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A Shanghai shopping center recently open...

A Shanghai shopping center recently opened a “husband nursery”. Men who are pulled around the shops by their wives or girlfriends can relax and rest there from shopping. Do most men hate shopping with women? Forum(论坛)readers share their opinions.

YinsXZ (US)

Hey, that is a nice idea. I like it. It also makes it easier for women who have lots of bags to be able to drop them off at the nursery for boyfriends to watch over while they return to shop for more! Set it up with wifi too and you have a perfect hang out spot. And most importantly, I don’t have to wait for complaints from the woman when I stop to look at computers to tools!


Most women like shopping while most men don’t. Men generally don’t spend hours deciding color, comparison shopping or finding the sale prices. They know what they want, get in, buy them and get out. 10-15 minutes and they’re done. This is quite different from how a woman shops. Going from store to store, trying to find the best ones. The trying will spend hours.

Seneca(a foreigner in China)

Many women view shopping as an entertaining way to get down from high stress levels. My wife is one of those. Stress comes too naturally to her; driving a car, doing her job ,dealing with workmates all lead to some rising of her stress level. So shopping ideally happens every day. For me, that amount of shopping is stressful.

Blonde Amber(Ireland)

Some men take hours comparing products, trying things out, finding sales prices. They don’t always know what they want but enjoy just looking. Men can shop the same as women for things they are interested in and spend hours doing it. Equally not all women like shopping and go in, 10-15 minutes and they are done. People are not black and white, and don’t fit into boxes.

1.According to forum readers, which is not the benefit of opening a “husband nursery”?

A. Men can escape the complaints from women

B. Women can enjoy shopping more with bags left in men’s care

C. Women can finish their shopping in a shorter time

D. Men can relax themselves when women are shopping

2.Which saying below can best describe Sunnylin01 and Seneca’s opinion?

A. One man’s meat is another man’s poison

B. Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbors

C. A good wife make a good husband

D. Experience is the mother of wisdom

3.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph implies that_____.

A. black people and white people are different in size

B. people with different skins have different opinions

C. people shouldn’t draw general conclusion blindly

D. shopping is not suitable for any kind of people


1.C 2.A 3.C 【解析】一家上海购物中心最近开设了“老公寄存室”,就此人们的不同观点。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段Men who are pulled around the shops by their wives or girlfriends can relax and rest there from shopping.可知D是正确的。根据第二段It also makes it easier for women who have lots of bags to be able to drop them off at the nursery for boyfriends to watch over while they return to shop for more!可知B正确,根据第二段最后一句 And most importantly, I don’t have to wait for complaints from the woman when I stop to look at computers to tools!可知A正确。所以用排除法,选C。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段第一句Most women like shopping while most men don’t.以及第四段第一句Many women view shopping as an entertaining way to get down from high stress levels.以及最后一句 For me, that amount of shopping is stressful.可知男女对于购物的态度截然相反。A表示一个人的佳肴或许是别人的毒药。意思符合。 3.句义理解题。根据前句Equally not all women like shopping and go in, 10-15 minutes and they are done.可知,并不是所有的女性都喜欢购物。所以人们不应该盲目得出结论。

I’ve just got to talk about this problem I’m having with my postman. It all began a year ago, after the birth of his first child. Not wanting to appear rude, I asked him about the baby. The next week, not wanting him to think I had asked out of mere politeness the week before, I asked all about the baby again. Now I can’t break the habit. I freeze whenever I see him coming. The words “How’s the baby?” come out on their own. It holds me up. It holds him up. So why can’t I stop it? The answer is that I want him to like me. Come to think of it, I want everyone to like me.

What about at work? Richard Lawton, a management trainer, warns: “Those managers who are actually liked by most of their staff (员工)are always those who are honest with staff, treating them as human beings and following common politeness like saying hello in the morning.” To explain the point, Richard told the story of the company chairman who especially wanted to be liked. One day, after making one of his employees fired, the employee replied: “If you were that sorry, I wouldn’t be leaving.” The lesson is that if you try too hard to be liked, people won’t like you.

The experts say it all starts in childhood. “If children feel they can only get love from their parents by being good,” says Zelda West-Meads, a marriage adviser, “they develop low self-confidence.” But is there anything wrong in being a giver? Anne Cousins believes there is. “Sometimes giving becomes unhealthy,” she says. “It comes when you do things for others but feel bad about it.”

I am now trying hard to say to people “I feel uncomfortable about saying this, but…” and tell myself “Refusal of a request does not mean Refusal of a person” and I find I can say almost anything to almost anyone.

1.Why does the author ask the postman about his baby?

A. He is interested in the baby.

B. He wants to be always polite to him.

C. He wants to leave a good impression to him.

D. It’s a way to start a chat with great politeness.

2.Managers are more likely to be popular if they ______.

A. help the staff with their problems

B. make sure the staff do not lose their jobs

C. encourage the staff to be polite to each other

D. do not make too much effort to be liked

3.What is the author’s intention of writing this passage?

A. To show how to let others like you more.

B. To encourage people to have more self-confidence.

C. To prove how to create a harmonious atmosphere.

D. To suggest ways of dealing with difficult people.



众所周知,学生使用手机越来越普遍,但是学生使用手机的消极作用也日渐凸显,请你根据所给信息,以“The negative(负面的) effects of using cell phones on students”为题目写一篇英语短文:


1. 长时间使用手机危害身体健康,特别是视力(eyesight

2. 依赖于手机、网络,学生与亲友很少面对面交流并且没有时间进行体育锻炼

3. 上课玩手机游戏,聊微信(Wechat), 看视频(video)导致学生成绩下降

4. 不仅家长老师应该限制学生在学校用手机而且学生在学校也不应该玩手机。

注意:1. 词数100词左右; 2 可适当增加细节,以使行文更连贯

As we know, more and more students use cell phones in school nowadays.









假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。




The modern Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, it include 2 sets of Games, the Winter and the Summer Olympics. Both held every 4 years. All countries can take part in. Only athletes who have reached the agreeing standard for their events will be admitted into competitors.

Women are not only allowed to join in and play a very important role in many events. A special village is built for the competitors to live in. The great number of buildings such like stadiums, swimming pools and gymnasiums are built for competitions. Its a great responsible and honor to host the Olympics. The olive wreath has been replaced by medals, but the motto of the Olympics is still “Swift, Higher, and Stronger”.



I was born in 1642 in France. After I was programmed by an operator 1. used cards with holes, I could “think” 2.(logical). In 1936, my real father, Alan Turing, wrote a book about how computers could be made 3.(work) to solve any mathematical problem by 4.(build) a universal machine. People were surprised at my artificial intelligence.

At first, I was as large 5. a room. As time 6.(go) by, I was made smaller and smaller. It was in the early 1960s 7. I got a family connected by a network. My memory became 8.large that even I couldn’t believe it! I could share information 9. others and since the 1970s, my family and I have been used by millions of people. I am now filled with 10. (happy) that I am a good helper of the human races.



When is the last time you took a nap(小睡)?Is a nap part of your culture? Many people in the United States think naps are a waste of ____. But recently, companies are seeing the ____ of a short afternoon nap.

For hundreds of years, an afternoon nap has been common for people of all ages and jobs. After a short nap, people wake up feeling more ____. They feel more alert(机敏的),and ready to go back to work. In Spain and Latin America, most businesses____ for several hours in the afternoon. _____ go home for lunch and a nap. In the late afternoon, they _____ their jobs. But in most _____ , an afternoon nap is very _____. In the United States, most people work 8 or 9 hours a day with a lunch break and one or two short coffee breaks. If you are_____ in the afternoon, have another cup of _____ !

Generally, naps are not _____ in today’s workplace. But now more than ever, a nap may be a good idea. Scientists report that most people have much less energy(精力)_____. During this time, workers and students _____ less clearly.

Research _____ that after a short(30—45 minute) “power” nap, most workers feel more awake, more creative, and are better at solving problems. Managers say that after a _____, workers can get more _____ in less time.

Some major companies see that naps help their employees, _____ they are taking napping seriously. These companies are _____ breaks for naps. Some companies _____ have nap rooms. In the future, a nap break may be as _____ as a coffee break. But until then, it’s still not a good idea to get caught “sleeping on the job”.

1.A. time    B. space    C. money    D. effort

2.A. solutions    B. points    C. warnings    D. benefits

3.A. careful    B. pleased    C. fresh    D. confident

4.A. hurry    B. close    C. exist    D. fail

5.A. Workers    B. Students    C. Farmers    D. Teachers

6.A. forget    B. choose    C. return to    D. give up

7.A. cities    B. villages    C. countries    D. schools

8.A. unusual    B. strange    C. important    D. frequent

9.A. boring    B. sleepy    C. busy    D. hungry

10.A. water    B. milk    C. tea    D. coffee

11.A. remembered    B. accepted    C. discussed    D. discovered

12.A. at noon    B. at night    C. in the afternoon    D. at midnight

13.A. think    B. speak    C. listen    D. watch

14.A. expects    B. corrects    C. suggests    D. shows

15.A. trip    B. nap    C. meeting    D. holiday

16.A. destroyed    B. removed    C. planned    D. done

17.A. but    B. and    C. for    D. or

18.A. offering    B. welcoming    C. taking    D. changing

19.A. once    B. never    C. soon    D. even

20.A. short    B. long    C. common    D. interesting



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