robots to explore the moon.

B. He thinks the moon is the easiest to explore.

C. He thinks we should explore all the stars.

D. He’s the deputy director of NASA.

3.Who supports exploring the Mars?

A. Charles Bolden.    B. Richard Vondrak.    C. Buzz Aldrin.    D. President Obama

4.What can be the best title of the text?

A. Should we go back to the moon?    B. How can we return to the moon?

C. What can we find in the universe?    D. Should we do a research on space?






Dear Peter,




Li Hua









When I was a little girl, my family were very poor. My parents were workers but couldn't afford to buy toys for me. As a result, my dolls looked a lot differently from that bought from toy stores. My dolls were home-made. The first doll I owned was made of a glass Coca-Cola bottle. I was so excited to make a doll by my own. Soon I became a collector of empty Coca-Cola bottles although I saw each bottle as possible baby doll at that time. People who worked in the store sell Coca-Cola could see me pick up empty bottles almost every day. Those home-made toys had brought me a lot of happy.




Sammy Armstrong was driving to his office1.he noticed a car was stuck on railroad tracks.Then he2.   (hear)a train whistle.Sammy threw down his sunglasses and keys and ran toward the car.3.elderly man,Jean Papich,eighty-four,sat in the drivers seat,4.(turn) the key and hitting the gas.His wife,Marion,seventy-eight,was looking5.(nervous) at him.Then Sammy walked to the back of the car and pushed it forward,but his boots slipped on the warm asphalt(沥青).He could see the train approaching fast.

6.might be easier to push the car backward,Sammy thought.He ran around to the front of the vehicle and shouted at Jean7.(put) the car in neutral(空挡).Sammy could feel the ground trembling under his feet.He put his boots against the tracks and pushed forcefully.Finally,the car rolled off the tracks.When Sammy looked up,the train was just a couple of8.(foot)away.Sammy,9.(shock) and speechless,went back to work as crowd gathered at the scene.

Weeks later,Marion called to thank Sammy.He responded,“I just did10.I believe is the right thing to do as an average citizen."



Heaviest snow in half a century hit the south of the country. It snowed continuously for half a month, _______the railways, highways, and runways in the airfields. Ice wrapped and paralyzed(使瘫痪)the power and communication system. Many people were_______in railway stations, bus stations and airports, and_______in cars, buses and trains. Governments and people did everything they could to fight the snow_______, resulting in the good news that no one was killed from_______and hunger. Gradually, trapped people all went back home_______. While fighting the snow, people forgot their_______until a moving story of a swallow couple was widely_______on the Internet.

Being hungry and cold, the swallow couple tried to fly_______people's home to warm themselves, but every house was closed________. They jumped and flapped their wings to________the attention of the people inside the house, but failed. The wife’s body was________, she could not move any longer. The husband came near and wrapped his wife with his wings. He lost his________soon because of his opened wings. The couple died in the end.

The next morning, the housemaster went to the balcony to________his flowers because of concern and saw a________swallow outside the window pane. Touching it, he found that they were two________together. Moved to tears, he took them in, giving them some________, but in vain. He found a small cardboard box, laid them in and________them in the back garden.

In my hometown, in the countryside, a swallow family lives in the________of my house. I wonder if they will come back this spring________they did.

1.A. protecting    B. maintaining    C. blocking    D. keeping

2.A. restricted    B. stuck    C. surrounded    D. persuaded

3.A. even    B. still    C. yet    D. nevertheless

4.A. disturbance    B. occurrence    C. incident    D. disaster

5.A. cold    B. disease    C. poverty    D. thirsty

6.A. merrily    B. safely    C. excitedly    D. exhaustedly

7.A. family    B. distant relatives    C. parents    D. animal friends

8.A. broadcast    B. written    C. spread    D. identified

9.A. into    B. through    C. beyond    D. across

10.A. tightly    B. early    C. secretly    D. quickly

11.A. pay    B. attract    C. resist    D. keep

12.A. injured    B. lifted    C. frozen    D. broken

13.A. heat    B. strength    C. direction    D. eyesight

14.A. water    B. plant    C. dig    D. check

15.A. dead    B. drunk    C. lively    D. lovely

16.A. touching    B. embracing    C. living    D. lying

17.A. warmth    B. food    C. kindness    D. fruit

18.A. left    B. sheltered    C. buried    D. threw

19.A. roof    B. basement    C. window    D. wall

20.A. when    B. as    C. unless    D. if



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