满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Lindha was a student at Kansas State Uni...

Lindha was a student at Kansas State University. She is here to tell us about her time in Kansas in the city of Manhattan.

What were the best things about it?

Manhattan has a great university feel to it. I loved going to the football games. We would spend the whole day tailgating (开车尾派对) outside the stadium, drinking beer and having a big barbecue.

What do you think of the people there?

People from Kansas are so friendly. However, I'd say that many Kansans are very sheltered and don't pay much attention to life outside the US. But as the grandma of my Kansan friend might say, “We're still sweet as pie.”

What were the worst things about being there?

It's very difficult to get around Kansas without a car. Everything's so spread out and there isn't really a public transportation system.

What was the funniest thing that happened while you were there?

I remember one trip I took with my friend to her grandparents' house. They had horses and asked me if I wanted to go for a ride. I had never ridden a horse before but I decided to have a try. I hopped (跳上) on and everything was fine for a minute. But then the horse went crazy. It started bucking (猛然弯背跃起) and making these crazy noises. I thought I was going to die. My friend eventually calmed the horse down but not before I had destroyed an entire section of the fence. I thought they would be mad but they were just in shock — they couldn't believe I had stayed on the horse for that long.

Did you have any other problems?

I'm Swedish, but my English is pretty good because my dad's English. But it took a little while to get used to the accent. The people from the cities don't have a strong accent, but the people from the country are hard to understand sometimes. You also have to be careful with the weather. In the winter it was absolutely freezing, and during the summer it was so hot I thought I might die. Of course, they have heating and air conditioning everywhere.

1.What's Lindha's impression about people in Kansas?

A. They are kind but unhappy.

B. They are nice but isolated.

C. They are patient and amusing.

D. They are honest and generous.

2.What do we know about Lindha's horse riding experience?

A. She fell off the horse's back.

B. She finally got the horse under control.

C. She was brave but destroyed part of a fence.

D. She had a wonderful and unforgettable experience.

3.We learn from the text that Lindha _____.

A. doesn't like the weather in Kansas

B. speaks English with a Swedish accent

C. speaks highly of the transportation system in Kansas

D. doesn't like the school life in Kansas State University


1.B 2.C 3.A 【解析】本文是一则访谈。文章是对堪萨斯州立大学的学生Lindha的采访。 1.B 细节理解题。由What do you think of the people there?一节中的People from Kansas are so friendly和many Kansans are very sheltered and don't pay much attention to life outside the US可知,Lindha认为堪萨斯州的人很友好,但是很少与外界接触,也不关心美国之外的生活。故选B。 2.C 细节理解题。由What was the funniest thing that happened while you were there?一节中的I decided to have a try和before I had destroyed an entire section of the fence以及they couldn't believe I had stayed on the horse for that long可知,Lindha非常勇敢,在骑马时由于马失控而毁坏了一段篱笆。故选C。 3.A 细节理解题。由最后一段中的In the winter it was absolutely freezing, and during the summer it was so hot I thought I might die可知,Lindha不喜欢堪萨斯州的天气。故选A。









With the 50th anniversary of our school approaching___________________ ____________________________









假定你是李华。你是学生会主席。你校将于5月25—30日在广州沙面举行龙舟赛 (Dragon Boat Race)。请根据以下内容给姐妹学校剑桥中学(Cambridge High School)写一封邀请信。






2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;






删除把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处多者(从第11处起)不计分。


Getting rid of the bad habit of procrastination (拖延症) is now my goal in life. My first step was to set small targets what can be reached realistically. For example, I plan to set a timetable for my study. So after school, I will put finishing homework in the last place. Additionally, I will make a list of my important task including their due dates but follow my schedule strictly. I will avoid find excuses for putting them off. At same time, I will ask for my friends and parents to help me. By achieving this small targets, I have confident that I will overcome procrastination.




My doorbell rings at 11 am. On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady holding the hand of a little boy. In her other hand 1.(be) a paper bag. She is the little boy’s grandmother, and her daughter, Nicole, bought 2. house next door last October. Nicole has 3.(obvious) told her mother that I am having a heart operation shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided 4.(supply) me with meals.

I know what is inside the paper bag — a bottle of hot soup and a 5.(contain) with a meal of rice, vegetables and meat. It’s become a daily occurrence.

Communication 6. us is somewhat difficult because she doesn’t speak English and all I can say in Chinese is hello. Once, she brought an iPad as well as the food. She pointed to the screen, 7.showed at message from her daughter telling me that her mother wanted to know 8. the food was all right for me.

So here we are, two grandmothers, neither of 9.(we) able to speak the other’s language but communicating one way or another (with some help from technology). The doorbell keeps 10.(ring) and there is the familiar brown paper bag, handed smilingly to me.



Sarah lived on a farm with her family. She was _______ to learn to track, to identify each person and where they were going by the marks they left on the ground. And if her father couldn’t teach her, she’d teach herself.

To the _________ of her family, she borrowed all their _________ and taught herself to recognize everyone’s footprints in the sand. More than once her father came outside shouting, “Sarah, bring me _________ my boots. ”

Sarah developed the habit of walking around with her eyes fixed on the ground, _________ the comings and goings of every _________in the place.

She also developed the annoying habit of _________ everyone. What were you doing down at the dam, Jack? You’re not ___________ to play there. ” “Did you find what you were _________ in the garage, Auntie?” and “Who was the stranger visiting today wearing size ten boots, Mum?”

After she’d ____________ every pair of shoes that everyone __________, she turned to the farm’s animals. By this time __________ her victims had to admit, __________, that she was good.

Her best ____________ came one evening when she said the horse’s front foot was __________. Her father said that the horse was __________ fine. Sarah ______________ that its hoof (蹄)had a split. Sarah’s father __________ the horse’s hoof.

“You’re ______________. The hoof is split. How did you know?”

“You can see it in its ____________. ’’ Sarah moved the horse away. “Look, it’s plain in the sand. ’’

“If you can tell it has a split hoof from that sand, you’re pretty good,” said her father.

1.A. determined    B. forced    C. appointed    D. encouraged

2.A. expectation    B. annoyance    C. disappointment    D. delight

3.A. shoes    B. books    C. socks    D. tools

4.A. up    B. outside    C. over    D. back

5.A. guiding    B. hearing    C. studying    D. predicting

6.A. vehicle    B. person    C. animal    D. season

7.A. surprising    B. criticising    C. questioning    D. challenging

8.A. prepared    B. invited    C. qualified    D. allowed

9.A. calling for    B. looking for    C. waiting for    D. fighting for

10.A. worn    B. collected    C. destroyed    D. memorised

11.A. owned    B. borrowed    C. tried    D. bought

12.A. yet    B. even    C. also    D. still

13.A. guiltily    B. approvingly    C. merrily    D. unwillingly

14.A. performance    B. trick    C. magic    D. idea

15.A. tied    B. lost    C. injured    D. stolen

16.A. safely    B. extremely    C. hardly    D. perfectly

17.A. doubted    B. wondered    C. insisted    D. discovered

18.A. inspected    B. split    C. treated    D. fastened

19.A. lying    B. joking    C. right    D. crazy

20.A. boots    B. tracks    C. jumps    D. hoofs



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