满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

"It took me a year to complete, all at n...

"It took me a year to complete, all at night. I used almost 500 litres of paint. It was the biggest illegal graffiti(涂鸦)piece ever.”

These are the words of a man named Saber from the United States. Saber is talking about a piece of colorful graffiti that he painted in Los Angeles. Saber did not have permission for this painting. It was on city property. Was the graffiti a piece of art? Or was Saber a criminal because he painted it illegally?

Abdal Ullah, a councilor in London, told TIMES magazine, “Graffiti is a crime. It ruins the environment. It makes our neighborhoods feel less safe. And it costs thousands of pounds each year to clean.”

Graffiti artists often use high technology paint. This is hard to remove or paint over. Large cities spend millions of dollars a year to remove graffiti. Graffiti is also often done in places where other criminal behavior takes place, including violence and the use of illegal drugs.

Some people say that some kinds of graffiti can be considered art. Saber from Los Angeles said, “My painting shows 22 years of intense art making. And I think art is the number one goal for myself. Graffiti is the way I learn. Art gets a bad name because it is considered something only for a few people in society. It is seen as something only a rich or highly educated person can understand. And that is not true. Every single child in the world drew a picture once and had that excitement.”

Luckily, there is a group called Writerz Blok in San Diego, California. They set up 12 walls where people can legally paint graffiti. Marcus Tufono, who works at Writerz Blok, explains, “Our goal is to move the illegal graffiti to a legal wall, and then put it on a computer screen and some software, so that they can take their art and use it around the community. Then graffiti artists have a chance to succeed through their art.”

1.Saber’s painting was illegal because ________.

A. it was painted at night    B. it was on public property

C. its creator was a criminal    D. it was of poor quality

2.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A. The advantages of graffiti.    B. The bad effects of graffiti.

C. The cost of removing graffiti.    D. The materials used for graffiti.

3.Which statement may Saber agree with?

A. Graffiti is a type of art.

B. Only a few people understand art.

C. Graffiti is not a good way to create art.

D. Children should be encouraged to draw graffiti.

4.According to the last paragraph, people working at Writerz Blok ________.

A. help artists paint graffiti legally

B. encourage people to paint graffiti freely

C. punish people for painting graffiti

D. remove illegal graffiti in their city


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 【解析】随意涂鸦到底是犯罪还是艺术呢?涂鸦在很多地方都是违法的,因为侵占了公共财产,幸好,一个叫作Writerz Blok的组织建了12面墙供人们合法的涂鸦。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段的Saber did not have permission for this painting. It was on city property.可知,他没有得到允许画画,而且他的画是侵占了公共财产,所以是违法的,故选B。 2.主旨大意题。根据第四段内容可知,要清楚墙上的涂鸦,每年需要花费很多钱,而且在经常涂鸦的地方,还常有其他的犯罪行为发生,因此这段讲的是涂鸦的坏处,故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据第五段中的And I think art is the number one goal for myself. Graffiti is the way I learn.可知,Saber认为艺术是他最重要的目标,而涂鸦就是他学习的方式,因此可以推断他认为涂鸦是一种艺术。故选A。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段的Luckily, there is a group called Writerz Blok in San Diego, California. They set up 12 walls where people can legally paint graffiti.可知,这个组织帮助人们合法地进行涂鸦,故选A。 【名师点睛】 主旨大意题的解题技巧 每篇文章都会有一个主旨要义。主旨要义型题范围一般包括:短文标题、主题大意或段落大意等。此题型要求考生在理解文章后归纳文章要点,概括中心思想。考生需要分析文章的篇章结构,抓住文章的开头或结尾,从而找出能概括文章的主题句。 主旨大意题主要的解题策略有: (1)标题类。文章标题可以是单词,短语,也可以是句子,它的特点是:短小精悍,多为一短语;涵盖性强,一般要求能覆盖全文,其确定的范围要恰当,既不能太大,也不能太小;精确性强,不能随意改变语言表意的程度及色彩。 (2)主旨类。概括主旨的方法是:先看首尾或各段开头再看全文找主题句,若无明显主题句,就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文寻找概括情节和中心的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记作者的观点才是体现全文中心的。此时,要注意一些转折词,如but, yet, however, although, in spite of, by contrast, on the contrary等。当文章中表示相反的观点时,往往用到这些词。答题时要弄清哪个是作者的观点,排除迷惑性信息,准确归纳主旨大意。 本文的第2小题是要求总结段落大意,这就要在理解全段的基础上进行总结。本段的前三句都讲到了涂鸦很难清除,需要大量的资金,这说明了涂鸦的坏处,下文的also更体现了除此之外还有其他的坏处,所以这一段的大意应该是涂鸦的坏的影响。

Anvitha Vijay has built two educational apps and is at work on a third. She aims to use her skills to help others.

Need an app for that? Anvitha Vijay, 9, can build it. With the help of YouTube videos, the young techie from Melbourne, Australia, learned to code at age 7. Soon, she was trying her hand at making apps.

“When I first got my iPad, I was fascinated by all the apps on it,” she told TFK. “It wasn’t long before I wanted to create my own.”

She built her first two apps with her younger sister in mind. Smartkins Animals helps children identify more than 100 animals and their sounds. Smartkins Rainbow Colors teaches kids colors. Each app has been downloaded thousands of times.

Anvitha’s skills won her a scholarship to attend a big tech conference hosted by Apple in San Francisco, California. There, she got applicable tips from the pros. She went to workshops where she learned about the latest software for app building. All that training led to an idea for a third app. This one, called GoalsHi, inspires kids to practice good habits. Users are rewarded for achieving goals, such as eating their vegetables or practicing piano. Anvitha says the rewards are like getting a sticker for a job well done. “Kids can set goals with this app and get stars when they achieve them,” she says. “The idea is to empower and motivate kids to achieve one little step a day.”

Anvitha’s goal is to continue creating technology that helps kids learn while having fun. But even more important to her is that the world sees the power of technology in kids’ hands. “The more training we get in tech at an early age,” she says, “the better chance we have of becoming innovation champions who will one day change the world.”

1.What can we know about Anvitha?

A. She made her first app at 7.

B. She first learned about apps through her iPad.

C. She made a speech at the conference in California.

D. She used her scholarship to try making her third app.

2.What’s the function of GoalsHi?

A. To help kids identify colors.

B. To help kids recognize animals.

C. To inspire kids to achieve all goals.

D. To motivate kids to form good habits.

3.Why does Anvitha try to make apps?

A. To win a scholarship.

B. To help children have fun.

C. To help kids and in turn change the world.

D. To show her talent and skills of technology.



A small robot may help children who are recovering from a long-term illnesses in the hospital or at home.

These children may feel isolated from their friends and classmates. The robot takes their place at school. Through the robot, the children can hear their teachers and friends. They also can take part in class from wherever they are recovering.

A Norwegian company called No Isolation created a robot. The co-founders of No Isolation are Karen Dolva and Marius Aabel. The robot is called AV1. AV1 goes to school for a child who is at home while recovering from a long-term illness. And the child’s school friends must help. They carry the robot between classes and place the robot on the child’s desk.

Dolva explains how the robot AV1 works. She says, from home, the child uses a tablet or phone to start the robot. Then they use the same device to control the robot’s movements. At school, the robot becomes the eyes, ears and voice of the child. The child can take part in classroom activities from wherever she/he is recovering—whether at home or from a hospital bed. The robot is equipped with speakers, microphones and cameras make communicating easy. It was designed to be tough. It is water resistant and can take a fall from a desk without damage.

Inside AV1, there is a small computer connected to a 4G network. A small camera hooked up to a small computer could do the job. But that would not be the same. AV1 is large and looks like a human for a reason. Dolva says this is important because the robot is supposed to be a friend to the children.

And robots are, quite simply, cool. The robot just became available to the public. Hopefully AV1 will help some children feel less lonely while they are absent from class.

1.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “isolated” in Paragraph 2?

A. freed    B. tired    C. banned    D. separated

2.What can we know about AV1?

A. It can go to school on its own.

B. It is small and looks like a kid.

C. It can replace children to attend classes.

D. It was created by Dolva and Aabel.

3.How are the movements of AV1 controlled?

A. By using a tablet or phone.    B. By joining in classroom activities.

C. Through a small speaker.    D. Through a small camera.

4.Who is AV1 mainly designed for?

A. Children who have just recovered from illnesses.

B. Children who can’t go to school for a long time.

C. Children who are bored with going to school.

D. Children who can’t see, hear or speak.



Robert Ballard is probably the most famous deep-sea explorer in the past 100 years. While he is best known for his historic discovery of the wreckage(残骸) of the R.M.S. Titanic which sank to the bottom of the sea in 1912, he also discovered the wreckage of the Bismarck and the Yorktown. Over his career, Dr. Ballard has completed over 120 deep-sea journeys and continues to push exploration to new depths with new technologies and strategies. His new high-tech Inner Space Center at the University of Rhode Island links scientists all over the world and makes it possible to identify new discoveries in realtime.

Reporter: What were you like as a kid?

Ballard: I was a very “active” kid with lots of interests including sports (football, basketball, and tennis), fishing, and studies.

Reporter: Do you have a hero?

Ballard: My hero is Captain Nemo from the book, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne and his submarine the Nautilus.

Reporter: What do you daydream about?

Ballard: I dream about undersea exploration.

Reporter: How did you get into your field of work?

Ballard: It started with a scholarship to the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, in the summer of 1959 when I was a junior in high school. That summer, I went to sea on two separate expeditions in Baja California with various oceanographers(海洋学家). During one of those expeditions, I met Dr. Robert Norris, a Scripps graduate with a Ph. D. in marine geology, who invited me to come to the University of California, Santa Barbara where I ended up getting my undergraduate degree in Geology and Chemistry with minors in Math and Physics.

Reporter: What’s the best piece of advice that anyone has ever given you that you can share with us?

Ballard: Follow your dreams and don’t let anyone talk you out of them.

Reporter: Do you have any good jokes?

Ballard: I prefer sayings to jokes. My favorite is, “Never get into the thick of thin things.”

1.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that Robert Ballard ________.

A. is president of a university and travels a lot

B. is the most famous deep-sea explorer in history

C. is still contributing to the development of deep-sea exploration

D. is best famous for the discovery of the wreckages of three ships

2.From the passage we know Nemo ________.

A. is Jules Verne’s nickname    B. is the name of a ship

C. is a sailor on a submarine    D. is a character in a book

3.What can we know about Ballard?

A. He was lucky to meet Dr. Robert Norris.

B. He once wrote a book about the sea.

C. He loves jokes more than proverbs.

D. He used to be tired of studying.

4.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The great achievements of Robert Ballard.

B. An interview with a famous deep-sea explorer.

C. A brief introduction to famous Robert Ballard.

D. What a famous deep-sea explorer is like.



假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Tom最近正在学习汉语,对中国文化很感兴趣。他给你发来了一封邮件,询同你农历鸡(the Year of the Rooster)的文化涵义,请你根据以下要点,给他写一封回信。








Dear Tom

I’ m glad to know that you are so curious about Chinese culture____________________



    Li Hua










I felt delighted to be informed the news that I would be our Student Union’s next minister of health.Therefore,when I calmed down,I began to realize what challenging the job would be.I can still remember the first time I hold a meeting with all the members,that was a real challenge for me.With so many eyes fixing on me,I struggled to speak as my face and ears turned complete red.I had never felt so nervous ago.

Although I went through a series of difficulty,I gained a lot as well—a plenty of new friends,the ability to communicate and an improvement in my organizational skills.



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